HomeMy WebLinkAbout4226 ROLLING GATE RD - DISCLOSURES - 6/21/2006. oPOIC Lk , Fort Coiling Residential Enerw Code the building & zoning dept. of MECHANICAL DISCLOSURE FORM. Community Planning and Enviironmental services md+ i�6s�7no,se 281 id, GWege Ave., P.O. leax 880, Fort C&ns, Co et1522 Void 970 2218700 FAX 070 224 6134 Job Address: f'i Z�'210 (ZA t t 11A General contractor. Mechatnioal Contractor: l h�.' A r-7"AVn 4•-iIA- ................--..._..._...-___-__......e............._...........r.................. This disclosure form is to be signed by the mechanical contractor or representallys'.e! the general oantractor. Please typo or print, except for the slgnature. If there are multiple systerns serving any function, make multiple entries to describe them. One copy of thls torrn must be provided to the Building and Zoning Department prior to the C.O. One copy of this form moist be made available to the original home buyer. ?r Y:Y+S'lrvrrlavl 5!:55•. • w.r,YM55v1: Pir',•.5:•rNrrrNn:rN:; YMY•l,� yy�,yy y 'rM1'MPNIPANA'rNNWA • kM1YM1Yi:t: Y. rl :• ?¢'{{'• :M1Y.V.Y.:r .7:�::L:^.d�.•:•:•}}:' ::"T:: JYJAlti4J �•f �_5N.`.'i5;.•.•___.._.., .. .... .. - +Yly"2jL±i. hT'u �5 ixudi..r.N..:.S L......._...�i•. •..1.^.. :,1 4� iKh �ir.':l. ^�?L ...f.V..St•Y:.•.': f.'fi�: •'LG�:, ^.LV.:: rA'1V.G'!.RGYWrS•Jy/�SYiihrMY:M:Y.Y2.H :R•.'d '.:J.•LL'.G .................._.......�.:: y.. .r. . ��:..rr...x..x:�...xn.,.rx.:.r.: •..x �..:.r.SS.:::JVA......- ..:...•..,..,..,.....:':J::AV.:GSGlGGL:l:NnV'!•5:5�5YVltti'hY.55'h'A:N1'^'.�'�i:'LJ�{ti•.1:V��'.i1Y:ix x.:_._ �.'.•ii::�iiL..M1.M1(.•:AN f�Yr•V11• ' 7 r 1Mir�'h'.W,'M1W.'1r1r..5'rA',YhY: A'u5�i':; r.• :'.G:'.5'J.:K4.VM.5'M5 hYA�S.. + hl:Ti li. .•:l5: Y .Yi h'irH.YN:S':.:5•• ' ;:I.'. a �•ntit::• 3•isvGn�: 1' V M'hLYr�' o :�r.•. h she Q :S �.. ..inYM5i.5 i11�'ti.' ••':S:G!Vh!'r.1'n•.•, hJ:'JI:Y!•�l'� h hY11nYM �•h5vrr:irii:}r•~{i:::i:'?:.. _. .. ...,•.�.,r...:..........._.. 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Person Cerfting Job: Signature — -- _.,Zmel Business Firm: Address: Ph Jun-21-06 11:33A Plumbing Sa?rvices 1-970-667-9043 P.01 energy code 7 aea..t;ewtrat otv:tems dlsClo3UrO tOti•I•t Job address: General contractor; Mechanical contractor. ".SYr:hS;:VSY rJAS:i �:•!A'}ri'I•!' J.l':. .. w:: nW..r ..� ......,. �............ r.,. Y�•...�..r �..... :!.,YfH A:•::::}i �i5'nV: :1'MVIJ.1 !................ ,-r::i: •:lrn•..1V: '.•r::..:!':: ', j;.,' . ......., ...., ... , .«. ....•r7 ..Rr.'S:q ( ': hYhA,:�!.Y.^.. ;« •, n•�. ......... �,;i ..:'f:.•.'!..... .. ...... ... ... ... ...... ... Space.:cooljg sysi..e"mA •N%NMAM1'hY�} ..'i•.... h NjyV':1 :5.:..trfL...:NM1WN ..... a i�d5 • R 11.1 .. t r.xiYAiti•:: ••'r:.�NAV....: •,M}.; � : .. ...,......'•fr; �YYat�ii.r.•h�ai'g,'sy' t�!��::y.�irt^:^:•ir:rhuy....�:A,�.......:... ..... ...... �.,.. '� .. .. . .•" .{ '•' ':_�r: 4.: 'f+ .�liiw!64IAAi MYNrvr�.:..... F'::�:.irhY..vlx. v kh°r % { -u5x •Ydtr t'Nx"c ?�!. _,�,. r.w,:.xN....,.., � ...., .... ...,.,.. .. WYe c*r* thstthe abovealsted squlpmentwas instslled In the budding atthe above locations In conformance with the currant requirements of the Cty of Fort CoUns•ResldMtlal Enuyy Code and Mechanical Code, and that h was installed In accordaneewklt mtuiufuturer'akrsWcliottt:".WYi.QpA4,that any ductworkhas been Installed in conformance with Reold thCcurrent requtnments' of the Giy of Fort Coglrts enl♦al Energy Code end Mechanical Cade. Okfied by .�.. Phone' µ • Date: Suslnmss tlrm signature: 9 Address: •,c.. ' h• u!tY:::':•' r };' N}''';Y �iwhtti;:•..... rrs/t.::.:.r, •• :nA�,.•lY'N:I?.�'171A9{, �^ .Y.{5�:.:rti�1rCNC5�5���:t�tiM:4:iir.N1{:5. ..:.. ... ... ..... ... : .'ig. ris��4h71r.}��5..►ra��^dYr 7"^..kkY+17� guarµ ca.ir li to be'etgned by+ihe met ttt4nioi! eonttactor or (opresentative off the general cone actor. This w0luto form pltsso type or print, except for the signature. irthero en muW01 systems$ serving anyfunotion, make muld0s enures to describo them, one copy of this form $11a11,b1,Wded,to.thgBuGft and Zoning t)apariment at final inapaztion. nya„..a,am-vim One copy of No form snail ba provided to,thi homebuyer.'