HomeMy WebLinkAbout508 HUNTINGTON HILLS DR - DISCLOSURES - 5/31/2000 (2)05/31/2000 09:50 9702239983 NCA ns residential energy code PAGE 01 Job address: Generei contractor. Mechanical contractor Space heating>systetri Location BASF3NEW —Fuel- Tyoo A Menufacturer WIN Mo Space cooling system;: Inputcapaoity AFUEor dat9 etog&t kW Hapr. Location Fuel T • M turer Model Input capacity kBtuh or kW SEER —GAS F/A Water heating system: Location Fuel Tvoe Manufacturer Modele Input capacity k8tu or kW Energy Factor storage volume Certification .; VWe certify that the above -hated equlpmentwes installed in the building et the above locations in conformance with the current requlroments ofthe City of Fort Collins Residential Energy Code and Mechanical Code, and that kwas Installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. IMfe certify that any ductwork has been installed in oonformance with the current requirements of the City of Fort Collins Residential Energy Code and Mechanical Code. CertN7ed by- RflHEIRr R KMIER Phone: (970) 223-8873 Business ilffn*jg tj= r7DIAR9Q AIR, 1W Data: Address:1823 E HAFNQNY RD Signature:�� Instructions This disclosure form is to be signed by the mechanical contractor or representative of the general contractor. Please We or print, except for the signature, if there are multiple systems serving any function, make multiple entries to describe them. One copy of this form shall be provided to the Budding end Zoning Department at final Inspection. One copy of this form shall be provided to the homebuyer.