HomeMy WebLinkAbout4501 S LEMAY AVE - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS - 9/29/2011September 29, 2011 Mt. Katherine Huber Latimer County PlAnh,ihg Department P.O.. Box 1190 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-1100 Re; 4501 South Lemay Avenue, Fort. Collins, Colorado Dear Mt. Huber This it to certify that a survey of 4501 South Lemay Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado, Perm B1 105326, Was performed by me, or under my direct supervision, on September 28, 2011, and that the location Of the building is in, accordance with. the site plan by Allred,& Associates dated May 6, 2011. Ifyou have questions concerning this matter, please call me at (970) 223--5556. SinceWy, Colorado Registered L. BTN:sp HUBER-LT9.POC 3.2-155.1.00 3665 JFK Parkway B01ding 2 ,R Suite.200 o Fort Collins, CO 80525-3152 970.2.23.5556 www.AyreMss0Ci,atbS.00rII 10 ill.v 5 -5 yto September 28,. 2011 f Dohn Construction, Inc. 2642 Midpoint Drive EARTH ENGINEERING Fort. Collins, Colorado 80525 CONSULTANTS,. INC. Attn: Mr. David Stolte Re: Construction Observation and Testing — Compliance Summary Report Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church — Relocation of on -site Modular Building 4501 South Lemay Avenue Fort Collins; Colorado EEC Project No. 1114056 Mr. Stolte: As you are aware,, during the foundation construction phase 'for the "relocation of the on -site, modular building" on the Spirit of Joy campus in Fort Collins, Colorado, Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc.. (EEC) personnel provided observation and testing services of requested items on a part-time, on -call basis. Reports concerning the services performed EEC . personnel, (i.e., foundation excavation observations, placement and compaction of engineered fill material to develop site grades and foundation bearing strata, conventional type spread footings observations, foundation reinforcement observations for the pads and interior concrete masonry unit pier caps, laboratory testing services, and testing of cast -in -place concrete); provided by EEC personnel 'were submitted to your attention during the appropriate period as test reports/results became available. We have recently been requested by the general contractor/construction manager for the project, Mr. Sherman Stringer; with Dohn Construction, to provide a summary and/or compliance letter addressing the foundation related services provided by EEC personnel during these phases for the modular building. During the construction of the referenced project, EEC personnel provided observation and field density testingrn-situ evaluation.of foundation bearing materials as recommended in project -specific subsurface exploration report provided by EEC, dated February 11, 2011, Project No. 1112004. EEC personnel provided observations of the foundation reinforcement, (1.e., footing pads, interior pedestals/columns, and beam to pedestal/column connections, where applicable) for the on -site modular building. EEC personnel also provided testing.ofcast-in-place concrete for the modular building's foundation system. Based on our review of the outlined testing, as directed by the project superintendent and completed by EEC personnel on an as=needed basis, the final field density test results met the project compaction requirements for fill materials placed to redevelop foundation bearing elevations. Laboratory compressive strength tests completed on the cast=in=place concrete conformed to the project specified minimum 28-day compressive strengths. 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970) 5454908 FAX (070) 60-0282 www.earth-encineerino.com ,;5 /jO 93-:z 4 Earth Engineering Con fltapts. Inc. EEC Project No. 11.14056 Modular Unit- Compliance Summary Report September 28, 2011 Page 2 During the .foundation construction phase, EEC personnel conducted visual observations of the reinforcing steel placed within the "relocated" modular unit's footing pads prior to placement of foundation concrete. The reinforcement for the portion of the foundation system, (i.e., the exterior perimeter and interior footings pads) observed by EEC personnel appeared to be in general accordance with details presented on the enclosed structural drawing and/or supplemental details provided to us by the general contractor and his concrete subcontractor. The reinforcement generally consisted of four (4) 94 horizontal. rebar each way, for A total of rebar within each footing 'pad. Two (2) #4 vertical rebar were drilled and epoxy set into the concrete footing pad and extended into the solid grouted concrete masonry unit (CMU) pier caps as noted herein, On September 27, 2011, EEC personnel conducted a site visit as requested by Dohn Construction to perform a visual observation of the beam connection at each, masonry pier cap as noted on the enclosed detail S$ titled" Beam Connection @Pier" provided by STRUCTURAE LLC, and dated September 8. 