HomeMy WebLinkAbout839 CAMPFIRE DR - DISCLOSURES - 1/30/2013fj I ZoHq 12. City of Fort Collins Residential Mechanical Systems Performance Report This form Is a record of testing targets and resul(s, with Pass/FelI outcomes. For Infornadon on measurement tools and tearing techniques, me the "Residential New Coostrucdon Mechanical Systems Testing Guide,' The guide and this form may be pedod welly updated: check the Building Services web site for the etrrenl version. This form must be completed and signed by an "Approved Agency," arse submitted to Building SeMces as a requirement for receiving a C.O. Color key Mugu valve to �' Tergat a imd camparsor th largLal or Pals ° FaO ' Ceudon Ogrerdala mil Addreu 8 39 L " r Dr. Testing dates) Builder o,i NVAC conireclor �oVr .i )on li eo,4­,A (Spot) Ventilaticri Bath exhaust Airflow measurement method X Flow box —Flow Collar Paulus flowhood — Pilot tube beverse Temperature of air through � F Indicated floe to Volumeldc flow mulliplie measurement tool SO Q 5000'. air lemparalura Measured Exhaust Aldlow Exhaust Pickup Location Operation Intermittent or Continuous Minimum Airflow Requlnmant (CFM 5000') Design Arnow (CFM S000') IndicatedFlowVolumetric Flow tOFM) Flow (CFM S,000'I Pass Fall LGur Xintermn _Conlin S,q '7cl PS ❑. kIntermit —Conlin 50 72- ?b j$ ❑ Yyi A yi c r Z Intermk — Conlin So 75 p l ® ❑ yy)It VIL {Intermit _Conlin 1 SO Po ® Cl —Intermit —Conlin ❑. intermit Conlin ❑ .: Intermit —Conlin O ❑ — Intermit Conlin 13 ❑ Kitchen exhaust Oven fuel � Electric Exhaust sir low Operation—Inlarmlllenl—ConOnuoua 0 NIA- Kitchen hood does not vent outside Minimum exhaust Willow requirement�CFM 5000' Measured airflow Airflow measurement method —Flow box _ Flow collar _Peulveaow hood —Pi lot tube beverm Temperature surem nt tool �F Indicated now to Valumeuit now muniplier�� measurement tool ® 5000%air lempmature Indicated flowCFM Volumetric Dow CFM 5000' ❑ Pass i ❑.' Fall LL�JJ i L: Testing notes (fan speed, masking, L Ilmoutorrengs...,) Mera.m1Gl Syeiem. Psdf Inca Testing, SWmhl.l Fmm Militarist lee 415 it 2 Systems other than sub -structural floor exhaust Minimum exhaust airflow requlremanl CFM 5000' Indicated to Measured Airflow Design Alrnow Measurement Measurement Location+ Volumetric Flow Indicated Flow Volumetric ICFM 5000') Method Air Temperature (F) Multiplier (CFM) Flow Pass/Fail (CfM 6000') —Flow box ipaL-ClCr s Total axhausl alr0ow J I — Passive flow hood Flow caller ' 0-77 q 5 . — so j . Pilot tube traverse _ Flow collar Total supply airflow /V//A IV — Pilot tube traverse ❑ —Flow box _Passive How hood Fa systems In which supply airflow Is circulated by the air handler fan, fan speed for measurement — Heat _ Cooling _Continuous fan Balanced airflow in balanced systems Average of measured soppy /li/d CFM 5000' Target flow range - to CFM 6000' and exhaust flowa r Y Al (average+l- 15%) Pass i ❑ - fFen Sub -structural floor exhaust N/A— no substructural floor exhaust system Design airflow C�CFM 5000' `Measured eirHow Alrflow measurement method—Flowbox —Flow collar _ Peeeiva lbw hood _ Pltot tuba traverse Temperature meaofeirtint ughloot P Indicated How to Volumetric flow temperature measurement fool I� ®5000', air tamparelurc Indicated flowCFM Volumetric Bowl CFM $007 ❑ Pass ❑' Fail Cooling DuctLeakage !g NIA— no ductwork or no ductwork outside conditioned space Temperature of air throug F measurement tool(_ House conditioned floor area 3 1� sf Indicaled flaw to Volumetric flow multiplipeal t Q 5000', air temrafie J Maxlmum Allowad Ductlaskeas I Measured Duct Leakaaa Test Parameter and Conditions Normalized