HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-ELEVATION CERTIFICATE - 2001 SOUTH SHIELDS STREET BUILDING H - SPRING CREEK (3)P1etMr / (r/C[f i,,r go ELEVATION CERTIFICATE °P,esMa3317,1993 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD jNSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certificate does not provide a waiver of the flood insurance purchase requirement. This form is used only to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or LOMR). Instructions for completing this form can be found on the following pages. SECTION PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE BUILDING OWNER'S NAME POLICY NUMBER a Co s G1lO STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt.. Unit. Suite and/or Bldg. Number) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER COMPANY NAIL NUMBER Z001 S. Shields 54'. Fuildirto H OTHER DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers. etc.) CITY Jr — STATE ZIP CODE Fort Gal/ins GU 80526 SECTIONS FLOOD INSURANCE 'RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the following from the proper FIRM (See Instructions): 1. COMMUNITY NUMBER 2. PANEL NUMBER 3. SUFFIX 4. DATE OF FIRM INDEX S. FIRM ZONE 6. BASE FLOOD EVATION 080102 0003 A July 16f 1977 1 AI ? dePtn) ,50ile.LE 7. Indicate the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations (BFE): ® NGVD'29 ❑ Other (describe on back) 8. For Zones A or V, where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building site, indicate the community's BFE: I 1 1 11 L feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1. Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level I . 2(a). FIRM Zones At-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of 1 15101Z10 A feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of' I I I I !, J feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7). (c). FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is JJ.0 feet above ❑ or below ❑ (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is U.J feet above ❑ or below (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depth number is available, is the building's lowest floor (reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations: ® NGVD'29 ❑ Other (describe under Comments on Page 2). (NOTE: If the elevation datum used in measuring the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM (see Section B, Item 77, then convert the elevations to the datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversion equation under Comments on Page 2.) 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM: N Yes ❑ No (See Instructions on Page 4) 5. The reference level elevation is based on: K actual construction ❑ construction drawings (NOTE. Use of construction drawings is only valid if the building does not yet have the reference level floor in place, in which case this certificate will only be valid for the building during the course of construction. A post -construction Elevation Certificate will be required once construction is complete.) 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: 1 1510IZ 10 ,U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section B, Item 7). SECTION D COMMUNITY INFORMATION 1. If the community official responsible for verifying building elevations specifies that the reference level indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the "lowest floor" as defined in the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevation of the building's "lowest floor" as defined by the ordinance is: I I 1 I 1 i. ! feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum —see Section B, Item 7). 2. Date of the start of construction or substantial improvement SECTION E CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for Zones At—A30, AE, AH, A (with SFE),V1—V30,VE, and V (with BFE) is required. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management information, may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 - Distinguishing Features —If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. .-ApU1t�i1pL I certify that the information in Sections B and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under IS U.S. Code, CERTIRER'S NAME TITLE 0 NUMBER (or Affix ADDRESS - - - CITY SYitr4nrtn!\\\\ ZIP PO 13ox 4-29 Fort" G011ins GU 90521 R€/ a i-7 A 4IA) 0i dR2 9331 Copies should be made of this Certificate for:1) community official, 2) insurance agent/company, and 3) building owner. COMMENTS: ON WITH PILES. BASEMENT PIERS, ORCOLUMNS SLAB A v A A v - ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES REFERENCE - —ME— LEVEL gEFERENCE DEFERENCE LEVEL - - - FLOOD LEVEL ELEVATION }i BASE .A GACENT :S: '" LEVELREFERENOE DE F1000 G��'" REFERENCE ADJACENT �GRA�OE FLOOo ELEVATION ELEVATION LEVEL `::_ • ::�='i`,:' �'3yI! ADJACENT:; GRACE The diagrams above illustrate the points at which the elevations should be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top of the reference level floor. Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. INSTRUCTIONS The following 8 diagrams contain descriptions of various types of buildings. Compare the features of your building with those shown in the diagrams and select the diagram most applicable. Indicate the diagram number on the Elevation Certificate (Section C, Item 1) and complete the Certificate. The reference level floor is that level of the building used for underwriting purposes. NOTE: In all A Zones, the reference level is the top of the lowest floor; in V Zones the reference level is the bottom of the lowest horizontal :.structural member (see diagram on page 2). Agents should refer to the Flood Insurance Manual for instruction on lowest floor definition. DIAGRAM NUMBER 1 ALL SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FLOOR BUILDINGS (OTHER THAN SPLIT LEVEL), INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOUSING AND HIGH RISE BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSE, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. _ Distinguishing Feature -The first floor is not below ground level (grade) on all sides'. This includes "walkout' basements, whereat least one side is at or above grade. (Not illustrated) HIGHER FLOORS (IFANY) DIAGRAM NUMBER 3 ALL SPLIT LEVEL BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature -The lower level is not below ground level (grade) on al/sides'. This includes "walkout" basements, whereat least one sideisat or above grade. HIGHER FLOORS HF� R FLOORS (IFANY) I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I UPPER LEVEL GRADE INTERMEDIATE �\ LEVEL \. LOwER LEVEL , DIAGRAM NUMBER 2 ALL SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FLOOR BUILDINGS (OTHER THAN SPLIT LEVEL), INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOUSING AND HIGH RISE BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature -The first floor or basement (including an underground garage) is below ground level (grade) on all sides% HIGHER FLOORS IFANY) FIRST FLOOR BASEMENT (INCLUDING UNDERGROUND GARAGE) DIAGRAM NUMBER 4 ALL SPLIT LEVEL BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature -The lower level (or intermediate level) is below ground level (grade) on all sides'. HIGHER FLOORS HIGHER FLOORS (IFANY) (IFANY) 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 UPPER LEVEL GRADE GRADE INTERMEDIATE LEVEL LOWERLEVEL 'TOP OF BASEMENT FLOOR') 'Under the National Flood Insurance Program's risk classification and insurance coverage. a floor that is below ground level (grade) on all sides is considered a basement even though the floor is used for living purposes, or as an office, garage, Workshop, etc. I Note: In all A Zones, the reference level is the top of the lowest floor; in V Zones the reference level is the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (see diagram on page 2). Agents should refer to the Flood Insurance Manual for instruction on lowest floor definition. DIAGRAM NUMBER 5 ALL BUILDINGS, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES ELEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELEVATED FLOOR. Distinguishing Feature - For all zones. the area below the elevated floor is open, with no obstruction to the flow of flood waters (open wood lattice work or readily removable insect screening is permissible). HIGHER FLOORS (IFANYI DIAGRAM NUMBER 7 ALL BUILDINGS, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES ELEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, SOLID NON -BREAKAWAY WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELEVATED FLOOR. Distinguishing Feature - For all zones. the area below the elevated floor is enclosed. either partially or fully, by solid non -breakaway walls, 2[ contains equipment servicing the building. For V Zones only, the area is enclosed, either partially or fully, by solid breakaway walls-- having an enclosed area greater than 300 square feet. For A Zones only, with an area enclosed by solid walls having proper openings.-" and used only for parking, building access, or limited storage, use Diagram Number 8 to determine the reference level. HIGHER FLOORS pF ANY) ELEVATED ENCLOSED AREA FIRST FLOOR REFERENCE LEVEL GRADE DIAGRAM NUMBER 6 ALL BUILDINGS, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES ELEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELEVATED FLOOR. Distinguishing Feature - For Zones only, the area below the elevated floor is enclosed. either partially or fully, by solid breakaway walls." When enclosed area is greater than 300 square feet or contains equipment servicing Me building, use Diagram Number 7; this will result in a higher insurance rate. The enclosed area can be used for parking, building access or limited storage. HIGHER FLOORS (IFANY) DIAGRAM NUMBER 8 ALL BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED ABOVE AN UNFINISHED SPACE, INCLUDING CRAWL SPACE. Distinguishing Feature - For A Zones only, the area below the first floor is enclosed by solid or partial perimeter walls, is unfinished, and contains no equipment servicing the structure. The area can be used for parking, building access, or limited storage. HIGHER FLOORS (IFANY) Under the National Flood Insurance Program's risk classification and insurance coverage, a floor that is below ground level (grade) on all sides is considered a basement even though the floor is used for living purposes, or as an office, garage, workshop, etc. Solid breakaway walls are walls that are not an integral part of the structural support of a building and are intended through their design and construction to collapse under specific lateral loading forces, without causing damage to the elevated portion of the building or supporting foundation. An area so enclosed is not secure against forceable entry. '-- If the area below the lowest floor is fully enclosed, then a minimum of two openings are required with a total net area of at least one square inch for every square foot of area enclosed with the bottom of the openings no more than one foot above grade. Alternatively, certification may be provided by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design will allow equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls. If neither of these criteria are met, then the reference level is the lowest grade adjacent to the structure. Page 6 fl U 5. GOVFANMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1990 :-105 _0360