HomeMy WebLinkAbout915 GLENLOCH DR - DISCLOSURES - 3/8/200203/06/2006 12:14 3034859572 mmmmm"'W i� FoR Collins Residential Ensr>oy Cods' MECHANICAL. DISCLOSURE FORM suom21s-71lesa Joe Address: amperes eer motor: Mocbmnlcai contactor. CONTROLLING SYSTEMS PAGE 01 the building & zoning dept. of Community Planning and a1tIMe111nettlat r/mrvioms tat N. C~ Are., ►.O. Sox W FOR COW* CO UM Voice: 070 221 {7!0 FAX: r10 2!1 N24 S v .. .. INSTRUCTIONS e of th event eenaiaa: Tide diedw�re form is to be eiOned by e'er meehanicai'"Veao► or representative 0 pwoo bps or pint• exospt for ter etonet�r•• to deeeAhe Ihm11M. If then an muNiDle eyeterrts eeewin@ of (un�• 'helve m, Itlph entAee One Dopy of this form roust be provided to the BuiirAnp end Coning O" ment pAor to the C.O. One copy of this form must be nude ava11010 to p.e crWma' home buyer. Cor11 osR tion ui Went (inclFailudi ip ducts and WOO) was In$%""d'.�btrlcaltp gift above locations UWe certify that the above-Ys: ,� p'Cr Code ei-= Atechant Code: end fuller, lhet in conforman, with the apd inTo�cordrncewit ms�rt 9Cture►s I1mttatrUGll:rle. such e0ullNti person Cerafyina Joe: