HomeMy WebLinkAbout1422 WILDWOOD RD - HOME OCCUPATIONS - 11/5/19841 i Hom Occuplil"" LitiSRSS AP CRYof Fad CoFf P .O. Box 980, Fort Collins, CO S%22 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 1 Ot aLione�8uairaass: d Z&Mf4-/-,fXVE` -ee7 6V&7441W r )VansrNaeie: .mil C �a NFiE41a 13Usinaast4arne- 7N!, Phoneme!/SS Cky of FogCoNlns Nome Occupation Requirements section I1"i (C) HOME OCCUPATIONS "A h6e occupation shall be allowed as a. ptatnMW 6Co00" use provided all of the following conditionswemet: Spedet Lh%%Nom for This 41) Sischiuee eheA he oonductad entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the SpeeaBc License kftbiioses IWla9 there and not more than one other employee;, (a1 Such s es spgollia dleady incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling, purposes arw shall not change are character thereof; (a1 7110 mW area awe for Such purposes shall not erased ons-haMthe floor area of if* useez dwoola unit, (4) There Shall be no *shatter advertising other than Identification of the home occu- A pallor: A There SJW to only Incidental sale of stocks, supplies, or products conducted on {$) 'Yhsrealpk ire nD estkior•storage on the premises of material or equipment used as a P" of Me hotoa occupation; In Theraaball be no offensive noise; vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat or glare 00110611010, at of 4eyohd the property lines; (>tl A home occupation shaft provide additional off -Street parking area.. adequate to go an*ledMi* heads arasted by the home occupation; Isi M parYwWv 6duanrie;moaupat on may include, but is not limited, to the following ProvidOd all nWVS0Wft Contained horerh are mac art studio; dressmaking or � f tMllirraetr worig .prosipnal office, office ,tor Inaurence or Waal estate sales. teedtrand,reairsgof rtuarnstonotmoreMlantwopomnsperdwelljngpr(ywdod rrtttklhtheiron*occupation bWowr wla tr ek ' ilii5 Wlkfiig. a I heepWNl rtuae) holds, restaurant. or tourist home; (t 1) A borne occupation shall be permitted only after the owner has obtained a home - - occupation 06ea40 from the City ZoningAdministrator. The fee for such a license OM be ton (10) d'oMrs." CMCK 10,01) PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS TO DESCRIBE YOUR HO05• 22 A ME OCC I,ot 17 � 84 0) What lithe nature ofyour busineas? S%—�'y�T�i�'�C �7NCl ��l�J F/ b, C,0,/,V (2) What aftasofyBnr"ellingwill beused forthehome occupation7 / tar Fh"Jf T (+3) How h%Wy`0mpbyeeawill you have? a l (4� HOW mi,Ayoff-afreetparking'spacescan you provide for your business? 1 I HAVE READ AND DO UNDERSTAND THE HOME OCCUPATION ORDINANCE, SECTION I1&Si(C) OF THE CODE OIFTHE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE PERMITTED USE AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE IN OPERATING A BMNESS IN MY HOME. ,_� 1/ Sfpnet Date FOR CrM-U8E ONLY: AWD: Es. l 1 / ntrf.nL. NYed Signature ' �bepartment ❑ Yes Q No Signature Department Noe ----- Whisk 6 rner _ Pink- BU1k#nginaWti- Yellm -Flnwoe