HomeMy WebLinkAbout427 TORONTO ST - DISCLOSURES - 6/20/2013 (2)-615T.)iD$S(00 City of Fort Collins Residential Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submittal Form This form is a record of testing targets and results, with Pass/Fail outcomes. For information on measurement tools and testing techniques, see the "Residential New Construction Mechanical Systems Testing Guide." The guide and this form may be periodically updated; check the Building Services web site for the current version. This form must be completed and signed by an "Approved Agency,' and submitted to Building Services as a requirement for receiving a C.O. Color key Measured value to Target or limit compare with target o Pass Fail Caution Other data Addrew 427 Toronto t .�, Builde, Encore Homes HVAC contractoi Northem h exhaust Testing date(s) 2 2 I d Flow box Flow collar —_ Airflow measurement meth 1 assfve Flow hood Pilot tube traverse I Temperature of air throng Indicated flow to Volumetric flow muhipli r 83 F 1.1 99 measurement too @ 5000', air temperature Measured Exhaust Airflow Minimum MinimumIndicated Operation Volumetric Flow Exhaust Pickup Location Intermittent or Requirement Flow (CFM 5,000') PassFail Continuous (CFM) (CFM 50,) master -Bath rmit _ Conlin 50 cfm 65 72' 085 U.LBath termh _ Conlin 50 cfm 67 74.3 Pwdr ntermit _ Contin 50 cfm 57 63.2 Intermit Conlin ❑— Intermit Conlin ❑ Intermh Conlin ❑ Intermit Conlin ❑_ Intermit Conlin ❑ Kitchen exhaust Oven fuel Ins Electric Exhaust airflow Minimum exhaust airflow requirementCFM 5000' nOperetiO4 Xlntermfttent _ Continuous 100 Cfm ed airflow Airflow measurement method Flow box _ Flow collar Passive How hood Pilot tube traverse Temperature of air through Indicated flow to Volumetric flow multiplier measurement tool 83 F @ 5000', air temperature 1.109 Indicated flow 141 FM Volumetric flowCFM 5fl00' 191 Pass ❑❑ Fall Testing notes (fan speed, maskini flow out of range, .. . Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submittal FmmV20120321 1 of 6 (Sa h 11!) /stems other than sub -structural floor exhaust 1Minimum exhaust airflow requirement NT 4 G FM 5000' Indicated to Measured Airflow Volumetric Design Airflow Measurement Measurement Location + Flow volumetric Indicated Flow (CFM SOW) Method Air Temperature (F) Multiplier Flow (CFM) Pass/Fail (CFM 5000,) — Flow box Total exhaust airflow — Passive flow hood r�r _ Flow collar- -LI Pilot tube traverse pwdr 1.109 57 63.2 Flow collar Total — Pitot tube traverse supply airflow _ Flow box Passive flow hood systems in which supply airflow is circulatedothe air handler fan, fan speed for measuremen _ Heat Cooling Continuous fan airflow in balanced systems Average of measured suppl tCFM 5000, Target flow rangq to ( CFM 5000' and exhaust flow (average +/- 15%). _ Pass E .Fail Sub -structural floor exhaust Design airflow Measured airflow CFM 5000' Airflow measurement meth — Flow box _ Flow collar 01 Passive flow hood — Pilot tube traverse Temperature of air through F Indicated flow to Volumetric flow multiplier measurement tool ® 5000', air � u . temperature^' I Indicated flow QCFM Volumetric flow CFM SOWPass L IJ ;Fail Temperature of air throug 82 F measurement too House conditioned floor area 1585 =at Test Parameter and Conditions Measurement J leakage t leakage I leakage Air Hamner Indicated flow to Volumetric flow multiplier 0 5000', air temperature 1.109 Maximum Allowed Duct Leakage Normalized Leakage Absolute Leakage (CFM25110Osf) (CFM25) 4 Measured Duct Leakage Indicated Flow Volumetric Flow 46.5 IFTMArm an HE Film Mechanical Systems Performance Testing SubmlltmWo V20120321 2 of 6 Filter type Bran koch pressures (OPTIONAL) Mode: Heating jkCooling _ Continuous Fan Fan speed is / Humidifier bypass _ Open _Closed IJ-4*II registers open —Zone dampers open P=- 1 hP filter = Type Istyl Dis osable Thickne 1" inches MERV(optional)� P=- t P=+ rr � ; AC coil = ■ P=+ - OP Total ESP = Cooling: Measured air flow coil using flow grid Design cooling airflo 652 CFM 5000' Target airflow limit. (design +1- 15%) 554 to 750 1 CFM 5000' Measured airflow Cooling fan speed tap Med-High Temperature of air throug measurement too 83 F NSOP 3$ Pa TFSOP 11 �37.7-7r Pa Measured airflow, no adjustments or correction CFM volumetric Flo 712 CFM soofr CDxg---Pass Flow grid plate a 14 20 Indicated flow to Vo metric foes mufipl r ® 5000', air temperature1.1�9 Flow Resistance Correction Facto D 700 Adjusted (indicated) airflo 642 FM Fail Heating: Gas manifold pressure OEM manifold on, 3.3 '} specification, su 3.5 IWC Target manifold ,prres�sure limits (spec+1- 5%) �3 to ,t.7,1.7 IWC Measured manifold pressu IWC I \lCl Pass ul Fail Heating: Temperature rise OEM temperature rise limf D to�D F Measured temperature rise Returnair ']'] F Supply air 134 F Temp rise 5(•$ F Pass 101 Fail ❑ Caution: Temp rise within 10 F of top of range Mechanical Systems Performance Testing SuhmkWWo V2012=1 3 of 6 (This section under development, not yet being enforced) Supply air flows (This section underdevelopment, not yet being enforced) Pressure balance Pressure difference limit, room -to -core -3 t0 +3 Pa Room Measured pressure drop (Pa) Pass Pail Master Bed room +1.9 ❑� Bedroom 2 front +1.6 ❑� Bedroom 3 Back +1.7 �— ❑ ❑ O� ❑ El 0 � Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submithdfo V20120321 4 of 6 Outdoor temperature Worst -case depressurisation testing 7House setup 9 of bath fans on Vented range hood on Clothes dryer on Air handler on r fans on appliances Appliano TyP Locatioi c pressure BPI depressurization limit Pa wrl outside Measured net CAZ depressurixationPa wrt outside Off (less negative) I Caution (more negative) BPI maximum limit seconds Measured spillage duration seconds Pass = duration not exceeding limit It pressure BPI limit Pa wrt CAZ Measured Pa wrt CAZ Pass = pressure more negative than limit concentration in undiluted flue gas BPI maximum limit ppm Measured CO ppm Pass = CO level not exceeding limit Caution = CO level 25 to 100 ppm These doors are closed: _ Draft -hood Induced -draft _ Draft -hood Induced -draft _ Draft -hood Induced -draft 60 60 60 ass ail Pass it ss ❑ ail ■ 100 100 100 El ass all ❑ Pass it ss I ❑ ail ution Caution ution Mechanical Systems Performance Testing SubmitteWo V20120321 5 of 6 System controls operating per design intent qvntprn Fall Localexhaust -Pass ❑ Whole -house ventilation ❑ Sub -structural floor exhaust❑_ ❑ Heating ,_ ❑ Cooling ❑ Approved Agency (technician performing inspect!( NName (print) Paul Higman ITitle Energy Rater (Company Thermal Concepts/ Allied Signature and Data HVAC contractor Name (print) (Title (Company Signature and Date r Thomas Northern Colorado 06/20/201 Mechanical Systems Pedomiance Testing SubmMakFo V20120321 6 of 6