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Drainage Reports - 12/22/2000 (3)
Vd R Final STEPUENS , TRE,E7" PARKING 10T 1)P..,ILY,4GE :STUDY ANdERSON CONSU[TING ENGINEERS, INC Civil • Water Resources • Environmental ST'EPHENS STREET PA1?"NG LOT DRAINAGE STUDY PREPARED FOR: Poudre School District R-1 2407 Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80521-2297 SUBMITTED TO: City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 PREPARED BY.• Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2900 South College Avenue, Suite 3B Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (ACE Project No. C0PR116) March 7, 2000 ' F ii)IEA.(.opr/I61COPRi/6-RPT-REV. WPD Derembe, 20, 2001 ANdERSON CONSUITINCt ENGINEERS, INC Civil Water Resources Environmental ' March 7, 2000 Mr. Glen Schlueter City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins; CO 80521 ' RE: Stephens Street Parking Lot Drainage Study (ACE Project No. COPR116) ' Dear Glen: ' Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. is pleased to submit our report documenting the drainage evaluation for the Stephens Street Parking Lot. We have endeavored to address the issues raised in the City's Stormwater review comments dated October 7, 1999. All hydrologic modeling and hydraulic analysis documented herein was performed in accordance with the specifications set forth in the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual. ' If you have any questions or comments concerning any drainage issue related to this project, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ANDERS ON ING ENGINEERS, INC. Gre och, P.E. ' Pr t Manager 1 cc: Mr. Mike Spearnak, Poudre School District R-1 ' T.IOPEAICoprl161COPR116-LTR3.LVPD March 6, 2000 ' 2900 South College Avenue. Suite 3B • Fort Collins, CO • 80525 Phone: (970) 226-0120 • Fax: (970) 226-0121 • E-mail: mail@acewater.com TABLE OF CONTENTS iI. INTRODUCTION............................................1 ' 1.1 Background ........................................... 1 1.2 Previous Studies ........................................ 2 ' 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Study .................................. 2 II. HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS ............. 3 2.1 Previous Hydrologic Models ................................ 3 2.2 Preparation of the Existing Condition Hydrologic Model .............. 3 2.3 Results of the Existing Condition Hydrologic Analysis ................ 4 III. DESIGN OF THE PARKING LOT DETENTION POND .................. 5 ' 3.1 Design Intent ........................................... 5 3.2 Parking Lot Design/Hydrologic Characteristics .................... 5 IV. HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF PROPOSED CONDITIONS ............. 7 ' 4.1 Preparation of the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Model ............. 7 4.2 Results of the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Analysis ............... 7 ' 4.3 Floodplain Considerations .................................. 9 ' TABLES/APPENDICES TABLES Table 2.1 Summary of Results for the Existing Condition Hydrologic Analyses....... 4 Table 4.1 Summary of Results for the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Analyses. ..... 8 FIGURES ' Figure 4.1 Comparison of Existing and Proposed Ground along South Edge of Proposed Sidewalk ........................ 11 ' APPENDICES ' Appendix A: Documentation of Previous Studies Appendix A.1: Documentation for the "West Vine Drainage Basin Major Drainageway Plan," [EPI, 1980] . , T.-IOPEMCopr1161COPRI 16-RPT-REV. {VPD i March 6, 2000 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) ' Appendix A.2: Documentation for the "Final Drainage Plan for the Poudre School ' District R-1 Facility Services Site," [Lidstone & Anderson, 1996] Appendix A.3: Documentation for the "Final Drainage Plan for the Stephens Street ' Retention Pond Reconfiguration and Warehouse #4," [Lidstone & Anderson, 1997] ' Appendix A.4: Documentation for the "Hydrologic Model Update for the West Vine Basin Master Drainage Plan," [Lidstone & Anderson, 1998] ' Appendix A.5: Documentation for the "Transportation Office Grading and Drainage Plan, Poudre R-1 Facilities Site," [Anderson Consulting Engineers, 1999] Appendix B: Hydrologic Analyses of Existing Conditions Appendix B.1: Background Documentation and MODSWMM Modeling Details, Existing Conditions ' Appendix B.2: MODSWMM Input and Output for the 10-Year Event, Existing Conditions Appendix B.3: MODSWMM Input and Output for the 100-Year Event, Existing Conditions ' Appendix C: Design/Evaluation of the Parking Lot Detention Pond Appendix D: Hydrologic Analyses of Proposed Conditions ' Appendix D.1: Background Documentation and MODSWMM Modeling Details, Proposed Conditions ' Appendix D.2: MODSWMM Input and Output for the 10-Year Event, Proposed Conditions ' Appendix D.3: MODSWMM Input and Output for the 100-Year Event, Proposed Conditions L T. IOPEMCoprl 161COPRI 16-RPT-REV. WPD 1i March 6, 2000 ' I. INTRODUCTION ' 1.1 Background ' The Poudre School District R-1 Facility Services Site is located along the south side of Laporte Avenue, between Taft Hill Road and Overland Trail; the site is located within the West ' Vine Drainage Basin. The City of Fort Collins currently owns right-of-way along a short north - south corridor, south of Laporte Avenue (approximately 2,100 feet west of Taft Hill Road), known ' as Stephens Street. The street has not been developed and currently serves, with only one exception, property owned by the School District. The other property served by Stephens Street ' is one which is under contract and will eventually be owned by the School District. Consequently, this right-of-way is in the process of being abandoned by the City and purchased by the School District. The School District is proposing to develop a parking lot within and directly east of Stephens Street, which will be bounded by: a landscape area and sidewalk on the north (along ' Laporte Avenue); a landscape area along the east (adjacent to a small existing drainage channel which runs along the west side of the School District's Information Technology Center); an ' existing property, including a house, to the south; and the existing Stephens Street Retention Pond to the west. Proposed conditions associated with the parking lot will increase runoff from the site ' due to an increase in the impervious area. In addition, the School District anticipates the eventual rerouting, to the parking lot, runoff from two small areas south of the parking lot site. The School District is currently constructing curb and gutter along Laporte Avenue from the Information Technology Center (ITC) to their western property boundary. The curb and gutter will prevent offsite runoff from the west, which collects along Laporte Avenue, from entering the Facility Services Site. This runoff currently enters the site and contributes storm flows to the Stephens Street Retention Pond. ' The School District is also in the process of building a Transportation Office in the interior of the Facility Services Site, west of the Custodial Building. The grading associated with the ' Transportation Office will have a minor impact on internal drainage patterns within the site. The School District is proposing to mitigate potential adverse drainage impacts associated ' with development of the parking lot by incorporating detention within the parking lot. The analysis and design of the Stephens Street Parking Lot Detention Pond is the primary subject of this report. ' T IOPEMCoprl I61COPR116-RPT-REV. WPD I March 6, 2000 ' 1.2 Previous Studies ' The Facility Services Site and the West Vine Basin have been the subject of several previous studies. Specifically pertinent to the current study are the "West Vine Drainage Basin ' Major Drainageway Plan," [EPI, 1980]; the "Final Drainage Plan for the Poudre School District R-1 Facility Services Site," [LA, 1995; revised 1996]; the "Final Drainage Plan for the Stephens ' Street Retention Pond Reconfiguration and Warehouse #4," [LA, 1997], and the "Hydrologic Model Update for the West Vine Basin Master Drainage Plan," [LA, 1998]. In addition, the ' recently completed "Transportation Office Grading and Drainage Plan, Poudre R-1 Facilities Site, [ACE, 1999] carries with it minor implications concerning changes to internal drainage patterns ' within the facilities site. 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Study ' The primary purpose of the current study is to evaluate and design the Stephens Street Parking Lot Detention Pond in order to minimize the potential for both downstream and onsite hydrologic impacts. The scope of the current study includes: (a) the evaluation of existing hydrologic conditions for the project area and adjacent areas tributary to Laporte Avenue; (b) the design of detention facilities associated with the parking lot; (c) the evaluation of proposed hydrologic conditions to verify that potential impacts to downstream areas, as well as onsite facilities and structures, are minimized; and (d) the evaluation of floodplain impacts within the West Vine Basin. 11 ' T.IOPEMCoprl/61COPRll6-RPT-REV.{VPD 2 March 6. 2000 I l 1 0 [I [_1 r H. HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Previous Hydrologic Models A SWMM model was prepared for the entire West Vine Basin as part of the 1980 West Vine Master Drainage Plan; this model encompassed the Facility Services Site. The 1980 basin map is included in the documentation provided for the Master Plan in Appendix A.1. A master plan of proposed drainage improvements for the Facility Services Site was completed by Lidstone & Anderson in 1996. As part of that study, a SWMM model was prepared which included the portions of the 1980 Master Plan SWMM model upstream of the site, as well as a detailed hydrologic description of the Facilities Site itself. The 1996 study included preliminary design information for the Stephens Street Retention Pond. Upstream and onsite basin maps, as well as a schematic of the 1996 hydrologic model, are provided in Appendix A.2. In 1997, Lidstone & Anderson finalized the design of the Stephens Street Retention Pond, in conjunction with the preparation of a grading and drainage plan associated with the construction of Warehouse #4. Pursuant to the site changes proposed as part of the 1997 study, it was necessary to revise internal basin boundaries within the Facilities Site. Consequently, the 1996 SWMM model was modified as documented in the letter report, "Final Drainage Plan for the Stephens Street Retention Pond Reconfiguration and Warehouse #4," [LA, 1997]. The revised basin map and SWMM input file, as prepared for the 1997 study, are provided in Appendix A.3. It is noted that the basin schematic did not change as a result of the 1997 drainage plan. The West Vine Master Plan hydrologic model was updated in 1998 by Lidstone & Anderson. Inflow locations to the facilities site did not change as part of the SWMM model update, but the magnitude of inflows increased significantly. The 1998 West Vine Basin SWMM input file, schematic, and basin map are provided in Appendix A.4. 2.2 Preparation of the Existing Condition Hydrologic Model For the current study, the Warehouse #4 SWMM model was revised to reflect existing conditions and current City criteria as follows: (a) the City's recently revised 100-year rainfall (total 2-hour depth of 3.67 inches) was employed; (b) the 1998 West Vine SWMM model was incorporated for offsite tributary areas; (c) onsite hydrologic parameters for roughness, surface storage and infiltration, as defined for the 1998 West Vine study, were utilized; (d) numbering for the onsite subbasins and conveyance elements was revised to accommodate the 1998 West Vine model numbering scheme; (e) an onsite subbasin was delineated which represents the existing area L T.,10PENICopr1161C0PR1 16-RPT-REV IVPD 3 March 6, 2000 tributary to the proposed parking lot outlet; (f) subbasin boundaries were re -delineated in response to detailed existing topography in the vicinity of the parking lot (prepared by The Engineering Company for the current project), detailed existing grading directly south of the Transportation Office site, and curb and gutter currently being installed along Laporte Avenue by the School tDistrict. Details associated with preparation of the revised existing condition SWMM model are ' provided in Appendix B. A revised existing condition onsite basin map and complete model schematic are also provided in Appendix B. 2.3 Results of the Existing Condition Hydrologic Analysis MODSWMM was used to evaluate the revised existing condition for both the 10- and 100- ' year events. Selected results of the proposed condition hydrologic analyses are summarized in Table 2.1. C i n 1 From the information provided in the table, it is apparent that the total 100-year runoff which reaches Laporte Avenue at the east end of the Facilities Site is 552 cfs; while the 100-year runoff from the area which is currently tributary to the proposed parking lot is 2.4 cfs. Finally, the 100-year runoff volume which enters the Retention Pond is 1.47 acre-feet. Table 2.1 Summary of Results for the Existing Condition Hydrologic Analyses. Description 10-Year Event 100-Year Event Total Flow at Laporte Avenue, East end of Facilities Site (cfs) 92 552 Peak Runoff from Area Tributary to Parking Lot Outlet (cfs) 0.8 2.4 Runoff Volume Entering Retention Pond (acre-feet) 0.61 1 1.47 IT-IOPEMCoprl l 61COPRl l6-RPT-RER{VPD 4 Mach 6. 2000 I 0 1 0 1 1 III. DESIGN OF THE PARKING LOT DETENTION POND 3.1 Design Intent The design of the Stephens Street Parking Lot Detention Pond is intended to detain the ultimate condition 100-year runoff (including the two areas to the south of the parking), and release flows at a rate to not exceed the 100-year existing condition peak flow leaving the site. The design also intends to minimize potential adverse impacts downstream of the parking lot by ensuring no increase in the combined runoff from the Facilities Site and upstream, offsite areas. In addition, the design seeks to create a no adverse hydrologic condition for the Stephens Street Retention Pond. With regard to emergency operation, the Parking Lot Detention Pond design intends to: (a) provide an emergency spillway between the Retention Pond and the parking lot to allow passage of the 100-year runoff which enters the Retention Pond without adversely impacting adjacent structures; and (b) provide an emergency spillway along the northern perimeter of the parking lot to allow passage of the 100-year runoff which enters both the parking lot and Retention Pond without adversely impacting adjacent structures. ' 3.2 Parking Lot Design/Hydrologic Characteristics In order to accomplish the design goals defined above, the parking lot design includes the following features: (a) a concrete chase outlet for conveying normal flows out of the parking lot to the downstream end of the existing channel to the east, and onto Laporte Avenue (the existing outfall location); (b) a sidewalk along the northern perimeter of the parking lot (along Laporte Avenue) which will serve as an emergency spillway for the parking lot; (c) a defined grade break along the western perimeter of the parking lot which will serve to separate the Retention Pond from the parking lot while providing an emergency spillway for the Retention Pond (if an emergency situation occurs for both the Retention Pond and the Parking Lot Pond, detained runoff in both ponds will commingle and outflows will be directed to Laporte Avenue via the sidewalk emergency spillway); (d) a landscaping berm along the eastern perimeter of the parking lot to provide protection for the adjacent ITC building; and TIOPENICoprl 161COPR116-RPT-REV IVPD 5 March 6. 2000 I 1 (e) proposed grading that transitions up to existing ground along the southern perimeter of the parking lot to allow runoff from the property to the south to continue to enter the parking 1 lot area. 1 The physical features of the Parking Lot Detention Pond are provided on the design drawings prepared by The Engineering Company (TEC); the grading and drainage plan prepared by TEC is enclosed with this report. Preparation of the stage -storage -discharge curve for the 1 Parking Lot Pond is documented in Appendix C. The hydraulic evaluation of the emergency spillways is also provided in Appendix C. 1 i 1 LI 1 1 1 1 FI 1 1 1 1 1 Z-IOPEMCopr/l61COPRI 16-RPT-REV.{YPD 6 Mach 6, 2000 IV. HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF PROPOSED CONDITIONS ' 4.1 Preparation of the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Model The existing condition hydrologic model documented in Chapter 2 was revised to reflect proposed conditions by incorporating the following changes. ' (a) Due to the grading associated with the new Transportation Office, a portion of the basin which drains to the path north of the bus barn (south of the warehouses) was transferred to the basin which is tributary to the Retention Pond. (b) Pursuant to the proposed parking lot grading plan, a portion of the basin which currently drains to the Retention Pond was incorporated into the basin which is tributary to the parking lot. ' (c) In response to the ultimate condition which is anticipated by the School District, the area along the north side of the Food Services Warehouse, and the area between the Food Services Warehouse and the ITC, were both incorporated into the basin which is tributary to the parking lot. I(d) The storage -discharge rating curve for the Parking Lot Detention Pond was incorporated into the model. ' Details associated with preparation of the proposed condition SWMM model are provided in Appendix D. A proposed condition onsite basin map and complete model schematic are also provided in Appendix D. ' 4.2 Results of the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Analysis ' MODSWMM was used to evaluate the proposed condition for both the 10- and 100-year events. Selected results of the proposed condition hydrologic analyses are summarized in Table ' 4.1. Comparing the results of the proposed condition analyses to those conducted for existing conditions, the following conclusions can be drawn. ' (a) The 100-year release from the Parking Lot Detention Pond will be less than the 100-year ' existing condition outflow from the site. (b) The total 100-year discharge at Laporte Avenue (from the combined onsite and offsite ' upstream sources) will equal the existing 100-year discharge at that location. ' T..*IOPEMCopr1161COPR1l6-RPT-REV. IVPD 7 March 6,2000 (c) The 100-year water surface elevation in the Parking Lot Detention Pond will be slightly lower than 5072.5 feet, NGVD which is 0.1 feet lower than the crest of the emergency ' spillway, this corresponds to a 100-year ponding depth in the parking lot of 1.0 feet. ' (d) Over 1.5 feet of freeboard will be provided along the eastern landscape berm, while approximately 1 foot of freeboard will be provided for the existing house south of the parking lot (per TEC, finished floor elevation is approximately 5073.5 ft, NGVD). ' (e) The 10-year release from the pond will be slightly higher than the 10-year outflow from the site, however, the total 10-year discharge at Laporte Avenue will be slightly lower than ' exhibited for existing conditions. [_I 1 (f) The runoff volume entering the Retention Pond during the 100-year event will be equal for both existing and proposed conditions, while the runoff volume entering the Retention Pond during the 10-year event will be slightly lower for proposed conditions, as compared to existing conditions. Table 4.1 Summary of Results for the Proposed Condition Hydrologic Analyses. Description 10-Year Event 100-Year Event Total Flow.at Laporte Avenue, East end of Facilities Site (cfs) 91 552 Peak Release from the Parking Lot Detention Pond (cfs) 1.2 2.0 Runoff Volume Entering Retention Pond (acre-feet) 1 0.60 1.47 As referenced in Section 3.2, an additional evaluation of the hydraulic operation of the emergency spillways was conducted. That evaluation was conducted assuming no available storage in either the Retention Pond or the Parking Lot Pond at the beginning of rainfall for the 100-year event, no attenuation of runoff in either of the ponds, and no outflow through the concrete chase which serves the Parking Lot Detention Pond. The results of this evaluation indicate that the'total 100-year discharge entering the Parking Lot Detention Pond of 6.3 cfs would pass through the sidewalk emergency spillway at an elevation of 5072.8 feet, NGVD. Furthermore, the total 100-year discharge entering both the Retention Pond and Parking Lot Detention Pond of 49.2 cfs can be passed over the sidewalk emergency spillway at an elevation of 5073.1 feet, NGVD. This elevation is approximately 0.4 feet lower than the finished T..-IOPEMCoprl 161COPRI 16-RPT-REV IVPD 8 March 6, ?000 floor elevation of the house located south of the parking lot and 0.2 feet lower than the lowest ' adjacent finished floor elevation of 5073.3 feet, NGVD for Warehouse #3. Finally, it was determined that the total 100-year discharge of 42.9 cfs entering the Retention Pond would pass through the driveway emergency spillway at an elevation of 5073.35 ' feet, NGVD. This is slightly higher than the Warehouse #3 finished floor elevation of 5073.3 feet, NGVD; at that elevation, a total of 38.9 cfs (or approximately 90 percent of the 100-year ' discharge) could pass through the driveway emergency spillway. It is noted that flood proofing has been provided by the School District for Warehouse #3; however, nearly the entire 100-year ' runoff entering the Retention Pond can pass over the driveway emergency spillway prior to encroaching into the warehouse. Due to detention storage requirements in the parking lot and other site constraints, this represents an optimized design which meets all design criteria except for complete 100-year protection for Warehouse #3 under emergency operating conditions. 4.3 Floodplain Considerations ' The project site is located within a floodplain defined as part of the 1980 West Vine Master ' Drainage Plan; floodplain -mapping and HEC-2 output from the Master Plan are provided in Appendix A.1. An evaluation of the previous HEC-2 analysis revealed the following: ' (a) in general, the previous hydraulic analysis was not conducted at a level of detail necessary to accurately evaluate a small-scale project such as that which is currently proposed; ' (b) the defined cross sections do not appear to accurately reflect drainage patterns in the vicinity of Laporte Avenue and the project site (i.e., the centerline of Laporte Avenue ' appears to be a flow obstruction that should have been modeled with a cross section, or at least a portion of a cross section); ' (c) cross section geometry within the current project site did not accurately represent the flow obstruction caused by the existing houses and garages; the buildings in the vicinity of ' Cross Section Q2 (shown on Sheet 42 of the 1980 Master Plan) represent an obstruction of nearly 35 percent of the frontage indicated for Cross Section Q2, however, the house and garage were not represented in the Master Plan HEC-2 model; (d) the hydrologic basis for the previous HEC-2 analyses was the old Master Plan hydrology, which lacks detail in the current area of concern and is significantly different than the ' current hydrology; and (e) flows for Reach Q (which encompasses the current project area) were determined as flow ' splits from Reach R using a manual analytical process. ' TIOPEMCoprl 161COPR116-RPT-REV. IYPD 9 Varch 6, 2000 In summary, it would require a significant effort to bring the previous HEC-2 model up ' to current modeling standards, using current hydrologic information, with a sufficient level of detail necessary to provide a meaningful comparison between pre -project and post -project conditions. Consequently, a variance is requested to forego the requisite detailed hydraulic ' analysis based on the following information: I(a) as part of the current project, the house and garage which represented a significant obstruction for Cross Section Q2 (identified above) have been removed; t (b) the existing ground within the parking lot will be lowered an average of more than 0.5 feet; ' (c) as shown in Figure 4.1, the profile of the proposed south edge of the sidewalk along the north side of the parking lot will be elevated above existing ground an average of 4.2 ' inches; (d) as is also shown in the figure, the profile of the proposed south edge of the sidewalk along ' the north side of the parking lot will be elevated above the existing centerline of Laporte Avenue an average of 3.9 inches; I(e) based on the previous HEC-2 model, the 100-year water surface elevation in the current project area is approximately 5073.91 ft, NGVD (based on Cross Section Q2); and I(f) based on proposed conditions for the current study, the 100-year water surface elevation in the parking lot would be 5072.46 ft, NGVD, a reduction of nearly 1.5 feet. 11 1 ' T.10PENICopr1/61COPRI I6-RPT-REV. IVPD 10 Mach 7, 7000 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 5078 WEST EAST I I I I ' APPENDIX A DOCUMENTATION OF PREVIOUS STUDIES r 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' T. IOPEMCoprl 161COPRl16-RPT. WPD September 14, 1999 I APPENDIX A.1 DOCUMENTATION FOR THE "WEST VINE DRAINAGE BASIN MAJOR DRAINAGE WAY PLAN, " [EPI, 19801 1 1 I ' T:IOPEMCopr1161COPR116-RPT;VPD September 14, 1999 11 I WEST VINE DRAINAGE BASIN MAJOR DRAINAGEWAY PLAN December, 1980 Prepared For: City of Fort Collins and the Colorado Water Conservation Board Prepared By: Engineering Professionals, Inc. IF I s i - c^ OWM ours ci N ro a �- �! I rn LW ir ,�:: �--'��'•,.' it 17 ra�, I _ Am (nm �.� La py li Z T. o Tar,Z. I wo i...... y .....p 1 . / `1114.7 l�Vl b -:x Cox 0 V� m oro m . - I•L--•r�' Jam= . - - A DaZ y � _. _- v: :��:. � -�-st .=t,.}� c�- _, �.•� Ch •t �. 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"3¢'r• '3 a- � / --� / { ^y _. t. �._ : ��; ss. j+'f {- -�-1� I'y�l• _ _ ' :a� - -10 WF i. • i v - t t `.� J ' J � .✓ A POUDRE H46 OL ' j�-f %K'�/ ..1 `'� �- •y r�� -- - C' �, :i �o� a "4o r...- - - o- 3a :%•.-. si� r �-s f - -�' V. - • \, ♦ `\ - � _ _ .. i. � -� � � -t., -yam 1 -`' `' }< . t%�:J".. `\\ �_ � ` Cam\ _8> •2_ \�4\ r r d� -r - _ _ :c _ s .rt si.- -, l .� % � � ��\.� \ •� ` �,.��r _ ~ _ - _� ^-ice' �� dry, ,.t _��- ' •P '� - v i -- :LiEVT TiT_E SHEET e �� _ _ -'��`� 121, gad CITY OF FORT COLLINS , COLORADO 100 YEAR FLOODPL.AIN V 42 FI G U R Er 9 Fi L.L . a>wVIS0�1c • a * HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES # * Version 4.6.2; May 1991 * * RUN DATE 29JUL94 TIME 14:25:46 ' 29JUL94 14:25:46 }Z Z ocsl t�vr FAR O3T \/,.Ic X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX x x x x x x x x X x X x XXXXXXX XXXX X XXXXX xxxxx x x x x x x X X x x x X X XXXXXXX xxxxx xxxxxxx #**x#############***#***x*xxx#x#x##** �EC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 *******###***#*#x###x###****#****x#x T1 2 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 2 yr existing J1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q ' 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0. NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW 1 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 VARIABLE CODES FOR SUMMARY PRINTOUT 150 'C .045 .045 .045 .0 .50 QT 12 7 25 48 98 145 253 175 266 428 �T 1 1.0 5.0 .0 180.0 .0 .0 .0 X3 5072.1 .0 5072.0 20.0 5072.0 78.0 5072.0 .055 .055 .055 .0 .50 1 2.0 5.0 1.0 305.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 5075.0 .0 5074.0 50.0 5072.7 165.0 5074.0' * U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS * HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER * 609 SECOND STREET, SUITE D * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616-4687 * (916) 756-1104 *#*#*#**x*#xx****#xx**#*#****##xxxx***x PAGE 1 THIS RUN EXECUTED 29JUL94 14:25:46 WSEL FQ 5072.11 0 CHNIM ITRACE .0 .0 30 84 124 .0 .0 10.0 180.0 5082.0 180.0 .0 .0 10.0 305.0 5084.0 305.0 NC .045 .045 .045 .0 .50 X1 3.0 5.0 .0 480.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 .0 .0 X3 GR 5076.0 .0 5074.0 100.0 5073.2 300.0 5074.0 480.0 5084.0 NC .035 .035 .035 .0 .50 X1 4.0 7.0 .0 774.0 370.0 370.0 370.0 .0 .0 X3 GR 5076.7 .0 5076.7 34.0 5076.2 82.0 5075.6 374.0 5076.0 GR 5076.9 681.0 5076.8 774.0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 QLOB OCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 1 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .01 FEET 1.000 .11 5072.11 .00 5072.11 5072.11 .00 .00 .00 5072.10 7.0 .0 7.0 .0 .0 18.8 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 .37 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .002599 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .23 2.000 .23 5072.93 .00 .00 5072.96 .03 .83 .01 5075.00 7.0 .0 7.0 .0 .0 4.9 .0 .0 .3 5084.00 .02 .00 1.42 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 145.17 .051156 120. 120. 120. 4 0 0 .00 43.97 189.14 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 5.13 3.000 .27 5073.47 .00 .00 5073.48 .00 .52 .00 5076.00 7.0 .0 7.0 .0 .0 18.0 .0 .1 .5 5084.00 .09 .00 .39 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 231.14 .001947 95. 95. 95. 6 0 0 .00 130.84 361.98 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .11 5075.71 5075.71 .00 5075.74 .03 1.98 .01 5076.70 7.0 .0 7.0 .0 .0 5.3 .0 .2 1.5 5076.80 .17 .00 1.32 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 320.07 .045900 370. 370. 370. 9 18 0 .00 95.51 415.58 10.0 480.0 10.0 524.0 PAGE 2 29JUL94 14:25:46 11 5 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 W. Vine Basin Reach O 5 yr existing J1 ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO ' 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.17 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE ' 2 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 'O GLOB OCH OROB ALOE ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROS XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 1ROF 2 0 HV= .000 CEHV= .500 ECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .07 FEET ' 1.000 .17 5072.17 .00 5072.17 5072.18 .01 .00 .00 5072.10 25.0 .0 25.0 .0 .0 29.6 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 .84 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 ' .007287 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 ECNO 2.000 2.000 .49 5073.19 .00 .00 5073.21 .02 1.02 .00 5075.00 25.0 .0 25.0 .0 .0 23.5 .0 .1 .4 5084.00 03 .00 1.06 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 121.71 .010151 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 95.98 217.70 HV= .000 CEHV= .500 ECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.04 ' 3.000 .42 5073.62 .00 .00 5073.63 .01 .42 .00 5076.00 25.0 .0 25.0 .0 .0 43.1 .0 .1 .7 5084.00 '08 .00 .58 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073,20 193,53 .002431 95. 95. 95. 1 0 0 .00 202.30 395.82 'CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 4.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .28 ' 4.000 ' .19 5075.79 .00 .00 5075.83 .04 2.19 .02 5076.70 25.0 .0 25.0 .0 .0 16.0 .0 .4 2.3 5076.80 14 .00 1,56 .10 .000 .031 .000 .001 5175.60 280,15 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 .030524 370. 370. 370. 3 0 0 .00 166.19 446.34 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 10 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach 0 10 yr existing J1 ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS 0 WSEL FO 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.24 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 3 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 3 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .14 FEET 1.000 .24 5072.24 .00 5072.24 5072.26 ..02 .00 .00 5072.10 48.0 .0 48.0 .0 .0 42.2 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 1.14 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .008204 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 .63 5073.33 .00 .00 5073.35 .02 1.09 .00 5075.00 48.0 .0 48.0 .0 .0 38.4 .0 .1 .4 5084.00 .03 .00 1.25 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 109.62 .010054 120. 120. 120. 4 0 0 .00 122.81 232.42 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRAT10 = 2.07 3.000 .55 5073.75 .00 .00 5073.75 .01 .40 .00 5076.00 48.0 .0 48.0 .0 .0 71.3 .0 .2 .8 5084.00 .07 .00 .67 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 163.00 .002336 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 260.29 423.30 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .28 4.000 .25 5075.85 .00 .00 5075.90 .05 2.12 .02 5076.70 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 48.0 .0 48.0 .0 .0 26.1 .0 .6 2.8 5076.80 .12 .00 1.84 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 254.25 .030677 370. 370. 370. 3 0 0 .00 212.05 466.31 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 25 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt, profile 1994 W. Vine Basin Reach.0 1 25 yr existing J1 ICHECK INa NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS 0 WSEL FQ ' 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.34 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE ' 4 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 'SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG IV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 OLOB OCH aROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST RROF 4 0 IHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .24 FEET ' 1.000 .34 5072.34 .00 5072.34 5072.38 .04 .00 .00 5072.10 98.0 .0 98.0 .0 .0 60.2 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 00 .00 1.63 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072,00 .00 .010531 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 HV= .000 CEHV= .500 ECNO 2.000 2.000 .83 5073.53 .00 .00 5073.56 .03 1.18 .00 5075.00 98.0 .0 98.0 .0 .0 67.8 .0 .2 .5 5084.00 '02 .00 1.44 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 91.43 .009217 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 163.13 254.56 HV= .000 CEHV= .500 ECNO 3.000 02 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.07 3.000 .72 5073.92 .00 .00 5073.93 .01 .37 .00 5076.00 98.0 .0 98.0 .0 .0 125.7 .0 .4 1.0 5084.00 '06 .00 .78 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 118.07 .002145 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 345.67 463.74 �HV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 1720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED PAGE 7 PAGE 8 4.000 .32 5075.92 5075.92 .00 5076.00 .08 2.01 .03 5076.70 98.0 .0 98.0 .0 .0 43.4 .0 1.1 3.7 5076.80 .10 .00 2.26 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 219.57 032927 370. 370. 370. 4 18 0 .00 273.48 493.05 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 50 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 50 yr existing J1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q WSEL FO 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.42 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 5 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q OLOB OCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 5 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .32 FEET 1.000 .42 5072.42 .00 5072.42 5072.48 .06 .00 .00 5072.10 145.0 .0 145.0 .0 .0 74.6 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 1.94 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .011282 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 .96 5073.66 .00 .00 5073.70 .04 1.22 .00 5075.00 145.0 .0 145.0 .0 .0 91.0 .0 .2 .5 5084.00 .02 .00 1.59 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 79.77 .009204 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 189.00 268.76 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.15 3.000 .84 5074.04 .00 .00 5074.05 .01 .35 .00 5076.00 145.0 .0 145.0 .0 .0 169.3 .0 .5 1.1 5084.00 .05 .00 .86 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 97.73 .001994 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 382.27 480.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY PAGE 9 PAGE 10 1720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .37 5075.97 5075.97 .00 5076.06 .09 1.88 .04 5076.70 ' 145.0 .0 145.0 .0 .0 59.2 .0 1.5 4.1 5076,80 .09 .00 2.45 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 193.67 .031532 370. 370. 370. 4 15 0 .00 319.34 513.01 29JUL94 14:25:46 �1 100 year flood event, existing land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan 2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 3 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 100 yr existing '1 ICHECK IND NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS a WSEL Fa 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.54 0 1 2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 6 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ' 29JUL94 14:25:46 ' SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV D GLOB OCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA ' SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST PROF 6 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 1.000 280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .44 FEET 1.000 .54 5072.54 .00 5072.54 5072.65 .11 .00 .00 5072.10 ' 253.0 .0 253.0 .0 .0 96.2 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 2.63 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .014728 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 ICHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 1.21 5073.91 .00 .00 5073.96 .05 1.31 .00 5075.00 253.0 .0 253.0 .0 .0 142.8 .0 .3 .6 5084.00 .02 .00 1.77 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 58.25 .008437 120. 120. 120. 4 0 0 .00 236.70 294.95 'CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 1302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.23 ' 3.000 1.05 5174.25 .00 .00 5074,27 .02 .31 .00 5176.00 253.0 .0 253.0 .0 .0 251.0 .0 .8 1.3 5084.00 .04 .00 1.01 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 87.18 .001694 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 392.82 480.00 �CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .46 5076.06 5076.06 .00 5076.18 .12 1.62 .05 5076.70 253.0 .0 253.0 .0 .0 91.5 .0 2.2 4.6 5076.80 .08 .00 2.76 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 149.24 .028829 370. 370. 370. 6 15 0 .00 385.58 534.82 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 2 year flood event, developed Land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach O 2 yr developed J1 ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.19 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 7 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV O OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOS VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 7 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .09 FEET 1.000 .19 5072.19 .00 5072.19 5072.20 .01 .00 .00 5072.10 30.0 .0 30.0 .0 .0 33.2 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 .90 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .007155 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 .52 5073.22 .00 .00 5073.24 .02 1.03 .00 5075.00 30.0 .0 30.0 .0 .0 26.6 .0 .1 .4 5084.00 .03 .00 1.13 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 118.95 .010507 120. 120. 120. 2 0 0 .00 102.11 221.06 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.07 3.000 .46 5073.66 .00 .00 5073.66 .01 .42 .00 5076.00 30.0 .0 30.0 .0 .0 49.2 .0 .2 .7 5084.00 .07 .00 .61 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 186.20 .002455 95. 95. 95. 3 0 0 .00 216.21 402.42 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 KSECNO 4.000 �302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .29 4.000 .21 5075.81 .00 .00 5075.85 .04 2.17 .02 5076.70 30.0 .0 30.0 .0 .0 18.9 .0 .5 2.4 5076.80 14 .00 1.59 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 272.07 .028298 370. 370. 370. 3 0 0 .00 180.50 452.57 1 ' 29JUL94 14:25:46 1 5 year flood event, developed land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan 2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 3 W. Vine Basin Reach O 5 yr developed '1 ICHECK ING NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS 0 WSEL FO 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.31 0 '2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 8 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ' 29JUL94 14:25:46 'SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV 0 GLOB OCH GROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA ' SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 8 1 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .21 FEET 1.000 .31 5072.31 .00 5072.31 5072.35 .04 .00 .00 5072.10 ' 84.0 .0 84.0 .0 .0 54.8 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 1.53 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .010556 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 'CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 .78 5073.48 .00 .00 5073.51 .03 1.16 .00 5075.00 84.0 .0 84.0 .0 .0 61.1 .0 .2 .5 5084.00 .02 .00 1.38 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 95.19 .008957 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 154.80 249.99 ICHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 1302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.01 3.000 .68 5073.88 .00 .00 5073.89 .01 .38 .00 5076.00 84.0 .0 84.0 .0 .0 110.5 .0 .3 1.0 5084.00 .06 .00 .76 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 129.43 .002223 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 324.09 453.52 1 PAGE 15 PAGE 16 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .26 4.000 .31 5075.91 5075.90 .00 5075.98 .07 2.06 .03 5076.70 84.0 .0 84.0 .0 .0 39.0 .0 1.0 3.5 5076.80 .11 .00 2.16 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 227.64 .032218 370. 370. 370. 5 15 0 .00 259.18 486.82 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 10 year flood event, developed land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 10 yr developed J1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q WSEL FQ 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.39 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 9 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 9 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .29 FEET 1.000 .39 5072.39 .00 5072.39 5072.44 .05 .00 .00 5072.10 124.0 .0 124.0 .0 .0 69.2 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 1.79 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .010575 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 .90 5073.60 .00 .00 5073.64 .04 1.20 .00 5075.00 124.0 .0 124.0 .0 .0 80.1 .0 .2 .5 5084.00 .02 .00 1.55 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 85.04 .009461 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 177.31 262.35 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.13 3.000 .80 5074.00 .00 .00 5074.01 .01 .37 .00 5076.00 124.0 .0 124.0 .0 .0 151.4 .0 .5 1.1 5084.00 .05 .00 .82 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 100.37 PAGE 17 PAGE 18 ' .002093 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 379.30 479.67 �CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY �720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .35 5075.95 5075.95 .00 5076.04 .09 1.98 .04 5076.70 124.0 .0 124.0 .0 .0 51.6 .0 1.3 4.0 5076.80 .10 .00 2.40 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 205.55 .033167 370. 370. 370. 3 14 0 .00 298.31 503.85 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 25 year flood event, developed land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan �2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 3 W. Vine Basin Reach O 25 yr developed J1 ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO ' 0 11 0 0 0 0 .0 0. 5072.47 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE ' 10 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 ' 29JUL94 14:25:46 'SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV O OLDS OCH OROS ALOB ACH ARCS VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROS XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST IPROF10 0 1CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 33280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .37 FEET 1.000 .47 5072.47 .00 5072.47 5072.54 .07 .00 .00 5072.10 175.0 .0 175.0 .0 .0 83.6 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 2.09 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .011225 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 �CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 2.000 2.000 1.03 5073.73 .00 .00 5073.77 .04 1.23 .00 5075.00 175.0 .0 175.0 .0 .0 103.8 .0 .3 .5 5084.00 '02 .00 1.69 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 73.98 .009444 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 201.84 275.81 ICHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 3.000 �302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.24 3.000 .90 5074.10 .00 .00 5074.11 .01 .34 .00 5076.00 175.0 .0 175.0 .0 .0 193.4 .0 .6 1.2 5084.00 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 .05 .00 .90 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 94.58 .001882 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 385.42 480.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .40 5076.00 5076.00 .00 5076.10 .10 1.80 .04 5076.70 175.0 .0 175.0 .0 .0 68.4 .0 1.7 4.3 5076.80 .09 .00 2.56 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 180.13 .031215 370. 370. 370. 4 18 0 .00 343.33 523.45 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 T1 50 year flood event, developed land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan T2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 50 yr developed J1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q WSEL FQ 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5072.58 0 J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC I8W CHNIM ITRACE 11 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q OLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WIN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF11 0 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 1.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .48 FEET 1.000 .58 5072.58 .00 5072.58 5072.68 .10 .00 .00 5072.10 266.0 .0 266.0 .0 .0 103.4 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 2.57 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .012804 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 1.21 5073.91 .00 .00 5073.96 .05 1.28 .00 5075.00 266.0 .0 266.0 .0 .0 144.9 .0 .3 .6 5084.00 .02 .00 1.84 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 57.47 .008972 120. 120. 120. 3 0 0 .00 238.43 295.90 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.25 3.000 1.06 5074.26 .00 .00 5074.28 .02 .32 .00 5076.00 PAGE 21 PAGE 22 �. 266.0 .0 266.0 .0 .0 255.4 .0 .8 1.35084.00 .04 .00 1.04 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 86.62 .001770 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 393.38 480.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 4.000 185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .47 5076.07 5076.07 .00 5076.19 .12 1.67 .05 5076.70 ' 266.0 .0 266.0 .0 .0 95.7 .0 2.3 4.6 5076.80 .08 .00 2.78 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 144.01 .028137 370. 370. 370. 4 15 0 .00 392.68 536.69 t29JUL94 14:25:46 01 100 year flood event, developed land use; Data from EPI, 1980 Master Plan 2 Data input to PC HEC-2 in 1993, revised for mutt. profile 1994 T3 W. Vine Basin Reach Q 100 yr developed '1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q WSEL FQ 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0. 5172.73 0 I2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW CHNIM ITRACE 15 0.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 29JUL94 14:25:46 ' SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV 'TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST IPROF12 0CHV= .000 CEHV= .500 SECNO 1.000 280 CROSS SECTION 1.00 EXTENDED .63 FEET '1.000 .73 5072.73 .00 5072.73 5072.90 .17 .00 .00 5072.10 428.0 .0 428.0 .0 .0 130.4 .0 .0 .0 5082.00 .00 .00 3.28 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5072.00 .00 .015339 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 .00 180.00 180.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 �SECNO 2.000 2.000 1.45 5074.15 .00 .00 5074.22 .07 1.32 .00 5075.00 428.0 .0 428.0 .0 .0 205.0 .0 .5 .6 5084.00 .02 .00 2.09 .00 .000 .055 .000 .000 5072.70 42.41 .008311 120. 120. 120. 4 0 0 .00 262.59 305.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 ,SECNO 3.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.22 PAGE 23 PAGE 24 3.000 1.30 5074.50 .00 .00 5074.53 .02 .30 .00 5076.00 428.0 .0 428.0 .0 .0 349.2 .0 1.1 1.3 5084.00 .04 .00 1.23 .00 .000 .045 .000 .000 5073.20 74.88 .001682 95. 95. 95. 4 0 0 .00 405.12 480.00 CCHV= .000 CEHV= .500 *SECNO 4.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 .56 5076.16 5076.16 .00 5076.32 .16 1.61 .07 5076.70 428.0 .0 428.0 .0 .0 134.3 .0 3.1 5.0 5076.80 .07 .00 3.19 .00 .000 .035 .000 .000 5075.60 99.58 .028485 370. 370. 370. 5 18 0 .00 453.04 552.62 a 29JUL94 14:25:46 HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 PAGE 25 THIS RUN EXECUTED 29JUL94 14:26:10 NOTE- ASTERISK (*) AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTION NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST W. Vine Basin Reach O SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 * SECNO XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN 0 CWSEL CRIWS EG 10*KS VCH 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 7.00 5072.11 .00 5072.11 25.99 .37 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 25.00 5072.17 .00 5072.18 72.87 .84 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 48.00 5072.24 .00 5072.26 82.04 1.14 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 98.00 5072.34 .00 5072.38 105.31 1.63 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 145.00 5072.42 .00 5072.48 112.82 1.94 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 253.00 5072.54 .00 5072.65 147.28 2.63 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 30.00 5072.19 .00 5072.20 71.55 .90 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 84.00 5072.31. .00 5072.35 105.56 1.53 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 124.00 5072.39 .00 5072.44 105.75 1.79 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 175.00 5072.47 .00 5072.54 112.25 2.09 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 266.00 5072.58 .00 5072.68 128.04 2.57 1.000 .00 .00 .00 5072.00 428.00 5072.73 .00 5072.90 153.39 3.28 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 7.00 5072.93 .00 5072.96 511.56 1.42 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 25.00 5073.19 .00 5073.21 101.51 1.06 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 48.00 5073.33 .00 5073.35 100.54 1.25 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 98.00 5073.53 .00 5073.56 92.17 1.44 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 145.00 5073.66 .00 5073.70 92.04 1.59 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 253.00 5073.91 .00 5073.96 84.37 1.77 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 30.00 5073.22 .00 5073.24 105.07 1.13 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 84.00 5073.48 .00 5073.51 89.57 1.38 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 124.00 5073.60 .00 5073.64 94.61 1.55 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 175.00 5073.73 .00 5073.77 94.44 1.69 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 266.00 5073.91 .00 5073.96 89.72 1.84 2.000 120.00 .00 .00 5072.70 428.00 5074.15 .00 5074.22 83.11 2.09 AREA .01K, 18.77 1.37 29.58 2.91 42.24 5.3 60.17 9.55 74.58 13.6ill 96.21 20.8 33.19 3.5 54.81 8.18 69.22 12.0 83.64 16.5 103.41 23.5Tw 130.40 34.56 4.93 .3 ' 23.48 2.48 38.44 4.79 67.83 10.21 91.04 15.1 142.80 27.54 26.58 2.9jo 61.07 8.8 80.13 12. 103.82 18.01 144.88 28.0a 205.02 46.9 F 29JUL94 14:25:46 PAGE 26 SECNO XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN D CWSEL CRIWS EG 10*KS VCH AREA .01K * 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 7.00 5073.47 .00 5073.48 19.47 .39 18.02 1.59 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 25.00 5073.62 .00 5073.63 24.31 .58 43.07 5.07 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 48.00 5073.75 .00 5073.75 23.36 .67 71.30 9.93 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 98.00 5073.92 .00 5073.93 21.45 .78 125.74 21.16 * 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 145.00 5074.04 .00 5074.05 19.94 .86 169.27 32.47 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 253.00 5074.25 .00 5074.27 16.94 1.01 251.02 61.47 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 30.00 5073.66 .00 5073.66 24.55 .61 49.20 6.05 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 84.00 5073.88 .00 5073.89 22.23 .76 110.54 17.82 * 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 124.00 5074.00 .00 5074.01 20.93 .82 151.41 27.10 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 175.00 5074.10 .00 5074.11 18.82 .90 193.45 40.34 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 266.00 5074.26 .00 5074.28 17.70 1.04 255.43 63.22 * 3.000 95.00 .00 .00 5073.20 428.00 5074.50 .00 5074.53 16.82 1.23 349.20 104.35 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 7.00 5075.71 5075.71 5075.74 459.00 1.32 5.29 .33 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 25.00 5075.79 .00 5075.83 305.24 1.56 16.03 1.43 * 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 48.00 5075.85 .00 5075.90 306.77 1.84 26.09 2.74 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 98.00 5075.92 5075.92 5076.00 329.27 2.26 43.40 5.40 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 145.00 5075.97 5075.97 5076.06 315.32 2.45 59.18 8.17 4.000 370.00 •.00 .00 5075.60 253.00 5076.06 5076.06 5076.18 288.29 2.76 91.54 14.90 * 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 30.00 5075.81 .00 5075.85 282.98 1.59 18.90 1.78 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 84.00 5075.91 5075.90 5075.98 322.18 2.16 38.98 4.68 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 124.00 5075.95 5075.95 5076.04 331.67 2.40 51.64 6.81 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 175.00 5076.00 5076.00 5076.10 312.15 2.56 68.40 9.90 * 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 266.00 5076.07 5076.07 5076.19 281.37 2.78 95.72 15.86 4.000 370.00 .00 .00 5075.60 428.00 5076.16 5076.16 5076.32 284.85 3.19 134.33 25.36 1 291UL94 14:25:46 PAGE 27 ' W. Vine Basin Reach 0 IUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 ' ' SECNO 0 CWSEL DIFWWP DIFKSX DIFKWS TOPWID XLCH 1.000 7.00 5072.11 .00 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 25.00 5072.17 .06 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 48.00 5072.24 .07 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 98.00 5072.34 .10 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 145.00 5072.42 .08 .00 .00 180.00 .00 ' 1,000 1.000 253.00 30.00 5072*54 5072.19 .12 -.35 .00 .00 .00 .00 180,00 180.00 .00 .00 1.000 84.00 5072.31 .12 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 124.00 5072.39 .08 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 175.00 5072.47 .08 .00 .00 180.00 .00 ' 1.000 266.00 5072.58 .11 .00 .00 180.00 .00 1.000 428.00 5072.73 .15 .00 .00 180.00 .00 2.000 7.00 5072.93 .00 .82 .00 43.97 120.00 2.000 25.00 5073.19 .27 1.02 .00 95.98 120.00 2.000 48.00 5073.33 .13 1.08 .00 122.81 120.00 2,000 98,00 5073,53 .20 1,19 .00 163,13 120,00 ' 2.000 145.00 5073.66 .13 1.24 .00 189.00 120.00 2.000 253.00 5073.91 .25 1.37 .00 236.70 120.00 2.000 30.00 5073.22 -.69 1.03 .00 102.11 120.00 2.000 84.00 5073.48 .27 1.17 .00 154.80 120.00 ' 2.000 124.00 5073.60 .12 1.21 .00 177.31 120.00 2.000 175.00 5073.73 .13 1.26 .00 201.84 120.00 2.000 266.00 5073.91 .18 1.33 .00 238.43 120.00 2.000 428.00 5074.15 .25 1.42 .00 262.59 120.00 3.000 7.00 5073.47 .00 .55 .00 130.84 95.00 3.000 25.00 5073.62 .15 .43 .00 202.30 95.00 3.000 48.00 5073.75 .13 .42 .00 260.29 95.00 3.000 98.00 5073.92 .18 .39 .00 345.67 95.00 3.000 145.00 5074.04 .12 .38 .00 382.27 95.00 3.000 253.00 5074.25 .21 .34 .00 392.82 95.00 3.000 30.00 5073.66 -.60 .44 .00 216.21 95.00 3.000 84.00 5073.88 .22 .40 .00 324.09 95.00 3.000 124.00 5074.00 .12 .39 .00 379.30 95.00 3.000 175.00 5074.10 .10 .37 .00 385.42 95.00 3.000 266.00 5074.26 .16 .36 .00 393.38 95.00 3.000 428.00 5074.50 .24 .35 .00 405.12 95.00 1 29JUL94 14:25:46 1 SECNO O CWSEL DIFWSP * 4.000 7.00 5075.71 .00 * 4.000 25.00 5075.79 .08 * 4.000 48.00 5075.85 .05 * 4.000 98.00 5075.92 .07 * 4.000 145.00 5075.97 .05 * 4.000 253.00 5076.06 .09 * 4.000 30.00 5075.81 -.26 * 4.000 84.00 5075.91 .10 * 4.000 124.00 5075.95 .04 * 4.000 175.00 5076.00 .05 * 4.000 266.00 5076.07 .07 * 4.000 428.00 5076.16 .09 29JUL94 14:25:46 SUMMARY OF ERRORS AND SPECIAL NOTES DIFWSX DIFKSS TOPWID XLCH 2.24 .00 95.51 370.00 2.17 .00 166.19 370.00 2.10 .00 212.05 370.00 1.99 .00 273.48 370.00 1.93 .00 319.34 370.00 1.81 .00 385.58 370.00 2.15 .00 180.50 370.00 2.03 .00 259.18 370.00 1.95 .00 298.31 370.00 1.90 .00 343.33 370.00 1.81 .00 392.68 370.00 1.66 .00 453.04 370.00 WARNING SECNO= 2.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 2 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 3 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 4 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 5 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 6 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 7 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 8 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 9 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 10 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 11 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 3.000 PROFILE= 12 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 1 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 1 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY WARNING SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 2 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 3 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 4 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 4 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 5 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 5 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY PAGE 28 PAGE 29 LUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 6 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 6 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY ARNING SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 7 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE ARNING SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 8 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE AUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 9 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 9 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY AUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 10 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED AUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 10 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 11 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 11 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY [AUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 12 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED AUTION SECNO= 4.000 PROFILE= 12 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY I i 1 APPENDIX A.2 DOCUMENTATION FOR THE ' "FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT R-1 FACILITY SERVICES SITE, " ' [LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, 19961 1 ' T:IOPEMCoprl 161COPRI 16-RPT. IVPD September 14. 1999 FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT R-1 FACILITY SERVICES SITE PREPARED FOR: Poudre School District R-1 2407 Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80521-2297 PREPARED BY: Lidstone & Anderson, Inc. 736 Whalers Way, F-200 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 (LA Project No. COPR104) May 1, 1995 (Revised November 22, 1996) u '_ 2 1 1 2 3 4 ERSHED 0 1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-F100.DAT n .OUT ( YEAR STORM REVISED NOVEMBER 1996 LIDSTONE $ ANDERSON, INC. 120 0 0 5.0 1 1.0 1 24 5.0 .60 .96 1.44 1.68 3.00 5.04 9.00 3.72 2.16 1.56 20 .84 .60 .48 .36 .36 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .12 .12 1 91 2052800.121.8 25.0.1500 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 '1 92 2052000. 60.3 25.0.2530 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 1 93 2051830. 68.6 25.0.2390 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 1 94 2051590. 53.0 25.0.2840 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 1 95 2053000.111.1 25.0.2420 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 1 13 521982.120.4 6.0.0350 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 1 16 52 511. 43.0 5.0.0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 1 11 2081385. 44.1 11.0.0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 '1 10 209 771. 25:.4 13.0.0440 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 1 1 210 876. 23.5 25.0.1710 .016 .300 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 1 12 2076500. 29.4 5.0.0930 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 '1 120 211 828, 24.9 5.0.0200 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 1 18 2042318. 62.0 5.0.0110 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 1 17 51 758. 14.2 5.0.0140 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 1 15 2043775. 61.3 6.0.0380 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 '1 14 50 440. 22.4 14.0.0300 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 1 302 3012728. 35.1 20.0.0504 .016 .250 .100 .500 2.00 .60 1 300 3011174. 67.9 20.0.0152 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 '1 305 46 794. 3.7 38.0.0160 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 1 303 43 697. 5.6 80.0.0157 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 1 320 431005. 5.2 86.0.0320 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 '1 304 41 272. 6.6 91.0.0075 .016 .200 .100 .500 3,00 .60 1 301 42 453. 20.2 25.0.0180 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 1 309 322 260. 1.5 45.0.0390 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 1 321 322 370. 5.5 63.0.0110 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 ' 0 9 302 300 305 303 320 304 301 309 321 0 210 57 7 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 7 0 1.2 413.0 57 209 0 4 20.0 1350. .0220 290.0 0. .0220 0 209 208 6 2 .5 54. .0100 0.0 0.0 .1 0.0 ' 1.4 .1 3.8 2021.0 0 208 56 5 2 .5 54. .0100 0.0 0.0 .3 11.0 ' 7.4 2050.0 56 207 0 1 0 207 206 4 2 '0.0 0.0 0 206 55 5 2 0.0 . 0.0 2.3 1361.0 ' 55 54 0 1 0 211 59 5 2 0.0 0.0 ' .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00116 .00115 .00116 .00�16 .00116 .0011.6 .00116 .00116 .00115 .00116 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 1 0.0 .5 0.0 2.3 1884.0 4.0 10.0 .040 6.00 28.0 3.0 .100 100.00 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 .5 0.0 .8 0.0 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 1.3 22.0 3.6 28.0 17.0 825. .0190 9.0 5.0 .040 7.00 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 .0 19.0 .1 32.0 .5 130.0 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 .1 0.0 .3 0.0 .8 0.0 1.0 2350. .0100 100.0 100.0 .080 10.00 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 .2 2.0 1.5 9.0 4.4 14.0 �Za�� eat To,.l ���Wrnrq 1��tsr _ FuF : 'Pv-1- Flx4.:bocr '. 9.7 2359.0 59 58 0 1 1.0 2070. .0068 100.0 100.0 58 54 0 4 15.0 450. .0020 1.0 1.0 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 54 52 0 4 15.0 1600. .0020 1.0 1.0 ' 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 0 205 53 3 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.2 168.0 111.3 340.0 53 52 0 1 1.0 1400. .0230 25.0 25.0 52 204 0 4 20.0 2200. .0045 3.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0045 40.0 118.0 51 204 0 1 1.0 1080. .0093 85.0 50.0 ' 50 204 0 4 15.0 3000. .0020 1.0 1.0 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 0 204 49 4 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .5 38.0 5.0 90.0 ' 49 301 0 4 5.0 1700. .0062 4.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 301 229 0 4 5.0 2200. .0062 4.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 229 47 3 1. 398 47 46 3 3 1. ' 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 500.0 5.0 46 48 3 1. 48 45 10 2 .1 10. .0010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 1.5 0.08 6.7 0.27 14. 0.40 14. 0.60 56. 0.89 234. 0.98 353. 399 45 43 3 3 1. ' 0.0 0.0 14.0 14.0 500.0 14.0 43 41 3 i. 42 41 3 1. ' 41 3 1, 322 2 2 .1 10. .0010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 0.0 398 300 3 1. ' 399 300 3 1. 300 3 1. 0 ' 10 204 301 47 46 48 45 43 41 322 ,300 PROGRAM 040 10.00 030 4.00 080 100.00 030 4.00 080 100.00 013 .50 040 10.00 040 3.00 080 10.00 080 2.00 030 4.00 080 100.00 013 .50 11.7 2064.0 040 3.00 080 7.00 040 3.00 080 7.00 100 10 0.14 13. 0.81 134. 100 .io 0 • • c n• • d n: � • ^� L wt N M N M of ` a ` • Cz N J N iL � C o poLon• E= I � w w3 M o OI L n7n pz Y r noo Ica c o •` 00c c-0 a C �� ^� 0, tii v 0— r l j o O o • a � O E o 0 = O C 0 , r 9 • 1 C Lp a o o^ MI • aro a`o3l m r � c n° i o f N r0 I m O N N N r Y M N N iO in N �=1141 le W tH y W ZZO p y8W OW g 06 OZ O❑00 Figure 2.2. Schematic of the Developed Condition SWMM Model. 14 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A.3 DOCUMENTATION FOR THE "FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE STEPHENS STREET RETENTION POND RECONFIGURATION AND WAREHOUSE #4, " [LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, 19971 T. IOPEMCopr1161COPRI 16-RPT {VPD September 14, 1999 LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. Water Resources and Environmental Consultants 760 Whalers Way, Suite B-200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 April 30, 1997 Mr. Mike Spearnak Poudre School District R-1 Facility and Transportation Services 2407 Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80521-2297 RE: Stephens Street Retention Pond Reconfiguration and Grading Plan for Warehouse #4, Facility Services Site (LA Project No. COPR107) Dear Mike: Lidstone & Anderson, Inc. (LA) is pleased to inform you that we have completed the drainage analysis associated with the reconfiguration of the Stephens Street Retention Pond and the grading plan for the proposed Warehouse #4 located on the Facility Services Site for the Poudre School District. The attached letter report provides a summary of the design of drainage improvements associated with the plan. If you have any questions or comments concerning any aspect of this study, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. Christo er L. Doherty, P.E. Project Engineer Gr o . Koch, P.E. o.e Manager CLD/GJK/tlt Attachments (970) 226-0120 FAX: (970) 226-0121 E-MAIL: LAWater@FortNetorg Branch Office: Box 27, Savery, Wyoming 82332 ,' ' FINAL DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE STEPHENS STREET RETENTION POND RECONFIGURATION AND WAREHOUSE #4, ' POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITY SERVICES SITE This letter report provides a summary of the final drainage plan for both the Stephens Street Retention Pond and the proposed Warehouse #4 located on the Poudre School District ' Facility Services Site. A location map of the Facility Services Site is included as Figure 1. The overall drainage plan for the site was presented in the report "Final Drainage Plan for the Poudre ' School District R-1 Facility Services Site" [LA, 19961. The location of Warehouse #4, as currently proposed, would encroach on approximately 60 percent of the footprint of the Stephens Street Pond documented in the 1996 report. Lidstone & Anderson, Inc. was contracted to prepare a grading and drainage plan for both the proposed Warehouse #4 and the reconfigured Stephens Street Retention Pond which meets the requirements specified in the Final Drainage Plan for the Facility Services Site. The scope of this analysis included the following tasks: (a) preparation of a base map by combining the proposed ' site plan with the previous mapping for the Facility Site;- (b) reconfiguration of the Stephens Street Retention Pond; (c) preparation of a grading plan for Warehouse #4 to provide flood ' protection for the 100-year event; and (e) documentation of the proposed grading and drainage plan. All hydrologic and hydraulic calculations were performed in accordance with the procedures given in the Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design and Criteria (SDDC) Manual. Hydrologic Evaluation and Retention Pond Reconfiguration ' The hydrologic analysis for the Facility Services Site was revised to incorporate grading and flow pattern modifications which would occur as a result of the proposed improvements. As ' shown in the 1996 report, the southern drainage boundary of Subbasin 321 serves to isolate the Stephens Street Pond from the remainder of the site. This boundary was modified to incorporate ' changes to the site plan in the vicinity of proposed Warehouse #4. The earthen and asphalt berm which defines the southern boundary shown in the 1996 report was relocated 20 to 50 feet south ' to accommodate the revised overall site plan. The location of the modified drainage divide is shown in Figure 2. The change in the drainage basin divide resulted in a net transfer of 0.3 acres ' from Subbasin 304 to Subbasin 321. Consequently, the area for Subbasin 304 decreased from 6.6 acres to 6.3 acres. Subbasin area calculations showed that the area previously reported for Subbasin 321 was 0.2 acres higher than the actual area. Therefore, the local area tributary to the ' Stephens Street Pond, represented by Subbasin 321, increased from 5.5 acres to 5.6 acres. • Q. / t . fir,-=— �-: _ � �� f. .��_' � � � --� I v p � rim :•_-- �-� � � _ • 1 - � 1 ( • �'`'_ Ij � ' �� y.l 0� J=Lr7!_— 15i __ :SCl3�w5 _ �• Q � ••�t� S' / li:� III y '��-o'��_a:-J '' : j,� 1 ° •vi `r•ov UaY i it 1� —_ �' ';� i�•. �•. ..�.... N cc it 50 50 ap it - * I. ��` / 1.. •Oy►/7Qy 7T��i••1! JV/�i7�N . ,^` 11V� .,1. 1' ., __Ie •ME -•-� .r• � v � � � ' F= � J ,' /� �� I is - - _ 1cr.. cr uj - 1ANC- - - ---_- as v O Z "� '•�� �.00 a IS aLLJ—� 107, Zt IR R S co g' E 1 2 MOUNTAIN VIEW 0100= --*� 6cfs N SCALE: 1"=80' 0 40 80 160 42 0100— —40. 45cfs - - — — - — - _4aCRTE AVGCJUc —+ /" _ _L•APflR -T �I � ✓ Lv V ,f -- I w —�-- L57EpHENS STREET C R_ I ` — • ,...EiEt•1T10N POND F— HOUS.4._ _� Z • 16 ADMIN PAC 322� a 1� w I WLo I 321 HOUSEgo I • ; AREA a.'. � —Ti• �i•1200 SO FT) I � 1 "� � • WEST slc_. sioRACE I._- � � ' I � � I � I - I 3.\ AR I I 1 1 43 A61N BOUNDARY FROU 1696 FACILITY SERVICES SITE I '•:. _ v FINAL, DRAINAGE PLAN `rl — S z � ' /� � / / '� •' � `c Jam- � .' _ \\\ - :� ,./ op�P . 320, 304 BAST ou x_^% z-z _ ___ i STOCKPILE A24 _�i i' Figure 2. SWMM Model Basin STORAGE MECHANICAL/ Modification for the Proposed I BUILDING =J Warehouse #4 and Stephens + Street Retention Pond. 45------------- 3 ' The revised subbasin areas were input into the developed condition SWMM model prepared for the 1996 report. The results of the analysis indicate that the 100-year runoff volume ' to the Stephens Street Pond would increase from 1.24 acre-feet to 1.26 acre feet for the proposed condition. The 100-year discharge from the Facility Services Site to Laporte Avenue (at SWMM ' Node 41) decreased from 344 cfs to 343 cfs. This now represents a reduction of 3 cfs from the 100-year historical condition runoff at the northeast comer of the site. ' In the 1996 report, the Stephens Street Retention Pond was graded to provide 1.88 acre- feet of storage volume below elevation 5072.5 ft, msl. As graded, the pond was designed to provide full retention with a volumetric safety factor of 1.53. As noted in that report, the bottom ' elevation of 5068.0 ft, msl allowed for the future installation of an outfall pipe to connect to the junction box located near the intersection of Laporte Avenue and Impala Drive with a slope of ' approximately 0.7 percent. The design scope for the current study indicated that the pond would be expanded east into ' the Stephens Street right -of way; however, the School District's long term plan includes expansion of its warehouses into that area. Consequently, the reconfigured pond was expanded to the west ' into an existing parking lot and lowered to a bottom elevation of 5066.0 ft, msl in order to provide a commensurate level of protection with minimal surface disturbance. The proposed bottom ' elevation would still allow a future connection to the junction box with a pipe slope of approximately 0.5 percent. As graded, the storage volume provided below elevation 5072.5 ft, msl would be 1.95 acre-feet which would provide a volumetric safety factor of 1.54. ' Hydraulic Analysis and Grading Considerations As reported in the previous section, the 100-year discharge in the main flow path through the Facility Services Site did not change significantly compared to the 1996 study. In addition, ' the site's proposed physical characteristics support the 1996 hydraulic model configuration. Therefore, the hydraulic analysis was not modified as part of this report. The finished floor elevation for Warehouse #4 was set 1.0 feet above the 100-year water surface elevation defined ' at Cross -Section 5 in the 1996 report. The location of Cross -Section 5 coincides the southeast comer of the Facilities Office building; the 100-year water surface was reported to be 5074.1 ft, ' msl. Consequently, the finished floor elevation for Warehouse #4 was set at elevation 5075.1 ft, msl. The grading plan for the proposed Warehouse #4 and the reconfigured retention pond are ' shown on Sheet 1. The majority of the local runoff from Warehouse #4 will be conveyed to the Stephens ' Street Pond in concrete pans. On the west side of Warehouse #4, all runoff will be collected in t4 1 ' the proposed concrete pan and conveyed north to the retention pond. On the east side, an existing drainage divide will remain. Runoff from the north half of the warehouse will be conveyed north ' to the retention pond; runoff from the south half will be conveyed to an existing asphalt swale on the south side of Warehouse #3. Each of the concrete pans which are tributary to the retention ' pond are designed with a slope of 0.5 percent, the southeast pan is designed with a slope of 0.37 percent in order to tie into the existing swale. An installation of Class 6 riprap has been designed ' at the outfall from both the western and eastern concrete pans into the retention pond and is shown on Sheet 1. n I I r t I n 1 5 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX REVISED SWMM MODEL INPUT AND OUTPUT RETENTION POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS 1 L �d�tone 8 Anderson. Inc. J5e 4 6LD I � &Ffdd 7 iwqr TURE '�Wmm waadol rvv151nv� CHECKED RT �� DATE ¢�3vf�-I SHEET or 1 i5 5;tlreajed area Tv 540en 5�, Porc( (6 r5o i Prm i — wo Ufa Pry a - 3G95 area � - laa8 •�fa �2v15(d (1,,e4 1n 3a I = s. (ctcre5 eedl5ed area 6a5w 304 = G,3acres NCT,4 A, (I aI'm 5 0b7,a(110 U51rr� " erj (,Lie: F55-W144, -DkiG) &51n, 59 ( - MQ = 5. (o cues -prevloo-5 3-7o f+ revr5e oveelaoA CW ler frl, -tv 40o�eef resul�a4 wldil,: 5&4c e"c - 610;ee�. yooF� .51n 305 AaA = 65 ade5 donc,'MOALPI wloun. IA�Y� 11rw W .wYr..YY 6WIYY.. NER-PROJECT bOke. 9-1 rack iilrc5 - �are�v�5e � BY C�1J DATE �i- a9 PROJECT NO. Co �R1 �� TURE cve n5 5freck I7a,� - S Fa, c 56rQ c (?j)( CHECKED BY DATE SHEET OF a r5 El/e+�ya}�on Brrea TncrCYnlnfal S�Lt /'I I' i 1 1 1 1 " (t71 Rl� l •� C���) Volume (0 �'� q Uvl,/,�m Ft ° 50l� o 0 0 0 5om1 8a90 a�4o a140 o•a� Sorg (11�� 9115 Ialc58 049 590 135+0 I a(go4 95463 8158 Soho I 54a& 14457 391-1a0 i 0.91 i 527+1-7 5(0(57 1 •a9 Sofa ' 19636 I5543 -74 goo � I,/I 5�d,5 ao931 r o r4 I E*174, E340 1195 ' 1 1 2 3 4 a RSHED 0 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT 8 .OUT i YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE 84 LIDSTONE 8 ANDERSON, INC. 120 0 0 5.0 1 1.0 1 4 5.0 .96 1.44 1.68 3.00 5.04 9.00 3.72 2.16 1.56 1. 0 .84 .60 .48 .36 .36 .24 .24 .24 .24 24 .24 .12 .12 ,1 91 2052800.121.8 25.0.1500 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 92 2052000. 60.3 25.0.2530 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 93 2051830. 68.6 25.0.2390 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 11 94 2051590, 53.0 25.0.2840 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 95 2053000.111.1 25.0.2420 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 13 521982.120.4 6.0.0350 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 16 52 511. 43.0 5.0.0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 '1 11 2081385. 44.1 11.0.0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 '.00116 1 10 209 771. 25.4 13.0.0"0 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 1 210 876. 23.5 25.0.1710 .016 .300 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 12 2076500. 29.4 5.0.0930 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 '1 120 211 828. 24.9 5.0.0200 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 18 2042318. 62.0 5.0.0110 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 .00116 1 17 51 758. 14.2 5.0.0140 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 .00116 1 15 2143715, 61.3 6.0.0380 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 '1 14 50 "0. 22.4 14.0.0300 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 302 3012728. 35.1 20.0.0504 .016 .250 .100 .500 2.00 .60 .00116 1 300 3011174. 67.9 20.0.0152 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 '1 305 46 794. 3.7 38.0.0160 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 303 43 697. 5.6 80.0.0157 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 320 431005. 5.2 86.0.0320 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 304 41 272. 6.3 91.0.0075 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 kv&A 1 301 42 453. 20.2 25.0.0180 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 1 309 322 260. 1.5 45.0.0390 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 1 321 322 610. 5.6 63.0.0110 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 Qevoe�, ' 0 9 302 300 305 303 320 304 301 309 321 '0 210 57 7 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 .1 0.0 .5 0.0 .7 .0 1.2 413.0 2.3 1884.0 57 209 0 4 20.0 1350. .0220 4.0 10.0 .040 6.00 290.0 0. .0220 28.0 3.0 .100 100.00 0 209 208 6 2 .5 .54. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 0.0 0.0 .1 0.0 .5 0.0 .8 0.0 1.4 .1 3.8 2021.0 '0 208 56 5 2 .5 54. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 0.0 0.0 .3 11.0 1.3 22.0 3.6 28.0 7.4 2050.0 56 207 0 1 17.0 825. .0190 9.0 5.0 .040 7.00 ' 0 207 206 4 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 0.0 0.0 .0 19.0 .1 32.0 .5 130.0 0 206 55 5 2 .5 50. .0.100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 '0.0 0.0 .1 0.0 .3 0.0 .8 0.0 2.3 1361.0 55 54 0 1 1.0 2350. .0100 100.0 100.0 .080 10.00 '0 211 59 5 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 0.0 0.0 .2 2.0 1.5 9.0 4.4 14.0 9.7 2359.0 59 58 0 1 1.0 2070. .0068 100.0 100.0 .040 10.00 58 54 0 4 15.0 450. .0020 1.0 1.0 .030 4.00 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 .080 100.00 54 52 0 4 15.0 1600. .0020 1.0 1.0 .030 4.00 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 .080 100.00 ' 0 205 53 3 2 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .013 .50 Me- Pei- elco.-047- p0'ActI�5:&'a( 4r(c" f2%c1lI his le/yizty 5i4G i 1ol, gFi(14 5 -)mju;, 3/15 ' 0.0 0.0 53 52 0 1 52 204 0 4 51 204 0 1 50 204 0 4 0 1 204 49 4 2 0.0 0.0 49 301 0 4 301 229 0 4 229 47 3 �8 47 46 3 3 0.0 0.0 46 48 3 45 10 2 '48 0.0 0.0 0.27 14. 0.89 234. 43 3 3 r45 0.0 0.0 43 41 3 42 41 3 41 3 322 2 2 0.0 0.0 398 300 3 399 300 3 300 3 36.2 168.0 111.3 340.0 1.0 1400. .0230 25.0 25.0 20.0 2200. .0045 3.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0045 40.0 118.0 1.0 1080. .0093 85.0 50.0 15.0 3000. .0020 1.0 1.0 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 .5 50. .0100 0.0 0.0 .5 38.0 5.0 90.0 5.0 1700. .0062 4.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 5.0 2200. .0062 4.0 7.0 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 1. 1. 5.0 5.0 500.0 5.0 1. .1 10. .0010 0.0 0.0 0.01 1.5 0.08 6.7 0.40 14. 0.60 56. 0.98 353. 1. 14.0 14.0 500.0 14.0 1. 1. 1. .1 1o. .0010 0.0 0.0 500.0 0.0 1. 1. 1. �0 0 204 301 47 46 48 45 43 41 322 300 EIROGRAM .040 10.00 .040 3.00 .080 10.00 .080 2.00 .030 4.00 .080 100.00 .013 .50 11.7 2064.0 .040 3.00 .080 7.00 .040 3.00 .080 7.00 100 .10 0.14 13. 0.81 134. 100 .10 ir7i'uI 0✓' �a•� iy�a�li rE IIV[�UC SFcp{,in551• �ettn>4on �o� 05 ' ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION PC.1 DEVELOPED BY METCALF * EDDY, INC. ' UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA WATER RESOURCES ENGINEEERS, INC. (SEPTEMBER 1970) UPDATED BY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA (JUNE 1973) ' HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER, CORPS OF ENGINEERS MISSOURI RIVER DIVISION, CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEPTEMBER 1974) ' BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION (MARCH 1985, JULY 1985) TAPE OR DISK ASSIGNMENTS ' JIN(1) JIN(2) JIN(3) JIN(4) JIN(5) JIN(6) JIN(7) JIN(8) JIN(9) JIN(lO) 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' JOUT(1) JOUT(2) JOUT(3) JOUT(4) JOUT(5) JOUT(6) JOUT(7) JOUT(8) JOUT(9) JOUT(10) 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NSCRAT(1) NSCRAT(2) NSCRAT(3) NSCRAT(4) NSCRAT(5) 3 4 0 0 0 �ATERSHED PROGRAM CALLED aer ENTRY MADE TO RUNOFF MODEL IR-1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT & .OUT 100-YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. UMBER OF TIME STEPS 120 NTEGRATION TIME INTERVAL (MINUTES) 5.00 PERCENT OF IMPERVIOUS AREA HAS ZERO DETENTION DEPTH �1.0 OR 24 RAINFALL STEPS, THE TIME INTERVAL IS 5.00 MINUTES FOR RAINGAGE NUMBER 1 RAINFALL HISTORY IN INCHES PER HOUR 60 .96 1.44 1.68 3.00 5.04 9.00 3.72 2.16 1.56 1.20 .84 .60 .48 .36 .36 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .12 .12 PR-1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT & .OUT 100-YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. 616 GUTTER WIDTH AREA PERCENT SLOPE RESISTANCE FACTOR SURFACE STORAGE(IN) INFILTRATION RATE(IN/HR) GAGE �BAREA MBER OR MANHOLE (FT) (AC) IMPERV. (FT/FT) IMPERV. PERV. IMPERV. PERV. MAXIMUM MINIMUM DECAY RATE NO 91 205 2800.0 121.8 25.0 .1500 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 92 205 2000.0 60.3 25.0 .2530 .020 .200 .1110 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 93 205 1830.0 68.6 25.0 .2390 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 94 205 1590.0 53.0 25.0 .2840 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 95 205 3000.0 111.1 25.0 .2420 .020 .200 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 13 52 1982.0 120.4 6.0 .0350 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 ..00116 1 '16 52 511.0 43.0 5.0 .0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 11 208 1385.0 ".1 11.0 .0220 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 10 209 771.0 25.4 13.0 .0440 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 210 876.0 23.5 25.0 .1710 .016 .300 .100 .300 6.00 2.00 .00116 1 '1 12 207 6500.0 29.4 5.0 .0930 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 120 211 828.0 24.9 5.0 .0200 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 18 204 2318.0 62.0 5.0 .0110 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 .00116 1 51 758.0 14.2 5.0 .0140 .016 .200 .067 .300 3.00 .60 .00116 1 '17 15 204 3775.0 61.3 6.0 .0380 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 14 50 440.0 22.4 14.0 .0300 .016 .200 .067 .300 2.00 .60 .00116 1 02 301 2728.0 35.1 20.0 .0504 .016 .250 .100 .500 2.00 .60 .00116 1 00 301 1174.0 67.9 20.0 .0152 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 1 05 46 794.0 3.7 38.0 .0160 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 303 43 697.0 5.6 80.0 .0157 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 20 43 1005.0 5.2 86.0 .0320 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 04 41 272.0 6.3 91.0 .0075 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .00116 1 301 42 453.0 20.2 25.0 .0180 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 1 309 322 260.0 1.5 45.0 .0390 .016 .250 .100 .500 3.00 .52 .00116 1 321 322 610.0 5.6 63.0 .0110 .016 .200 .100 .500 3.00 .60 .06116 1 OTAL NUMBER OF SUBCATCHMENTS, 25 TOTAL TRIBUTARY AREA (ACRES), 1036.50 PR-1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT & .OUT ' 00-YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. �YDROGRAPHS ARE LISTED FOR THE FOLLOWING 9 SUBCATCHMENTS - AVERAGE VALUES WITHIN TIME INTERVALS TIME(HR/MIN) 302 300 305 303 320 304 301 309 321 1 n 1 0 5. .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 10. .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0 15. 6.5 3.2 1.2 1.7 2.8 .6 1.3 .6 1.3 0 20. 11.8 10.9 2.3 5.0 6.6 2.3 4.4 1.1 3.8 0 25. 17.8 22.7 3.5 9.3 10.6 5.6 8.9 1.7 7.1 0 30. 32.2 44.6 6.3 17.1 19.0 12.4 17.2 3.1 13.3 0 35. 71.7 88.7 13.3 33.3 36.7 26.7 34.0 6.3 26.0 0 40. 80.4 97.2 13.9 32.6 31.1 33.6 36.7 6.2 26.7 0 45. 60.6 63.1 8.5 16.8 12.7 25.1 23.4 3.6 15.3 0 50. 56.4 48.1 7.0 11.3 9.3 18.3 18.0 2.9 11.0 0 55. 47.7 40.5 5.2 8.4 6.9 13.8 15.2 2.1 8.5 1 0. 39.7 35.0 3.9 6.2 5.1 10.6 13.2 1.6 6.5 1 5. 31.9 30.3 2.8 4.6 3.7 8.2 11.3 1.2 4.9 1 10. 25.8 26.6 2.1 3.4 2.7 6.4 9.9 .8 3.7 1 15. 21.3 23.9 1.6 2.7 2.1 5.1 8.8 .6 2.9 1 20. 17.9 21.9 1.3 2.2 1.8 4.2 8.0 :.5 2.4 1 25. 15.2 20.2 1.1 1.8 1.5 3.5 7.3 .4 2.0 1 30. 13.0 18.8 .9 1.5 1.2 2.9 6.7 .3 1.7 1 35. 11.4 17.8 .8 1.3 1.2 2.5 6.3 .3 1.5 1 40. 10.2 17.0 .7 1.3 1.1 2.3 6.0 .3 1.3 1 45. 9.2 16.4 .6 1.2 1.1 2.1 5.7 .3 1.2 1 50. 8.3 15.8 .6 1.2 1.1 1.9 5.4 .2 1.2 7/15 55. 7.2 15.1 .5 1.0 .9 1.7 5.1 .2 1.0 0. 6.2 14.2 .4 .8 .7 1.5 4.8 .2 -9 S. 5.3 13.2 .3 .6 .5 1.3 4.4 .1 .7 10. 4.4 12.3 .2 .4 .3 1.0 4.0 .1 .5 15. 3.8 11.5 .1 .3 .2 .8 3.7 .1 .4 20. 3.4 10.9 .1 .2 .1 .7 3.4 .0 .3 25. 3.0 10.4 .1 .2 .1 .6 3.2 .0 .2 30. 2.7 9.9 .1 '.1 .1 .5 3.1 .0 .2 35. 2.4 9.5 .1 .1 .0 .4 2.9 .0 .2 40. 2.1 9.1 .0 .1 .0 .4 2.8 .0 .1 45. 1.9 8.8 .0 .1 .0 .3 2.6 .0 .1 50. 1.7 8.4 .0 .1 .0 .3 2.5 .0 .1 55. 1.6 8.1 .0 .0 .0 .3 2.4 .0 .1 0. 1.4 7.8 .0 .0 .0 .2 2.3 .0 .1 5. 1.3 7.6 .0 .0 .0 .2 2.2 .0 .1 10. 1.1 7.3 .0 .0 .0 .2 2.1 .0 .1 15. 1.0 7.1 .0 .0 .0 .2 2.0 .0 .0 20. ,9 6.8 .0 .0 .0 .2 1.9 .0 .0 25. .8 6.6 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.8 .0 .0 30. .8 6.4 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.8 .0 .0 35. .7 6.2 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.7 .0 .0 40. .6 6.0 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.6 .0 .0 45. .5 5.8 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.6 .0 .0 50. .5 5.6 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.5 .0 .0 55. .4 5.5 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.4 .0 .0 0. .4 5.3 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.4 .0 .0 5. .3 5.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.3 .0 .0 10. .3 5.0 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.3 .0 .0 15. .3 4.8 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.2 .0 .0 20. .2 4.7 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.2 .0 .0 25. .2 4.6 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.1 .0 .0 30. .2 4.4 .0 .0 .0 .1 1.1 .0 .0 35. .1 4.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.1 .0 .0 40. .1 4.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 45. .1 4.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 50. .1 3.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 55. .1 3.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .9 .0 .0 0. .0 3.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .9 .0 .0 5. .0 3.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .9 .0 .0 10. .0 3.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .8 .0 .0 15. .0 3.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .8 .0 .0 20. .0 3.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .8 .0 .0 25. .0 3.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .7 .0 .0 30. .0 3.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .7 .0 .0 35. .0 3.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .7 .0 .0 40. .0 3.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .7 .0 .0 45. .0 2.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 .0 50. .0 2.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 .0 55. .0 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 ..0 0. .0 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 .0 5. .0 2.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .6 .0 .0 10. .0 2.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 15. .0 2.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 20. .0 2.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 25. .0 2.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 30. .0 2.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 35. .0 2.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .5 .0 .0 40. .0 2.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 45. .0 2.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 50. .0 2.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 55. .0 2.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 0. .0 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 5. .0 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 10. .0 1.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .4 .0 .0 15. .0 1.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 20. .0 1.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 25. .0 1.7 .0 .0 30. .0 1.6 .0 .0 . .0 1. .0 .0 40 40. .0 1.5 .0 .0 45. .0 1.5 .0 .0 7 50. .0 1.4 .0 .0 5. .0 1.4 .0 .0 0. .0 1.4 .0 .0 5. .0 1.3 .0 .0 8 10. .0 1.3 .0 .0 . .0 1.3 .0 .0 20 20. .0 1.2 .0 .0 25. .0 1.2 .0 .0 8 30. .0 1.2 .0 .0 35. .0 1.1 .0 .0 40. .0 1.1 .0 .0 8 45. .0 1.1 .0 .0 5. .0 1.0 .0 .0 55. .0 1.0 .0 .0 0. .0 1.0 .0 .0 9 5. .0 .9 .0 .0 10. .0 .9 .0 .0 '9 9 15. .0 .9 .0 .0 9 20. .0 .9 .0 .0 9 25. .0 .8 .0 .0 30. .0 .8 .0 .0 '9 9 35. .0 .8 .0 .0 9 40. .0 .8 .0 .0 45. .0 .7 .0 .0 '9 9 50. .0 .7 .0 .0 9 55. .0 .7 .0 .0 10 0. .0 .7 .0 .0 PR-1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION r0-YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 FILES: PR1-R100.DAT & .OUT LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. f` CONTINUITY CHECK FOR SUBCATCHMEMT ROUTING IN UDSWM2-PC MODEL --- �TERSHED AREA (ACRES) TAL RAINFALL (INCHES) 1036.500 �TAL INFILTRATION (INCHES) TOTAL WATERSHED OUTFLOW (INCHES) 1TAL SURFACE STORAGE AT END OF STRRM (INCHES) ERROR IN CONTINUITY, PERCENTAGE OF RAINFALL PR-1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION I00-YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE 94 RUTTER GUTTER NDP NP NUMBER CONNECTION 2.890 1.446 1.249 .195 .000 FILES: PR1-R100.DAT & .OUT LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, INC. WIDTH INVERT SIDE SLOPES OR DIAM LENGTH SLOPE HORIZ TO VERT (FT) (FT) (FT/FT) L R 5/16 OVERBANK/SURCHARGE MANNING DEPTH JK N (FT) �0 57 7 2 PIPE .5 50. 0700 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .5 .0 .7 .0 2.3 1884.0 57 209 0 4 CHANNEL 20.0 1350. .0220 4.0 10.0 .040 OVERFLOW 290.0 0. .0220 28.0 3.0 .100 209 208 6 2 PIPE .5 54. .0100 .0 .0 .013 ' RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW 0 .0 .1 .0 .5 .0 .8 .0 1.4 .1 208 56 5 2 PIPE .5 54. .0100 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 .3 11.0 1.3 22.0 3.6 28.0 7.4 2050.0 56 207 0 1 CHANNEL 17.0 825. .0190 9.0 5.0 .040 207 206 4 2 PIPE .5 50. .0100 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW 106 .0 .0 .0 19.0 .1 32.0 .5 130.0 55 5 2 PIPE .5 50. .0100 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 .1 .0 .3 .0 .8 .0 2.3 1361.0 55 54 0 1 CHANNEL 1.0 2350. .0100 100.0 100.0 .080 211 59 5 2 PIPE .5 50. .0100 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR .0 STORAGE IN .0 ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .2 2.0 1.5 9.0 4.4 14.0 9.7 2359.0 59 58 0 1 CHANNEL 1.0 2070. .0068 100.0 100.0 .040 58 54 0 4 CHANNEL 15.0 450. .0020 1.0 1.0 .030 OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 .080 54 52 0 4 CHANNEL 15.0 1600. .0020 1.0 1.0 .030 OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 .080 205 53 3 2 PIPE .5 50. .0100 .0 .0 .013 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 36.2 168.0 111.3 340.0 53 52 0 1 CHANNEL 1.0 1400. .0230 25.0 25.0 52 204 0 4 CHANNEL 20.0 2200, 0045 3.0 7.0 OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0045 40.0 118.0 51 204 0 1 CHANNEL 1.0 1080. .0093 85.0 50.0 50 204 0 4 CHANNEL 15.0 3000. .0020 1.0 1.0 OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0020 100.0 100.0 ,204 49 4 2 PIPE .5 50. .0100 .0 .0 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 .5 38.0 5.0 90.0 11.7 2064.0 49 301 0 4 CHANNEL 5.0 1700. .0062 4.0 7.0 ' OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 301 229 0 4 CHANNEL 5.0 2200. .0062 4.0 7.0 OVERFLOW 1.0 0. .0064 33.0 59.0 229 47 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 .0 47 46 3 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 .0 DIVERSION TO GUTTER NUMBER 398 - TOTAL 0 VS DIVERTED 0 IN CFS .0 .0 5.0 5.0 500.0 5.0 ' 46 48 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 .0 48 45 10 2 PIPE .1 10. .0010 .0 .0 RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 .0 1.5 .1 6.7 .1 13.0 ' .6 56.0 .8 134.0 .9 234.0 1.0 353.0 45 43. 3 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 .0 DIVERSION TO GUTTER NUMBER 399 - TOTAL 0 VS DIVERTED 0 IN CFS ,0 .0 14.0 14.0 500.0 14.0 43 41 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 [ 42 41 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 .0 0 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 C '41 322 0 2 2 PIPE .1 10. .0010 .0 C RESERVOIR STORAGE IN ACRE-FEET VS SPILLWAY OUTFLOW .0 .0 500.0 .0 398 300 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 C 399 300 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 I 300 0 0 3 .0 1. .0010 .0 I 'TOTAL NUMBER OF GUTTERS/PIPES, 32 .040 .040 .080 .080 .030 .080 .013 .50 1.2 413.0 6.00 100.00 .50 3.8 2021.0 .50 7.00 .50 50 10.00 .50 10.00 4.00 100.00 4.00 100.00 .50 10.00 3.00 10.00 2.00 4.00 100.00 .50 .040 3.00 .080 7.00 .040 3.00 .080 7.00 .001 10.00 .001 10.00 .001 10.00 .100 .10 3 14.0 .4 14.0 .001 10.00 399 .001 10.00 0 .001 10.00 0 .001 10.00 0 .100 .10 0 .001 10.00 0 .001 10.00 0 .001 10.00 0 ►0/,5 P� FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT 8 .OUT 1 YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE 8 ANDERSON, INC. AtNGEMENT OF SUBCATCHMENTS AND GUTTERS/PIPES TRIBUTARY GUTTER/PIPE TRIBUTARY SUBAREA 'GUTTER 41 43 42 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 304 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 301 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 320 0 0 0 '43 45 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 0 0 0 0 47 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '48 49 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 54 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 16 0 0 0 '52 53 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 55 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '59 204 52 51 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 15 0 0 0 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 92 93 94 95 206 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 '207 208 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 209 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 '210 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 229 301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 398 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 301 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 302 300 0 0. 0 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 321 0 0 0 398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 P 1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT 8 .OUT -YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE 8 ANDERSON, INC. IROGRAPHS ARE LISTED FOR THE FOLLOWING 10 CONVEYANCE ELEMENTS D.A.(AC) 0 0 0 0 1029.4 1 0 0 0 0 20.2 0 0 0 0 1002.9 ) O 0 0 0 992.1 ) 0 0 0 0 992.1 0 0 0 0 988.4 ) 0 0 0 0 992.1 0 0 0 0 885.4 0 0 0 0 22.4 ) 0 0 0 0 14.2 ] 0 0 0 0 725.5 ) 0 0 0 0 414.8 0 0 0 0 147.3 0 0 0 0 122.4 ) 0 0 0 0 93.0 0 0 0 0 23.5 ) 0 0 0 0 24.9 0 0 0 0 24.9 ) 0 0 0 0 885.4 0 0 0 0 414.8 0 0 0 0 122.4 0 0 0 0 122.4 0 0 0 0 93.0 ) 0 0 0 0 48.9 ) 0 0 0 0 23.5 ) 0 0 0 0 24.9 0 0 0 0 988.4 ) 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 988.4 0 0 0 0 7.1 ) 0 0 0 0 .0 ) 0 0 0 0 .0 THE UPPER NUMBER IS DISCHARGE IN CFS ' THE LOWER NUMBER IS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CASES: ( ) DENOTES DEPTH ABOVE INVERT IN FEET (S) DENOTES STORAGE IN AC -FT FOR DETENTION DAM. DISCHARGE INCLUDES SPILLWAY OUTFLOW. ' (I) DENOTES GUTTER INFLOW IN CFS FROM SPECIFIED INFLOW HYDROGRAPH (D) DENOTES DISCHARGE IN CFS DIVERTED FROM THIS GUTTER CO) DENOTES STORAGE IN AC -FT FOR SURCHARGED GUTTER 'ME(HR/MIN) 204 301 47 46 48 45 43 41 322 0 5. .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .02 .00 ' .00( ) .00( ) .00(D) .00( ) .00(S) .00(D) .00( ) .00( ) .00(S) 300 .00 .00( ) MIS 0 10. 1.00 .00 .00 .02 .01 .01 .07 .10 .00 .01 .01(S) .00( ) .00(D) .00( ) .00(S) .01(D) .00( ) .00( ) .00(S) .00( ) 0 15. 4.52 1.18 1.18 2.37 .81 .81 8.92 12.74 .00 2.00 .05(S) .2�( ) 1.18(0) .00( ) .01(S) .81(D) .00( ) .00( ) .01(S) .00( ) 0 20. 7.86 6.09 6.09 3.34 1.92 1.92 14.24 23.76 .00 6.92 .10(S) .51( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .02(S) 1.92(D) .00( ) .00( ) .05(S) .00( ) 0 25, 14.06 16.80 16.80 16.58 5.20 5.20 25.51 44.94 .00 10.20 .18(S) .86C ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .06(S) 5.20(D) .00C ) .00( ) .11(S) .00( ) 0 30. 28.18 40.24 40.24 43.16 13.47 13.47 46.82 86.64 .00 18.47 .36(S) 1.30( ) 5.000) .00( ) .20(S) 13.47(D) .00( ) .00( ) .22(S) .00( ) ' 0 35. 45.55 96.75 96.75 110.46 42.71 42.71 121.96 203.57 .00 19.00 1.10(S) 1.94( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .54(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) .44(S) .00( ) 0 40. 59.68 147.63 147.63 151.73 138.96 138.96 159.13 218.05 .00 19.00 2.32(S) 2.33( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .81(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) .67CS) .00( ) ' 0 45. 