HomeMy WebLinkAbout4702 DUSTY SAGE DR - DISCLOSURES - 3/10/2003 (5)Fart Collins Residential Energy Cade AIR SEALING DISCLOSURE FORM (Not applicable to E-STAR or EVERGY.SCCRE rated homes; the building & zoning dept. of Community Planning and Environmental Service 291 N. CmTege Ave., P.O. Sax Sao, Fart Coins, CC WS 2 Veit-: 970 Z1 0-4-s0 FAX: 970 =4 6134 Job address: General contractor. Div 1 �on5�cv� f Air sealingcantracter: ����`Pd (a o0 -•-......- - - - Complete either fart A or Part H . F ZrtA is to be signed by the air sealing ccntractar or representative of the general cnrttractcr. Fart H is to be signed by the biewer door testing contractor or representative of the gene a=rl tractcr. i ne "Slower Door Test �Cepert, or equivalent doe rrtentatien must be attac:�ed. Rease type or print,, except for the sigrnaturz. if =mponents vary, maics rrtultipie• entries- to desci'ce them. _ prior to C. Cne Copy of this formmust be provided to the Euildirig and Zcnina Cepartment C. -- Cnac:py_ Qf thlSiat;,t must be provided to the ortginai home buyer. P>•escri .. Air ng.Chechlis... ,,we c_r7'ry that the air seaiing requirements spec fled in the currant Ciy of Fart Catlin Residential Energy Cade have been completed in this building, in accordance with the "Air Seating Checidisfu published by the Cty at For-, Cailims- person Certifyina .Ice: atur-a: Cate: �2'r o / 0 3 Susiness FfT:- �li�ed ^t ASU lade^ Addrass: we ot- :l:.est - a tf� B.1 o I• ..... -. . e :.. ::::::::. ma n _..... ..._ _._........ ............-....._... _....-_...._.................�:....._......{......-.____....._............_...._ _ __-__ .._ .. UWe ca:t;y that *his building has met the air leakage performance threshold spea fled in the current Font Cailins Residential Energy Cade, in accordance wth the "Slower Caar Test Procedures' published by the City of Fart COtlins. Testina contractor. Date of test CPy1SJ: Air law through the biawer deer at _a FasczIs pressure azference (c:m) Vaierrne: Vaiume of hcme (c-;. it.) ACnEa_ Ferson Certifying Jab: Air change rate per hour at =:a=asc3ls pressure ddference AC-fSo = (Cr bSSO x 50) I Vatisme i no perfarmancs threshaid `cr ---de =MPflance is ACHE not =eedimg 5.0 ach Sigmeture: Date: Business Firm: Phone: