HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Reports - 04/23/2018A v ATWELL City of Fort Collins A roved Plans p Approved by " Date: 4 z 201% Final Drainage Report for Maverik City of Fort Collins, Colorado I Developer: Maverik Inc. 880 West Center Street Salt Lake City, UT 84054 801.335.3851 Contact: Rick Magness Engineer: Atwell, LLC 143 Union Blvd, Suite 700 Lakewood, CO 80228 303.462.1100 Contact: Kevin J. Rohrbough, PE Project Number 15001770 February, 28 2017 Revised April 16, 2018 �1ATWELL 1 � 1 CONSULTING, ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION. TO: Development Review Engineer' ' Stormwater Engineering & Development Review Department City of Fort Collins 281 North College Ave., Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524 1 DATE: March28h,'2018 SUBJECT: Revision No.1 for Maverik Convenience Store and Fuel Sales ' Dear Mr. Mogen, ' Please find a list below of proposed changes with explanation of each change: 1. Underground water quality chambers — Due to long-term maintenance the operations side of ' Maverik has determined that they would like to go with an underground storm water facility to meet the City's LID criteria instead of the pavers that were originally proposed and designed. 2. Change existing 14" RCP to 14"x26" Elliptical - Original survey reported that this pipe was a 24" ' RCP. Once construction commenced, contractors reported that this was an existing 14" RCP not 24" RCP. However, the engineer designed flows to and from the underground chamber system with the existing 24" RCP information. Therefore, the actual existing 14" RCP needed to be 1 changed to 24" RCP to accommodate designed flows. Further, it was determined that a natural gas line was in conflict with the proposed 24" line and a 14"x26" elliptical pipe is now proposed to adequately convey the flows from the underground storm water system to the pond. 1 3. Change proposed 18" RCP to 12" RCP — Unforeseen site constraints of an existing electrical duct bank going to the hotel required a smaller diameter pipe to be installed with the inverts required to make the storm water flows gravity flow to the underground Stormwater system ' and the pond. This pipe will adequately convey the flows on the project. 4. Drywell with underdrain - A proposed drywell with underdrain was added to allow a percentage of captured flows from the underground water quality chambers to drain away from system and ' percolate as requested by the City of Fort Collins. S. Relocated 5' Type R Inlet — Related to item 3 above, this inlet was required to be shifted slightly to avoid a conflict with a large existing electrical duct bank that was unforeseen on the project. 1 6. Updated grading for existing pond — The 4829.00 contour of the proposed grading plan did not extend up to the FES and storm pipe outfall into the pond. The grading was updated in order for the contour to reach the FES Invert of 4829.00. ' 7. Redesigned sidewalk —An existing transformer box was found on site during construction. The box was located in the middle of the proposed sidewalk. The sidewalk was redesigned to run around the existing transformer box. 1 8. Public access easement — An public access easement was added for the newly designed sidewalk. 9. Grading change to northwest area of property —Underground utilities were found in the ' northwest area of the site that conflicted with proposed grading. Grading was updated to accommodate for these utility lines. 1 143 Union Boulevard, Suite 700, Lakewood, CO 80228 Tel:303.462.1100 Fax: 303.825.7110 www.atwell-group.com F,NATWELL CONSULTING. ENGINEERING. CONSTRUCTION. 10. Removed storm pipe - Grading changes in the northwest area of site changed flow design. Flows were originally designed to be conveyed by a combination of swales and storm pipe under proposed sidewalk into the storm system. Flows will now be conveyed into the storm system by a swale leading into an 18" area drain. Therefore, the storm pipe running under sidewalk was not needed. 11. Added 18" area drain - Grading changes in the northwest area of site changed flow design. Flows were originally designed to be conveyed by a combination of swales and storm pipe under proposed sidewalk into the storm system. Flows will now be conveyed into the storm system by a swale leading into an 18" area drain. Sincerely, Kevin Rohrbough, P.E. Atwell, LLC 143 Union Boulevard. Suite 700. Lakewood. CO 80228 Tel: 303.462.1100 Fax: 303.825.7110 www.atwell-group.com I hereby cmertl.fy,thOt this -Final Dtiviria§6 Report -for the design of Maverikwas prepared 6 1 ' * 'd direct supervision in �a y me orqn. under my. accordance :with tho.ordVisions of the Urban Drainage and Flood. Control District Manual and the: Fort Collins Am6ndnieinft for thii:bWndrs thereof., I underMarid that the. City of Fort Collj.hs . does not - and will; not assume . . I liability. , . for .. drai . na - go facilities - libes 4 . egigned. by qMers. Ri Mdred WofesMonall. Engineer State ofColbraddNo. I#lq2 .1 .— . I hereby certify * that the -drgihag6 facilities for M646rik: shall be constructed !according to-the:design presented in this. report: I understand that i6e.,.1bity-of doe' liability i go lifi6s FdK Collih s s not and not Assume I _y for dra fta , ifaC4 ,designed an-d/or'certifije­d'b engineer. understand y my erg 1-:uriders. no that the: City. of Fort Collins,revi6w drainage plans but caftnoti,on behalf of-Maverik, guarantee,that* final di'aiiiane design, review will absolve The MAverik, LLC and/or .th eir " successors'and/or:assigns of'future iiability_for improper design. Ifurther. understand that appfoVal of the, Final Development Plan does es not imply -approval of my,engineer-s drainage,design. Name of -Developer Table of Contents General Location and Description 1 Drainage Basins and Sub -Basins 2 Drainage Design Criteria 5 Drainage Facility Design 6 Conclusions 7 References 7 Appendix A — Maps & Figures Historic and Developed Imperviousness Maps FIRM Map Hydrologic Soils Report Rainfall Intensity Runoff Coefficients Variance Request Appendix B — Stormwater Calculations Composite Run-off Coefficients Time of Concentration Minor Storm Runoff Calculations Major Storm Runoff Calculations Inlet Calculations Pipe Calculations Existing and Proposed Pond Summaries Detention Volume by Modified FAA Method Proposed Pond Volume Calculations Outlet Structure Calculations CRS Drain Time Calculations LID Calculations Underground Water Quality Chamber System Calculations Underground Water Quality Chamber System O&M Spill Containment System SOP Historic Drainage Plan Back Pocket Final Drainage Plan Back Pocket I. General Location and Description ' The purpose of this report is to provide a reference for the City of Fort Collins and the developer to use for the construction and maintenance of drainage facilities for the ' Maverik development site in Fort Collins, Colorado. ' The Maverik development site occupies 1.77 acres that is located in the Maverik Subdivision Filing No. 1. The site is located within the Northwest one -quarter of Section 15, Township 7 North, Range 68 West of the 6"' Principal Meridian. The parcel's street frontage is along 1-25 Frontage Road with an address of 4333 E. Mulberry Street. The site is bounded by the Americas Best Value Inn & Suites property to the south and west; Frontage Road to the east; and CDOT ROW for Intersate-25 to the north. A vicinity map is included within Appendix A of this report. ' The proposed development site currently has a round brick building that formerly served as a restaurant. The east side of the site generally slopes from north to south at about a 1 percent grade, while the west side generally slopes from east to west. Both sides of the ' site drain to grated inlets within the existing parking lot that discharge flow into an existing detention pond on the north side of the site. This detention pond has a 24" controlled ' outlet pipe that discharges to a roadside drainage swale along the 1-25 off -ramp to E. Mulberry Street. The swale conveys flows southwest to Boxelder Creek. ' Soils on the site are identified as Fort Collins loam, which is a Hydrologic Group B soil. Refer to the soils map in Appendix A of this report for additional soils information. ' The proposed use for the redeveloped property is a convenience store and fueling station. The proposed development will contain a convenience store replacing the ' existing restaurant building along with the fueling station to the northeast with surrounding parking. A rest area with tot lot and dog park will also be provided along the ' northeastern boundary. The development parcel lies within the limits of the Boxelder Creek Regional Master ' Plan. The project site is identified as outside of the 100-yr floodplain (Zone X) as shown on the flood insurance rate map number. 08069C1003G, dated May 2, 2012 (a copy is included in Appendix A). Final brainage keport Maverik pAG� I A11N 11 , I LC II. Drainage Basins and Sub -Basins As stated in section I, the east side of the site generally slopes from north to south at about 1 percent, while the west side generally slopes from east to west. Both the existing Americas Best Value Inn & Suites property and the proposed Maverik site will be analyzed as they both drain to an existing detention pond in the northwest comer of the proposed site. The outfall drainage way is identified as a tributary of Boxelder Creek in the aforementioned Regional Master Plan. Under existing conditions, runoff from the site reaches the outfall drainage way via area drains in the parking lot on the southwest side of the site and west of the pond. The majority of runoff from the site will be captured by inlets and conveyed to an underground chamber system that will percolate runoff into the ground to meet LID requirements. The system is designed to contain the WQCV (as defined by the 2015 UDFCD Vol. 3 Sect. 3.0) within the entire system including chambers, stone, and other fittings. Initial calculations specified that 54 chambers would be required to provide storage for the WQCV of 1,651 cubic feet. The required number of chambers per the manufacturer's design is actually 47 chambers. The difference in the number of chambers is due to additional storage provided by the stone around the perimeter of the chambers in the ultimately designed system that the initial calculations did not account for. As an additional sizing requirement, the chamber system must contain the volume required by the Modified FAA method (using the percolation through filter fabric rate provided by the City of Fort Collins of 0.35 gmp/sf) within the chambers only. The number of chambers required to provide this volume is 28. This requirement is met since 47 chambers are provided. Runoff from the site will be captured by two proposed inlets and conveyed to two inlet manholes of the chamber system. The chamber system is designed to capture the WQCV from the site and allow it to percolate into the ground. Percolation calculations for are included in Appendix B. Any flow above this volume will bypass the chambers via overflow weirs set in the inlet manholes. The bypass flows will be piped around the chambers into the outlet manhole of the system. The outlet manhole drains directly to the existing on site detention pond through a proposed 14" x 23" elliptical RCP pipe. Inspection and Maintenance of the underground Stormtech Isolator chambers can be done through access ports installed in the top of each chamber run and through 24" Final brainac{e peport Maverik WA 2 AMLL, LLC Nyloplast drain basins that act as a manifold to join the chamber runs together. Cleaning the chambers is performed with a specialized sprayer and a vacuum hose to wash and remove the sediment and debris that builds up inside the chambers. A Standard Operating Procedures document (SOP) is included in Appendix B. A drywell and underdrain will serve as an outfall to the underground water quality chamber system. A 4" perforated PVC pipe will be placed around the perimeter of the underground chamber system and connect to an unperforated PVC pipe sloped at 0.5%. This underdrain will convey flows into the drywell system located in the southeast comer of the site. The drywell is a secondary measure to drain the water quality chambers via percolation into the surrounding native soils. Percolation calculations are included in Appendix B. A fuel spill containment system is required around the fuel pumps and underground fuel storage tanks to prevent a fuel spill entering the stormwater system. A trench drain will be placed around the fuel pumps and tanks to collect any spilled fuel. The trench drains will be connected with PVC pipe to a concrete vault designed to trap up to 150 gallons of spilled fuel for cleanup. The vault will also allow drainage water to pass through, leaving the spilled fuel floating behind an internal baffle. The vault is connected to a 4 foot concrete manhole. This manhole drains into the underground water quality chamber via storm sewer. A Standard Operating Procedures document (SOP) is included in Appendix B. Overall the site (including the Americas Best Value Inn and Suites) has been divided into three main basins (A, B, and C) with Basin A being split into two -sub basins: Sub -Basin All: (2.80 acres; Q100 = 18.7 cfs) Sub -Basin Al contains most of the existing Americas Best Value Inn & Suites site including the building, pool area and surrounding parking. The existing detention pond and southwest half of the proposed convenience store are also contained in Sub -Basin Al. All flows in Sub -Basin Al will drain to the existing detention pond through the existing storm sewer system located on site. Sub -Basin A2: (0.90 acres; Q100 = 7.1 cfs) Sub -Basin A2 contains much of the new construction including a portion of the convenience store, a portion of the new canopy, and much of the parking lot. Sub -Basin A2 drains to a proposed 2' valley pan and a proposed Type C inlet with traffic rated grate near the south driveway entrance. These flows are then conveyed into the underground water quality chamber. In the case the proposed inlet becomes clogged, the emergency flow path of Sub -Basin A2 is to the west Final nrainage f eport Maverik FACT 5 A11N�LL, LLC , where it will follow the proposed valley pan within Sub -Basin A3 and spill over the curb and gutter. This flow is ultimately conveyed to the detention pond by means of the proposed swale. Sub -Basin A3: (0.65 acres; Q100 = 4.6 cfs) Sub -Basin A3 contains much of the new construction including a portion of the convenience store, a portion of the new canopy, and the recreation area & dog park. Sub -Basin A3 drains to a proposed 2' valley pan which then conveys the flows to a proposed 5 foot Type R inlet. These flows are then conveyed to the underground water quality chamber via storm sewer. The proposed 2' valley pans and Type R inlet will ensure positive drainage to the underground water quality chamber in the case of clogged inlets. Much of the fuel containment system is within Sub -Basin A-3 including much of the trench drain, the concrete containment vault, and pipe connection into the underground water quality chamber. The trench drains around the underground fuel storage tanks and fuel pumps will capture spilled fuel and drain to the concrete vault that will trap the spilled fuel so it can be cleaned out before it enters the stormwater system. Any storm runoff that is also captured in the trench drains will pass through the vault while the spilled fuel is withheld. The vault then connects with PVC pipe to a 4 foot concrete manhole which drains into the underground water quality chamber. Basin B: (0.08 acres; Q100 = 0.1 cfs) Basin B consists of a small strip of land in the northern comer of the site. Runoff from the basin is captured by an onsite swale and drains to the existing detention pond. Basin C: (0.12 acres; Q100 = 0.2 cfs) Basin C consists of a small strip of land on the southwest and southeast sides of the site between the existing parking area and property line. This small area sheet flows offsite to Frontage Road and the adjacent property to the southwest. Historic basins follow the same layout as the proposed basins with the only changes being Basin A will be split into three sub -basins with proposed development instead of the existing two sub -basins. For a comparison of Historic and Proposed basins, see Table 1 in Appendices B. Final brainage keport Maverik PAGZ 4 ATML, LLC ' III. Drainage Design Criteria Drainage analysis and stormwater facility design has been prepared in accordance with ' the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual and the Fort Collins Amendments to the UDFCD Criteria Manual. ' Historic and Developed runoff calculations for the 2-year and 100-year rainfall events have been completed using the rational method. Refer to the appendix of this report for ' rational calculations. Design rainfall was based on the City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity Table (Reference A). Runoff Coefficients were based on off City of Fort Collins Table RO-11. The 100 year storm had a 1.25x frequency factor applied. Detention Storage has been determined using the Modified FAA Method. A fuel spill containment system is required around the fuel pumps and underground fuel storage tanks to prevent a fuel spill entering the stormwater system. This system is described above and an SOP is included in Appendix B. ' Water quality chambers as described above are to be used for water quality in lieu of ' permeable pavers. The chambers are designed to treat the WQCV and bypass flows above that to the existing detention pond. The LID Requirement for the site as stated in the City of Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual Volume 3, Chapter 3 is "At least ' seventy five percent (75%) of any newly developed or redeveloped area and any modification on a previously developed area for which a Development Construction ' Permit is required under City codes and regulations must be treated using one or a combination of LID techniques". The 1.77 ac site is the newly platted Lot 1 of the Maverik Subdivision. A water quality chamber system that percolates captured runoff into the soil is the chosen LID technique. The area that will be captured and treated by the water quality chambers is 1.55 ac consisting of drainage basins A2 & A3, as shown on the attached Drainage Plan, minus the entire proposed building roof area of 0.13 acres that will bypass the chambers. The total site area that will be captured and treated is 1.42 ac. This equates to 80.2% of the site is treated by the water quality chambers witch is greater than the 75% required by the City of Fort Collins. LID calculations and an SOP of this system are included in ' Appendix B. ' Historic and developed imperviousness maps are included in Appendix A. Planters and trees will be added throughout the site including along perimeter roads and parking ' Final bralnage keport Maverik A1'V1/ LL, I LC , islands. Vegetative buffers will also be utilized along walks and parking areas. Drainage Facility Design The existing on -site detention pond will be reused in its existing location. The existing detention pond was found to have a capacity of 0.35 acre-feet with a depth of just less than four feet. No existing outlet structure or spillway was found on the existing pond. Pond release is currently controlled by the existing 24" RCP pipe at the low end of the pond with a 100 year release at approximately 21 cfs. The pond drains to the existing swale along the access road just beyond the northwest property line. In -flow to the pond comes from two existing 18" RCP pipes that connect to the existing storm sewer system on site. The storm sewer system and inlet pipes will remain. Proposed updates to the detention pond include removing excess material from the bottom of the pond to allow for proper drainage, raising the berm around the perimeter of the pond by approximately one foot and increasing side slopes to 3:1 to increase pond volume to 0.38 acre-feet and provide a minimum of 1 foot of freeboard. An emergency spillway draining to the adjacent roadside ditch will also be provided. A new outlet structure will also be provided that connects to the existing 24" RCP at the low end of the pond. The structure will consist of a modified CDOT Type C inlet with trash rack and orifice plate. The outlet structure will provide water quality and 100-year release of 14.2 cfs based of FAA Method calculations. located in Appendix B of this report. A variance has been applied for with the City of Fort Collins to allow an increased release rate to match the maximum pond volume that we can fit on the updated site. Original calculations would have required a 0.7 acre-foot pond with a 6.9 cfs release. The designed pond with a 14.2 cfs release is still significantly less than the existing release at 21 cfs. At the time of construction of the pond and outlet structure, the outfall ditch downstream of the pond will be re -graded and all debris removed to provide improved drainage all the way to Boxelder Creek. Final Prainacle keport Maverik PAGE 6 IV. Conclusions This study is in compliance with the UDFCD Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual and the Fort Collins Amendments to the UDFCD Criteria Manual. This study is also consistent with the overall drainage concept in previously prepared regional drainage study (References 3). The proposed development and proposed drainage facilities will result in no adverse impacts created by the quantity or quality of storm water generated by this project. V. References 1. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual; Denver Regional Council of Governments; August 2011. 2. Fort Collins Amendments to the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Criteria Manual; City of Fort Collins; December 12, 2012 3. Final Boxelder Creek Regional Stormwater Master Plan; Larimer County & Boxelder Creek Regional Alliance; October 2006 4. Floor Insurance Rate Map, Larimer County, Map Number 08069C1003G; Federal Emergency Management Agency; May 2, 2012 Final brainage deport Maverik PAGF I Appendix A Maps & Figures � � l ti N NNNow _.i- / �OF \ \ ` 1� 1 II tlPERN��d+ SS ® LANDSCAPE/EA'ANS I" 18.874 ROOFS 95% 40.181 ASPHALT/CONCRETE 95% 109.335 ' � w �p1y n a S % a o_ 2 ant Tn F3 fn z googo Y ZO ¢¢v1fi,5 4 J O Z W < �OYQ3 < � U ill~z ` W _N to a x 9AX 4/13/2016 oR C85 JCH, JF Pl KR 5 R Joe 15oo1770 acrr Ho. 1 � ENmwffSJ SYSI£65 C1 w B1 V-Qs- M2 ♦ ♦400odo ♦ ' CA'?r Fti M' y i e INP RN 5H SS LANDSCAVEAAWNS 10% 37,151 ® ROOFS 95% 42.116 ASPHALT/CONCRETE 95% 119.223 �dia O wlO�i [p01� > 111rt LLC J J W a� e S a oar tun) w <0000 Y aZ J W S N o ofm a00 H 1n O W O a Of e Ln p `a Ul a o 0 , IM 0 0 m a� a m JOINS PANEL 0984 FN 0 go IM IM a �- y y 4936 \ \ i gZ61 o ?C� N r • m ti CO r vy? C , 3AI803ansvaid Cil oR3�9 gNail n Y 3 T C xak �ppY n33�� aoY A33 3Y°cam n �0 go2�q$ ppg n73 n ge �v a. . a g e if giff a r1 trt M if o {� v bZ p pN O ow G1 `s $ 8 NA 0o mnZ DRIVE -JM a- O ti � y y m � O J Gb 9 O ic 09 s? a rn m g� Z yy m ic oo d 19 a T LOMA 4938 L-INDA DRIVE i 105" 0 2'W 0z z � w C P VI m yo r A o i 0 <n nr �< r m 7 N 8 yy O n � 8 $ 1 K W g Z m _ 0 O a 0 m — m < cn $ m cn C m � X' 25 8 4 z z m m � N c O 104^ 59 43' W 4491990 W 1 z 4492030 4492070 4492110 4492150 4492190 105° 92 W x a 0 co 0 1n o_ 0 c r m 3 m C) c C D lD N 0 0 d n 0 ry � 1 " IN' 5943'W 4492230 M92270 4 q z z ¢ � � 0 k a « � 0 z w 0 w -j & � �00 ® L (D § E £ `[wE k CL E 3: Fa }\\0 E {tko \ \ 0 6 E|§a k ¢k§2 J of�w .