HomeMy WebLinkAbout4721 DUSTY SAGE LOOP - DISCLOSURES - 9/29/2004r Fort Co IHins Residential Energy Code the building & zOr"119 dept. ofMEHANICAL -DISCLOSURE FORM Community Planning -7-"c and Environmental services Cckge Aye, P.C. 50.*C c2 voi.-S. 10221 8 6C FAX: ;7' 24 t5-54 jl_� A res s: General contractor: Mechanical contractor: (I F- C- V-- 7h!3 di3CIosure form is to be signed'by the me"' to m charical contractor or representgINs ofths genc-r.:-,Ic­,,'n­tra'c'tor. Resse type cr orint, except for the signature. ff there are rT,.uI#j.p!e systems seryfn,; ar YfL'r:cicn- -make multiple entries to One copy -)f this 'o:-m rrust be provided to the Suilding and Zoning Department prior'*.0 the C".D. One copy of this forni must be made available to the or Uya ginal home b A.,..'.:500ckeheating syst cooling system,.: ...... ... .... :.C'. ..grater h-&ati rig, '§Y.' .. .. . ... ... .. .... ... .. ... ..... -CeftlftUon -7 -X, ...... • lIvVe certify that the above -listed equipment (Including ducts and p;pIn9')­%­vas installed in the building • at the aboy-, locations in conformance with tne requirements of the For ColihnslResidential Energy Code and Hechan!ca, Code; ar,,+ further, that such Oquipmert was irstaltz in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. Person Certifying JgA; signature: ;_1 Date: Business Firm: Address: