HomeMy WebLinkAbout426 TORONTO ST - DISCLOSURES - 3/9/2013 (3)City of Fort Collins b( 2,O(9'�0�7 Residential Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submittal Form This form is a record of testing targets and results, with Pass/Fail outcomes. For Information on measurement tools and testing techniques, see the 'Residential New Construction Mechanical Systems Testing Guide.' The guide and this form may be periodically updated; check the Building Services web she for the current version. This form must be completed and signed by an 'Approved Agency; and submitted to Building Services as a requirement for receiving a C.O. Color key Measured value to Target or limit compare with target Pass Fail Caution Other data Testing date(s) dh exhaust ow box collar _Flow Airflow measurement metho. Passive now hood motet tube traverse — — Temperature of air throug Indicated flow to Volumetric flow multip r 62 F 1.088 measurement @ 5000', air temperemre Measured Exhaust Airflow Operation Minimum Airflow Indicated Volumetric Flow Exhaust Pickup Location Intermittent or Requirement Flow (CFM 5,000') PassFail Continuous (CFM 5000') (C) masterBath fl _co,mn 50 cfm 72 78.336 _01 U.L.Bath it —Codin 50 cfm 57 62.02 _ _ —❑I powder tistermit _ Con in 50 cfm 68 73.98 _ _❑I Intermit Con in ❑ _❑I Intermit Collin ❑ Intermit _Conlin o _❑1 Intermit Conlin ❑ _❑1 ' Intermit Comin ❑ 11I Kitchen exhaust /�[�, Oven fuel I G as Electric Exhaust airflow Minimum exhaust airflow requirementCFM 5000' intermittent _ Codnuous 100 cfm Measured airflow Airflow measurement method d4Q box —Flow cellar _ Passive flow hood _ Pilot tuba traverse Temperature of air throughIndicatedIndicated now to Volumetric flow multiplier measurement tool 162 IF ® 5000', air temperature 1 •088 Indicated flow 153 vdaa'etric"rwCFM 5OW j A Pass a Fail Testing notes (fan speed, maskint flow out of range.... Mechanical Systams Performance Testing SudMaxl Fo V20120321 �, Q �' I (� 1 of 6 rstems other than sub -structural floor exhaust Minimum exhaust eirNow requirement 37 CFM soar Indicated to Measured Airflow Volumetric Design Airflow Measurement Measurement Location + Flow c Indicated Flow Volumetric F Flow Pass/Fail (CFM 5000') Method Air Temperature (F) Multiplier (CFM) (CFM 5000') ow box Total exhaust airflow — Passive flow hood AT Im Flow collar _ Pilot babe baverse Pwdr 1.088 68 73.98 Flow collar Pitot tube traverse a Total supply airflow Flow box Passive flow hood systems in which supply airflow is cireulatadylithe air handler tan, fan speed for messu Heat _ Cooling _ Continuous fan airflow in balanced systems Average of measured supp CFNI 50ar and exhaust flow ❑ Pass Sub -structural floor exhaust Design airflow Measured airflow CFM 50ar Target flow rang to� CFM 5000' (average+/-15%). Fail Airflow measurement methorloow box _ Row collar Passive flow hood _ Pitot tube traverse Temperature of air through Indicated flow to Volumetric How multiplier measurement tool F fit 5000', air temperature Indicated flow CFM Volumetric flow CFM 5000' Pass Fail •COON119 Duct Leakage Temperature of air throng messuremetd too 62 Indicated flow to Volumetric flow multiplier 1.088 F 6 5000', air temperature House conditioned floor area 1422 of Maximum Allowed Duct Leakage Measured Duct leakage Test Parameter and Conditions Normalized Leakage Absolute Indicated Flow Volumetric LeakMeasurement Timing Air Handler (CFM251100 at) (CFM25) (CFM25) (CFM25 50ar) Pass/Fail Total leakage Rough -in Excluded 4 ❑ ❑ Total leakage Rough -in Included 6 ❑ ❑ ofai leakage Complete Included 12 ❑ ❑ Leakage to 2n=ftplete Included 8 1113 143 146.78 ICK❑ Mechanital Systems Performance Twang SubmaAfo V20120321 2 of 6 Filter type 0 Bran urolator f312 pressures (OPTIONAL) Mode: _ Heating LCoolhtg Continuous Fan Fan speed tap If — Humidifier bypass _ Openh4amseo kAlll registers open a Y "dampers open P=- aP filter = Types stykDis sable Thiclonless=inches MERV(optional)� P=- A3 P=+ ,YAC Oil = P=+ .18 t'r eP Total ESP = •o 4✓G Cooling: Measured air flow through Indoor coil usirg flow grid Design cooling ai 744 CFM 5000' Target airflow Omis (design +/-15%) 629 to 851 CFM 5000' Measured airflow Cooling fan speed tap Med-High Temperature of air throng F measurement 62 NSOP 399 pa TFSOP 36.5 pa Measured airflow, no adjustments or correction FM Volumetric Bo 818 CFM 5000' ��— JPass Flow grid plate a 14 _ 20 Indicated flow to VolumetdC flow muflipli Q SOW, air temperature 1.088 Flow Resistance Correction Facto DG700 Adjusted (indicated) airflc752 Fall Heating: Heating: Gas manifold pressure 7 OEM manifold pressu 3 5 IWC Target manifold pressure limits (spec +/• 5%) 3 to 3 7 IWC specification. 500 ? c Measured manifold PM �. J IWC Pass Fail Heating: Temperature rise OEM temperawre rise lint "t o to 7D F Measured temperature rise Return air 63.4 F supply air � 1 109 F Temp rise 46.6 F I p� Ipass ❑❑ Fail ❑ Caution: Temp rise within 10 F of top of range Mechanical Systems Performance Testing SubmttudFo WD120321 3 of 6 (This section under development, not yet being enforced) Supply air flows (This section underdevelopment not yet being enforced) Pressure balance Pressure difference limit, room[ocore -3 to +3 Dpa Room Measured pressure ured Pass Fail Master bedroom +1.0 �— —❑ Bedroom 2 +0.6 9'� —❑ (❑ O fD O 10 ❑ !❑ Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submittl*fo V20120321 4 of 6 Outdoor temperature �F Worst -case depressurization testing House setup s of bath tans on Vented range hood on Clothes dryer on Air handler on r fans on appliances Applianc Typ pressure BPI depressurization limit Pa wrt outside Measured net CAZ depressur¢ationPa wrt outside OK (less negative) I Caution (more negative) BPI maximum limit seconds Measured spillage duration seconds Pass = duration not exceeding limit it pressure BPI limit Pa wrt CAZ Measured Pa wrt CAZ Pass = pressure more negative than limit concentration in undiluted flue gas BPI maximum limit ppm Measured CO ppm Peas = CO level not exceeding limit Caution = CO level 25 to 100 ppm These doors are closed: _ Draft -hood Induoed-draft _ Draft -hood Induced -draft _ Draft -hood Induced -draft ����Q©Ll��lri❑� 100 100 100 ❑ as, liken ❑ Pass I EA" ❑ ss ❑ kall ❑ lCaullion ❑ Caution ❑ 011 Medtm ical Systeme Pertormanoe Testing SubmtneWo V20120321 5 of 6 System controls operating per design intent Approved Agency (I IName (print) Title Icompany Signature and Date HVAC contractor (Name (print) ITitre company Signature and Date J!iiall_ Fall Localexhaust _._-❑f.,;... Whole -house ventilation udcL-- taa, —❑:: Sub -structural floor exhaust L ❑:"„ Heating -_ —_ —❑1... fooling eCnmclan perForming inspection no WSting aocumenteo on tnts torm Paul Higman Energy Rater Thermal Concepts/ Allied 03/09/2013 J Thomas Northern Colorado 03/ 11/201 Mechanical Systems Performance Testing Submitt*Fo V2012=1 6 of 6