ZVFK/Walker, Inc. were engaged to design a minimum of a 300 car parking
facility on the southeast corner of Mountain Avenue and Remington
Streets. Several alternatives were evaluated with the client, the Fort
Collins Downtown Development Authority, The City of Fort Collins and
interested merchants and owners in the area. It was determined to pur-
sue a three story parking solution providing for a maximum setback along
Remington Street. Additionally the street system has been redesigned to
minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts while providing for improved
traffic flow. This was accomplished by eliminating parking in the
center median of Mountain Avenue and replacing it with a landscaped
median and turning bays that will allow for two lanes of unimpeded traf-
fic flow in each direction. This design will require the pedestrian to
cross only two lanes of traffic between secure pedestrian areas.
Remington Street has been reduced in width from 68' to 38' greatly
improving pedestrian access to the west.
The combination of reduced pavement and large setbacks to the building
have provided a "mini park" along the Remington Street frontage. This
park is envisioned to be a green refuge in the middle of the city pro-
viding passive recreation for the surrounding community.
The exterior materials of the structure will be brick and precast
concrete and 'it will be designed to integrate into the surrounding area.
The building will be approximately as tall as the Howard and Hohnstein
blocks to the north.
Vehicular access has been carefully coordinated with the City of Fort
Collins Transporation Department, Parsons Brinkerhoff Quade & Douglas,
Inc. Traffic Engineers who are currently writing the "Downtown Traffic
and Circulation Study," as well as our own traffic engineers to ensure a
well integrated transportation solution.
The facility includes 3,000 square feet of office space to accomodate
the offices of the DDA, Fort Town and the Parking and Garage Adminis-
tration and will provide space for a total of 12 employees. The parking
facility will require an additional full time employee, for a total of
13 employees at the facility. The building is scheduled to start
construction in December of 1983 and to be occupied by October 1, 1984.
The design of the facility addresses several of the goals and objectives
of the City Land Use policies:
A. Policy 20, concerning the "Pleasant, functional and understandable
inter -relationships through and between land uses."
B. Policy 22, concerning preferential treatment for contiguous develop-
ZVFK architects/planners. 218 west mountain avenue, fort Collins, co. 80521 usa. telephone 303 493-4105
C. Policy 25, concerning directing of growth based on the fiscal eval-
uation of capital improvements and infra -structure.
D. Policy 26, concerning the availability of existing services.
E. Policy 37, providing encouragement of development downtown, pro-
viding additional parking, improving traffic access and locating
proper uses in the area.
F. Policy 39, concerning the creation of "Urban Pocket Parks."
ZVFK architects/planners. 218 west mountain avenue, fort collins, co. 80521 usa. telephone 303 493-4105