HomeMy WebLinkAbout4719 MCGRAW CIR - DISCLOSURES - 12/18/1998i+. Iv energy erode 719s fort�allln5Tesiclentiai Alrseallng disclosureform Jobiddress: General contractor Mrsealing contractor. n t) 4. P—Prescrlptrve path = fi the clly ofVol' Collins Resdental.Energy Code air seafingreciuk, is speaGed published by th= Cr4� of Fort COMr4- "AlrSealing Cii�ck urVe ceridylhatthe m thisbuilding, in accordance wrh the Woe been comN:e:e' Gertifi>d by, _ oTJ ­0 _. Address- Ult _— .. l !3. Performance Path llyyeceth,agisbulldin9�metthealrleakapep�o�ncethrrsholdspedlledInthecurrerA .. i z�. Lityof certify ns"Residerrtalf_neWCode,inaeeordanceWdhthe'�Iower.DoorTestProcedures published t6fyx" ort ..` : by the City of Fort Coffins. J` Testing contractor Date of test Air flow through the dower door at 50 Peacals Pressure dyrerence (Wm) CFM50: volume of home (W. ft) Volume: .[[ change rota oer hour at 50 Pastors Oressure ".7ttfererce ACH50: ;CH50 = (CFM50 Y 60) / Volume "heoenormancetMeshoidtorcode compliance s �= :zceeolnc - aun Phone: Certified by: Date: Business f rm: — Signature: Address• instructions Complete erhar Part A or Part B. Part A is to be u9ned by the air sealing contractor or representative of the general contractor. Part B is to be signed by the blower door tasting contractor or representative of the generai contractor. The "Binwar Do"Ted RepoA" or equ6-Awt documentation must be attached. Pease type orpdok etoeapttrof the zignalttred theta If compoMiitsvzry, "lake, tnudiple OC20R One copy of tMsfo n "2:i �a prov,-''- `to the Big and Zoning Department atfinal krzP One ropy or fia5 lam shaG be provided to the hometzryer. - r, - -