HomeMy WebLinkAbout4721 DUSTY SAGE DR - APPLICATIONS - 10/6/2011Qot 06 201.1 6:50AM HP LASERJET FAX p.16 G �CoLUns Planning, 281 N. College A�t& n tnttgn Fort Collins, CO BOS24 Phone 970-416-2740 F:av 224-6134 OVER-THE.,CpUNTER PERMITS G�l-7 r This aPpliioaatlon is to be uMd to apply for following OjgLy CO DemoNgon (interior non-stnrotura 9 Pwmih only ((ohkk all the a Heo g Unit q lawn 8 rinkfor Q ElecMOW Alteretfon (not as PPW. Q Air Cordhioning D Vsritl P Q MobNe Home replacement change) O Gas �tst 0 Gas Log bttlw► O Water Heater 0 Water line ❑ Woodlpellet Stove rn�ng 0 Sewer Una Q Photo-voltak mariufacptreo• (uat be EPA cer'tlfied, provide make, model and Cofnpista ail WOOING Inforlmation on the appllcatlo I Application # rwal%V c. Qh' Job SPoa Addt>tla� pe%*W) Appifcam Name Can"ClOr lit # l2 2t ( Conte �y of R, Collins Sam #T n. nopmpmm applhmd*ns will not be aaoepted. ----�- Date Was of Conatructlab (labor, materials, profit) Address City/�t� ZIP Phone Address City/State ZIP Phone Address City/StAbe Zip Phone Are you paying farces mere or by nepom M Here C1 Report Are You Paying with your trust account? t8"Te $ *No Is this a re"rtlal or Proms Residential O Commercial If ►esldentlal, is it13 SUgfe Farnliy Detached ❑ CDn*VtDwnhome (single family attached) ❑ Duplex If corrmwdel, Is It: ❑flank i7 garChurch O Garage Motel O Medical office O Office O Retail �Stdwant El Other (explajn) Is this building 50 yeaitt of tge or more? O Yes Ix No 17y� yvu /My 1wed to �axt qwy�� If this la for a demolition what year was the building constructed? n'Afft m 197$ J /'XW an aster Jtto SubmVr wlf/r ft& fir, P►evanber, must fist Iloensed plumber, If filet -time A/C, must list Iloensad eledrklan. 5VUWn rsr�Durer W"cbmp�grry4671C orOty Of Ft [ Wit AkWW s* Plumber Necltania�� Roofer Other I hereby adarowladga that I have read this appbcatton and stele that the above information is complete and c offect I agree to aun* wfth all M*kwnw= contained herein and dty 04renCes and state laws regulating building consbuctlon. I know that a pennit Is not wild until It has bean Paid and Issued, Appllcanlr Print: Nsmar Slgnwtun Date -Z �.L