HomeMy WebLinkAbout938 CAMPFIRE DR - DISCLOSURES - 9/10/2013City of Fort Collins Residential Mechanical Systems Performance Report This forms a record at testing targets and results, win Pass/Fail outcomes. For information on measurement tools aril testing techniques, sun the "Resident at New Construction Mechanical Systems Testing Guide." The guide and Unix form may be panodically updated: rimck the Building Services web site for his current version. This form must he completed and signed by en "Approved Agnnoy," and submitted to Building Services as a requirement for receiving a C.O. Color key ' Measured value to tJ;l ^---I ,. Target or Halt comparo with target or Pass CaLOon ONordots limit Addmaa e. Bulkier HVAC contractor g„�„! Sec, iii" ��'}-,t. nc Local Exhaust (Spot) Ventilation Testing date(s) Q .. Ainllow measurement method ^Flow box Fim coAar Passive flow hood Pilot tube traverse I emperature of air through F Indicated flow to Volametric flow multipiier measurement toolE57�i 5000', air temperature \ / r Measured Exhaust Airflow _., Operation p Minimum Design indicatedVolumetric Exhaust Pickup locellan Intermittent Airflow Airflow Flow Flow Pass Fall Continuouss Requlremant (CFM (CFM) (CFM 5.000`) (CFM 5001 5000') Conlin rSc� I J 3 ass I __�_ Intermit _Cowin Q J� 7c (�{ L) St�(y,i _Intermit Conlin !�� �� &'� Lj. r19 STGy L.., �Intermit Ccmin L LI Inxi Contin Y ❑ ❑ Intermit Conlin ❑ 1f Intermit Conlin ❑ ❑ Intornit Conlin ❑ ❑ Kitchen exhaust Oven fuel _ Gan Electric , �I N/A - Kitchen hood does not vent autsiie Exhaust airflow Operation _Interm�dent _Continuws Minimum exhaust eirflowrequirementl ICFM 5000' Measured airflow Airliow measurement method =Flow box _Flow color Passlva flow hood _ Pitot tube ssverse Temperature meof asurement through F Indicated flow to Volumetric eoempanitul-F measurement tool (� 500a', air ten+pnta:una .ii Indicated flow�I(CFMM VniumeldcflowCFM 6000' 0 Pass TI Fait Testing notes ((an speed, masking,) flaw out of range, . ) Mevxan1ce15yxixn. FMemvncr Tmlha SutmlWrrmm V)012 08 lWe Systems other than sub -structural floor exhaust Minimum exhaust airflow requirement t CFM 5000' indicated to Measured Airflow Design Airflow Measm Measurement Location + Volumstric Flow Volumetric ument Indicated Flow Flow Pei (CFM 5Dg0') I Method Air Temperature (� Multiplier (CFM) 50001 )(Flmv Ink / - IT arrow, w. FlowceflhOOdFlowcollar FPitot ) r�-ti(1 tube traverse px,-, 4r;. _ r iew caner Total supply willow ^ ///I - Pltot tuba traverse, J I CD �,/ / Flow hok Pesclve flwi hootl For systems in which supply airflow Is circulated by the air harder tanfan speed for measuroment _ Heat _ Cooling _Continuous fan Balanced sinew in balanced sysiema Average of measured supply CFM 5000' Target flow range to CFM 5000' and exhaust flo (average N- t'5%)� 9 Pass ❑ Fail Sub -structural floor exhaust N/A - no sub -structural floor exhaust system Deogn airflow CFM 5000' Measured ainlow Airflow muacuremenl manned _ Flow box _ Flow cellar _ Passive llowhood Picot tubulraverso 1 1'omperalure of air though -IIF Indicated flow to Vowmetru: flow multiplier measurement Well @ 5000', air teniperalure� Indicated nowCFM Volummnc newCFM 5000, Foss 1, Fail N/A -- no ductwork or no ductwork outside conditioned space Temperature of art through F measurement Iasi House conditioned floor area sf Indicated.. new to.Volumgeie flow muilipler 5000', air lemperature�� Maximum Allowed Duct Leakage Measured Duct Leakage Test Parameter and Conditions Normalized Leakage Ahae ute indicated Flow Volumetric ICFM25110011 Leakage (CFM25) ICFM25) Flow (CFM2550001 Measurement - Timing Air Handier rp.. /Fall Tolel mekaga Rough -in Excluded 4 [f I ❑ Total :enksgo Hough in 'included 6 ❑ [�r Total leakage Complete Included 12 ':❑ Leakage to outdoors Complete Included MothaniLrr Spnmx Plnmmnnc9 Temp SaalnClal Gom e2e12raaa 2cr6 Filter type f^�� Brontl >lb�/rib Type r style TMcknessl l linrhes MERV (opuonepC � .. _ Static pressures (OPTIONAL( Cooling Wil installed _ Y _ N { i''i•; Mode: _ Heating Cooling Continuous Fan Fan speed tap ____...._.—___. I lumidi0or bypass _ Open _Closed All registers open P=_ i AP filler�.--- P=, AP AC coil = Cooling: Measured air flow through indoor coil using flow grid ❑ MA --- ro AC system installed Design cooling aidlow / t 1 CFM 5000' Target airflow lands (design N- IE%) , 2-`7 r } to Lf CFM 5000' Measured airflow Cnolinq tan speed tap 1--_-- -1 Flow grid Pate sUe : 14 20 Temperature of air throug �F indicated ilea to rV�olumetrc. claw Pultipiier® measurement tool 5000', tar tam eratcre NSOP��_-7 Pa TFSOPC Zj -] r'a 'r1. ResisUnce Ccrregi^n Factor +. o b Measured airflow, no adjustments or waection Iii =ICPM Adjusted (indicated) airflow (U v. CFM Volumetncfiow -2,7 CFM 500Y TY- Pass ❑_ "...:Fail Heating: Gas manifold pressure OEMmanifoldpressure IWC Target mamhltl pressure (mils{sync+/-5?i) 3,'�to 7 IWC specification, ssure SOW Measured manifold pressure " L% IWC I* Pass ❑ Fall Heating: Temperature rise OEM temperature rise Omits F Measured tempe•uturu rise Return As !7 F 'emp rice v�l^—F S-iPPIY air l / F Paso,. Fail Caution. Ta'nP nsa.0111 '- 10 F of top of range mw'.luisniem. Pmseeance!ears, suamael :awm V201WIM Jots (This section under development, not yet being enforced) 7. Room Air Flow and Pressure Balance Register air Flows All regiulers are cut through finish materials and moving air Pass Q, Faii (Remainder of soction underdevelopment, not yet being enforced) Pressure balance Pressure diCerence Bmfl, room -to -core =3 to +3 r'a Room Measured pressure drop (Pat Pass Fail rn G + , -7 �] !l g r [A ❑ 5 " - I& [ , ❑ 11 ❑ n Med•nu! s,m..Pttrmaree Tests, S41,,fil am, VHII.fBos t. 8. Combustion Safety NA— no natural draft combustion appliances Outdoor temperatureF Worst -case depressurizatlon testing House sorup Tested appliancas _ 9 of bath fans on These doors are clowtl: _ Vented range hood on _ Clothes dryer on Air handler on Other fans on Appliance Type Locr ion CAZ pressure BPI depmaaurliabon limit Pa wrt outside Measured ool CAZ dopressunzalion Pa wet outside OK pees nupaVva) ( Caution (mono nogMivuj solloga BPI maximum limit seconds Meafumtl spillage duration seconds Pass = W18tMa not..cdIM] limit Droll Pressure not limit Pa wet CAZ Measured Pa wet CAZ Pass: Pressure more icagalwo than limit CO crmcenlreUon in undrlu eo true gas BPI maximum hmlt Ppm Measured CO ppm Pass CO!evel or exceeding Writ Caution = CO ravel 24 tc 100 ppm _ DrafFhood Intluced dmtl _ Daftiwod. Induced -draft _._ Orah-hoed !nducod-draft ❑ OK K U Caution ❑. OK 1 ❑ Caufl ore ❑ OK Caution ` 00 so ❑ ---60{. Rrss 1 ❑. Fail ❑ P. ❑ Fail Pala ❑ 'Fail Pass I ❑: Fail I ❑ Pass ❑' Far. ❑ Peas ,[].'Fail 100 100 T00 T ❑ 101 Pass�Fail Caulon aoll ❑ Pass ❑;Foil Caution MaCnNtiolopierM Purtormence'eaMp SubmMa: 1'atm V3or ZaaCB System controls operating per design intent r=h _System Pass Fa(i Local ebtausl Whole -house ventilation �( Substructural Boor exhaust Healing p2f Cooling Approved Agency (technician performing Inspection and testing documented on this form) j Name (pnnl) True Company Signature and Date HVAC contractor (F Name (print) I-Itle Company Signature and Date Ay Ord MNu iG syalems Fw rmana 7.s ,saSmLtaf F',r, V2012eee9 acts