HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNITED WAY HOUSING SERVICES DAY CENTER - PDP - 30-06 - MINUTES/NOTES - CORRESPONDENCE-NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGa a� skin i� in 5 \f U�nm U � NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING > Did You Recc Written Notificatiati on of this meeting? orlres Address. Name Address Zip Yes No Yes No O O �/ �/ 'P6�ar.� cG�cck. vtexe i�- 0� ..AnA urn)A Lo fie, J ,'�il6l&ORHOOD INFORMATIONMGM oluculif.. .. ,. MEN, rl I mw SIR IMMENI IB mi'mm-mm :fry .: r .' i Moll lgre7o.rmUNIONISM( r �, i EMENNI MOM l 011131 sill 1� EWA 11 !IwAllellilm ,,IN /MEAMEN 0, I IL....ILA ., -©e wArl/� � r IVA eke®, , ..- mom, MINI �.. s -ee ) .. • �� J Citv of Fort Collins NEIGHBORHOOD INFORAIATION MEETING for Project: Meetino, Location Date. Attendees: Please sign this sheet. The information will be used to update the project mailing List and confirm attendance at neighborhood meetings. Contact the Planning Department (221-6750) if you vVish to receive minutes of this meeting. Did You Receive Written Notification of this meeting? correct Address. Name Address ��y Zip Yes No Yes No f t� C i1—j'�`R 'tom �`� 1 si'i-�Y � � MB-t'C�.6�aQ �'� I ✓ ✓ � L ev o ld 9 .�G ag S�°iQ�cc .Dve ✓ k/ odd . r�r�, 4wt�q�v Sao &AT LL-L C> c '�+. cX u,'n QI + +4,,rt Sh.r Sr/3 Yo(C La1kxs orz ✓ v fi'Al AND /y/3 Sf/o,pT EAF ST, Fc,2TCoLUX,,y v C'�. f>ar:CerLa dv aL- ' .Go-1 O � •l7OOlu ,o.� ' f--r OS ��, R�bb� (5� �a � G�-�l �- co �roSZ ✓ ✓ 4A1 iP61)v10)bo2 U 1^�E 8os1 26. Another comment was made that he was disgusted that people value property over people and he has knowledge of the homeless from working at the Open -Door Mission. He said he welcomes the Housing Services Day Center to the community. 27. Another question asked by a resident was who is responsible for the Service Center? A lot of people didn't want Wingshadow, but a lot of good comes from it. His concern was property value of his home. 28. Paula from Sundance said that the Center was a great idea and she has taken homeless residents into her home, but worries about the decrease in property value. 29. Cindy, who lives on Sugar Pine volunteered at the Open -Door Mission and understands the need for the facility because she has a developmentally disabled son and hopes he is never in that situation, but asked what about property values? 30. Another comment was made that they already are near the Food Bank, the Open - Door Mission, and Salud. An asked are there studies of other communities (with a similar Day Center)? 31. Don, a property owner since 1958 on North Alta Vista described "bums and winos" behind the bowling alley on his property. He suggested a better place would be South Ridge Creek, and to spread the facilities around equally. 32. A comment was made that there have been a decrease in transients, vandalism, and break-ins since the Salvation Army moved. Before, he found a pile of burned rubbish outside his property fence and was concerned for his home. 33. Megara, the facilitator, announced it was time to wrap it up and turned it over to Don Sheppard for closing comments. 34. Don Sheppard, of the Salvation Army, said that there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Hopefully, the community will look at this as a resource and an asset. 35. A question was asked on how to get answers to the questions brought up at tonight's meeting. 36. Don Sheppard answered that a contact list will come from tonight's sign -in sheet. 37. Stephen Olt, City Planner, said that the City will begin the review process once they receive a formal development proposal and that starts the timeline, followed by rounds of reviews, and then public hearing. 38. A question was asked on when the proposal will be received by the City. 39. Gordan Thibedeau of United Way of Larimer County answered that a proposal will be submitted within the next 30 days, and that the Housing Day Service Center Board of Directors had been waiting for this information meeting so they could analyze the feedback before submitting a proposal to the City. 40. Don Sheppard, Salvation Army Captain, announced that the Housing Services Day Service Center will have two positions on its Board of Directors for community members and if anyone is interested to see him following the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:OOp.m. 11. Carol Chestney of Butch Cassidy Drive commented that she just bought a townhouse in North Fort Collins and moved from the South part of town. She described recent break-ins by youth and said she feels afraid and that this is being jammed down her throat. 12. A comment was made about at -risk adults being placed near at -risk youth (from Wing shadow residential treatment center) from a resident who lives a block from Greenbriar Park. Another concern is the prairie dog population in the area and about guys hanging around by a ditch by Redwood. 13. A question from a resident living across the street from Greenbrier Park: who did the City buy the land from? How many homeless shelters are in South Fort Collins and North Fort Collins? The City wants to put more of these people in our neighborhood. Sam's Restaurant was there and three drunken men approached my kids for money. Give North Fort Collins a break. 14. A question from a resident: What is Loveland's involvement? You need to get your neighbors involved and worked up about this. The reason it's going up North is it's the path of least resistance. If this is so successful, why is no one here testifying? 15. Mark, Greenbriar Home Owner's Association President, told the group that the HOA has many concerns. When Wingshadow came in they said they would reduce the number of facilities like this. Contact Bill Berche, city Councilman. 16. Bill Henson said that everyone believes in what they are doing, but the residents are afraid of theft and vandalism. There are not enough patrols. 17. Corky Silva on Silver Pine asked: How many locations have been looked at besides up North? This is the melting pot for the homeless. How many members of this Steering Committee live in North Fort Collins? 18. Judy from Green briar Village asked about a rumor that the land has already been bought and that hundreds of homes are affected. Who will take care of after hours? We believe the location is wrong. 19. City of Fort Collins Planner Stephen Olt answered this is not a done deal and he cannot speak for ownership of the land. 20. Gordan Thibedeau, Executive Director of Larimer County United Way responded that the property was purchased over the past two months. 21. Stephen Olt added that they have not started the city review process and a proposal must still be submitted and go thru the review board. 