HomeMy WebLinkAbout4918 DAKOTA DR - DISCLOSURES - 7/15/1999Fort Collins residential energy code 7196 Air sealing disclosure form Job address: General. contractor - Air sealing contractor - Me cerlityltrdtthe air sealing requirements specified in the current City of Fort Collins Residential Energy Code have been completed in this building, in accordance with the "Air Sealing Checkfisf published by the City of Fort Collins. Cedffiedby:— gouifo Phone: Busines firm ADate: Address: ll 9I=XIIKj ..... . . ............ ................. ............. ....... . .... % . ....... . . . . . . . , . ... .. . � , .:. -. . . . . . . . ..... ... ............................... ....... . ................ .... . . .. .. . ............ . I/We certify that this bultding has met the air leakage performance threshold specified in the current C74 of Fort CollinsResidential Energy Code, in accordance with the "Blower Door Test Procedures," published by the City of Fort Collins. Testing contractor-. Date of test: CFM50. Volume: ACH50: . Certified by: Business. firm: Address: .Air flow through the blower door at 50 Pascals pressure difference (cfm) Volume of home (cu. It) ,Air change rate per ' hour at 50 Pascals pressure difference ACH50 =(CFM5Ox6O) /Volurne " The performance threshold for code compliance is ACH50 not exceeding 5.0 acth Phone: Date: Signature: ..... . . ................ . ..... . ............. ..... . . •. ..... ........... ............ ... ..... . .. .... ..... . . . -L ......... ...... ................... ... : . ..... ..... ... .. ............... ... . . . .... . . ............... ............. . . ........................... ... .. .. ..... . ............ .. . .... .. .. I .. ...... ........ ......... ...... . .... . .. ... ....... . . .. ........ . . .......... ....... . .............. .. . .................... . ...... . .. ... . .......... .................. ..... . . .... .......... .......... .. .......... . ........ .. . . ... Complete either Part A or 0;ii ...... .................... ................. .. ..... .... *.'......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-..-:.-.-.-.-.-.-.� ..... ..... PartA i&ta be signed by the air sealing contractor Or representative of the general contractor. Part Rimto be signed by the bkmw door testing contractor or representative of the general contractor. Thet"Bloum DoorTastReporr or eqWvahmt document3bon mustbe atlachecL Please We Or pMt emeptfor the siigwakirec : : Ir COMPMwtsvay, make mUdoweeftmto describetwn. One COPY ct2d&fOrrrr shall beprovkJad to the BoiidiiM and ZOning Department at final inspection. One cOPY orthlaftm dug beprovkWto therhomebuyer. .... .. ....