$ ` ` / §.f§ \ _ ƒ §�) }� eeee CL | « - § §)) jj// ) 0 jf{ 16 )(k °SS ( k \ kk/ 0 r§) {{Q-0 ) }A \ §§| E L) ; �} ! °# § t «°;¥ �k/\e g {/ §!# 7 ■//* 23: ®(D 0 :5, ,a ®©■ \a)\| m§ )2 E$E ƒfj CL ) j ƒ ]|{\&tf |$ } 0 i{|( . . 0k m> $ | &tea, )§& 2■�UM K 3{B;3 k7 �] _ ) § : ..�; li�m° ƒ• /\ �a ƒ\f \) - ® k®-- �( 0 , k«®®k ) �\ �` k 2 |§0 §a�j ±a2a_ \! - {` f!}\ }§ ]Ja w =m ,r2; £\aan (f /Q 3& !A &a$# | \ La\ \ o e ; a ) }) �`! , o Q o Q k | I £ \� � \ \ < k� �f _ !) <$� a u o n z 0« $ co ca o o e z < 2= a 0 q / q q q / q / | : \ o ■ ■ ■ ! k0 . a \ 1 Hydrologic Soil Group—Lanmer County Area, Colorado Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soil Group— Summary by Map Unit — Larimer County Area, Colorado (CO644) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 34 Fort Collins loam, 0 to 1 6 10.9 63.6% percent slopes 73 Nunn day loam, 0 to 1 C 5.5 32.3% percent slopes 76 Nunn clay loam, wet, 1 to C 0.7 4.1% 3 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 17.1 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. �;)" Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/16/2015 dfm Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 ' Hydrologic Soil Group--Larimer County Area, Colorado Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.* None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/16/2015 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 (11) Section 4.0 is amended to read as follows: 4.0 Intensity -Duration -Frequency Curves for Rational Method: The one -hour rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency tables for use the Rational Method of runoff analysis are provided in Table RA-7 and in Table RA-8. Table RA-7 - City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency Table for Use with the Rational Method (5 minutes to 30 minutes) Duration (min) 5 2-Year Intensity (in/hr) 2.85 10-Year Intensity (in/hr) 4.87 100-Year Intensity (in/hr) 9.95 6 2.67 4.56 9.31 7 2.52 4.31 8.8 8 2.4 4.1 8.38 9 2.3 3.93 8.03 10 2.21 3.78 7.72 11 2.13 3.63 7.42 12 2.05 3.5 7.16 13 1.98 3.39 6.92 14 1.92 3.29 6.71 15 1.87 3.19 6.52 16 1.81 3.08 6.3 17 1.75 2.99 6.1 18 1.7 2.9 5.92 19 1.65 2.82 5.75 20 1.61 2.74 5.6 21 1.56 2.67 5.46 22 1.53 2.61 5.32 23 1.49 2.55 5.2 24 1.46 2.49 5.09 25 1.43 2.44 4.98 26 1.4 2.39 4.87 27 1.37 2.34 4.78 28 1.34 2.29 4.69 29 1.32 2.25 4.6 30 1.3 2.21 4.52 33 Table RA-8 - City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency Table for Use with the Rational Method (31 minutes to 60 minutes) Duration (min) 31 2-Year Intensity (ice) 1.27 10-Year Intensity (ice) 2.16 100-Year Intensity (in/k) 4.42 32 1.24 2.12 4.33 33 1.22 2.08 4.24 34 1.19 2.04 4.16 35 1.17 2.0 4.08 36 1.15 1.96 4.01 37 1.16 1.93 3.93 38 1.11 1.89 3.87 39 1.09 1.86 3.8 40 1.07 1.83 3.74 41 1.05 1.8 3.68 42 1.04 1.77 3.62 43 1.02 1.74 3.56 44 1.01 1.72 3.51 45 0.99 1.69 3.46 46 0.98 1.67 3.41 47 0.96 1.64 3.36 48 0.95 1.62 3.31 49 0.94 1.6 3.27 50 0.92 1.58 3.23 51 0.91 1.56 3.18 52 0.9 1.54 3.14 53 0.89 1.52 3.1 54 0.88 1.5 3.07 55 0.87 1.48 3.03 56 0.86 1.47 2.99 57 0.85 1.45 2.96 58 0.84 1.43 2.92 59 0.83 1.42 2.89 60 0.82 1.4 2.86 34 10.00 9.00 8.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY -DURATION -FREQUENCY CURVE ■■■■his■■■■■■■■■■■■�����■■■■■■■ ■■ate■■■■aaaa■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a: oil Figure RA-16 City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency Curves (13) Section 5.0 is deleted in its entirety. (14) Section 6.0 is deleted in its entirety. (15) Section 7.0 is deleted in its entirety. (16) Section 7.1 is deleted in its entirety. (17) Section 7.2 is deleted in its entirety. (18) Section 7.3 is deleted in its entirety. (19) Section 8.0 is deleted in its entirety. (20) Table RA-1 is deleted in its entirety. 36 Table RO-11 Rational Method Runoff Coefficients for Composite Analysis Character of Surface Runoff Coefficient Streets, Parking Lots, Drives: Asphalt 0.95 Concrete 0.95 Gravel 0.5 Roofs 0.95 Recycled Asphalt 0.8 Lawns, Sandy Soil: Flat <2% 0.1 Average 2 to 7% 0.15 Steep >7% 0.2 Lawns, Heavy Soil: Flat <2% 0.2 Average 2 to 7% 0.25 Steep >7% 0.35 (4) A new Section 2.9 is added, to read as follows: 2.9 Composite Runoff Coefficient Drainage sub -basins are frequently composed of land that has multiple surfaces or zoning classifications. In such cases a composite runoff coefficient must be calculated for any given drainage sub -basin. The composite runoff coefficient is obtained using the following formula: n E(Ci * Aj C = '-' A (RO-8) Where: C = Composite Runoff Coefficient C, = Runoff Coefficient for Specific Area (A;) Ai = Area of Surface with Runoff Coefficient of Ci, acres or feet2 n = Number of different surfaces to be considered A,= Total Area over which C is applicable, acres or feet2 ' (5) Anew Section 2.10 is added, to read as follows: 41 ' 2.10 Runoff Coefficient Adjustment for Infrequent Storms ' The runoff coefficients provided in tables RO-10 and RO-I I are appropriate for use with the 2-year storm event. For storms with higher intensities, an adjustment of the runoff coefficient is required due to the lessening amount of infiltration, depression retention, evapo-transpiration and other losses that have a proportionally smaller effect on storm ' runoff. This adjustment is applied to the composite runoff coefficient. These frequency adjustment factors are found in Table RO-12. Table RO-12 Rational Method Runoff Coefficients for Composite Analysis Storm Return Period Frequency Factor ears C ' 2 to 10 1.00 11 to 25 1.10 26 to 50 1.20 51 to 100 1.25 Note: The product of C times C f cannot exceed the value of 1, in the cases where it does a value of 1 must be used (6) Section 3.1 is deleted in its entirety. (7) Section 3.2 is deleted in its entirety. (8) Section 3.3 is deleted in its entirety. ' (9) A new Section 4.3 is added, to read as follows: 4.3 Computer Modeling Practices ' (a) For circumstances requiring computer modeling, the design storm hydrographs must be determined using the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). Basin and conveyance element parameters must be computed based on the physical characteristics ' of the site. (b) Refer to the SWMM Users' Manual for appropriate modeling methodology, practices and development. The Users' Manual can be found on the Environmental Protection ' Agency (EPA) website(httn://www.epa.gov/ednnnnrYmodels/swmm/index.htm). (c) It is the responsibility of the design engineer to verify that all of the models used in the design meet all current City criteria and regulations. 4.3.1 Surface Storage, Resistance Factors. and Infiltration Table RO-13 provides values for surface storage for pervious and impervious surfaces ' and the infiltration rates to be used with SWMM. Table RO-13 also lists the appropriate infiltration decay rate, zero detention depth and resistance factors, or Mamung's 'V' values, for pervious and impervious surfaces to be used for SWMM modeling in the city ' of Fort Collins. Stormwater Alternative ComplianceNariance. Application City of Fort Collins Water Utilities Engineering ' Engineer Name Atwell, LLC Ann: Kevin J. Rohrbough, PE Phone 303-462-1100 Street Address 143 Union Blvd. Ste 700 ' City Lakewood State..CO Zip 80228 Owner Name Maveriki Inc. Phone 801-335-3868 Street Address 880 West Center St. City North Salt Lake State UT Zip 84054 Project Name Maverik Convenience Store and Fuel Sales Project/Application Number from Development Review (i.e. FDP123456) FDP160024 'Legal description and/or address of property Lot 1 Maverik Subdivision Filing No. 1; NW 1/4 of Sect. 15, T7N, R68W of the 6th PM, Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado 'Description of Project Existing restaurant site (with adjacent hotel) where the restaurant is being replaced with a convenience store and fuel sales. ' Existing Use (check one): 0 residential rnon-residential 0 mixed use (, vacant ground Proposed Use (check one): O residential 0 non-residential C, mixed -use Q other ' If non-residential or mixed use, describe in detail convenience store and fuel sales State the requirement from which alternative compliance/variance is sought. (Please include applicable Drainage Criteria Manual volume, chapter and section.) Detention pond must release at 2 year historic rate - Fort Collins Amendments 2012 - V2 C10 3.2.3 What hardship prevents this site from meeting the requirement? The detention pond is existing and there is very little room to expand the pond (surrounded by an existing parking lot and roadside ditch that are to.remain). Attach separate sheet it necessary What alternative is proposed for the site? Under normal conditions, this site would require a 0.7 acre-foot pond with a 6.9 cfs 100-year release rate. What is proposed is to reduce the pond volume required to store the 100-year runoff to 0.38 acre-feet by increasing the allowable 100-year release rate to 14.2 cfs (wich is still less than the existing 100-year release rate approximated at 21 cfs controlled by an open ended pipe). Attach separate sheet it necessary '0 M-,PC!ge -Rake berm arourid-,th-e?,pedmeteof ¢pond'b/approiiina'tle'ly,.,one"ooi,,.and:'!ihcreasing royide si&, s#mn.�p- 3 :to hoe m GO POW v w P. .1 �__d' Mulfl djobOfto W­PAddOqpoopf,is g,po­ eq . c npjAp 4 orittrudt Ah.,O e !V,Wth' A$0',Oqt( Rcyspm way� Goh-Sth.idt ah�6utIoiL-,j§t(q0qtq, thgi,b�igtinq,�4` A b,_­P,,;at the iqWdn'd'bf,the'po nd) T-he -stru re wili,i_onsi'6f6fa rn fied�'�CDOT'T.Vpe 0. iniie.t�wfth-Arash'�'rac.k'�,�'an�d'e::o'n'f-ii-�.�.6' pli"I'O. The OUdlit-_rAhd I 1DQ;;�dA(fel64s*0'14.2 6f po TheL-6 iiiia Wil i i� h­. d b_w'_n6iirW6f-f Adi�Aibe' rad6d and all debris: rremoved.1oprovide fmp'-rov . 4W6age,,,a4l­6­ IJIIWW4�, 10 - dox-Old '-M, k tieve.g,et;cttkaif�,diiturbed,areas; page 2 The owner agrees to comply with the provisions of the zoning ordinance, building code and all other applicable sections of the City Code, Land Use Code, City Plan and all other laws and ordinances affecting the construction and occupancy of the proposed building that are not directly approved by this variance. The owner understands that if this variance is approved, the stnicture and its occupants may be more susceptible to flood or runoff damage as well as other adverse drainage issues. Signature of The engineer hereby certifies that descriptions is correct. Signature of Date complete application s Date of aoorovaVdenial: 3 rdut,k ref/4.1t C.. .S ,Mw Approved by:_� Entered in UtilityFile C above information, along with the reference plans and project u 112312O17 48992 IT f' PE STAMP , J: ZiZ? I Zell Variance: 0 approved ❑ denied [ lit_ )/ �Gn QrOf.'/J 7%,1 i`Ti' /. L , ,al1- QS rh 4"h AS DoSfZLXf !sF er6 V1,4e "Qftf V,ty !tip AA 9__ 6 4, yes ❑ no Appendix B Stormwater Calculations Y . r U m L m r 0 r Y ;C a � •d d m d m m � A J i H F H • \I O O O � C ' 0) N L d a J ' c o M rn 0o`° ve U o o a C A N)Mo n v000 QC a ;? O % F 00 O N o i (h (N 7 L U m u V L) `a W Z, m a > 3 ❑ fl Co QC�❑ 0a- 0 O Q) co cr) o 0) N OR r 0 0 N co C9 O 0 0 0 0 co a) v 0 0 0 0 0 0 rn N O � V N 0 0 0 O O O co 0 0 n 0) 0) 0 0 0 0) u m r 0 0 0 0 0 0 m o 04 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 m o 0 v 0 0 M O O LA 0) C4 M O V O O a � m u 0 0 0 ld 00 O N CO 00 m n n 0O0 m 00 0 0 0 M O 0) 0o ao n 0 0 0 0 0 0 v o a 0 0 0 n )n 0 0 0 0 0 0 co cor LO N O O 0 m Ln (O N O O 0 0 0 ro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 )n o 0 M O O L7 0 V o O a a m 0 0 o 0 0 O O 0 0 i i i Ln N co a 0 0 I I v) n O O I I I w O OU i y N � 7 I E E i � Q r O 0 ' LL V% � Ill f Zo O LL W ,e ' RO�� V 0 ' Z0 O N � ~ CO Z U ' 0 F m > 7 m :3 U ' N Y K w W a' V Z c !1 01 0 O V v O LL O pOp C W N O O j E a o o v o 0 n U H W C Y m C A M m m N O LO N m UN D ~ w J a 2 u U ~ ui �o ao vi ~ E N m N N f7 w F J w r o O � m m o 0 O > Q W a' a � o y o 0 0 0 0 m o 0 fV N C O fV fV > Q ♦— m N N O O r m O O Z J F C W 01 a0 m N m V OR E vi Y vi ui a Y N z z w �O o w O O O O V O R O'� fn ee N lV O O fV l7 Y O ~ H Q Z S 2 N m t09 m N N r N m W J U m m � � m � � � Q Q o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 Z ,H, N m W N O O w m N O Q O m m m O � m fV O O fV C G C O Sm m m W m Q N ¢ m U w S S S S 5)4~3a w (ww)11 F ui (9d1) A11OO13A f (L) N10N31 ( W) 3ZIS 3d1d W a (Y>1 3dOlS (W) MOIJ NOIS30 r w (%P)MO13133H1S O F— (Y 1 3dOlS Z O w CL sP10 Q O J LL Z) W O (inoiuuq (, J Q Q QUO ro (senv) (V o) F (ulw)O1 f O C (moyryi) I P N m N m N q m N a N N N N N (sent') v O a N m O o O a O n N O v`vi O o O o O m O O LL (ww) 01 O Z v m m a m m m m m m u 3d3004d0Nna m 0 m 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 (SBY�yI �13jn/ N P N a P O O N O O m N O P m m q O O N O m m O N Q ryry Q m U O e O e )I]3❑V3�IV i i = s E E 1NIOd N'JIS30 N m a ry m m a NOUdtHOS3O ZU' W N � W O f U W 0 1- 1, } a in O W C7 = 4w az � C Q Z 22 a: F 0� H sNadw3a Iwwlll - F - (� ALIO0I3A (Y) H1ON31 ('W) 3ZIS 3dld a a (Y 13dOlS - (V) MOIJ NOIS30 r w w (sP)MOld 133a1S - = ' O Z W (Y.) 3dOIS = O a. ~ n' O JT LJLDW O(�nou/ul) c J u- 0 ~O (sar v)(d 0) 0 lsPl D '^ d m d o (inoulW) I m r m of o ai m m m m m (sah. d) d 3a N N O O O O m N n 66 O O O r O V O LL (UIW)aj 0 Z (C G 2d30odd0Nna O O o Q 0 OI 0 g O 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (sanV)V3UV N O O N O O O O O Op OIS30 V38V - w m m ¢ `� a m U ' 'c i = _ E E 1NiOd NOIS30 NO11d(NDS30 Vers,o,-. 4.05 Released Marcn 2017 INLET MANAGEMENT INLET NAME Lntetl In1 ' 2 Site T Urban or Rural URBAN URBAN Inlet Application Street or Area STREET AREA Hydraulic Condition In Sump Swale Inlet Type COOT Type R Curb Openina COOT Type C (Depressed) USER -DEFINED INPUT Receive Bypass Flow from, No BvDass Flow Received No Bypass Flow Received Minor Bypass Flow Received, Qs lots) 0.0 0.0 Major Bypass Flow Received, Qs (CIS) 0.0 0.0 ALCUTATED OUTPUT Mlnor Total Desl n Peak Flow, p Cis 1.2 1.9 Ma or Total Dasi n Peak Flow, p bfs 4.6 7.1 Minor Flow Bypassed Downstream, Qs (cfs) WA 0.0 Major Flow Bypassed Downstream, Qp (Cfs) I WA 0.0 U;— CM.... rrd..•.Lf.A1 A-1—i.. Fin. --Tin.. C WA WA Cs WA WA Overland Flow Velocity, Vi N/A N/A Channel Flow Velocity, Vt WA WA Overland Flow Time, Ti N/A WA Channel Travel Time, Tt WA WA Calculated Time of Concentration, T, WA WA Regional T WA WA Recommended T. WA WA T, selected by User WA WA Desi n Rainfall Intensity, I WA WA Calculated Local Peak Flow, Q. N/A WA u.i— Of...... G-1—i..d Flnu. Ti— C WA WA Cs WA WA Overland Flow Velocity, VI WA WA Channel Flow Velocity, Vt WA WA Overland Flow Time, Ti WA WA Channel Travel Time, Tt WA N/A Calculated Time of Concentration, T. WA WA Regional T, WA WA Recommended T, WA WA Tr selected by User WA WA Design Rainfall Intensity, I WA WA Calculated Local Peak Flow, O N/A WA a«MC btlal D: I ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storrn) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) Tf'rF(1 CRW4 nun Ally a Width for Speed Babbtd Cob Slope Behind C liaave Bari for no convayence or.& behind pate) ing's Raptness Behind pate (typically brwaan 0.012 and o020) A of Wb at Guide, Flow Line no, from Cab Face to Sbael Cr r Widh 4 Tranave se Slope r Cron Slope (typically 2 notes wr 24 h,dws a 0, D83 tVh) 4 LorgWdnal Slop - Ear 0 for aanp Caddo wq. Rouplaws for Street Seam (typically bebeen 0ol2 and 0.OX) ' An . Alo i stele Speed fo, Minor a Major Storm u Allowable Depth el Gutty FloiAine Its Meer a Major Storm picas. re not apptigda in SUMP m.d6ms {-Oydd on ul•�e Saread aler Depth vNaut Gutty Depression (E¢ ST-2) srtical Owth between GIiNr Lq and Gutter F",Aina (usueay Y) wtr Depraaslon (dc - W • S.' 12)) air Dal d Gutter Fla"ne ' ovebla Spread is Diedurgo outside die GWr Section W (T W) u0er Fiow to DeaiW Fk x Ratio by FHWA HEG2 medad (ER. ST-7) achrge aasid. d,e Gubr Section, W, carded at SecOan Ts Wdin de Gutty Seam W (G. - GO sdwge BeWd eta Crab (e.g., eldawelk, divevvrye, A Iay.ns) admum Fie. Behead On AB.wabl. Spread low Velocity Mdin the Gullet Seam d Prod..i Flux Velocity dmas Gutter Fhwvins Depth iratical Spaad for Disdwge outride the Gu0r Seddon W IT - W) or Fbx to Door Flow Ratio by FHWA HEGU metlad (ER. ST-7) •etical Dbderp outside hie Gutter Seam W, cored in Seam Ts m of Disdw0e outside the Gutty Seam W, (knifed by ddrae Twow.i) hrga W a. the qpr Seam W (LL - O,) has" Behind the Curb (ea, sidewWe, drivewa^ b lase:) i Disd rge for Major a Mier Starrll (PrFSafety Fedor) age Flux Velocity Within Ote GURer Section Produ t. Flow Velocity Tmas GWer:loelve Depth *Eased Depth Safety Reduam Furor lot Map, 8 Misr (d 2 E) Stem R. B.sW on Allowabl. Depth IS.f.ty F.ct.r App11.4) Mt Flow Depth at Gudr RoMins ISafry Fedor Applied) AW Flow Depth at Street Gomm (Safety Facia Applied) OR STORM Allo.vabls Capacity 1. hued on Depth Crttrl.n OR STORY All.w.ble Capacity Is based on Depth Cdtrion Tyra• ioo fl fiaao, • 0.010 PoA risk, • a.: Has. • e.00 Mdws Toawr • 12.0 0 W. 1.60 0 Sa • 0.020 NR B. • 0.063 file So • 0.000 ftm notion, 0.016 Minor Slam Major Slam Tye • 12.012.0 e all •I t0 6.0 itches ( I Zee Zee 1.5 1.5 1.13 1.13 4.01 LOi 10.8 10.5 0.372 0.372 0.0 0.0 o.o to 00 0.0 WIMP BUMP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 y. do • wKhm aof as a- looted, d • inmao ft Eo Oa• do a' • ds 0. • de Ch • ate V • fp V-d Tm• Tam• Eo Q.m• Ga • Minor Slam 2113 10.e Major Slam 18.eft A cis do Qw. de tLtd,• de 0 • de V • pis V'd R• 1l4 • d. d • k ass ddao..' k,dras Minor S4om, Msjon Slam Meta.• SIMP SUMP de . 20.3 0.218 0.216 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SUMP SUMP fUYP aUYP 15001770 UO-Inlet_v4 05.xism, Inlet 1 1R9I201 B, 12 16 PM I INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version e.05 Released March 2017 ,tLe (C),F ' H-Curb N Vert We Wp W ' Lo (G) d Inlet COOT Type R Curb Ope^Ing Deoreemm (eddvmal to eerieana p" depreseon's' horn Wave) s of Unn Wets (Grate or CUU Opal r Depth at Flow ins foava"of local depreoion) I Infomutlon h cal a tlnit Grate t of a Uric Grme Opening Ratio for a Grate (typid veluea 0.15-0 90) ON Factor for a S 4s Grant (typical value 0.W - 0.70) Weir CoaMtdW (typical valve 2.15 - 3.60) Ordxe CuM6dend typical vaere 0 60 - 0.60) Opening Moran don h of a Li it Cunt Oper" 6 of Varkel Cub Opening in Inches it of Curb Od6ee TMoet YI trMre d Throat (see USDCM l ST-5) WM for Depraadm Pan (typiWly the ". width d 2 feet) ON Fawn fn a Single Cub Opening (lyplul value 0 10) Opening Weir Coo66ant (typical value 2 13.7) ng Coafideni for Mdtide Linea rg Fedor for Ml Urris Capodty as a Weir (based on MedHled HEC22 Method) pboo wens aNg.N cation with ct g ng Cal ly as a Or16ca (based on ModMod HEC22 Method) option w i mA Clogging "on w h Cloggng Capadty as Mixed Flow 0. withad ClNgng ption with Cloggng N Coeffiderd for MWtiple Units irg Faotor for M46pia Units Opening as a Weir (based on Modffi.d HEC22 Nefhod) ",bon withal Clogging Option with Clogging Opening as an Or10ca (based on Medifiad HEC22 Method) apbon w l a Clogging epon wth aoggrg Opanfng Cap Jty ea mix" Flow scam wi#W aoggrg epon w t, Cloggrg Inlet Length cant Sheet Flow Spread (bash on Weet geometry from above) cant Flaw Depth at Street Crown or Grate Midwdth or Corti Openiwg Weir E, . etion Inist Performance RedaAan Fade for Lag Inlets prong Parformmca Redudim Fads for Log Inlet, Inlet Perfdmmpa Redudim Factor for Log Inlets Inlet Interception Capaelly (aasumea clogged condItion) MINOR MAJOR w I Type • CDOT Type R aeb a1.e • 3A0 etdua Na • 1 pondN Deptlt • 4.0 4.0 frldw MINOR MAJOR I- Override Depths L.(G)• WA feat W. WA feat F4 • WA q(G)• WA WA C. (0) • WA C.(G)• WA MINOR MAJOR L. (C) • 6.00 /sat t00 Inane Jt...e • too inAes 7Mb• 63.40 degrses W.• 1.50 feat q(C)• 0.10 0.10 C.(C)• 3.60 Cent Clog Q. G. C6 Q. 0. Q— Coo clog Q. Cl. Q. Q. Ow 0.,. L • 6.00 5.00 feet T • 120 12.0 A mes do • 0.0 0.0 Inches ullurlR u hr& WA WA 0.21 021 0.51 051 1.00 1A0 WA WA Q. •I tl I 2A i 15001770 U0.1nkt_W.05 Asm, Inlet 1 irzW2016, 12:16 PM AREA INLET IN A SWALE Enter Your Prolect Name Here T,,,ti, his worksheet uses the NRCS T I ewrinn ntMannin method to a v � etemntrle Menning's I,. d zl:jt d,AA or more Information see Section 7. 2.3 of the USDCM. B _1 Usimo SCS Method RCS Vaginal Roundlet ce IA. B. C. D. W EI Al 8, C. D a E Morning s n fl-eave cell D16 blank to manually enter en n value) IT = 0.016 nannellinert Slope So = 0.0070 onom Width B = 0.0D air Side Slope Z1 = 50.00 gni Side Slope Z2 = 50 00 ode ore of the followaig sob hipeal Chape Ore. srsl1 y Ma. Vdedty Nam_) Max Fmr�No IF--i G•Np1.CoheeM NomCohaelve 5.0 fps 0.60 CCdrsM Cohesive 7D fps 0.80 Claimed paved N/A WA 142E Storm Ma Pr Sbrm Max Allowi le Top Width of Channel fa Mawr 6 Major Stone T. + 50,00 50.00 teal Max. Allowable Water Depth in Charmed for Minor 8 Major Storm duns' 0.70 0.70 teat Allowable Top Width r Depth Arne W Perimeter has Radius ung's n Veodty ity-Deem Product rulic Depm le Number Flow Based On Allowable Top Width Ass. Allowable Water Depth -or Wwm low )lea Vaned panmeler I'dimWic Radius Aanning's o ;low Velocity /sootyyDepm Product lydraWic Depm muds Number tax. Flow Based On Allowable Water 0.1th STORM allowable Ceti Is based on Top Width Criterion STORM Allowaele Capacity 1• WW on Top Wldrh Crtle lon Tau' d- A• P. R• It V- VR• D• Fr• a' doss' T• A• P• R• n• V• VR D• Fr. In, 50.00 60.00 0.50 0.50 12.50 12.50 50.01 50.01 025 0.25 0.016 0.016 3.09 3.09 0.77 0.77 0.25 0.25 1.09 1.08 38A 38.6 0.70 0.70 70.00 70.00 24.50 24.50 70.01 70.01 0.35 0.35 0.016 0.016 3.87 3.87 1.35 1.35 0.35 0.35 1.15 t.15 94.8 M.8 M asl Wuam feet eel Set P4 t-2h Set fi Mina Storm M a5lonn D•e.. • 38.6 38.6 ds Ate+ 0.80 030 R )saign Peek Flow Q' sister Depth d + -op Width T :low Arre A Nenad Penmeler P+ Vydraulic Radius R + Aarro sn n+ =low Velocity V /slopl,Depm product VR- iydraulic Depth D :mWe Number Fr 1A 7.1 0.16 016 16.16 25.49 1.31 351 15.10 25.49 0.08 0.13 0.015 0.016 1.45 2.02 0.12 0.27 0.08 0.13 0.90 0.98 tinor storm maxallowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design now given on sheet'Inlet Management' Oslo, stone max. allowable capacity GOOD - linatar than the design now given on sheet'Inlat Management' Is eat set guare feet eel set )a A2/• set ISM770 U134n16t W.05.xism, Well 2 1/2912018, 12:17 PM AREA INLET IN A SWALE Enter Your Project Name Hen Inlet 2 Cedar, ofonnatlon Ilnout) of Inlet COOTTvpe C (Depressed) of Inclined Grata lmuct be <= 30 degrees) I of Grate h of Gnas An s Ratio it of Inclined Grate prig Factor Discharge Coefficient ' is Coefficient Inlet Type =1 CDOT Type C (Depresasd) e • 0.00 W • 3.00 L • 3.00 Aaano • 0.70 He • 0.00 Q. 0.50 Ce • 0.34 N n C 0.56 Coaffioant L 1 , C•• 1.81 MINOR MAJOR r Depth at Inlet for depressed inlets, 1 foot Is added for depression) dial 1.18 1 126 r Capacity as a W illr urged Side Wen Length X• W Side Weir Flaw C4 Weir Flow Qr .peon witlloui Clogging 4 • aption with Clogging Dw = Capacity es an Or10a 3.00 3.00 11.9 13.5 17.0 19.3 40.7 46.3 20.4 23.1 test ds ds da ds option withoul Clogging Cla = 30.7 92.0 cis epeon with Clogging la • 15.9 18.0 de J Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) 06 rfa Bypassed Flow, Q • ds Capture P.rdaga - O.O. • % tss teA OA OA 100 100 15001770 UI}Inbt_v4.05.1dsm, Inlet 2 1/29/2018. 12:17 PM Worksheet for 18" RCP @ 0.5% 100yr Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharge Normal Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Mabmum Discharge Discharge Full Slope Full Flow Type Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Average End Depth Over Rise Normal Depth Over Rise Downstream Velocity SubCritical 0.013 0.5 % 18 in 7.10 ft3/s 14.09 In 1.48 ft' 3.26 it 5.47 in 1.24 It 1.03 it 78.3 % 0.00683 fVft 4.78 ff/s 0.36 it 1.53 It 0.77 7.99 ft/s 7.43 ft/s 0.00457 Wit 0.00 in 0.00 it 0 0.00 in 0.00 It 0.00 % 78.26 % Infinity ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haested Methods SdWEYIC111IdeMaster V81(SELECTseriee 1) [ 121=017 9:45:23 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203.755.1666 Page 1 of 2 Worksheet for 18" RCP @ 0.5% 100yr Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 14.09 in Critical Depth 1.03 it Channel Slope 0.5 % Critical Slope 0.00683 fi/R Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdbdit%8kbWaster V8I (SELECTserles 1)] 12/MOV 9:45:23 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203.755.1666 Page 2 o1 2 II I Scenario: Base OUTLET FROM UNDERGROUND WATER QUALITY CHAMBER .tok P%Pe X 23" ELIPTICAL KUP MH #3 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley Sto"CAD V8i (SELECTseries 5) 15001770 Outfall Pipe stsw Center [] 3/28/2018 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Ej t_ 0 J LL W 0 r m m J C 0 CD w Profile Report Engineering Profile - Profile - 1 (15001770 Outfall Pipe.stsw) 4,935.00 4,930.00 4,925.00 -0+50 0+00 MH #3 Rim: 4,932.05 It Invert: 4,928.93 ft 2 YEAR HGL Outlet Pipe: 79.0 ft @' -0.005 fVft Ellipse - 1.9 x 1.2 ft Concrete Station (ft) 0+50 FES Rim: 4,928.50 ft Invert4,928.50 ft 1+00 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haested Methods Solution Bentley StormCAD V8i (SELECTseries 5) 15001770 Outfall Pipe.stsw Center [ 3/28/2018 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Profile Report Engineering Profile - Profile - 1 (15001770 Outfall Pipe.stsw) 4,935.00 MH #3 Rim: 4,932.05 ft Invert: 4,928.93 ft 00 YEAR HGL FES Rim: 9 928.50 ft Invert4,928.50 ft ° 4,930.00 co aD w Outlet Pipe: 79.0 ft @ -0.005 ft/ft Ellipse - 1.9 x 1.2 ft Concrete 4,925.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 Station (ft) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Mettrods Solution Bentley StormCAD V8i (SELECTserbs 5) 15001770 Outfall Pipe.stsw Center [ 3/28/2018 27 Slemon Company Drive SuBe 200 W Page 1 of 1 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Name: Maverik Title: Existing Pond By: GDB Tributary Area (ac.): 4.35 Volume Equation: Modified FAA Required Volume: WQCV = See Below Minor Required Volume = 0.02 ac-ft 784 cubic feet 100 Year Required Volume = 0.38 ac-ft 16,553 cubic feet Job No. 15001770 Date: Apr-16 Revised: Drainage Basin: Basin A V = Volume in cubic feet (cu-ft) h = Contour Interval in feet (ft.) A1,A2 = Area enclosed by successive Contours in square feet (sq-ft) Allowable Release Rate: 0100R = 6.9 cfs Contour Elev. ft. Area A1+A2 s (Al xA2)A1/2 (Al +A2)+ (Al +A2)A1/2 s h ft h/3 ft Volume cu-ft Accumul. Volume cu-ft) Accumul. Volume lac-ft 4927.5 5 5 0.00 600 55 655 0.50 0.17 109 4928 595 114 0.00 4448 1514 5962 0.50 0.17 994 4928.5 3853 1 1108 0.03 8750 4344 13094 0.50 0.17 2182 4929 4897 3290 0.08 10356 5170 15526 0.50 0.17 2588 4929.5 5459 5878 0.13 11474 5730 17204 0.50 0.17 2867 4930 6015 8745 0.20 12544 6267 18811 0.50 0.17 3135 4930.5 6529 11880 0.27 13601 6795 20396 0.50 0.17 3399 4931 7072 15280 0.35 Minor Water Surface Elevation = 4928.34 depth = 0.84 100 Year Water Surface Elevation Incl WQCV = 4931.19 depth = 3.69 100 Year Freeboard Elevation = 4932.19 Project Name: Maverik Title: Updated Pond By: GDB Tributary Area (ac.): 4.35 Volume Equation: Modified FAA Required Volume: Minor Required Volume = 100 Year Required Volume = 0.07 ac-ft 3,049 cubic feet 0.38 ac-ft 16,553 cubic feet Job No. 15001770 Date: Apr-16 Drainage Basin: Basin A V = Volume in cubic feet (cu-ft) h = Contour Interval in feet (ft.) A1,A2 = Area enclosed by successive Contours in square feet (sq-ft) Allowable Release Rate: Q10OR = 14.2 cfs Contour Elev. ft. Area s A1+A2 s (A1xA2)^1/2 s (Al +A2)+ (A1+A2)^1/2 s h ft h/3 ft Volume cu-ft Accumul. Volume (cu-ft) Accumul. Volume (ac-ft 4928.2 330 330 0.01 6352 1409 7760 0.80 0.27 2069 4929 6022 2399 0.06 13189 6570 19759 1.00 0.33 6586 4930 1 7167 1 1 8985 0.21 15398 7681 23079 1.00 0.33 7693 4931 8231 16678 0.38 17543 8755 26298 1.00 0.33 8766 4932 9312 25444 0.58 Minor Water Surface Elevation = 4929.10 depth = 0.90 100 Year Water Surface Elevation Incl WQCV = 4930.98 1 depth = 2.78 100 Year Freeboard Elevation=4931.98 3 a a �- � 0 0 0 00000 OOOOo 0000 OOCO 0 0 00000 0000 ¢ o . r� A «.0 >k x }\§\\\kf k CR §{�4= \3&} § CO) �C4 9 If )\a\/ \3§) )}){k) k§ & \ ( m 7 , I� # A !! f > �k k > I 3 > ]®co >© ) a . k !> * & a« \ ) ka a§/ § ) �� »;2§ = 2 !M §\ A z i v $ f� D- 0 LU R/$ kUJ ) v )/fA % f , § ! D \ E ) « �0O.F «a £ - §> %glgy C k\ !» o>0 c-m0 '' )a)2 ld j�CL)) �}§2 c 2ao/ �)|\Z \}/\\ Q)$7 7\ ¥f=a=eI \ a J § ( \ LL 0 STAGE -DISCHARGE SIZING OF THE WEIRS AND ORIFICES (INLET CONTROL) Project: Maverik Basin ID: 13-ere-51M awu.a o,e., wl Iswa.rm UW old"3 Wk9Yre1 N r Is M3 7eemn Information llnau C: Cactsan Opening. Diameter In Inches OR Recarg gar Opening: Width in Feel Length (Height for Vertical) Percentage of Open Area After Trash Rack Reduction Ora. Coefficient Wet Coeffc,em Off," Elevation (Bottom for Vertical) 0.uaay RYn wl 91 Horm #2 Honz, #1 Vert. 92 Ven. DI& Ir_hes W = 7.92 1.62 �. L.H=1 2,92 1 1.13 1 ft %open= 50 100 C.. 0,65 0.65 C.=j 3.00 E, =1 4930.00 4,92820 n Cetculntien of Collection Caeanite Net Opening Area (after Trash Rack Reduction) A. = 4.26 lA3 so ". OPTIONAL. User-Ownde Net Opening Area &=I I I I so. n. Perinster as Weir Length L. 8.76 fL OPTIONAL. User-Ownde Weir Lergth L. fi. Tap Elawtion of Vertical Orifice Opening, Top = 4929.33 ft. Center Bev Pion of Vertical Orifice Opening, Can = 4928.77 ft. Routing 3: Single Stage - Water flows through WQCV plate and #1 horizontal opening into #1 vertical opening. This flow will be applied to culvert sheet (#2 vertical & horizontal openings is not used). IHIManntal Onficas (Vertical Orifice. I labea for WOCV, Mier, &Maw Storage W.S. Fxwliva Water Surface Bewtion ft WOCV Plste/Rser Flow Lie #1 Hon¢ Mt Hord. Wet Onrtce Flow Flow Cis cis :'01 r,;l #2 How #2 Honz. Wow Orifice Flow Flow Cis Lis 111 #1 Vert Collector, Capacity eft #2 Vert Collection Capacity Lis � 1 Total Collection Capacity Cfs To" VMnia for WOCV, mis, &Mao Siorage Voknea - 492800 4928.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 002 _ 0.00 0.00 8.40 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.02 4929A0 OAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 427 0.00 0.06 4929.50 0.11 0.00 0.00 e.00 0.00 0:00 0.11 4930.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 om 0.00 _5.16 10.61 0.00 0.17 4930.50 0.21 929 15.72 0.00 0.00 12.57 0.00 9.51 4930.96 0.24 2550 22.01 0.00 AO 1421 0.00 14.21 4931.46 0,25 47M 27.05 0.00 0.00 15.73 0.00 15.73 4931.99 026 7322 31.29 0.00 0.00 17.12 0.00 17.12 MWA MN/A #WA MN/A MIA 0.00 MNfA MLA #NIA #NIA #N/A #NIA MN/A #N/A #NIA 01ii MLA MWA 0.00 MIA #NA #WA MIA WA 0.00 MIA MWA MIA MIA MLA 0.00 MIA MLA MWA MIA MWA #N/A _ j MN/A MIA MIA #N/A #NIA MN/A MIA MIA A 0.00 MIA A A 0.00 MIA MLA MIA 0.00 MIA MWA MWA 0.00 MIA MLA #N/A ONVA 1 0100 MA MWA MIA MMA OAO NWA MM1/A NN/A MWA MIA MMA sm MIA MLA MNIA #N^ MNIA #NIA on MN/A MIA MWA MLA #NIA MA 0.00 MIA MLA MNIA MA MWA MWA m MIA MN/A MNIA MWA MN/A MLA OAD MN/A MN/A MN/A MWA MIA _ MWA 0.00 MIA MIA MN/A MWA MN/A 0.00 MIA MIA NWA NWA _#N/A MN/A MWA #N/A 0.00 0.00 MIA NN/A MWA MA MIA MIA MWA MIA _ #NIA MIA NNA 0.00 MN/A MWA MIA MWA _ MIA _ MA 0.00 MIA MIA MA MA MWA _ MN/A #N/A 0.00 MIA MIA MIA MIA MLA 0.00 MN/A MIA #N/A MLA MIA MIA MIA NN/A 0.00 MIA MIA MI A MIA 0.00 MIA MN/A MIA MIA MMA OAO NN/A MIA MIA MLA NN/A MLA 0.00 MNIA #WA OUA #NIA MIA MLA MN/A - MWA MIA MN/A 0.00 MN/A MWA MNIA MIA 0.00 MWA MWA MWA MWA OAO MIA MIA MWA MIA NN/A MWA MN/A MN/A MIA MIA MN/A MIA MIA MIA 0.00 M /A MLA MIA MNIA 0.00 MIA MIA MIA MLA 0.00 MU MIA #NIA NN/A 0.00 MII OVA IINIA MIA 1 0,00 MLA I' 15001770 UDFCD Outlet Structurs.lds, Outlet 9130/2016, 9:22 AM I STAGE -DISCHARGE SIZING OF THE SPILLWAY Project: Mwarlk Basin ID: Detention Pond aarcua Design Information flnputl: Bottom Length of Weir L = 30.00 feet Angle of Side Slope Weir Angle = 75.96 degrees Elev. for Weir Crest EL. Crest = 4,930.98 feet Coef. for Rectangular Weir C. = 2.68 Coef- for Trapezoidal Weir C, = 2.6e Calculation of Spillway Capacity (output): Water Surface Elevation ft. Rect. Weir Flowrate cis (output) Triangle Weir Flowrate CIS (output) Total Spillway Release cfa (output) Total Pond Release C13 ou t 4928.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4928.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4929.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DO 4929.50 0.00 0.D0 0.00 D.OD 4930.00 0.D0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4930.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4930.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4931.48 28.43 1.89 30.32 30.32 4931.98 80.40 10.72 91.12 91.12 #N/A MIA MIA #N/A MIA #N/A MIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA MIA #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #NIA MA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #WA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A MA #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A MIA #N/A MIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A MIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #N/A #N/A MA #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A MA #WA #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A MA #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #WA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #NIA #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #NIA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 15001770 UDFCD Outlet Structure.)ds, Spillway 4/21/2016. 