HomeMy WebLinkAbout3551 SUNFLOWER WAY - DISCLOSURES - 10/22/2002fort Call'ans Residential EMOW Cod* [AIR SEALING DISCLOSURE FORM (Not appilembie to E-VAR or 11INLROY, WRE rated hOMOS) Job addres General COMMator Air saallng contractor. the building & zoning dept. of community Planning and environmental 31 irvice 261 H. CO*O AVS-, P.C. 111116x Sao- P60t C66K CO 45522 vftc VO 221 MO FAX 970 224 5134 ZR. M Complete *"of Part A or Part a Part A is to be signed by the air sealing URtractor or representative of the QGMSMI Contractor. Part a is to he signed by the blower door testing contractor or MPMA&MtAdvc Of the general contractor. The "Slower Door Test Repoli" or equivalent 4104-WrldnWIGM Must b* attached. Plosee typo or Print, except tar the signature. If components very, make multiP18 entries to describe them. One copy of this form MUSt 130 provided to the BuIdIngard Zoning Cepartmsnt pdar to C. O. One copy of this form. must be providsd to the original home buyer, .. . .... ... CPS INVg Q1trdN that the air,,eagrj requirement$ jp@L-:figd in Me owent City of Fort Cgilins Residential Energy Code have Seen completed A this hudding, in occarlance with the 'Air Using Checklist" publieNed by the City of Fort Collins. PersonCertifying Job: 14-LL Ilux(Mess FTrM- AU.'eA ;;6;figU1'o-n, Address. Phone: 96, -2011 . .. ........ �V aw;P rM Pq - Me certify thst IN$ building has met the air Igo kaffe PeFfOrTrIGACI thfuhold added In the durrant Fort Canine Rosiden6si &wgy Cads, in iocoardance with the '11116%vlf 000 Test PW0*duT*0' Published by the Cily of Fort C;oft Tesffn;l Patte of teak CFM60; Air Now 1hrou9h the WNW 4164( At 10 PaxCWS P"66" dWaroftol (4 ffn I Volume: (cu. it) ACHE& Air ;hwlo rato per hour it 50 P9901116 P(GuufG c"Aftn" ACMS9 lo (CFNM x W) I1l41MMO ?he puftymamv ftwhold,.ar code cornphnce Is ACM/0 not W-WIM9 Ca Moth Person Certifying Job: llfnai , luw. — — Bqcnesa Firm: Address,. Phone: