HomeMy WebLinkAbout624 SMITH ST - SPECIAL INSPECTIONS - 10/16/2012Century Lnvii-o.n.tnental Hygiene, LLC 3201 E. Mulberry St, Unit C, Fort Collins CO 80524 (970) 266-8000 (970) 266-0022 (Fax) www.ccnturyenvironnlental.com October 16, 201 ? i14r. Seth Jansen 624 Smith Street Port Collins. CO 80524 Re: Srnall shed, 624 Smith Street; Port Collins; CO - Asbestos Survey Report for Demolition (CEI-l: 3998.12) Dear Mr. Jansen: The folloxving report serves to document our material survey at the small shed located at 624 Smith Street, Port Collins CO on October 15111. 2011 As per your request, Greg K.urvink, a Certified Asbestos Building Inspector (CDPI.IE ti 11041) of Century Environmental 1-IN'gicne. LLC (CEH) conducted a survey to identily asbestos containing materials at the above location. Material Area Represented by Sample(s) Sample # Result Window glazing, gray Window on south wall (1 window, 8 linear Not sampled P-ACM feet of material Roofing material, tar North and south exterior walls Not sampled P-ACM bound Table abbreviation explanations: P-ACNI = Presumed ACNI. This inaterial can contain asbestos but was not sampled, and tnttst be treated as ACNI in accordance with state and/or Iederal regulations. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the findings of the inspection the following asbestos -containing materials require removal prior to demolition activities. One winclo\v with asbestos containing glaring on the south wall. The following non -regulated asbestos -containing materials may remain in place during demolition activities as long as the demolition process floes not render these materials f'iable. ° Asbestos conlainini, tar bound rooling materials. ACBM is sut jcct to the USEPA NESHAP Regulations for Asbestos (40 CPR Part 61) and the Colorado Department of Health Regulation No. 8 (Reo .8) "The Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants. The Colorado Department of Health is presently responsible for administering the EPA NESHAP program for Colorado. ACBM is subject to OSFIA Standards for Asbestos (29 CPR Parts 1910.1001). Materials containing 1% or less asbestos may be subject to OSL-IA regulations if air concentrations are at or above the personal exposure limit (PEL) of 0.1 17cc or patching, salients, or matching nnI el'M S. If floors were included in the scope of testing; remnants of adhesive. old sheet vinyl, ACM tinder cabinets or other objects. or under subiloors may be present. This report- is prepared solely for your use, and reliance on it by any other parties is not aulhorized and all liability for unauthoriZCCI use is disclaimed. Laboratory reports with the pertinent results are attached. If you have any questions, please let tine know. Prepared by, Greg Estes, P ect Manager Attachnnents: fah report, Field data sheets Disclaimer: No evaluations beyond those described in the report have been made and CI-1-1 is not responsible for any hazards or risks, apparent or othmvise, other than those included in this evaluation. As with any conclusions made based on visual observations and/or random and limiied stunpling, there is an inherent possibiligy that ondetected conditions exist, mul CLI i does not accept liability I'or any not reasonably ascertainable from the data or observations made. Sampling can be inherently obtrusive, and CI-11 does not accept liability for any damage to the property reasonably occurring during Ilw course of the work in connection with its duties. The only warrantee expressed or intplied.is that the work conl'orms to standard industry practice at the time it was performed. In the unlikely event a defect in the work is noted. the client has the option to IWILICst that the defect be remedied at no additional cost, or a pro rata deduction in the Ice billed. CFIVS maximum liability to any parry shall not exceed the fee for the defective portion ol'the work. Any reports issued are fur the sole use ol'the client and reliance on it by others it at their sole risk.