12:35 PM Stormwater Detention and Infiltration Design Data Sheet Stormwater Facility Name: Maverik Detention Pond Facility Location & Jurisdiction: Fort Collins, CO User Input: Watershed Characteristics Watershed Slope = 0.020 Watershed Length = Soo Watershed Area = 4.35 Watershed Imperviousness= 81.1% Percentage Hydrologic Soil Group A = Percentage Hydrologic Soil Group B = 100.0% Percentage Hydrologic Soil Groups C/D = Location for 1-hr Rainfall Depths (use dropdown): User Input W WQCV Treatment Method = Extenoec Detention V After completing and printing this worksheet to a pdf, go to: ' h"ps://maperture.digitaidataservices.com/gvh/?viewer=cswdif create a new stormwater facility, and attach the pdf of this worksheet to that record. Design Storm Return Period = One -Hour Rainfall Depth = Calculated Runoff Volume = ' OPTIONAL Override Runoff Volume = Inflow Hydrograph Volume = Time to Drain 97% of Inflow Volume = ' Time to Drain 99% of Inflow Volume = Maximum Ponding Depth = Maximum Ponded Area _ ' Maximum Volume Stored = �� ' , r rr rr r rr r rr rr� rr r r. rr � rr rr � rr • rr � rr Routed H dro ra h Results WQCV 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year 50 Year 100 Year 0.53 0.98 1.36 1.71 2.31 3.67 0.122 0.280 0.411 0.535 0.781 1.275 0.121 0.279 0.410 0.535 0.781 1.275 30.7 37.8 35.8 34.1 31.2 26.7 33.6 42.2 40.9 40.0 38.4 1 35.8 1.28 2.07 2.27 2.44 2.79 3.68 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.21 0.110 0.233 0.265 0.296 0.358 O.S31 i cre-ft cre-ft cre-ft ours ours t acres acre-ft I' 15001770-SDI_Design_Data_v1.07.xlsm, Design Data 1/20/2017, 4:10 PM Stormwater Detention and Infiltration Design Data Sheet 1115001774SDI_Design_Data_v1.07 xlsm, Design Data 1/20/2017, 4:10 PM Project: Maverik Subdivision Filing No. 1 Date:3/7/2018 By: DJ B LID Calculaitons SITE AREA Drainage Baisn Area (ac) A2 0.90 A3 0.65 B 0.08 portion of Al I0.14 Total: 1.77 TREATED AREA Drainage Baisn Area (ac) A2 (minus roof) 0.85 A3 (minus roof) 0.57 Total: 1.42 Percentage of Site Treated = 80.2% Percentage Required = 75.0% • Per 1015 UDFCD VoL 3 Sect. 3.0 Project: Maverik Subdivision Filing No. 1 Date:3/7/2018 By: DJB StormTech Chamber Calculations for City of Fort Collins LID Water Quality Requirements StormTech Chamber Data Chamber Dimensions SC-310 Width (in) 34.00 Length installed (in) 85.40 Height (in) 16.00 Chamber Footprint Area (sf) 20.16 Chamber Volume (cf) 14.70 Minimum Stone Above (in) 6.00 131.00 Minimum Stone Below (in) 6.00 Minimum Chamber+Stone Volume (cf) Percolation Rate of Chabmers per City of Fort Collins * Percolaton Rate = 0.350000 gpm/sf = 0.000780 cfs/sf ' Based on 112 of Nov 07 0 ear in Figure 17 of UNH Testing Report SC-310 Percolation Rate/Chabmer (cfs) 10.0157241 Required Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) * WQCV= ax(0.91x13-1.19x12+0.78x1) a = 1.0 I ** = 0.787 WQCV = 0.320 watershed inches Area of Watershed ** = 1.42 ac WQCV = 1,651 cf • Per 2015 UDFCD Vol. 3 Sect. 3.0 "Total treated area for Basins A2 +A3 WQ Flow In * = 1.58 cfs ' 112 of the 2-year Rational Runoff Project: Maverik Subdivision Filing No. 1 Date:3/7/2018 By: DJB StormTech Chamber Calculations for City of Fort Collins LID Water Quality Requirements FOR CHAMBER MODEL SC-310 Modified FAA Method Volume Calculation FIuations: Qn = CiA Vi = T*CiA = T*Qo V. =m*Qpo*(60*T) S=Vi-Vo Rainfall intensity from Larimer County Area I IDF Curve A trib. To Stormtech Chambers = 1.42 C2 = 0.79 Developed C*A = 1.12 acre QOW = 0.85 cis tc = 6.4 min Storm Duration, T (min) Rainfall Intensity, I * (in/hr) Qn (cfs) Vol. In V, (ft) Outflow Adjustment Factor, m Vol. Out Va (it) Storage S (it) Storage S (ac-ft) 5 1.425 1.6 480 1.00 255 225 0.005 10 1.105 1.2 744 0.82 418 326 0.007 15 1 0.935 1.0 944 0.71 545 399 0.009 20 0.805 0.9 1084 0.66 672 411 0.009 25 0.715 0.8 1203 0.63 800 403 0.009 30 0.650 0.7 1313 0.61 927 385 0.009 35 0.585 0.7 1378 0.59 1055 324 0.007 40 0.535 0.6 1440 0.58 1182 258 0.006 45 0.495 0.6 1499 0.57 1309 190 0.004 50 0.460 0.5 1548 0.56 1437 111 0.003 55 0.435 0.5 1610 0.56 1564 46 0.001 60 0.410 0.5 1656 0.55 1691 -36 -0.001 65 0.385 0.4 1684 0.55 1819 -134 -0.003 70 0.365 0.4 1720 0.55 1946 -226 -0.005 75 0.345 0.4 1742 0.54 1 2073 -332 -0.008 80 0.330 0.4 1777 0.54 2201 424 -0.010 85 0.315 0.4 1802 0.54 2328 -526 -0.012 90 0.305 0.3 1848 0.54 2456 -608 -0.014 95 0.290 0.3 1854 0.53 2583 -729 -0.017 100 0.280 0.3 1885 0.53 2710 -826 -0.019 105 0.270 0.3 1908 0.53 2838 -929 -0.021 110 0.260 0.3 1925 0.53 1 2965 1 -1040 -0.024 115 0.255 0.3 1 1974 1 0.53 1 3092 1 -1119 -0.026 120 0.245 0.3 1 1979 1 0.53 1 3220 1 -1241 1 -0.028 Required Storage Volume: 411 fe 0.009 acre-ft * WQ Intensity provided by City of Fort Collins � m V m m aJ ai � ro Y a` 0 m D! Y al N N A O E N C m T ` V1 ` V c O � v E v E t ti E° E 00 V ti c O z O w cL L V c o a U O L 7 O 0a a/ E Y _ `; v U ri O' O aJ Ln O > a Q 0 L LL c — ^' a0 Y cv L o r Ln LL lL a) c w O Q y m Y H 00 N ~ o O � ° O c O al Y a- m fO V 0 � E w oa E (v LO c N m L c O o > i ul V vi L al E E :3 E _ O .I_-'o V c O z E m un It � V a C_ N — a) '..I o in m C7 E u, Ln > 3 > u LD � F- y > E w t Y L v o o, c ai E 0 o c E c ' ri ° L ° O > m V vl m V al .n Y c Z) a) E O rl > m E 0 T > ,� v V u O j ri 3 c ` 0)O CU N E c O v 0 L = E v V � Qj o0 ai r E a T m � t ~ V1 V oM ti N � v t 3 `❑ N a o o cc d c ❑ t 3 v 0 o v°1i o i'n c ❑ ❑. v v> ❑ > ❑ ❑ E E _O > Uv M N � U> 40 a ❑ U) �n X ,t C O p z ❑ N .N > O Qj E D > c X �-1 M 'o 'o ni r ui k6 K ao of . . r P'1 0 Z Qo c LL C 0 00 v Y > o m \ G m m a ci D Y d m a a E O v u, W Q a 0 O i vl > a a 00 Cf CO O ate+ O W C Vl > O ° � C a m° o aE, E .-+ o 'v - v Ln v > V) o > a Q a o 0 o 0 0 a m c `o a o o CO •; Ln o 'n N Q 7 V cv V u a co v °/ CU v E Ln C a Lnm Y E 7 U V N H > 'i O v 01 V1 C !n a > Q. a 0 E E + °1v E L u Y a E f- a 2 LJ Ln a V' `° o o ri Z a u Ln LL + Y_ E m l C Qf rn E o a o > m u Vl N ` C a o f a a V ° ry E > > E 7 L 0 C Z u a •.. Qj o 0 � a -i r E 0_ m ~ L Ln u N m V U� b oo m ' Project Name: Title: By: Maverik Fort Collins Average Percolation Rate Calculation for Proposed Underground Water Quality Chamber System DJB Measured Interval Percolation Rate (min/inch) 1 2.2 2 3.1 3 2.7 4 1.4 5 1.3 6 1.8 7 1.3 8 1.1 9 1.4 10 1.1 11 2.4 12 0.5 13 0.6 14 1.9 15 0.5 16 2.1 17 1.7 18 1.5 19 2.2 20 3.3 21 3.7 22 1.4 23 2.0 Average = 1.9 Job No.: 15001770 Date: 4/9/2018 * Based on Percolation Testing performed by Ground Engineering on April 6, 2018. See Attached. Project Name: Maverik Fort Collins Title: Average Percolation Rate Calculation for Proposed Drywell By: DJB Measured Interval Percolation Rate (min/inch) 1 1.9 2 3.0 3 1.4 4 1.4 5 2.2 6 2.8 7 1.6 8 Average = EE Job No.: 15001770 Date: 4/9/2018 s Based on Percolation Testing performed by Ground Engineering on April 6, 2018. See Attached. Project Name: Maverik Fort Collins Job No.: 15001770 Title: Drain Down Time Calculaiton for Date: 4/9/2018 Proposed Underground Water Quality Chamber System By: DJB Average Infiltration Rate = 1.8 min/in Stage (ft) Depth (in) Time to Drain • (min) Time to Drain (sec) Time to Drain (hr) Volume" (CF) Infiltration Rate (CFS) 0.08 1 1.79 107 0.03 52.57 0.489 0.17 2 3.58 215 0.06 105.13 0.489 0.25 3 5.37 322 0.09 157.70 0.489 0.33 4 7.17 430 0.12 210.27 0.489 0.42 5 8.96 537 0.15 262.83 0.489 0.50 6 10.75 645 0.18 315.40 0.489 0.58 7 12.54 752 0.21 408.42 0.543 0.67 8 14.33 860 0.24 500.61 0.582 0.75 9 16.12 967 0.27 591.67 0.612 0.83 30 17.91 1,075 0.30 681.59 0.634 0.92 11 19.70 1,182 0.33 770.11 0.651 1.00 12 21.50 1,290 0.36 856.94 0.664 1.08 13 23.29 1,397 0.39 942.05 0.674 1.17 14 25.08 1,505 0.42 1,025.49 0.682 1.25 15 26.87 1,612 0.45 1,106.68 0.686 1.33 16 28.66 1,720 0.48 1,185.31 0.689 1.42 17 30.45 1,827 0.51 1,261.13 0.690 1.50 18 32.24 1,935 0.54 1,333.55 0.689 1.58 19 34.03 2,042 0.57 1,401.48 0.686 1.67 20 35.83 2,150 0.60 1,461.55 0.680 1.75 21 37.62 2,257 0.63 1,518.48 0.673 1.83 22 39.41 2,365 0.66 1,572.70 0.665 1.92 23 41.20 2,472 0.69 1,625.27 0.657 2.00 24 42.99 2,579 0.72 1,677.84 0.650 2.08 25 44.78 2,687 0.75 1,730.40 0.644 2.17 26 46.57 2,794 0.78 1,782.97 0.638 2.25 27 48.37 2,902 0.81 1,835.54 0.633 2.33 28 50.16 3,009 0.84 1,888.10 0.627 • Time to Drain = Infiltration Rate x Depth "• Stage Storage provided by chamber manufacturer Project Name: Maverik Fort Collins Title: Drain Down Time Calculaiton for Proposed Drywell By: DJB Average Infiltration Rate (1) _ 2.1 6.8 0.6 34.1 Diameter of Drywell (D) = 4.0 Area of Drywell Bottom (A) = n'(D2/4) = 12.6 Volume Drained per Hour (R) = I'A = 429.1 min/in in/min ft/min ft/hr ft2 ft3/hr Stormtech Chamber Volume (V) = 1,888 ft3 Time to Drain Chambers Through Drywell = V/R 4.4 hr Job No.: Date: Note: The drywell is intended to be a secondary measure to drain the water quality chamber system. n 15001770 4/9/2018 Clic.,t: Kelly Irons GROUND Maverik, Inc. Salt L 185 South State Street #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ENGINEERING Maverick #520 Store - Client Port Report Date: Apr 6, 2018 Work Order No.: 17-0595.Other(Speciallnspection).0001; ver: 1 Work Order Date: Apr 6, 2018 Reviewed by: Joe Zorack General Comments General Contractor: EK BAILEY CONSTRUCTION Performed by: Jaro Lepic Subcontractor: Services Performed: Percolation Testing Placement Location: (4) Percolation test holes throughout the job site Summary of Results: See attached tables Comments: Prior to GROUND's arrival on the job site EK BAILEY CONSTRUCTION excavated and pre-soaked 4 percolation test hole locations. The test holes were approximately 12 inches in diameter and dug 4 to 6 fee: below existing grade. Upon arrival GROUND spoke with EK BAILEY CONSTRUCTION in order to determine the test criteria for the percolation testing. The test holes were filled with water from the job site monitored between 9:55 AM to 12:06 PM. Upon completion of testing EK BAILEY CONSTRUCTION was immediately notified of the summarized test results. Notifications The following individuals were notifed of all results while on -site. Name Company Mark Bailey EK Bailey Construction Photos I lok 11> I o th of I111n%nl Watcr Depth .11 Stan of Intcnal Water Ihpih al Lnd of Inamal Drop to Water Level Awrmc PLIC41:111U11 Ram nllnurtr., on, hexl fnfrhro on, hvo bnnl 1W It, Y, I91 44.51 K5n 1A 6 44 ?ll 46 QI '- (x) I Il I lole Rcfllied Ih IS cp 272� 11.75 I4 11 27.25 351/U 7,75 14 14 1121 41.2N 6.25 14 41 _25 4h-'-5 5.00 _.h Hole Refilled x.00 22.22 14.(Nt 1 h 14 —IN1 �R7C h75 '.I Test hole 1 results AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE USED FOR DRAIN DOWN CALCULATION OF DRYWELL = 2.1 min/in J ' Results apply only to the specific items and locations referenced and at the time of testing, observations or special inspections. This report should not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. www.groundeng.com Englewood I Commerce City I Loveland I Granby ( Gypsum Page 1 of 2 Client: Kelly Irons ' Maverik, Inc. 185 South State Street #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Salt L ENGINEERING Maverick #520 Store - Client Port ' Report Date: Apr 6, 2018 Work Order No.: 17-0595.Other(Speciallnspection).0001; ver: 1 Work Order Date: Apr 6, 2018 Reviewed by: Joe Zorack General Comments Holc Leriph of Watcr fhTlh N;uc: UeTdr Dtop m Average Intcn'al at Start (It at End of A atcr Percolation Hole Length of Water Deph Water Depth Drop in Average Intnnal hamal Level Rau I D Internal at Stan of at End of Water Percolation _ entllnno+l (l/nlw%) (mchesl r/achex) i Iiiiii Interval Interval LevelRam Ie 34.50 41.75 7i5 22 t (lllllllfll'l i(It(lti �/ /fIl(lt1'.C/ rin<'IR"5I Iln 11 41.00 4.0 4.30 31 4 46.00 47.50 LSO 2,7 14 I O.OII 18.25 8.25 I 14 19.25 27.75 9.50 15 Hole Refilled 12 12.50 21.00 1 8.50 1.4 I6 27.75 35.00 7.25 ' 13 21.00 30.75 1 9.75 1.3 13 35.00 39.00 4.00 1 ; 14 30.75 38.50 7.75 1.8 I1 39.00 a2.0O 3.00 3.7 10 38.50 46.00 1 7.30 1.3 Hole caved in and was Rd Hole Refilled Id 10.30 20.50 1 10.00 1.4 4 13.50 2150 8.00 11 13 20.50 27.00 1 6.50 2.0 ' 13 1 21.50 30.75 915 14 ' Test hole 2 results Test hole 3 results I lole I ength of Water DMilit Water fk-pth Drop in %Icraec I U Into, al at Stan of at End of Waict PCIe011nlon Interval Interval Lcncl Rate 4 lw,111,14-0 (inches) fincherr (ton heat 14 41.00 5325 12_2S 11 10 1 53.25 57.50 1 4.25 2.4 Hole Refilled ' Io 1 11.30 1 45 50 1 34.00 0.5 AVERAGE PERCOLATION H/dc RclillLd RATE USED FOR DRAIN 14 1750 42.50 25.00 0.6 DOWN CALCULATION OF n 4250 52.O1i 9.50 1.9 CHAMBERS = 1.8 minfin ' Hole Refilled 17 12.50 1 44.00 1 31.50 OS 13 44.00 1 50-5 1 6.25 2.1 Test hole 4 results ' Results apply only to the specific items and locations referenced and at the time of testing, observations or special inspections. This report should not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. www.groundeng.com ' Englewood I Commerce City I Loveland I Granby I Gypsum Page 2 of 2 Project: REVS Maverick - Fort Collins - CO - 12-1-17 ' Chamber Model - SC-310 Units- I Imperial