HomeMy WebLinkAbout650 BAYBERRY CIR - DISCLOSURES - 3/27/1998 (4)SHERMAN HOMES, INC PLAN 8093 650 BAYBERRY CIRCLE SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE ON PLANS Fort Collins residential energy CUde 7/96 rnF_SWAIO 5S23-o?o•0e wan asse ivil ly compliance -- prescriptive options 'i Ilis faith :;I M.13 a wide valiely of wa11 constlucllurl and window U-vafuo and area ratios that meet Ilia energy coda 'wall assonlbly' U-valuo requfrenlenls. Use it to document Ulo compliance of the 1101110 being subulllled for n building permit, assuming Ilia aveiago door U-value Is 0.33 or less. Thera mo many ot.hor combinations of cornponsmIs that will satisfy code roquilonlents. To use comUillalions other Ulan prose shown Irene, complotu lho'Wall assombly woikshaol.' liISTilUCTIONS (see example completed Irma): 1. Indicate the type of wall you lrlan to build fit Table I. Circle 111e approprlalo choices on each lino and fill In material and thickness furcavlty insulation and exterior Insulating sheathing. 2. in ilia matching cohnnn below In Tables 2G or 29, for gas or electric heat, circle Ure entry matching ilia U-values of ilia windows you plan to InsLill. -111'.s percentaga Is (Ile maximum ghfmlwall ratio permitted by codo. Interpolate bolwoon Ilia valuos shown if necossaly. 3. ilia 'Mixlmum allowable glass Area' sociion provides a correction for largo door area and C3ICLIIatas Idle iTlaxiilllllll glass area permitted. ail catrstr�lcti(itl.::::<:> ::>: : << ". l <rulo ;t.�.: ±�a �.:.....:.........................:...:........................................ Cavil------•---- -- Franca depth _ _ ----c,avit insulation malmial I lllickiloss _ Cavity inr_ulatiall [1-va_luo---- Exterlorlrrsulathirl c:Irca111111_y-- _ ..�_Nlaloris.l and 11111:i;rlass IiNVIIIc_ ---- __ covoiagoof tolrll exterior wall —_- —. — _ 2x4� + S andard # _---13 - _ - - J� 3x'T ---- - (3:J(�'o 5 lUl)�/o - - - 20 - -- 2x4 _-Slandard -_ ---- _-_-- ---I �)__-•- ------ __-_--24 Standard_ _-- I9_(I E3LEr�- --------- --- ---- `t - -- [)'SU% �V lllUio --- --I--- -- -- -- — � acG_ Standard -_ Advanced - ---^ - _-- 13 - -- -------- - — G U•5l�io rJU tUU a -----1- -- ---------- ---- -- --- ----- 3 [) SU�o JU lE)U�u -50 1 ---- - -- - 3 - t� SU�v IJl)-1U1� 0 ---�-- fables:2G, ....ct 71 ;.... . ....lr{ail ratios . 2G. Average ►WLll( oI U-value' _ _U.(iU_-__..- 0.52 ,Uclault doublo /- yid -,or vinyl flanioi0,46 _0.4_i _(Delilah doublo /low a)-^---_-. 0.37 (Uedat!It double / low-e / argue) 2[. U_ V U.J - 0.4 _ U_h 0.3 ""m r_Ac t,n�,r• Mrrir1,m11 r11:1c-1W.-ill 0/ (n ssuminn 2% door/wall anti i1-3 doors) 11% -1:110- 12'%,- -13_%_ to,,, 13%, 11 _13;0 -12_%- IC'. - i;l^ , -_- ';� 12 ;0 15':, 13 Xa 15 `%_ 1 G',o 17^,:,_ _17% 14 ;0 1 G^. � - -1 •t';0 _- 17 % - - 15_ 17'0 18'l0 _ _-20° . _ 19 ;. _20 _ MIX. 1G",0 2U'y. 1 l°� 1900 211% 22^0 221/. 23'0 ELECT i11C Ideal: Maxi imi c lass/wall % assurttin 2'3o door/wall and R-3 (ools) _ 7'0 �1'0 IU'Y. 11';0 1U /o JiY I:IJ J L'Y 11 I1 -r a11,.1 .+ 2 (Default double / Wd or vlliyl flalilo)— _ W. f' ��_° fl'o- - l t%, _ 9'0 iU'y. 121'. - _ 12%- - --12':.- - -13- - ---- -- G -_ - 9'0 - - l°� 12.'0 _1U^,o 1'l_"' 13 14°�- 14% -15 _ ___-- 1 Default doublo / low e ------ - 1_0". -i 120". -9"� _ 10';0 _ 14"' 12_'.0_ 111- 15';0 _ _ _17' 7 (Default doublo / low-o / argon) 12>0 14% 12`y. 1G'0 13"/. 15,0— 17% 18'>� 113% 19` 'Average window ()-value' miens to nn area -weighted average. If more than one type of window Is boing used, attach a window schedule showing ilia individual areas, U-values, and calculation of ilia averago window U-value :....,.....:....., ..::; ::,:: ......:::.:.: <:.:::<::<;::: ;;:><::>: <::::: <, :;:.:<.<>;: «::.:::<•:<::><» <::>.>::::: ;,:::»:>;:.;.; :;_ ,::; :: > : •:::>:::>< is .....:: 1ti9.<txlliillltraliuw lll�! gl,lss;re<r.::... ... A. L Gross area of exterior walls (sy it - see MEC dofinillon for compononts to Include) ! B. Total opaque area of all doors to ilia exterior or garage i H C. 1v Doorlwall ratio - round to nearest percentage ( f3 / A ) D. - lot o Door conectlon ( C - 2%) 'y (The tables of maximum glass/wall ratios assume 2°,0 or less cJoo�{volt ralio.�` MaxllnulTI glass/wall ratio from tablo above F. __ P _ Corrected maxirnurn glass/wall ratio (E - D ) G.[ :3,Maxrrnum allowable glass area ( F- x A) (Sash area) 11. .i� M..Ixinlurlm rough opening area (fr1L1111pdy G x 1.09) flolo: this In only vnlld for nverage door U-value of 0.33 �,± less (11-vallie = 9.0 or greater)