Leakage (CFM261100 at) Abaoluta Leakage (CFM25) indicated Flow (CFM26) Vulumatric Flow (CFM265000') Measurement Timing Air Handler Pa..W- Total leakage Rough -In Excluded 4 ❑ ❑ Total leakage Rough -In Included 6 0 Q Total leakage Canplete Included 12 ❑ ❑.. Leakegetooutdoon, Complete Included S ❑ Merhanko08ynems Padcrmanca To rap SuemhMl Form v2o12ms 201e Filter type !! Brand—� Type l style Thicknesn[=inches MERV(optional)I—_.I Static pressures (OPTIONAL) Cooling coil installed _ Y _ N Mode: _ Heating _ Coognq _ Continuous Fen P = + Fen speed tap \ C�-L = I lumidifier bypass _ _ _ Open __Closed OP AC coil /All registers open P=- 11TdP filler = _ j Pp Total ESP = Cooling: Mess ured air flow through IInd Do coil using flow grid N/A— no. AC system Installed Design cooling airflow ��CFM 5000' Target alrrowllmits (design to CFM 5000, Measured aidtow Cooling Tan speed tap Tempatm easueir Ilnttool�F measuremanl tool fil Pa TFSOPE:::— Pa Measuredairnow, no adjustments or correction � CRd Volumelde tbw� -1CFM 5000' ❑ Pass Flowgre plate size Indicated Dow to Volumetric Dow multiplier (9 $000'. air temperature�� Flow Resistance Correction FactcEJ Adjusted (indicated) sirpow�CFM M Fad Heating: Gas manifold pressure OEMmmnlfold pressure 5 IWC Target manifold presswo limits(spec-1-5%) ,2 l0 4 IWC specification, 5000' 3' Measured manifold pressure , (.� IWC ig Pass ❑. Fell Heating: Temperature rise OEM temparature rise limlls Tl Measured temperature free Return air F Temprlse F Supply air S F 9 Pass 0 Fail ❑ Caution: Temp rise within 10 F of lop of range M-sruWWS)Tlemr PedwM;,,e Tell, Slbrr.ul Fonn V20189011 305 (This aaction under development, not yet being enforced) Register air flows WI registers are cut through finish materials and moving air (Remainder of soclion under development, not yet being enforced) Pressure balance Pressure difference limit, room -to core $ l0 +3 Pa x Pass ❑ Fail Room Measured pressure drop (Pal Pass Fail (11 A of Z-S 0 ❑ 13e l 1.0 01 ❑ ® ❑ leed.en Gl systems P0110pppMG TlrrnJ SvbM.\Itl ro" VPaOMea 1ct6 ® NIA - no natural draft combustion appliances Ouldoor temperature�F Worst•caae depressurization tenting I',, House setup msma appnancea i I Appliance Type Location CAZ pressure BPI depressurization limit Pa wen outside Measured. net CAZ depressurirelion Pa wit outside OK (lass negative) I Caution (more negative) . Spillage BPI maximum limit seconds Measured spillage duration seconds Pass - duration not exceeding limit Dien pressure BPI limit Pa wen CAZ Measured Pe wen CAZ Pees - pressure more negative than limit CO concentration In undiluted flue gas BPI maxmum limit ppm Measured CO ppm Pass- CO level not exceeding limit Caution - CO level 25 to 100 ppm These doors are dosed: _ Draft -hood. _Induaddrah _ Draft -hood _Induced -draft _ Draft -hood Induced-0raft U❑ OK ❑ Caution ❑ OK ❑ Caution ❑ OK ❑ Caution 80 s0 80 ❑ Pass ❑. Fail ❑ pans ❑ Fait ❑ JPa. I ❑] Fell ❑ Pass ❑ Fall ❑ 1 Pau ❑; Fail ❑ Pus ❑ F611 100 100 100 ❑ Pass ❑ Fail ❑ Pus ❑ Fail ❑ Pass ❑ Pail ❑ I Caution ❑ Caution ❑ Ca Won I6rrhmlul aiilxms Perlol sx Toting ltul Form V201105% 5016 System controls operating per design Intent atom Pass Faff— Local exhaust Whole -house ventilation SubstnrcW2l floor exhaust D JIM Heating Vic] Goofing X Egg* Approved Agency (techniclan performing Inspection and testing documented on this form) Name (print) 13ee riard A/ Qrd ) ''File 'Tech,;;c.An 'Company Fot/r Scvso., l{e +in Signature and Date HVAC contractor (Fort Collins license holder) Name (Print) Title Company Signelure and Date a :c MsNunR Sol., PNahmmv Teibq 6u1,mk4l F.. woR0t49 gaia