Click Here for Metnc Number of chambers - Voids in the stone (porosity) - Base of STONE Elevation - Amount of Stone Above Chambers Amount of Stone Below Chambers Area of system - 47 40 % 4927.66 ft in 6 O Indude Perimeter Stone in Calculations 6 in 1577 sf Min. Area - 1115 sf min. area • StorrnTech ten... ti a dinwn of �i..... DS u+ Height of Incremental Single Incremental Total Incremental Incremental Ch Cumulative System Chamber Chamber Stone & St Chamber Elevation inches cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet feet 28 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1888.10 4929.99 27 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1835.54 4929.91 26 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1782.97 4929.83 25 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1730.40 4929.74 24 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1677.84 4929.66 23 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 1625.27 4929.58 22 0.06 2.76 51.46 54.22 1572.70 4929.49 21 0.15 7.27 49.66 56.93 1518.48 4929.41 20 0.27 12.50 47.57 60.06 1461.55 4929.33 19 0.54 25.61 42.32 67.93 1401.48 4929.24 18 0.70 33.09 39.33 72.42 1333.55 4929.16 17 0.82 38.75 37.07 75.82 1261.13 4929.08 16 0.92 43.45 35.18 78.64 1185.31 4928.99 15 1.01 47.70 33.48 81.19 1106.68 4928.91 14 1.09 51.44 31.99 83.43 1025.49 4928.83 13 1.15 54.25 30.87 85.12 942.05 4928.74 12 121 57.10 29.73 86.83 856.94 4928.66 11 1.27 59.92 28.60 88.52 770.11 4928.58 10 1.32 62.25 27.66 89.92 681.59 4928.49 9 1.36 64.15 26.90 91.06 591.67 4928.41 8 1.40 66.03 26.15 92.19 500.61 4928.33 7 1.43 67.43 25.60 93.02 408.42 4928.24 6 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 315.40 4928.16 5 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 262.83 4928.08 4 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 210.27 4927.99 3 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 157.70 4927.91 2 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 105.13 4927.83 1 0.00 0.00 52.57 52.57 52.57 4927,74 PROPOSED LAYOUT 47 STORMTECH SC-310 CHAMBERS 18 STORMTECH SC-310 END CAPS 6 STONE ABOVE (in) 6 STONE BELOW (in) 40 %STONE VOID 1,888 INSTALLED SYSTEM VOLUME (CF) (PERIMETER STONE INCLUDED) 1,577 SYSTEM AREA (ft-) 171 SYSTEM PERIMETER (ft) PROPOSED ELEVATIONS MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF PAVEMENT/UNPAVED): 4937.49 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED WITH TRAFFIC): 4931.49 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED NO TRAFFIC): 4930.99 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (BASE OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT): 4930.99 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF RIGID PAVEMENT): 4930.99 TOP OF STONE: 4929.99 TOP OF SC-310 CHAMBER: 4929A9 12" ISOLATOR ROW INVERT: 4928.24 12" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT: 4928.24 BOTTOM OF SC-310 CHAMBER: 4928.16 BOTTOM OF STONE: 4927.66 1 1.375' 1 1 20.82' 1 1 1.375' 1 AREA 5 - 4.8' (W) x 20.82 (L) x 2.33 (H) = 232.86CF 18" OVERFLOW PIPE THIS IS AN EXHIBIT BREAKING DOWN THE EXTRA STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED BY THE PERIMETER STONE. SEE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR UNDERGROUND CHAMBER SYSTEM DESIGN 7.12' 5.32' 1 4.8' 1 AREA 6 - 3.385' (W) x 1.8' (L) x 2.33 (H) = 18.69CF N cli N U) N 3.385' Y m I AREA 4 - 5.3'(W) x 11.43 (L) x 2.33 (H) = 141.64CF I OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE PER ENGINEER'S PLAN (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) NOTES z • MANIFOLD SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER. SEE TECH SHEET #7 FOR MANIFOLD SIZING GUIDANCE. J y � • DUE TO THE ADAPTATION OF THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM TO SPECIFIC SITE AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS, IT MAY BE J NECESSARY TO CUT AND COUPLE ADDITIONAL PIPE TO STANDARD MANIFOLD COMPONENTS IN THE FIELD. 0 0 w • THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER MUST REVIEW ELEVATIONS AND IF NECESSARY ADJUST GRADING TO ENSURE THE CHAMBER COVER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. L) Of 3 U _ • THIS PLAN REFLECTS THE CHAMBER SYSTEM DESIGN BY THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER USING STORMTECH COMPONENTS. O J 0 L)THE SUITABILITY OF THE CHAMBER SYSTEM TO MEET ANY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER. STORMTECH'S SCOPE OF WORK IS LIMITED TO THE ASSEMBLED PRODUCT DIMENSIONS AND , 0 SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION. • THE STORMTECH SYSTEM DEPICTED DOES NOT INCLUDE WATER QUALITY MEASURES OR PROVIDE THE ABILITY TO BE (,) 0� g INSPECTED, CLEANED, AND MAINTAINED. NOT MAINTAINING THE SYSTEM MAY LEAD TO A DECREASE IN STORAGE 0 , y VOLUME OVER TIME. ADS RECOMMENDS THE USE OF THE ISOLATOR ROW ON ALL STORMTECH SYSTEMS. U. LLI • THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED WITHOUT SITE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON SOIL CONDITIONS OR BEARING CAPACITY. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOIL AND Q v PROVIDING THE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE INSITU SOILS. THE BASE STONE DEPTH MAY BE INCREASED OR DECREASED 0 ONCE THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED, o a AREA 1 - 1.38' (W) x 46.38 (L) x 2.33 (H) = 149.54CF 53.50' 46.38' 43.80' - 36.78' €'9 h ci ,maWy W F O y PROPOSED 30" NYLOPLAST (24" SUMP MIN) (TYP 9 PLACES) STRUCTURE W/WEIR c 21' m PER ENGINEER'S PLAN (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) (TYP 2 PLACES), � N AREA 2 - 4.8' (W) x 32.25 (L) x 2.33 (H) = 360.69' I�R\ ` 18" OVERFLOW PIPE AREA 3 - 1.38' (W) x 53.50 (L) x 2.33 (H) = 172.02CF STANDARD CHAMBER SECTION INCLUDES 6" ABOVE, BELOW AND ON EACH SIDE OF CHAMBER. FOR PERIMETER, 12" MINIMUM FROM FOOT OF CHAMBER TO EDGE OF EXCAVATION. FOR ENDS OF SYSTEM, AGAIN THERE IS 12" MINIMUM STONE REQUIRED SO IF WE INCLUDE THIS STONE: 1 TOTAL PROVIDED IN PERIMETER STONE = 150 + 361 + 172 + 142 + 233 +19 = 1077CF x 0.4 = 431 CF I SHEET 2 OF 6 Trim 13 r7 01, 1. 1 A I A P40W (M' StormTech* Chamber System for Stormwater Management Ston'nTech' Detention - Retention - Water Duality A division af WErs. II I 1.1 FMODUCPMON An Important component of any Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is inspection and maintenance. The StormTech Isolator Row is a patented technique to inexpensively enhance Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal and provide easy access for inspection and maintenance. Looking down the Isolator Row from the manhole opening, woven geotextile is shown between the chamber and stone base. 1.2 THE ISOLATOR ROW ' The Isolator Row is a row of StormTech chambers, either SC-310, SC-310-3, SC-740,, DC-780, MC-3500 or MC- 4500 models, that is surrounded with filter fabric and con- nected to a closely located manhole for easy access. The fabric -wrapped chambers provide for settling and filtra- tion of sediment as storm water rises in the Isolator Row and ultimately passes through the filter fabric. The open bottom chambers and perforated sidewalls (SC-310, SC- ' 310-3 and SC-740 models) allow storm water to flow both vertically and horizontally out of the chambers. Sediments are captured in the Isolator Row protecting ' the storage areas of the adjacent stone and chambers from sediment accumulation. The Isolator Row is typically designed to capture the "first flush" and offers the versatility to be sized on a vol- ume basis or flow rate basis. An upstream manhole not only provides access to the Isolator Row but typically includes a high flow weir such that storm water flowrates or volumes that exceed the capacity of the Isolator Row overtop the over flow weir and discharge through a manifold to the other chambers. The Isolator Row may also be part of a treatment train. By treating storm water prior to entry into the chamber system, the service life can be extended and pollutants such as hydrocarbons can be captured. Pre-treatment best management practices can be as simple as deep sump catch basins, oil -water separators or can be inno- vative storm water treatment devices. The design of the treatment train and selection of pretreatment devices by the design engineer is often driven by regulatory requirements. Whether pretreatment is used or not, the Isolator Row is recommended by StormTech as an effective means to minimize maintenance requirements and maintenance costs. Note: See the StormTech Design Manual for detailed information on designing inlets for a StormTech system, including the Isolator Row. StormTech Isolator Row with Overflow Spillway (not to scale) MANHOLE WITH OVERFLOW WEIR Two different fabrics are used for the Isolator Row. A woven geotextile fabric is placed between the stone ECCENTRIC and the Isolator Row chambers. The tough geotextile HEADER provides a media for storm water filtration and provides ' a durable surface for maintenance operations. It is also designed to prevent scour of the underlying stone and remain intact during high pressure jetting. A non -woven fabric is placed over the chambers to provide a filter ' media for flows passing through the perforations in the sidewall of the chamber. The non -woven fabric is not required over the DC-780, MC-3500 or MC-4500 models OPTIONAL ACCESS ' as these chambers do not have perforated side walls. OPTIONAL PRE-TREATMENT STORMTECH ISOLATOR ROW XMIUM 10 v ■ is EMKIMMM \ STORMTECH CHAMBERS 2 Call StormTech at 888.892.2694 or visit our website at www.stormtech.com for technical and product information. II . 1 1 r l I .9AI 1 1j1j1 1'-1' 1 1, 2.1 INSPECTION The frequency of Inspection and Maintenance varies by location. A routine inspection schedule needs to be established for each individual location based upon site specific variables. The type of land use (i.e. industrial, commercial, residential), anticipated pollutant load, per- cent imperviousness, climate, etc. all play a critical role in determining the actual frequency of inspection and maintenance practices. At a minimum, StormTech recommends annual inspec- tions. Initially, the Isolator Row should be inspected every 6 months for the first year of operation. For subsequent years, the inspection should be adjusted based upon previous observation of sediment deposition. The Isolator Row incorporates a combination of standard manhole(s) and strategically located inspection ports (as needed). The inspection ports allow for easy access to the system from the surface, eliminating the need to perform a confined space entry for inspection purposes. If upon visual inspection it is found that sediment has accumulated, a stadia rod should be inserted to deter- mine the depth of sediment. When the average depth of sediment exceeds 3 inches throughout the length of the Isolator Row, clean -out should be performed. uM-141:10M Md The Isolator Row was designed to reduce the cost of periodic maintenance. By "isolating" sediments to just one row, costs are dramatically reduced by eliminating the need to clean out each row of the entire storage bed. If inspection indicates the potential need for main- tenance, access is provided via a manhole(s) located on the end(s) of the row for cleanout. If entry into the manhole is required, please follow local and OSHA rules for a confined space entries. StormTech Isolator Row (not to scale) OPfI I EC "P—LO TD nR EfGfEEAO'SWM(P11w"ORJ ..) Stormffi6bh• Examples of culvert cleaning nozzles appropriate for Isolator Row maintenance. (These are not StormTech products.) Maintenance is accomplished with the JetVac process. The JetVac process utilizes a high pressure water noz- zle to propel itself down the Isolator Row while scouring and suspending sediments. As the nozzle is retrieved, the captured pollutants are flushed back into the man- hole for vacuuming. Most sewer and pipe maintenance companies have vacuum/JetVac combination vehicles. Selection of an appropriate JetVac nozzle will improve maintenance efficiency. Fixed nozzles designed for cul- verts or large diameter pipe cleaning are preferable. Rear facing jets with an effective spread of at least 45" are best. Most JetVac reels have 400 feet of hose allow- ing maintenance of an Isolator Row up to 50 chambers long. The JetVac process shall only be performed on StormTech Isolator Rows that have AASHTO class 1 woven geotextile (as specified by StormTech) over their angular base stone. OE CDVEREMTEMROWWLE IOR fORE0 lDNWOJEIJ OOUK) 5G7406 �M-5 (15 MI WUt 51 MY WS 515W FR) S 106S6510-]-4(1a m)WOES P(b 31ry K) (SG)40 SHO STOMI OW14 VP .q NOM NON -WOVEN FABRIC IS ONLY REQUIRED OVER THE INLET PIPE CONNECTION INTO THE END CAP FOR DC-780, MC-3500 AND MC-4500 CHAMBER MODELS AND IS NOT REQUIRED OVER THE ENTIRE ISOLATOR ROW, II Call StormTech at 888.892.2694 or visit our website at www.starmtech.com for technical and product information. 