HomeMy WebLinkAbout4380 ZIEGLER RD - CORRESPONDENCE - 11/6/2000 (4),43 V� , ' a c.trari t n : ce r-rc r+u i LtN I I tCMNUI-UU 1 ES TO 16792703 P.03 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER DECLARATION (TD-1000) GENERAL INFORMATION Purpose: TM real Properly Transfer Declaration provides rsaential tafarnHdan 18 the tautly usemar to help emu" fair and uniform aseeumeny foram property for property na perposm Refer to 39•14.102(4), Colorado Itevised Status= (C.R.S.). Requirements: All conveyance documents (deeds) subject to the documentary fee submimed to the county clerk and raeorder for recordation must be accompanied by I Real Property Transfer Dectarauoa This dedmation must be completed and signtd by then v%mor(sdlcr)orgranteo(buyer). Referto39 Is 102(I)(a) C.RS. Penalty for Noneompliaaer Whenever I Real Property Transfer Declaration does not accompany die deed, the clerk and recorder notifia the county assessor who will send a notice to the buyer requesting that the declaration be +marled within thirty days alit the nodes is suma4 If the heal Property Transfer f the sale is not nttutied to the county assessor within the 30 days, the assessor may impose a penalty Pricebuyer fails to s bmit thedeclaration yeUl the. m idmrer is grtattr. This penalty may be imposed for airy subsequem yew that the Property is sold. Refer to 39-14-102(1)% C.R.S. Confidentiality: The assessor it required to make this Real Property Transfer Declaration available Ibr buP=Wn to the buyer and, if the salkr raIcd the dcclaruion, to the seller. Information derived from the Red Property Trarufcr Declaration is aniAble to any taxpayer or any agent of such tupryer Subject to confidentiiliry rtquiremenr ar provided by law. I. Address and/or legal description of the red property sold: Please do not use P.O. box numbers. See Exhibit A attached hereto 2. Type of property putrhmed: Single family Rcsidendal _ Townhome Condominium MWtl.Uait Residential _ Commercial _Nridustrial _Ag;culwnl _ Mixed Use _Vacant (yW _ Other 3. Dale ordosing: November 1 1999 Momsk Day Year 4. Tod sale price: Including all real and personal property. s�n_nn S. Waslany so pernal pmpcny included in futhe ou"Mcs'an? Personal property would include, but is not limited W carpeting, ,herpes, for ine realipmrnt, inventory, mitue. If the personal property. is not listed. the entire purchase price will be masumed to be property as per 39-13.102, C.R.S. _ Yes .iNo Iryes. approximate vwus S Describe 6. Did the total sale price include I trade or exchange of sddk)onal real or personal property? If Me goods or services cep of the date of closing. yen. lire she tpproximate relue of YesFlo If yes, value 5 if yes, does this transaction involves ends kinder Sedan 1031? _ Yea _ No 7. Was 100% intmcst in the real property pketimsed? Mark `na" if only a partial interest is being purchased. Ben —No if co, incest purchased y, L is -this a transaction among related Panics? Indicate whether the buyer or seller are related. Related panics include persons within coke sarne family, business enlister, or sfilliated corpora iom %3Ya _NO 9. Cheek any of the following that apply to Ike condition of the properly at the time or purchase. — New — Fxccileni XCVOd — Avenge _ Pair _ poor _ To be removed