22. Gordan Thibedeau said that they cannot go through the planning process without owning the land. There is still the environmental, approval and planning processes. There are restrictions in how the property can be used. If they can't go through with the project with the property it may be for sale. 23. Cynthia Marchetti of Sitka Street said her concerns are mental health and substance abusers. It will bring more crime and enlarge the "red dot" in North Fort Collins. 24. Megara announced this was the last 15 minutes and were there any new questions or concerns so there wouldn't be repeating and everyone could be heard. 25. Resident commented a new concern was that he was an employee at the store on Wilcox and was constantly dealing with people begging for money and was afraid this will increase. Megara turned the microphone over to the attendees for questions. 1. Dusty on Sugar Pine Street began— I run a business out of my home. I have offered money to this same clientele. No one tool me up on this offer. Secondly, why are you building on the North end of town when more of the job opportunities are on the South end of town? • Don Sheppard responded by saying that many of the services needed by the population the Day Center will serve are located on the North part of town including Salud and Larimer County Human Services. 2. Comment from resident on Indian Paint Brush Court: People holding those signs don't want help. How are you going to make sure people aren't there at night? Where do they go? I have a pond by my home. I don't want the homeless camping near my home. 3. Neil, business owner in the area that employs over fifty people and member of the North Fort Collins Business Association had a list of comments • This is their third attempt at a homeless shelter starting with the first on Howe Street. • Planning and Zoning voted it down after they met with the business group. • They are going to build this whether the neighbors want it or not. I have met with the group before. • They will not agree to shut down if it doesn't do what they want, but doe what we think it will do. 4. Don Sheppard said that the Board of Directors "for the Housing Day Service Center is being proactive and has agreed to install an alarm for the business owner adjacent to the property where the Housing Services Day Center is proposed to be built and that will be installed even before they break ground. 5. Gail, an attendee of the meeting asked if the Housing Services Day Center is unique or can some other shelter just expand and what are the crime statistics like for similar types of shelters. 6. Don Sheppard answered that the Open -Door Mission has a very small room open during the day and that Catholic Charities Northern has an overnight shelter only and they no not have the capacity to operate during the day. 7. Bud Brenenhoft, Fort Collins Police Department, said that the current facility on Mason Street that is operating as a temporary day center hasn't had any problems, even when employing a large number of homeless individuals for bell ringing. S. Megara Kastner asked Bud to elaborate on some of the crime statistics. 9. Bud said he has served the areas for 17 years and works in Area One where the project will be built upon approval. He is assigned to vagrancy (homeless) and a day shelter is something the community is lacking. He explained the New Bridges operated as a day shelter previously, but was a "plop -house" or open shelter. The Housing Services Day Center being proposed will consist of guided principles and case management. He said that this area in North Fort Collins has a low crime rate. The crime rate will continue to remain higher in the business area even if the day center is built. 10. Megara asked that the meeting go back to questions from the audience. Housing Services Day Center Information Meeting January 18`h, 2005 Tavelli Elementary School 6:30-8pm Stephen Olt, ASLA, City Planner for Fort Collins Current Planning Department introduced himself and discussed the purpose of the meeting; that it was an informational meeting and that no development proposal had been submitted yet for the Housing Services Day Center. Once a proposal is submitted, it will enter in to the City process. The City of Fort Collins will review the planning objectives, site plan, conduct a traffic study, review engineer drawings, check land use codes, and apply all applicable criteria and standards. A public hearing will follow within 8-10 weeks. Mailings for the public hearing will include all of those notified of this information meeting, those within one square mile of the proposed site. Any decision is appealable to the City Council within 14 days. Megara Kaster introduced herself as the facilitator of the information meeting and identified the goals of the meeting: 1) Look at the preliminary plans for the Center; 2) Use the majority time for questions and concerns; 3) Allow as many people to speak as possible; 4) To end the meeting at 8p.m. The ground rules being to listen and respect other's opinions, criticize the idea not the person, one person speak at a time using the portable microphone, be brief in question or comment, be as open-minded as possible, allow others to finish, be comfortable, and let the person speaking know if he or she cannot be heard. Megara introduced Don Sheppard, Captain at Salvation Army in Fort Collins and board member of the Housing Day Service Center, and Steve Steinbecker, Principle architect (Architecture West, LLC). Don Sheppard held up signs that the homeless use to ask for money or jobs. He said all they (homeless) need is resources. Don described the Housing Services Day Center as a place to get resources. He talked about the community effort and collaboration between the faith community and organizations like the United Way that are working together on this project to help the homeless and near homeless in Latimer County to get he help they need. Don told those in attendance that the purpose of the meting is to get the valuable input needed by community members to make the project more successful. Steve Steinbecker, project architect, talked about the building and the work that's gone into the planning process over the past year; going through charettes and looking at green build options to make the building as efficient as possible. Steve went through a series of visual aides consisting of drawings from different views for the proposed Housing Services Day Center. He described the building as having two entrances and being reverse moated so the parking area is in the rear to make the appearance of the building friendlier. He talked about the efforts that have been made to ensure security of the facility and surrounding area. The plans include separate entrances for women and families, and for single men. He described the location of offices, storage, child care center, and worship space for the Salvation Army, which will have primary ownership of the building.