HomeMy WebLinkAbout914 S COLLEGE AVE - MISCELLANEOUS - 12/5/2012�i�{ � • � �/�� sic ��� 3,ao S74S. Iir+ K //'�'Glrt w•' ..5. l TGG4'(1,"'I-+'f �}T`7 ^«1 C'1«rL I 1 M d 1 ! 111 i 11 M J.4 y (1 , I�, .. rJ7i S III al -. , IA Ct:,. I to � �11 CtS /�545r J'S Ito' + �,V 1 ,� / 7�y� v lrr r 5 �� �1 4p}y; 15 S� i \ Ji _ 5 ty „`:•-4 t r q }Ik i �•� g _ y (t,� 1 ��! '."Y "' a - 11 V�±4 - J°+ r "!r� 't.lYi �..: ' +Wn,ln •' $� 1. �. , I if uAo- 15-Year NDL If" � ,IN ,; iy No. Y :. AST® o�.i.a Roofing, Inc. Warranty :Y t 52S Morloy'Drivo :. Saginow; M1 48601 _ 4 ( 3 , A sa 1.'I'F.IMIS and I:IINUI'I'II/NS Dural -Last; Inc., ("Duro-Last") grans this Nu -Dollar Limit ("NDL-) Warr:mly to file owner ("Owner") of n hoilding conlaioing :1 4 ) Duru•Lasr Roofing System ("Duu,•Iau Sysfmn") installed by of :unhoriz[(IcJ deader/cunlraclur ("Con(lamur''1, subject , the conditions and limitations Contained hemim o- Duro4.ast's ohllgmiun during the Is[ Through Ills 15111 year shall he it. lepail any leak in the Dula -Last System canal by any JClcel in it Cunlponenl oI'the Duro•last System or by life wvrkululship of the Cunlrlctor, hot only as the workmanship relates to the instill- !. I j . latiun of Thu Oulu -Lost System ifscll':uul not as it rcL•ncs In other work perli,nncd, il':wy. Uuro-Lnsl's obligation iilchlJcs, al Dun,- Laxl's discretion Cilhu file repair ur replacement ill' pail ur all of the Duro-Lasl System, and :dsu includes the fm•niahiug or Cust ill' labor it, repair file Duro-Lass System file following Conditions me loot: �' i- provided A.Duru-Last and Contractor have been paid in lull fur the Dino -Lam System. its iusbdlation cold any uutstauding iovomes issued + `. by Dun, -Last that arise alicr the iusndlmiun: (;':f.'•�' B.The Dun) -Last Syslefl Ims been approved by Duru-Last following inspection by all :tuhorized Dom-Lasl Quality Assumfce .,/`'i ''i-•^ .• Represem Live ("Dim-L asl QA'Icch Rep") and This Nu-Ihdlar Limil Wimanly his been signed by al Duro-Las( QA TCch RCp t " urC ualit Assurance Manager 1 y b' C.'1'llc Owner has nolilied DuIII. Lns( within 7 days of Iw discovery ill' any leak, Inilulc, fr other alleged Dull -Last System y, defect. Owner most ratify Dunl•Laat by calling the Ihtu•I,,:Ist Quality Assurance Deparfnwo( at 1-866.2g•1 9424, by e-mailing sus@duro-lasl.com. or by ecufiied mail, Icuun recepl rcyues(ed: . •�, 1 D.The Owner nllo%vs Duru-Lash's QA'I'eeh Rep(s)• and/or Dlnu•LasI Contltlettlr(8) access it, the nxll' including, il'Ilecess:uy, the :'•'ry removal :old replacement by Owner all Owner's exlx nse ally and all obslruclious, including hill rain limited (o: rludblp ' - ganlels, car(h, soil, pav6s, decks, patio and walking surface nmlcrials, pholovulblic system. will other uverburdell: loll ,6• :,�,.• E. Duru-last nodlorizes life repair and, a( Dill, —Lam'. option, oilier Dum-Lasl's QA Tech Rep(s), or :fit authorized Contrach,r ''' •• makes life repair. / e '-'> II. LIMI'I'A'I'IONS mad EXCLUSIONS A.This No -Dollar Limit Wamolly does nut apply to a Duru-Lou Syslenl installed of a single-Ianlily lesidelce. ,• 1� It. Dllrll-L;ISI \INIII Ilf( Ix; ll;lllle for damages ;if (sing Ilmn deeds III Ilse design of ellllsll llclloll IIf file Illllding Ilr roof assmllbly aside Irllltl life DIII'll-Last System, Iliclllding bm [lot linlimi III (Mlle dellects that 1'emill Ill Willer ();ilelrltlllg 111111 [lie building, e :•¢ i ' •'.` • including.inadcyuale or insuflicienl drainages C. Dunla.neil; lief liAlle Gar eras Dur I.as ti stem delccl ur Iailme our kw subacl Merl damages raising from Acts of (and or .Ry � Y I b 6 Causeruulside Dnr-4,.Cal i s%Imdlj khwiilifg, but nut limited to: `� r ' I) I)`.unagvC'ciulsCJ by Ilrc IiglAliidg?Millicaute, gale, hall, bimado. Iloud• culapulke• animals, insects: ur > 2) Damage caused by acmdem, vend'disnl, imeutiolud act, negligence or llulule to usC leaumable Care. whether on file earl or the (.)weer or another, tit t ` ; 7) Damage caused by any unauthorized nlodilicalion (o the Duru-Last Sysem including. bill no( limited lu, damage by in