3 II . 1 1 . 1.. . I r'. : I 1/'. I . I'• 1 1_' ■ LI_1_._I l..`. SOepl) Inspect Isolator Row for sediment StormTech Isolator Row (not to scale) A) Inspection ports (if present) i. Remove lid from floor box frame ii. Remove cap from inspection riser ii. Using a flashlight and stadia rod, measure depth of sediment and record results on maintenance log. iv. If sediment is at, or above, 3 inch depth proceed to Step 2. If not proceed to step 3. B) All Isolator Rows i. Remove cover from manhole at upstream end of Isolator Row ii. Using a flashlight, inspect down Isolator Row through outlet pipe 1. Mirrors on poles or cameras may be used to avoid a confined space entry 2. Follow OSHA regulations for confined space entry if entering manhole iii. If sediment is at or above the lower row of sidewall holes (approximately 3 inches) proceed to Step 2. If not proceed to Step 3. Skp4 Clean out Isolator Row using the JetVac process A) A fixed culvert cleaning nozzle with rear facing nozzle spread of 45 inches or more is preferable B) Apply multiple passes of JetVac until backflush water is clean C) Vacuum manhole sump as required Step 3) Replace all caps, lids and covers, record observations and actions %p4 Inspect & clean catch basins and manholes upstream of the StormTech system Sample Maintenance Log i StormTech® Detention - Retention • Water Quality ' A division of ns uauur� 70Inwood Road, Suite 3 Rocky Hill I Connecticut 06067 860.529.8188 888.892.2694 l fax 866.328.8401 I www.stormtech.com ADS 'Terms and Conditions of Sale' are available on the ADS website, www.ads-pipe.com Advanced Drainage Systems, the ADS logo, and the green stripe are registered trademarks of Advanced Drainage Systems. Stormtech' and the Isolator' Row are registered trademarks of StormTech, Inc. Green Building Council Member logo is a registered trademark of the U.S. Green Building Council. ' ® 2013 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. S090809 02/13 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for ' Fuel Spill Containment System Background A Fuel Spill Containment System (FSCS) is a system of drains with a holding tank to capture and detain fuel spills from underground fuel storage tanks and fuel pumps. An FSCS is sometimes a requirement of the jurisdiction for which fuel pumps and storage tanks are installed. An FSCS consists of trench drains with grates installed at the surface surrounding underground fuel ' storage tanks and fuel pumps. These trench drains are to collect any fuel spillage that may occur. The trench drains connect to a Fuel Spill Containment Vault designed to contain a minimum of 150 gallons of spilled fuel. The Vault is also designed to allow any normal drainage flows to flow through to the outfall ' of the system. Fuel detained within the Vault should be promptly removed through an access hatch installed at the top of the Vault. ' The Vault is typically connected to the upstream trench drains and downstream outfall with schedule 40 PVC pipe with a diameter of no less than six inches. ' The entire system is gravity fed and care should be taken to ensure positive drainage throughout the system to the ultimate outfall. ' Normal Function of Fuel Spill Containment System ' Whether there is a fuel spill or not, the trench drains will capture any upstream runoff that normally occurs. The valve just downstream of the Fuel Spill Containment Vault should be left open under normal conditions to allow runoff to pass through to the downstream stormwater system. This runoff will flow through the system whether there is a fuel spill contained in the Vault or not, and be released at the outfall. Actions to be Taken After a Fuel Spill Incident In the event of a fuel spill, the following shall be the basic course of action: • Shut down equipment • Evacuate the area ' • Block access to the area • Close valve just downstream of Fuel Spill Containment Vault • Contact designated emergency personnel • Determine the source of the spill • Stop the spill at the source March 2017 1 of 3 • Apply absorbent to soak up spilled fuel • Use neutralizing agents to reduce the chance of fuel ignition • Sweep up absorbent and neutralizing agents and dispose of properly • Safely remove and properly dispose of spilled fuel detained within the Fuel Spill Containment Vault to prevent discharge to either storm or sanitary sewer • Use absorbent pads to soak up any remaining fuel and chemicals ' • Dispose of used absorbent pads in designated barrels • Completely clean containment system and collect the wash water and dispose properly • Check the outfall for spill that may have escaped the Fuel Spill Containment Vault and clean up area if necessary • Once the fuel spill is cleaned up completely open the valve just downstream of Fuel Spill ' Containment Vault to allow runoff to flow through normally The action procedure presented above is meant to be a guideline for what to do to clean up a fuel spill ' that has been contained within a FSCS. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to have a detailed hazardous material spill procedure and all materials and equipment on hand to implement it. Other ' procedures and actions may be required by local, state, and federal regulations such as reporting and investigating the incident. All required procedures should be followed in an incident where fuel is spilled. March 2017 2of3 Routine Inspection and Maintenance Table Required Action Maintenance Objective Frequency of Action Inspect the trench drain through the grates and from each end. Look for obstructions, vegetation, debris, litter, sediment, etc. Routine — Including just before inside the trench drain. Vegetation or algae annual storm seasons (that is, April Trench Drain growing in the trench drain indicate the and May), end of storm season Inspection presence of standing water. Water backing after leaves have fallen, and up out of the trench drain entrance indicates following significant rainfall a blockage. During a rainstorm, a blockage will be indicated by slow water flow or by events. water backing up at the trench drain entrance. Clear as much of the trench drain as possible Routine —Including just before Trench Drain from each end with a long -handled tool such annual storm seasons (that is, April Sediment, as a hoe. Raise the grates to clean and May), end of storm season Debris and inaccessible portions of the trench drain. after leaves have fallen, and Litter removal Scrape with hoe or similar tool to ensure that following significant rainfall water flows freely along the concrete flow- line of the trench drain. events. Inspect vault to insure that the vault Routine —Annual inspection of Fuel Spill continues to function as initially intended. hydraulic and structural facilities. Containment Examine the outlet for clogging, excessive Also check for obvious problems Vault sedimentation levels, oily sheen, and damage during routine maintenance visits, Inspection to any structural element. especially for plugging of outlets. Routine —Annually including just Fuel Spill before annual storm seasons (that Containment Vacuum and remove accumulated sediment is, April and May), end of storm Vault Sediment, and liquids from the bottom of the vault season after leaves have fallen, Oily Sheen, through the access hatch on the top of the and following significant rainfall Debris, and vault. Ensure outlet is clear of debris. events and when oily sheen is seen Litter removal during any routing inspection. March 2017 3 of 3 B LEGEND 6 -- PROPERTY BOUNDARY Xn Callhkerfampualµ D,Q o.1 PROPOSED RICJIT-OF-WAY FEE MICAVIONS ON "I USING RIGHT-OF-WAYSMAN IN AN APPRAWAAAM My ONLY AND HAW NOT OEM -` PROPOSED LOT NNE . OVER OR I. REMO By WE �••.• WE �RKTM WALL N.mc ___----- _ PROPOSED CURB t GUTTER wru of ALL PROPOSED SIDEWALK -- — — — PROPOSED EASEMENT ________ Aµ _ ��� .\ - USING EASEMENT WARNER!! RAN AND ALL -FAMME TO HARRY MCAFE AM � , PROPOSED SWALE _ — __ _ ` `_ _ •..' yam$ _________ -M1- a -`I\\ il� K�SUON OF WE 1 W �\ �.- NEWER THE OVER _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ , ` e LET I � I I MAJOR DRAINAGE BASIN _ r ; ; i _ _ USING STORM SEWER _ _ _ - .r S 1 PflOPOSEO STORM SEWER IN WE �'a �S arc°`o _ - �• I `:` \` \k i _ _ _ _ _ mil I h -c PROPOSED UT�Dtt EASEMENT M SEAER "uEiAN WE MY '__N1- .• \ ' I `� I ' I PRWOSED GRADE CONTWR U�T WE �Iz� % `I `\, iMN\-___'pyR_ Na \\ 1 iti ♦k \�\\'\ '\ j EXISTING C04T0ER CURRENT OF m�u< NE 44 i i i A. - .=L, PROPOSED CflO55PaN J 8 / \ \ \ II I 1 m i 1 , \ ill I +'rZy JoI \\� " \ 11 ; j i y FLOW DIRECTION ARROW sgo USINGSTORM PIPE S'/..�Y.• \ \\_ / It V . ` ` \\ AL \\\\ ♦ Q DES GIN PONT IE9 / !___ 1 ` / \.yy,, ' (ry./� yTpy PPE •••/// `\ ``` `\I \\ 1.43 i 1 II �I SUBDINSION DESIGNATION 8? / - ,� \ A4 ?`\\'� 1__—` / v, \\ Ili 6 YR RUNOFF COEiT1gENT $ — V \\ II l i L \ _ ``�` 1OD R RUNOFF CO6IENT !Q / ;III I z34.// Q$ I \ ilk 'I 11 AREA IN ACRES \\ it i i 11' 11 `\ .. V �`` \ Iy 1 1 \ 1. AaGXMP]F✓LLC ♦ Al 4"4' \ _ EXISLNG .__ __{-______ 1 `` \`\ •I11 BUILDING I I ` / \ \\ 2.B •III EX1$TING.\ \ ♦ 1.0 \ I STORM PIPE \ '�� ♦ `y - 1 ROD I ._ ♦ = I \ \ � a ad.\,� It \ _ ♦ - ° : Adt Elk— ♦♦ \ \ / ZF R to $ ♦ �_r ♦ FI USING; tL `, ♦ DRAW I/ tnm*) _ 1 ♦♦ Of i gQz pZ<U' EW'(SSILS BUILDING \\♦♦\ 1 ' i Y 7 a Z 0 e)/51-as-c\�l ♦♦ \\ ♦ ..AVA' i1 1'I 1' 3 to U `K K \\ 2O ♦ I ' fpD�� N ♦ \\��\ : _ ♦ 1 DAM 5/24/2016 ♦ OTIEA fLYJL' - ♦ Lis LC - 61L51-/)-GJ/ ♦ C $ �♦ // 0.120.1 I MASONS 440 i Q o $j I f DR. CBS CH. JF P.M. KR F 3 I F4j i .Toe 15001]]0 S 91¢T 1p G 1 . �..'. . ._ :Y ' ^' • • ' • • • .'. _ PROPOSED 0.0 .c. '' ✓ �'�a 5' TYPE R 0.1 UPDATED SPILLWAY INLET /I W/BURm RIPRM Lq isms gappi Walla y —<— • • T •'•�• PROPOSED mminm Y STRUCTURE T 1r,MANHauE (TERP) 40 \' 00\ 400 .Nv� rS&"s ctnr•'`` Rns�as-anz •'A\ �..f•. . :1 l C :% 2 a'% 0.1 :.j Y88YLLC '—Rb LEGEND PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY EXISTNG RIGHT—OF—WAY PROPOSED LOT LINE PROPOSED CURB 8 GUTTER PROPOSED SIDEWAI< PROPOSED EASEMENT -------- EXISTING EASEMENT K--(—...— PROPOSED SWALE MAJOR DRAINAGE BASIN —coc EXISTING STORM SEWER e PROPOSED STORM SEWER INLET PROPOSED STORM SEWER -------- PROPOSED UTIDTY EASEMENT _PROPOSED GRADE CONTOUR 650E-- EXISTING CONTDJR M y PLOW DIRECTION ARROW Q DESIGN PONT SUBDIWSION DESIGNATION f14 5 YR RUNOFF CGEMO NT 1GO YR RUNOFF CGEFFlgENT AREA IN ACRES 3I1LE N rca; a mszl�, KKUWO-z LL zI Z J pMj NU<iXm O mmr` O 0 C a 4/D/2018 rn