75.19 156.41 156.41 159.32 165.84 165.84 176.69 214.90 .00 19.00 3.67(S) 2.39( ) 5.000) .00( ) .84(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) .80(S) .00( ) 0 50. 105.10 160.33 160.33 161.34 156.89 156.89. 159.28 193.66 .00 19.00 5.05(S) 2.421 ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .83(S) 14.00(D) 00( ) .00( ) .90(S) 00( ) ' 0 55. 307.58 178.28 178.28 177.73 177.41 177.41 177.57 201.24 .00 19.00 5.74(S) 2.53( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .84(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) .97(S) .00( ) 1 0. 315.34 226.98 226.98 225.38 216.59 216.59 211.18 235.05 .00 19.00 5.76(S) 2.81( ) 5.000) .00C ) .88(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.02(S) .00( ) 1 5. 316.83 286.61 286.61 283.87 278.78 278.78 272.64 287.79 .00 19.00 5.77(S) 3.08( ) 5.000) .00( ) .92(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.07(S) .00( ) 1 10. 315.08 323.02 323.02 319.95 316.71 316.71 307.19 324.65 .00 19.00 . 5.76(S) 3.21( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .95(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.10(S) .00( ) ' 1 15. 311.17 339.19 339.19 335.47 334.74 334.74 325.87 336.23 .00 19.00 5.75(S) 3.26( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .97(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.12(S) .00( ) 1 20, 305.77 344.66 344.66 340.97 340.44 ' 340.44 329.27 343.28 .00 19.00 5.73(S) 3.28( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .97(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.14(S) .00( ) 1 25. 298.91 343.71 343.71 339.51 340.11 340.11 329.93 337.55 .00 19.00 5.71(S) 3.28( ) 5.000) .00( ) .97(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.16(S) .00( ) ' 1 30. 291.07 338.66 338.66 334.58 335.08 335.08 322.75 334.44 .00 19.00 5.68(S) 3.26( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .97(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.17(S) .00( ) 1 35. 283.12 331.28 331.28 326.88 327.94 327.94 317.27 323.25 .00 19.00 5.65(S) 3.24( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .96(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.19(S) .00( ) ' 1 40. 275.10 322.32 322.52 318.30 319.16 319.16 306.58 317.05 .00 19.00 5.63(S) 3.21( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .95(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.20(S) .00( ) 1 45. 267.21 313.02 313.02 308.51 309.72 309.72 298.91 303.93 .00 19.00 ' 5.60(S) 3.17( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .95(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.21(S) .00( ) 1 50. 259.57 303.20 303.20 298.89 299.85 299.85 287.19 296.88 .00 19.00 5.57(S) 3.14( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .94(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.22(S) .00( ) 1 55. 251.73 293.27 293.27 268.56 289.81 289.81 278.38 282.38 .00 19.00 5.55(S) 3.10( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .93(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.23(S) .00( ) ' 2 0. 2".03 283.42. 283.42 278.91 279.85 279.85 266.37 274.90 .00 19.00 5.52(S) 3.07( ) 5.000) .00( ) .92(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.23(S) .00( ) 2 5. 236.32 273.46 273.46 268.54 269.81 269.81 257.50 260.27 .00 19.00 5.49(S) 3.03( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .92(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.24(S) .00( ) 2 10. 228.63 263.68 263.68 258.98 259.89 259.89 245.55 252.82 .00 19.00 5.47(S) 2.99( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .91(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.24(S) .00( ) ' 2 15. 221.36 255.30 255.30 250.29 251.27 251.27 238.51 240.32 .00 19.00 5.44(S) 2.95( ) 5.000) .00( ) .90(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.24(S) .00( ) 2 20. 214.40 246.94 246.94 242.18 243.01 243.01 228.41 234.91 .00 19.00 5.42(S) 2.91( ) 5.000) .00( ) .90(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) ' 2 25. 207.70 238.85 238.85 233.79 234.77 234.77 221.84 223.02 .00 19.00 5.40(S) 2.87( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .89(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) 2 30. 201.24 231.07 231.07 226.27 227.07 227.07 212.36 218.33 .00 19.00 5.38(S) 2.83( ) 5.000) .00( ) 88(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) ' 2 35. 195.01 223.62 223.62 218.54 219.50 219.50 206.49 207.20 .00 19.00 5.35(S) 2.79( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .88(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) 2 40. 188.99 216.49 216.49 211.66 212.36 212.36 197.59 203.15 .00 19.00 5.33(S) 2.75( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .87(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) 2 45. 183.19 209.64 209.64 204.54 205.45 205.45 192.40 192.75 .00 19.00 5.31(S) 2.71( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .87(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) 2 50. 177.58 203.07 203.07 198.23 198.86 198.86 184.05 189.29 .00 19.00 ' 5.30(S) 2.68( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) 86(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) ' 2 55. 172.17 196.75 196.75 191.64 192.49 192.49 179.42 179.47 .00 19.00 5.28(S) 2.64( ) 5.000) .00( ) 86(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.25(S) .00( ) 3 0. 166.95 190.67 190.67 185.82 186.38 186.38 171.56 176.53 .00 19.00 5.26(S) 2.60( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .85(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 5. 161.90 184.81 184.81 179.69 180.50 180.50 167.41 167.21 .00 19.00 5.24(S) 2.57( ) 5.000) .00( ) .85(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 10. 157.02 179.17 179.17 174.31 174.83 174.83 159.99 164.73 .00 19.00 5.23(S) 2.54( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) 84(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 15. 152.32 173.73 173.73 168.61 169.36 169.36 156.27 155.86 .00 19.00 5.21(S) 2.50( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) 84(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 20. 147.77 168.49 168.49 163.63 164.10 164.10 149.26 153.80 .00 19.00 5.19(S) 2.47( ) 5.000) .00( ) .83(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 25. 143.39 163.44 163.44 158.31 159.02 159.02 145.92 145.32 .00 19.00 5.18(S) 2.44( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) 83(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 30. 139.15 158.56 158.56 153.70 154.12 154.12 139.27 143.64 .00 19.00 5.16(S) 2.41( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .83(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 35. 135.07 153.86 153.86 148.73 149.40 149.40 136.29 135.54 .00 19.00 5.15(S) 2.37( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .82(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 40. 131.13 149.33 149.33 144.46 144.85 144.85 129.99 134.21 .00 19.00 5.14(S) 2.34( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .82(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 45. 127.32 144.95 144.95 139.82 140.45 140.45 127.34 126.44 .00 19.00 5.12(S) 2.31( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .82(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) 00( ) 3 50. 123.64 140.73 140.73 135.86 136.21 136.21 121.36 125.44 .00 19.00 5.11(S) 2.28( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .81(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 3 55. 120.09 136.66 136.66 131.52 132.70 132.70 119.59 118.56 .00 19.00 5.10(S) 2.26( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .81(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 0. 116.63 132.72 132.72 127.85 129.32 129.32 114.46 118.42 .00 19.00 5.09(S) 2.23( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .80(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 5. 113,26 128.91 128.91 123.78 125.39 125,39 112,27 111,13 .00 19.00 5.08(S) 2.20( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .79(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 10. 109.96 125.22 125.22 120.35 121.66 121.66 106.80 110.65 .00 19.00 5.07(S) 2.17( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .78(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 15. 106.71 121.63 121.63 116.50 118.03 118.03 104.91 103.66 .00 19.00 5.05(S) 2.14( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .77(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 20. 103.49 118.13 118.13 113.26 114.49 114.49 99.63 103.38 .00 19.00 5.04(S) 2.12( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .76(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 25. 100.30 114.69 114.69 109.56 111.03 111.03 97.91 96.57 .00 19.00 5.03(S) 2.09( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .75(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 30. 97.16 111.32 111.32 106.45 107.64 107.64 92.77 96.43 .00 19.00 5.02(S) 2.06( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .74(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 4 35. 94.08 108.00 108.00 102.87 104.30 104.30 91.17 89.75 .00 19.00 5.01(S) 2.03( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .73(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 40. 91.05 104.74 104.74 99.87 101.01 101.01 86.15 89.72 .00 19.00 5.00(S) 2.01( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .72(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 4 45. .90.41 101.68 101.68 96.54 97.86 97.86 84.74 83.24 .00 19.00 4.98(S) 1.98( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .71(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 50. 90.02 99.11 99.11 94.25 95.09 95.09 80.23 83.73 .00 _ 19.00 4.95(S) 1.96( ) 5.000) .00( ) JI M 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 4 55. 89.43 97.16 97.16 92.03 92.90 92.90 79.77 78.19 .00 19.00 4.90(S) 1.94( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .70(S) 14.000) .00( )..., .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 0, 88.68 95,66 91,66 90,80 91,23 91.23 76.36 79.79 .00 19,00 4.83(S) 1.93( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .69(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 5. 87.78 94.44 94.44 89.31 89.91 89.91 76.79 75.14 .00 19.00 4.76(S) 1.92( ) 5.000) .00( ) .69(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 10. 86.75 93.34 93.34 88.48 88.77 88.77 73.90 77.27 .00 19.00 4.67(S) 1.91( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .69(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 15. 85.59 92.27 92.27 87.14 87.69 87.69 74.57 72.86 .00 19.00 4.57(S) 1.90( ) 5.000) .00( ) .69(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 20. 84.33 91.16 91.16 86.30 86.60 86.60 71.73 75A4 .00 19.00 ' 4.46(S) 1.89( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .68(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 25. 82.97 89.99 89.99 84.86 85.45 85.45 72.33 70.56 .00 19.00 4.34(S) 1.88( ) 5.000) .00( ) .68(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 30. 81.53 88.74 88.74 83.87 84.23 84.23 69.37 72.62 .00 19.00 4,21(S) 1.87( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .68(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 35. 80.01 87.41 87.41 82.28 82.93 82.93 69.81 67.99 .00 19.00 ' 4.08(S) 1.85( ) 5.000) 00( ) .67(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 5 40. 78.44 86.00 86.00 81.13 81.55 81.55 66.69 69.89 .00 19.00 3.95(S) 1.84( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .67(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 45. 76.82 84.52 84.52 79.39 80.10 80.10 66.98 65.11 .00 19.00 3.81(S) 1.83( ) 5.000) .00( ) .66(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 50. 75.16 82.98 82.98 78.11 78.58 78.58 63.71 66.87 .00 19.00 3.66(S) 1.81( ) 5.000) .00( ) .66(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5 55, 73.48 81.38 81.38 76.25 77.00 77.00 63.88 61.97 .00 19.00 13.52(5) 1.79( ) 5.000) .00( ) .66(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 0. 71.77 79.74 79.74 74.87 75.38 75.38 60.51 63.62 .00 19.00 3.37(S) 1.78( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .65(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 5. 70.06 78.06 78.06 72.93 73.72 73.72 60.59 58.64 .00 19.00 3.22(S) 1.76( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .65(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 10. 68.33 76.35 76.35 71.49 72.02 72.02 57.15 60.23 .00 19.00 3.07(S) 1.74( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .64(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 15. 66.61 74.63 74.63 69.50 70.31 70.31 57.18 55.19 .00 19.00 ' 2.92(S) 1.73( ) 5.000) .00( ) .64(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 20. 64.90 72.90 72.90 68.03 68.58 68.58 53.71 56.74 .00 19.00 2.78(S) 1.71( ) 5.000) .00( ) .63(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 25. 63.20 71.16 71.16 66.03 66.84 66.84 53.71 51.69 .00 19.00 2.63(S) 1.69( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .63(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 30. 61.51 69.42 69.42 64.55 65.10 65.10 50.23 53.23 .00 19.00 2.48(S) 1.67( ) 5.000) .00( ) .62(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 6 35. 59.84 67.69 67.69 62.56 63.37 63.37 50.24 48.18 .00 19.00 2.34(S) 1.65( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .62(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 40. 58.20 65.97 65.97 61.10 61.64 61.64 46.78 49.74 .00 19.00 2.20(S) 1.63( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .62(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 45. 56.58 64.27 64.27 59.14 59.93 59.93 46.81 44.71 .00 19.00 2.06(S) 1.61( ) 5.000) .00( ) .61(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 6 50. 54.98 62.58 62.58 57.71 58.24 58.24 43.37 46.31 .00 19.00 . 1.92(S) 1.59( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .61(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) 00( ) 6 55. 53.42 60.92 60.92 55.79 56.57 56.57 43.44 41.32 .00 19.00 1.78(S) 1.58( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .60(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 0. 51.88 59.28 59.28 54.41 55.19 55.19 40.32 43.23 .00 19.00 1.65(S) 1.56( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .60(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 5. 50.37 57.66 57.66 52.53 53.75 53.75 40.62 38.47 .00 19.00 1.52(S) 1.54( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .59(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 10. 48.90 56.08 56.08 51.21 52.17 52.17 37.30 40.18 .00 19.00 ' 1.39(S) 1.52( ) 5.000) .00( ) .58(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 15. 47.46 54.52 54.52 49.38 50.60 50.60 37.47 35.29 .00 19.00 1.27(S) 1.50( ) 5.000) .00( ) .57(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 20. 46.04 52.99 52.99 48.12 49.05 49.05 34.18 37.03 .00 19.00 1.14(S) 1.48( ) 5.000) .00( ) .57(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 25. 44.67 51.49 51.49 46.36 47.53 47.53 34.40 32.20 .00 19.00 1.02(S) 1.46( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .56(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 7 30. 43.32 50.02 50.02 45.15 46.04 46.04 31.17 34.00 .00 19.00 .91(S) 1.44( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .55(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 35. 42.01 48.59 48.59 43.45 44.58 44.58 31.46 29.23 .00 19.00 1.42( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .55(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) '.79(S) 7 40. 40.73 47.18 47.18 42.32 43.16 43.16 28.29 31.10 .00 19.00 .68(S) 1.40( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .54(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 45. 39.48 45.81 45.81 40.68 41.77 41.77 28.64 26.39 .00 19.00 58(S) 1.38( ) 5.000) .00( ) .53(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 50. 36.79 44.41 44.41 39.54 40.38 40.38 25.51 28.29 .00 19.00 ..48(S) 1.36( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .53(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 7 55. 31.00 42.69 42.69 37.56 38.84 38.84 25.72 23.45 .00 19.00 .40(S) 1.34( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .52(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 0. 27.29 40.40 40.40 35.54 36.92 36.92 22.05 24.81 .00 19.00 .35(S) 1.30( ) 5.000) .00( ) .51(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 S. 24.82 37.68 37.68 32.55 34.50 34.50 21.37 19.09 .00 19.00 ' .32(S) 1.26( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .50(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 10. 23.08 34.87 34.87 30.00 31.79 31.79 16.92 19.67 .00 19.00 .30(S) 1.22( ) 5.000) .00( ) .48(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 15. 21.77 32.22 32.22 27.09 29.07 29.07 15.94 13.64 .00 19.00 ' .28(S) 1.17( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .47(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 20. 