inalnllatiuu caused ml:unhorized cmlrpolwills used or repair, by addi(iaml eyuipmen( (Il• souetures added lo. of made it oI'the ruin', by Irnllic, ur by Chemicals not found in Ill: like: j,` ;:,• par normally nablrC or of' ;• :-" 4) Interior condensation and/or moisture offering the Dum-Lam System (lu'uugh walls, copings, xtnletm;d deflects, FIVAC syslems, orally pall or the building structure, including hoill ad,jacenl buildings. •, I •�ii:C�ti D. Duru-Las( does nu( warrant the walerlighmess of moral products Thal me Imealcd uuKide illale termination Id'the Duro-L.al .,- ?;` B. Dram -hest does not warnun againsl colol change nod/or p;mern change and/or Chimpill Ills Duro4.ast System. 11`t ' v4� print F. This Nu-Ihdhu• Limit Warranty passes lu IMule (hvncls ill' file lulildmg fur the 1,1111 19 yeals hercol'• - R �• ' }: O.This Nu -Dollar Umil liVarmmly must be signed by a Duro•Lasl OA Tech Rep of Quality Assurance Manager. Owerlge under the Icons of this No -Dollar Limit Waualty begins inn life Effective Dale. The Effective Date is determined by Duro-Lalsl. FaIII Owner Comr fills No Watrnmy ,-, e oI (Ile ❑1• clot III sign -Donal Liolil dines III t Aber Ile lifted ivC Dale. • I:aaA, II.This No. Dollar Li foil Wamnty shill be govel[tell by the laws ol'tlw Slate of NIichigaf. Duro-Last and Owner hemby agree that the Circuil Corot I'll[, file Cuunly ill'. Sagimlw, Slale ill' Michigml, shall have file exclusive jurisdiction to determine ally and _ disputes. No-Dollm Win ,'.•' t,a .` all or Claims rehllng to This Limit mnty cold do hcruhy submit Ihmusclvcs to file vote personal ., ,lurisdictiuf of lhal Cuurl. I. Duru•Lasl does nol waive ally rights under this No -Dollar Limil \varnuty by re1'Iaining Trani exercising its rights in till ili mnC Inure instances. ��da�91 tt Lr �5'•�" OVI?B: CIIN'I'INIIF.1) UN IIACK `3`+ 1 j) "� j3.�a a �t('s}�j!✓,. "L••.4i1��IYl$Wi+-4-..Y.r fa.:Lllar�Git..l M �.1Qf).a! ,�-,.. 1.:L4:. .-l�'�ll 'll�i2� 11 �Yic aL.7.Ki�.la ll•Ra..)r11 `-.�.:.tb ��y1iA}I'N-• � THIS NO -DOLLAR LIMIT WARRANTY AND TIIE R I.SPONSI III LI'1'11.R AND RIME IES STATED HEREIN ARE 1?XI'KI.SSI,I' AC:RI?I?U'1'O IIV OWNER AND DURO-LASI' ANTI CONS'I ITUT'E TIIF. SOLE WARRANT' AND REMbI DIKS.OF Tilii OWNER FOR ANl' ALLFICED DEM'CT OR FAILURE OF TI1E DURO-LAST SYSTEM, WilETHER MI-:MIIRANP7,ACCIsSS(/KII.S, OR CONTRACTOR WORKMANSI111'. TIIKKE ARE NO WA RRANTI US OF MI{RCI IA NTA Ill LITY OR IrI'I'NI.SS hOK A I'.\K'I'I(:I11.AR I'11R1'OSIi 11?I'I'lll?K 1?XI'KF.SS OK UII'hIIiD IN FAIa', LAW OR CIJS'I'(IM1II'I'l1A'I' EX'I'I?NU IN?1'1INII'1'1115 I':XI'KIstiS'I'1?KM115 S'I'A'I'1?II IN'I'1115 NI I-IIOLLAR LIMIT WARRANTY. OWNER AND DURO-LAST TOGETIIER JI IINTLV DISCLAIM ANl' 011110,14 OR FURTHER WARRANTII.S EXCEI.1"I'IIOSE INCLUDED IN TITS DOCIJDIEN L OWNER AND DURO-LAST' III TII ACKNOWLEDGE AND ,\I:KISI{'I'ItA'1' DIIKING '1'I lie. IST 1'IIR00011 I-SI'II YEARS OF THIS NO -DOLLAR I.IMIT \K\RRANTV. THIS NO-IliOIA.AR LIMIT \VARRANTY COVERS CONSEQUENTIAL DANIACKS DERIVED FROM LEAKS CAUSED IIl' DEFECTS WARRANTED AGAINST ABOVE. 'ilte Cuntractrr is nul na agent of Dum•Lasl nad dtaos not have aulharity it, bind. DunnLaid. If ally Cuntractur ur indclwndent sales repmum- [ativr: nmdc ally statements atrna Duru-latst. its pruduetN, Services., hIigations, ur warruaies, Ihuse slalemenls cannot lie relied alum by Owner ar any uthcr early aril caurul 1,e auribuled to Dom -Last, punccrnmm, nn Itcrsrn may clemgc m aualil'y any lenas ur cmuliliuns M'this Nu- Duliar Limit Warranly, unless in writing and signed by the uuduni/ed relimsenlalive lit' Ills (hvuer and by :I Dum-klm ullicer m by the Duru-Last Quality Assumace Mmmger. DURO-I.ASI', •INC. Last" () iesrn Nanle (or Kullding 41y 5 J Address a Building Ili rt 6a;i7$ on, c5'OS�y City, Stale. &zip (or Kuiiding / Building Designnllan, Effective Date 31QLga Scrod Na. vt� MCLACKLAw ®REP Signulurc of I/am-la . QA'lich Kcp ar QA M1lnnngcr Sigaulure of (biller Owner (I rinlc ) ^pSignnlurc of Conlrl •lor L1�1�. rr Cnnlroclnr (prinlcd) Syuunt Fonllage. Warranty Na. 15 Nat. 211112