HomeMy WebLinkAbout806 W MULBERRY ST - CORRESPONDENCE - 6/23/1997Community Planning and Environmental Services Building Permits and Inspection Division City of Fort Collins June 23, 1997 Ms. Patricia Rose 806 W. Mulberry St. Fort Collins, Colo. 80521 Re: Electrical & Bathroom Alteration 806 W. Mulberry St. Dear Ms. Rose, As per our phone conversation the week of June 16, it is determined that the work that you have described would most certainly require a building permit and inspections. It is my understanding that you hired a company called ConTech to perform the alterations. City codes require that anyone performing this type of work hold a minimum of a class D-2 license. A review of the City's files shows that ConTech is not a licensed contractor. Furthermore, State law requires that anyone performing plumbing or electrical work must be licensed through the State for either trade. . On June 20, 1997, I performed an inspection, of the above referenced address, under permit 9972142, which you obtained as owner of the property. My inspection un-covered a number of violations which you will need to correct. • The interior electric panel was replaced. This panel shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electric Code. It is required that the meter socket on the exterior be upgraded at the time the electric panel is upgraded. The existing meter socket is an old "A" base and is rated only for 60 amperes, the interior panel is a main breaker and served by a 100 ampere breaker, which poses a potential for over -loading of the meter socket. It is required that the meter socket be replaced with a meter -main rated for 100 amperes and replace the feeder conductors from the meter to the interior panel with 100 ampere wire. • The floor joist under the bath tub have been cut. It is required that the joist be properly re - supported. • The floor system in front of the tub is framed with 2x2's. It is required that the floor system be re -built using a minimum of 2x6s. 281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6760 806 W. Mulberry St. Pg. 2 • The heating system in the basement is originally covered with asbestos. It would appear that the asbestos covering was damaged, by someone walking on the boiler, during the bathroom remodel. It is required that the asbestos covering be repaired by approved coverings, to keep the asbestos from becoming "friable". • The replaced outlet in the work room is a three prong outlet and is not grounded according to the NEC. It is required that this outlet be grounded or replaced with a Ground Fault Interrupter outlet. The order of the discrepancies as listed are the priority order for repairs. You will most likely need the help of licensed professionals to repair the items listed. Please notify me when all items have been corrected. Corrections are required within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Michael W. Gebo Codes & Inspections Administrator