HomeMy WebLinkAbout821 BUCKEYE ST - CORRESPONDENCE - 8/9/1971No Text 3 'pat T312 Morgan Street k Fort Collins, --Colorado. -,,8,0521 September.6,-1971 Mr. Gordon F..Clyde City of Fort Collins City Hall, Fort Collins,"Colorado '80521 Dear, -Mr. Cfi�de �.. " .. `Sub-= . It appears from Section,XVII,/Section 17:2 (Home Occupations) that Valley Farm Ddiry,':821 Buckeye; is carrying on a business which violates -,this section, specifically the' following subsections:,... (1) Such use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling....:; (2) Such use shall'be.clearly incidental -and secondary to the use_of.the -dwelling for -dwelling purposes and shall not change the character thereof;` . (6) There.shall be no exterior storage on the.premises of material or equipment used;a's a part ofthe home occupa- tion; - (7) There shall be no offensive noise, vibration,. smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare.noticeable at or beyond the propertyy line; [Aeving•of truck motors has disturbed sleep on'. many. occasions..] (8).A home occupation shall provide additional off-street parking area adequate ',to accommodate•all needs created by the home•occupation; LRecently trucks were moved:.. nearer house, but private autos park on street; although this arrangement improves the•view.from our house, it does li.ttle,to improve' the over-all neighborhood scene.] (-9-),-•["-It. is,.hard_.to see how. -a da-iry_ business., can--be--equated - - with those occupations.11sted in this subsection.. Undoubtedly ,you are,by now as -aware of. this problem -as .we are.. .,This letter, therefore, is written. with a,vlew,to giving you support -in enforcing the Home Occupations in all'respedts set forth above. Yours Very truly, Mr.` and Mrs:. .David R. Dawdy n u �ME 0// t *s` ire U _� P. O. Box 580 300 West LaPorte Avenue Fort Colllns, Colorado Telephone 303 484-4220 80521 SEP 1 4 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Saxerud 825 Buckeye Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Saxerud: The City Building Inspector has carefully reviewed the home occupation being conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mannon at 821 Buckeye. We believe that the operations conducted there comply with the spirit and intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Very truly yours, For the City of Port Collins llk Same letter sent to: Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dawdy Mrs. John P. Bee TIME CENTER OF THE WORLD Ala. 3adtao t eoma&d Cofo2ado 547te )team Jepc✓c&V-nt 4210 Cas/t� 1 f th Avenue ea Jueal , Oloaado beat Sat U)e Wj4h. to G to out auent.on the f0vowince. coraplairc agai -t the ope2ation o a!(iUz iriGwtion Cent" at 821 9 uckeye SUeet goat C'0LGin.�, Co &ado. 9n owa op-ini.on, the g .icatio" got an ea tab bi�liaaent do, not meet the Pab i c R eatth tandcvula,. 9t .Ls 0" degvee tiv hede,F4*x aes-and detweicy t¢uckt be in4pected by-yo" deP°'tt�xent. Uniueirsi ty Actn aan A-1 .Cow 3en6i i'y Zoned A2ea. the operation of a milk dt,&Wba oas Cent" tocated rn thia a2ea uao.Cc-te -the Cdtif Code: Section 17.2 Wli£ =3959 IDS (6) 9" ahau be no extettioa 4to24ge on the pae+:N,v-; (7) 9heiie 4haGG be no o$genaWe now u--- b44tion, Broke,, duct, odoaa., heat o,t ,ptc ' no to at o t beyond the p2opetty .line: (8) Ahome occorpation zha& paou" add t onat 0& at.¢eet pa"n a2ea adeoprute to accorrmudate aLL needy eiceated Gy'the home occupation. Nl% 9ex Alannun, the V rm �.t 9a atbwto t, had. a t izenae .a4&ced to Anna G y the C' CGeick 10 J" At the t = he, d to -tied h is bu. i",4e, he had one �G tucrk. a now has thaee La 4a t4ucJu, pd" addtt- onwC coo" mad a gaee e t .in U4, gaiaace,. 9t .i a. out� .de�,����l�ice that thin. buainex be investuated both ?.torn the heaGth 4 G)La!JOint, mad aa. 0" 4iuht cam. horw, owneaa to be protected by the pnw,, oadincncea now 'in. e ftect b y out city. wuereGq, ao Copes of tl?,E4 to tat ate b nc 4cat to the goV-Owdng- Pill. Kati Carson, tvayo�i, Sort Co.Ltir", Co.CouIc'o . Ail. �ouy�aa G�iece, County'uecto2 o PuGtie )J eaGla . u 9ruipectu.t 0. 904t Coll ura., codorado ..�..._,.__.,,•..r....-...,,_;m,-�...,�..�,emnmwr.�3•Rnwa,�m�m*�^^Fs-'?a;Jco^r-"'-"�-z.�y_:—.:?ar i+^n :�.,_''-� c: —: . E qe go tt Co.U.,trra-, Co.lo2ado 9,.ly 20, l97/ Mic. � .CeorzuiuL Colo�tudo fiate Idealth Jepa'ttnzent 421 o £aA I I th Auenue Jenoet, Co.Co tado Dent Svw Gue w.i,ah. to G_ ' to you t a,Ltewti-on the govowvu•- cOTtaiat acsa.L* the oneitat ion oa� .�Jj4t tih,, on Centel at 821 9 w-keye S-t�teet `90-tt (�o •, cot.tado. 9n o" Opinion, the G'a i �.icat ion.:. go t � c�rz . - - eAtabl,tahazent-dc-no t-aceet the Nv.GCi c-Id. ,ed-th- , 4A-owz— dadilte tA-/t these 'paean Aei and dehiv" t4wk4 be vvmpe�.ted'Gy yowl depa tt xen. Uniue dity Flatez vz an 1-7-1 Cow Density Zoned rg4eea. ghe opewa pion of! a nzitk dt tmbution centet .located in &Z& aces uio.fcU the City Code: Seeti.on 17.2 ICYi£ OCM,,"CIOM (6) ghe to 41w,GC be no vae t+.o2 dto2age o#z the p2erei�; (7) 9hete ahaU be no og ewauie noc�aey ua,- b2ation, woke, dzut, odo�v�, heat oti yLcvze noti,eealle at o-t beyond the ptdpetty tiiie: (81 FI home occupation d=41 paou.ide addittronaG o jj- atteet pa4kivu� area adear ete. to aacoamrodate aU needy cheated Gy the homy occuoa�Lion. - _ -- --- - - - --- - , P14 Sex hlaruaorr� the UaV-ey 9anna i�ticihwto2, has a Lice* iaazted to JV& Gy the Citq CCruk14 0¢%#" .qt -the tint- he �.ted hAb � hz had one &wV back. (de now ha4 thaee &t;.,.e t&mcki, aoo.lea4 and a gaee eit an hi4 gataae. 9t w owc dewce that tlzia Gu4in4e.:4 be �,iaht vweh z stn^outcutd aa.ow uarhi c� boze own2uvow us&z to be paotected by the p4*- o af?ect by owc citq. Cop-iea. of th,,,, .tette t ace Ge n y ,ens- to the jo.Uou,.uxj7: Nt. Katt Cava, 90zt Cowna, Co.l022do "" . 1144,. ' 'lL eCle, Cowttq W&eato2 Oj / "U��i�/a� 14 ea%th 69napcazOt 0J `goe, Col ,&v CdO40ka