201 I Based on our review of the outlined ;observations and testing services performed during the foundation phase for the on -site relocate modular building, as directed by the general contractor per drawings provided, the foundation system, (i.e., conventional spread footings and interior pier caps) were placed and constructed in general compliance with the prcjecf plans and specifications. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we, can be of further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very Truly yours, Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. 27712 David A. Richer; P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer cc: Dohn Construction Mr. David Stolte: dstolte(.dohiiconstruction.com Ms, Jennifer Chavies: jchaA-ies,ri,dohnconstruetion.com Mr. Sherman. Stringer: SstringerA.doh.nconstruction.com Allred & Associates -.Mr. Brad Bonnet: brad (allredarch.com dell -A-♦ Do i S END FOOTINGS, 24'924'x8' THICK PT6. w/ (4) x4 BAR5 m/ (2) 04x 24"x6" DOMLS INTO MASONRY PIER GAP, INTERIOR F OOTIN&S, 28"x29"W I THICK FT6. w/ (5) 04 BARS 52 04x 24"x6' DOVel-S INTO MASONRY PIER GAP, TYP. w/ (2) « « TYP. ------- '-•FrF - --- te!O •—• 3 tih`---_._-_ tl�! 17 y S1EEL BEAM « T it W12x15 !*ML BEAM Y 1 I « « m NQ2xl5 STEEL BEAM -an Y iv _FOUNDATION PLAN scale, 1/4" - NO" AN<rt —PROJECT: S07 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE MUCTURAE LAC 4286 WEST IOOTH GIRDLE WE5TMIN5TER, CO 80021 P 505.465.24105 F 505.511.2204 5HEET s 1 LOCATION, 4WI SOUTH LEMAY AVENUE FORT 60LLIN5, GO 50525 DATE° AU6USr 12, 2011 PROJECT NO. WI1001 TRAILER Pads.pdf (1) (132%01.8cals); SPIRIT OF JOY CHURCH; OoM; 82=11 12:13 PM MAEPONRYI • CONGRETE'MASONRY UNITS (CMU) .SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM G40-H-I. • MORTAR SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C270, TYPE S. • &ROUT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 476,WITH A MINIMUM 26.-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 psi.. • MASONRY REINFORCEMENT: ASTM A615, &RAVE 66. TIES AND FIELD BENT BARS MAY BE &R 40. • ALL MASONRY WALLS SHALL Be HORIZONTALLY REINFORCED WITH STANDARD DUR-O-WALL AT Woz.. SEE PLANS 6 DETAILS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION. • BOND BEAMS SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE INDICATED ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS: TYPICAL BOND BEAM RElNFORC oMNT SHALL BE 2-s5 CONTINUOUS. SEE PLANS AND DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. • TYPICAL VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT UNLESS OTHERmSE NOTED: s5 ® woz- (o ir-O° WALLS) SEE PLANS AND DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. • PROVIDE A 05 VERTICAL REINFORCING BAR AT EACH SIDE OF ALL WALL OPENINGS, AT ALL CORNS AND WALL INTERSECTIONS, AT EACH SIDE OF CONTROL JOINTS AND AT THE ENDS OF WALLS (MINIMUM, SEE PLANS FOR EXCEPTIONS AND/OR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS). • &ROUT ALL. REINFORCED CELLS, BOND BEAMS AND ALL CELLS BELOA GRADE. • MASONRY WALLS SHALL BE &ROUTED IN LIFTS NOT TO .EXCEED 4'=0. • GLEAN DELLS AND ROD &ROUT INTO PLACE. PROVIDE GLEANOUTS AT THE BASE OF EACH 6ROUTED CELL. • TO MINIMIZE LEACHING, PROTECT ALL MA50NRY A6kK FROM MOISTURE INTRUSION DURING CONSTRUCTION. • GOLD WEATHER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL MASONRY ALL -HEATHER COUNCIL AVAILABLE THROUGH PGA sLT107A4: • MASONRY REINFORCING STEEL SHOP DRAWIN65 awumINH 1=REGTION DRAWIN65) ARE REQUIRED IN _ REPRDDUGIBLE FORM HAVING BEEN CHECKED BY THE SUPPLIER AND REVIEWED BY THE. CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO SUBMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. EXISTING INI2 STEEL FLOOR GIRDER, SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS, TYP. PROVIDE (2) 44" HAS THP. ROD GAUGE; EPDXIED MASONRY NEK EXCAVATION' DEPTH ® FROST DEPTH, 50° TYP. INTO