20.73 29.86 29.86 24.99 26.53 26.53 11.66 14.39 .00 19.00 .26(S) 1.13( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .46(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) ' 1516 ' 25. 19.86 27.81 27.81 22.68 24.27 24.27 11.14 8.82 .00 19.00 .25(S) 1.09( ) 5.000) .00( ) .45(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 30. 19.09 26.06 26.06 21.19 22.31 22.31 7.44 10.16 .00 19.00 1.06( ) 5.000) .00( ) .44(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) '24(S) 35. 18.40 24.56 24.56 19.43 20.63 20.63 7.51 5.17 .00 19.00 .23(S) 1.03( ) 5.000) .00( ) .43(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 8 40. 17.75 23.28 23.28 18.41 19.20 19.20 4.33 7.03 .00 19.00 1.01( ) 5.000) .00( ) .42(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) '23(S) 45. 17.14 22.17 22.17 17.03 17.96 17.96 4.83 2.48 .00 19.00 .22(S) .98( ) 5.000) .00( ) .42(S) 14.000) .00( ) 00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 50. 16.55 21.19 21.19 16.32 16.88 16.88 2.01 4.70 .00 19.00 .21(S) .96( ) 5.000) .00( ) .41(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 55. 15.99 20.31 20.31 15.18 15.93 15.93 2.80 .44 .00 19.00 .20(S) .94( ) 5.000) .00( ) .41(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 0. 15.45 19.52 19.52 14.66 15.08 15.08 .21 2.88 .00 19.00 .20(S) .92( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .41(S) 14.00(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 5. 14.93 18.80 18.80 13.67 14.31 14.31 1.18 .00 .00 19.00 .19(S) .91( ) 5.000) .00( ) .40(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 10. 14.43 18.13 18.13 13.26 14.00 14.00 .00 .59 .00 19.00 ' .18(S) .89( ) 5.000) .00( ) .40(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 9 15. 13.94 17.49 17.49 12.36 14.00 14.00 .00 .00 .00 19.00 18(S) .88( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) 39(S) 14.00(D) 00( ) 00( 1 1.26(S) 00( ) 1 20. 13.47 16.90 16.90 12.03 14.00 14.00 .00 .26 .00 19.00 .17(S) .86( ) 5.000) .00( ) .38(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 9 25. 13.01 16.33 16.33 11.20 14.00 14.00 .00 .00 .00 19.00 16(S) .85( ) 5.000) .00( ) .36(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 30. 12.57 15.79 15.79 10.92 14.00 14.00 .00 .24 .00 19.00 .16(S) .83( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .34(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 9 35. 12.15 15.27 15.27 10.14 14.00 14.00 .00 .00 .00 19.00 15(S) .82( ) 5.00(0) .00( ) .32(S) 14.000) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ; 40. 11.73 14.77 14.77 9.90 14.00 14.00 .00 .21 .00 19.00 .15(S) .81( ) 5.00(D) .00( ) .29(S) 14.00(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ) 45. 11.34 14.29 14.29 9.15 13.90 13.90 .00 .00 .00 18.90 .14(S) .79( ) 5.000) .00( ) .26(S) 13.90(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( ; 50. 10.96 13.82 13.82 8.95 13.65 13.65 .00 .19 .00 18.65 .14(S) .78( ) 5.000) .00( ) .23(S) 13.65(0) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( 55. 10.59 13.37 13.37 8.24 13.39 13.39 .00 .00 .00 18.39 .13(S) .77( ) 5.000) .00( ) .19(S) 13.39(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26(S) .00( 0. 10.23 12.94 12.94 8.07 13.12 13.12 .00 .17 .00 18.12 .13(S) .75( ) 5.000) .00( ) .16(S) 13.12(D) .00( ) .00( ) 1.26- .00( FOLLOWING CONVEYANCE ELEMENTS HAVE NUMERICAL ; /7' � 10441 Pc✓nOKf /O��rnL Ll BILITY PROBLEMS THAT LEAD TO HYDRAULIC iltm *e4 OSCILLLATIONS DURING THE SIMULATION. {w 5�cp 48 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 2¢�[r1{ion pond 1 FACILITIES SERVICES SITE -- PROPOSED CONDITION FILES: PR1-R100.DAT 8 .OUT -YEAR STORM MODIFIED MAY 1997 FOR WAREHOUSE #4 LIDSTONE 8 ANDERSON, INC. PEAK FLOWS, STAGES AND STORAGES OF GUTTERS AND DETENSION DAMS PEAK STAGE STORAGE TIME ,CONVEYANCE ELEMENT (CFS) (FT) (AC -FT) (HR/MIN) 1 20. - +o(,u�.fe A"rl 41 343.3 (DIRECT FLOW) y�x�1G�9e 45.2 (DIRECT FLOW) 0 35. '42 43 329.9 (DIRECT FLOW) 1 25• 45 340.4 (DIRECT FLOW) 1 20. 46 341.0 (DIRECT FLOW) 1 20. 47 344.7 (DIRECT FLOW) 1 20. 48 340.4 .1 1.0 1 20. 49 311.5 3.2 1 15. 111 14.7 .6 1 5. 14115 1 5/t5 ' 51 9.8 .5 1 10. . 52 216.8 2.1 1 25. 53 111.7 1.1 1 25- 54 40.6 1.1 1 35. 55 38.9 .7 1 10. 56 27.5 .5 1 55. 57 24.8 .4 0 45. 58 7.2 .4 2 45. '59 7.2 .3 2 40. 204 316.8 .5 5.8 1 5. 112.0 .5 24.0 1 15. '205 206 129.6 .5 .9 0 45. 207 137.5 .5 .5 0 40. 208 27.5 .5 3.2 1 50. 62.6 .5 1.5 0 55. I209 210 62.2 .5 .8 0 40. 211 7.7 .5 1.2 1 55. 344.7 (DIRECT FLOW) 1 20, '229 300 19.0 (DIRECT FLOW) 0 35. 301 3".7 3.3 1 20. 322 .0 .1 1.3 10 0. 398 5.0 (DIRECT FLOW) 0 20. 399 14.0 (DIRECT FLOW) 0 35. IDPROGRAM PROGRAM CALLED 1 11 n APPENDIX A. 4 ' DOCUMENTATION FOR THE ' "HYDROLOGIC MODEL UPDATE FOR THE WEST VINE BASIN MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN, " ' [LIDSTONE & ANDERSON, 19981 0 I r ' TIOPEMCoprl 161COPR116-RPT;VPD September 14. 1999 HYDROLOGIC MODEL UPDATE FOR THE WEST VINE BASIN MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN PREPARED FOR: City of Fort Collins Stormwater Utility 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 PREPARED BY: Lidstone & Anderson, Inc. 760 Whalers Way, Suite B200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 (LA Project No. COFC97.06) July 15, 1998 2 1 1 2 3 4 ATERSHED 0 EST VINE MASTER PLAN HYDROLOGIC UPDATE 100-YR EXISTING CONDITION JULY 1998 720 0000 1. 1 1. 24 5. 0.60 0.96 1.44 1.68 3.00 5.04 9.00 3.72 2.16 1.56 1.20 0.84 0.60 0.48 0.36 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 t 24 0.24 0.12 0.12 2 .016 .25 .1 * SEGIN CENTRAL FLOW PATH '1 1 1 2 301 402 1000 1300 60.0 37.8 5. 5. .023 .018 1 3 403 750 7.7 30. .061 1 4 204 1200 15.4 25. .037 1 5 202 2610 69.0 15. .030 1 6 205 1580 32.6 25. .016 1 7 404 1500 22.8 10. .044 1 8 303 1100 22.7 5. .024 9 9 2100 32.7 20. .027 '1 1 10 206 990 22.6 20. .015 1 11 11 1340 51.3 5. .014 12 112 640 2.2 10. .008 '1 1 13 13 720 9.9 25. .015 1 14 14 1740 20.0 20. .018 1 15 15 1400 7.3 35. .025 1 1 16 17 16 216 1650 1500 18.6 10.2 20. 35. .020 .023 1 18 217 2300 18.9 45. .016 1 19 119 1100 9.5 45. .015 20 20 1900 13.4 35. .015 '1 1 21 21 1820 16.3 20. .015 1 _ 22 122 920 10.5 10. .020 1 23 223 2000 21.1 20. .015 '1 24 423 1150 8.0 25. .057 1 25 25 1500 12.1 5. .034 * BEGIN SOUTHERN FLOW PATH 1 1 30 31 30 31 6700157.8 3100 62.1 20. 20 .200 .250 1 32 234 2570 53.6 20. .350 1 33 33 2700103.7 20. .150 COLLEGE LAKE 1 34 23423170 85.6 95. .150 1 35 406 3800 84.3 20. .025 1 36 134 5600 53.7 10. .039 37 137 1750 14.4 30. .379 '1 1 38 38 5900 77.1 10. .070 1 39 39 1950 33.2 10. .073 1 40 40 6400104.E 10. .038 1 41 141 1550 25.0 5. .020 1 42 242 3000 33.2 5. .013 1 43 243 4300 83.5 5. .005 56 407 700 4.1 40. .016 '1 1 44 245 3850 36.9 15. .069 1 45 245 3600 53.8 30. .011 1 46 246 1400 12.8 25. .021 47 146 2000 18.9 25. .019 '1 1 48 48 4000 47.0 80. .014 1 49 149 2800 21.5 60. .012 1 50 50 2300 27.3 25. .019 '1 51 414 2700 24.6 15. .014 1 52 252 1200 10.9 25. .010 1 53 416 600 6.6 10. .020 ' 1 54 424 1000 23.5 20. .014 FILES: WV-EX100.DAT & .OUT LIDSTONE AND ANDERSON, INC 1 .3 .51 .50 .0018 • �x�R1,�= ODr`La �T OI�� ' 1 55 155 2500 25.4 5. .012 * BEGIN NORTHERN FLOW PATH 1 60 60 3200 34.8 20. .039 1 61 161 2600 61.7 15. .010 1 62 162 2000 40.0 10. .010 1 63 63 2420 16.7 45. .010 1 64 64 1290 4.9 50. .040 1 65 265 1000 8.6 40. .019 1 66 422 750 3.8 45. .040 1 67 67 850 5.8 5. .034 '1 '68 268 1900 11.7 10. .025 BEGIN SOUTHEASTERN FLOW PATH 1 69 169 3000 41.9 20. .018 1 70 170 2400 16.4 30. .026 1 71 71 5000 47.0 45. .012 1 72 172 3400 16.0 30. .059 1 73 73 3800 35.2 30. .016 1 74 74 2600 17.9 45. .009 'BEGIN NORTHEASTERN FLOW PATH 1 75 421 930 17.8 30. .012 1 76 76 1020 7.0 20. .031 1 77 77 730 5.7 15. .035 1 78 78 2450 26.0 25. .022 1 79 79 1350 19.6 15. .015 1 80 80 1840 19.0 10. .024 81 81 2200 27.3 10. .016 '1 1 82 280 3000 26.9 30. .014 0 0 BEGIN CENTRAL FLOW PATH 301 101 10 2 1. 0.00 0.0 0.30 0.0 1.74 0.0 2.32 0.7 ' 2.90 4.2 3.47 12.2 4.05 26.4 4.63 47.8 5.20 77.7 6.07 140.9 101 402 1 0. 620. .015 85. 20. .060 2.0 602 402 502 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 2000.0 1940.0 502 403 3 1. 602 102 3 1. 102 204 1 5. 570. .032 100. 20. .060 2.0 204 104 3 1. 104 202 1 0. 840. .026 50. 100. .060 2.0 603 403 503 3 3 1. ' 0.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 2000.0 1930.0 503 404 3 1. 603 103 3 1. 103 202 1 0. 600. .060 100. 100. .060 2.0 ' INFLOWS TO THE HOLLYWOOD STREET DETENTION POND 202 302 3 1. * HOLLYWOOD STREET DETENTION POND STORAGE -DISCHARGE RATING CURVE 302 105 12 2 1. 0.00 0.0 4.88 0.0 9.14 20.0 10.85 40.0 12.07 60.0 13.17 80.0 14.02 100.0 14.87 120.0 15.60 140.0 16.21 160.0 16.94 180.0 17.55 200.0 105 205 1 0. 600. .018 100. 100. .080 2.0 604 404 504 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 2000.0 1950.0 504 242 3 1. ' 604 107 3 1. 107 303 1 0. 1130. .019 .30. 100. .060 2.0 303 108 14 2 1. 0.00 0.0 0.39 0.0 2.32 0.0 6.16 0.0 6.90 20.0 7.16 40.0 7.34 60.0 7.49 80.0 7.68 100.0 7.88 120.0 8.07 140.0 8.22 160.0 8.36 180.0 8.51 200.0 108 9 1 0. 1000. .015 60. 100. .080 2.0 9 109 1 3. 1170. .007 5. 100. 060 2.0 109 205 1 3. 1010. .010 100. 5. .060 2.0 ' UPSTREAM OF SUNSET STREET 205 106 3 1. 106 206 1 10. 1000. .008 30. 70. .060 2.0 206 110 3 1. ' 110 216 1 0. 430. .007 100. 100. .080 2.0 11 401 1 0. 1470. .019 60. 70. .060 2.0 -1 500 401 3 3 1. 0.00 0.0 0.05 60.0 12.00 60.0 601 401 501 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 2000.0 1910.0 501 601 402 111 3 3 1- 1. 111 112 1 0. 770. .019 60. 70. .060 2.0 112 13 1 0. 730. .018 60. 100. .080 2.0 13 113 1 0. 670. .009 100. 100. .080 2.0 ' 113 14 1 0. 750. .017 60. 100. .080 2.0 14 15 1 0. 700. .009 60. 60. .080 2.0 15 115 4 0. 430. .013 50. 50. .016 0.4 36. 430. .013 60. 60. .040 2.0 115 206 1 5. 600. .010 3. 15. .060 2.0 16 216 4 5. 330. .010 4. 4. .060 1.5 17. 330. .010 60. 50. .060 3.0 216 117 3 1. 117 217 1 0. 270. .015 100. 100. .080 2.0 20 120 1 2. 1450. .010 3. 50. .060 2.0 120 217 4 0. 1270. .012 50. 50. .016 0.4 36. 1270. .012 60. 60. .040 2.0 217 18 3 1. 18 413 4 5. 290. .020 3. 3. .060 2.0 17. 290. .020 100. 100. .060 4.0 119 21 1 0. 320. .011 100. 100. .080 2.0 21 412 1 12. 500. .0001 3. 3. .030 5.0 612 412 512 3 3 1. ' 0.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 2000.0 1930.0 512 413 3 1. 612 223 3 1. UPSTREAM OF THE NEW MERCER CANAL 613 413 513 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 140.0 0.0 2000.0 1860.0 513 122 3 1. 613 118 3 1. ' 118 223 1 0. 690. .009 30. 80. .060 2.0 223 23 3 1. 23 423 1 0. 460. .009 30. 80. .060 2.0 623 423 523 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 190.0 0.0 2000.0 1810.0 523 424 3 1. ' 23 124 124 25 3 1 0. 1, 570. .017 40. 30. .060 3.0 25 267 1 0. 700. .008 70. 100. .060 2.0 ' BEGIN NORTHERN FLOW PATH 60 161 1 0. 820. .013 100. 100. .060 2.0 ' 161 162 1 0. 1340. .010 100. 100. .060 2.0 162 63 1 5. 610. .011 60. 60. .080 2.0 63 411 4 0. 565. .007 50. 50. .016 0.4 565. .007 60. 60. .040 2.0 '36. -1 510 411 4 3 1. 0.00 0.0 0.05 140.0 8.00 140.0 9.00 611 411 511 3 3 1. ' 0.0 0.0 130.0 0.0 2000.0 1870.0 511 412 3 1. 611 163 3 1. ' 163 265 1 0. 630. .010 100. 100. .080 2.0 0.0 64 164 4 0. 550. .010 50. 50. .016 0.4 36. 550. .010 60. 60. .040 2.0 164 265 1 0. 820. .005 3. 100. .060 2.0 ' 265 165 3 1. 165 422 1 0. 390. .023 15. 15. .080 3.0 622 422 522 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 240.0 0.0 2000.0 1760.0 522 423 3 1. 622 166 3 1. 166 67 1 0. 450. .024 67 267 1 0. 420. .015 COMBINE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL FLOW PATHS 267 167 3 1. 167 BEGIN SOUTHERN 2611 1 FLOW PATH 0. 650. .004 30 234 1 3. 2300. .074 31 234 1 3. 1550. .116 33 234 1 5 1400. .011 ' 234 334 3 1. 334 134 9 2 1. 40. 20. .060 2.0 30. 100. .060 2.0 20. 100. .060 3.0 4. 5. .040 5.0 6. 2. .040 10.0 2. 4. .045 10.0 0.00 0.0 18.64 5.2 37.28 53.8 93.75 78.7 112.95 '74.55 151.34 176.7 134 405 4 10. 1500. .021 10. 50. 1500. .021 100. 137 38 1 5 2000. .018 4. 38 138 4 3. 2500. .011 6. 30. 2500. .011 100. ' 138 141 4 2, 6. 800. 800. 014 .014 2, 2. 141 242 1 0. 1900. .011 100. 39 139 1 1. 1050. .024 2. 139 40 1 1. 1550. .015 15. ' 40 242 1 10. 1400. .009 100. 242 142 3 1. 142 405 4 10. 1900. .0003 2.5 30. 1900. .0003 2.5 605 405 505 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 2000.0 05 605 6 13 136 3 3 1, 1. 136 243 1 25. 950. .008 100. 606 406 506 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 120.0 0.0 2000.0 ' 506 407 3 1. 606 243 3 1. 243 43 3 1. 43 143 4 10. 1400. .006 5. ' 50. 1400. .006 100. 143 245 1 5. 1650. .007 100. 607 407 507 3 3 1, ' 0.0 0.0 140.0 0.0 2000.0 507 3 1. 607 245 3 1. 245 145 3 1. 145 246 4 7. 2250. .005 15. 107. 2250. .005 100. 246 146 3 1. 146 48 1 0. 450. .012 100. ' 48 148 1 0. 1100. .006 100. 148 414 4 2. 750. .013 20. 122. 750. .013 100. 149 414 1 0. 350. .009 100. ' 122 414 1 12. 650. .0001 3. 614 414 514 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 2000.0 ' 16.7 107.5 10. 100. 6. 7. 100. 2. 50. 100. 2. 10. 100. 2.5 100. 1900.0 55.91 33.1 132.14 140.2 .040 2.0 .060 2.0 .040 6.0 .040 2.0 .060 3.0 .040 2.0 .060 4.0 .060 2.0 .040 3.0 .060 2.0 .060 2.0 .030 4.0 .060 7.0 60. .060 4.0 1880.0 5. .045 4.0 15. .060 5.0 15. .050 6.0 1860.0 10. 50. 100. 100. 20. 100. 100. 3. 1910.0 .050 .060 .080 .080 .050 .060 .080 .030 4.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 6.0 ' 514 415 3 1. 614 151 3 1. 151 50 252 415 1 1 15. 1. 700. 850. 009 .013 100. 100. 615 415 515 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 2000.0 515 416 3 1. 615 150 3 1. 150 252 1 0. 600. .008 100. 252 152 3 1. 152 424 1 0. 650. .012 100. 616 416 516 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 2000.0 16 3 1. ' 616 153 3 1. 153 424 1 5. 950. .013 20. 624 424 524 3 3 1. ' 0.0 524 425 0.0 3 130.0 0.0 1. 2000.0 624 154 3 1. 154 155 1 0. 1270. .010 100. 155 268 1 5. 750. .003 90. COMBINE NORTHERN, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN FLOW PATHS 268 168 3 1. 168 170 1 10. 900. .010 40. 170 172 1 10. 950. .005 100. 172 273 1 0. 950. .007 75. ' BEGIN THE SOUTHEASTERN FLOW PATH 625 425 525 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 2000.0 525 3 1. 625 69 3 1. 69 169 1 0. 2350. .008 100. 169 71 4 0. 700. .005 50. 35. 700. .005 8. 71 171 4 0. 550. .005 50. 35. 550. .005 50. 171 73 4 0. 950. .007 50. 35. 950. .007 25. 73 273 1 0. 650. .007 100. ' 74 273 1 0. 500. .006 100. 273 174 3 1. 174 280 1 0. 400. .018 100. BEGIN THE NORTHEASTERN FLOW PATH -1 520 421 4 3 1. 0.00 0.0 0.05 210.0 6.00 621 421 521 3 3 1. 0.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 2000.0 ' 521 422 3 1. 621 175 3 1. 175 76 1 10. 520. .019 25. ' 76 176 1 5. 400. .020 15. 176 77 1 2. 310. .010 30. 77 278 1 2. 420. .011 25. ' 78 278 4 0. 36. 1340. 1340. .008 .008 50. 60. 278 178 3 1. 178 79 1 5. 530. .008 75. 79 179 1 2. 805. .007 70. 179 174 1 5. 660. .006 100. 80 180 1 0. 820. .008 100. 180 280 4 0. 740. .011 50. 36. 740. .011 60. COMBINE ALL FLOW PATHS 280 282 3 1. 81 282 1 0, 1320. 012 100. ' 100. .060 2.0 100. .020 2.0 1850.0 100. .080 2.0 100. .060 2.0 1910.0 30. .060 2.0 1870.0 100. .060 2.5 45. .060 3.0 40. .060 4.0 60. .060 3.0 100. .060 3.0 1900.0 100. .060 2.0 50. .016 0.4 8. .040 2.0 50. .016 0.4 50. .040 2.0 50. .016 0.4 25. .040 2.0 100. .060 2.0 100. .080 2.0 100. .060 3.0 210.0 7.00 1850.0 25. .060 4.0 3. .045 4.0 3. .045 3.0 3. .045 3.0 50. .016 0.4 60. .040 2.0 3. .045 3.0 3. .045 3.0 100. .045 2.0 100. .060 2.0 50. .016 0.4 60. .040 2.0 100. .060 2.0 0.0 ' TOTAL FLOWS FROM THE WEST VINE DRAINAGE BASIN 282 3 1. ' 0 0 ENDPROGRAM I t I 64 76 NORTHEASTERN FLOW PATH .73 821 175 76 17 81 81 NORTHERN FLOW PATH 64 421 60 16 321 78 82 80 80 82 12 13 60 161 6 63 411 611 65 16 422 622 77 78 79 80 0 80 61 62' 63 511 65 68 522 601 11t 1 13 11 401 14 87 77 278 17 79 179 7 501 15 19 11 6 67 73 it tt 14 612 602 10 4 t5 21 21 412 2 402 512 72 17 2 04 0 5 6 16 20 20 ( 1 H�301. 101 1 603 10 02 21 0 203 23 24 23 3 403 16 12 73 74 303 n 06 06 1 16 1� 17 18 4 I13 613 1 23 23 423 623 2 .25 267 67 68 16 17 73 7a 404 604 1 523 (68 70 0 10 17 18 513 f 0 1os 91 CENTRAL FLOW PATH f 504 O9 69 169 71 171 37 3 55 38 69 71 38 ss SOUTHEASTERN FLOW PATH 3 40 41 LEGEND 39 39 139 40 141 42 22 SOUTHERN FLOW PATH 42 48 51 52 1 O1 SUBBASIN 101 CONVEYANCE 34 36 4 � 47 48 48 414 814 151 32 5 424 62ELEMENTa 04 33 33 NODE 0 32 34 3 13 405 605 13 243 � 48 149 14 130 19 54 324 423 823 401 DIVERSION NODE 31 31 05 525 17 INFLOW 3 43 49 415 615 618 HYDROGRAPH 30 30 ElDETENTION y 406 606 45 50 515 416 POND 4 35 sos 407 607 44 S0 53 516 Figure 3.1. West Vine Basin 56 507 Hydrologic Model Schematic V 24