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Drainage Reports - 10/27/1997
No Text I 1 RCE A Division of Ayres Associates October 5, 1994 1 Mr. Basil Hamdan City of Fort Collins 1 Stormwater Utility 235 Mathews Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 1 Re: Huntington Hills PUD, Filing 4 Final Drainage and Erosion Control Report Addendum 1 Dear Basil: Enclosed you will find 3 copies of the Addendum to the Huntington Hills PUD Filing 4 Final 1 Drainage and Erosion Control Report. The Addendum documents the further analysis on Stone Creek that was requested by. Stormwater Utility in response to issues raised at a neighborhood meeting. Additionally, the Addendum presents the drainage calculations associated with an 1 inlet to be added at the northwest corner of the Fossil Creek Parkway/Lemay Avenue intersection. The inclusion of this inlet and some slight modifications of drainage patterns at the intersection are in response to comments by City of Fort Collins Engineering Department. 1 If the information supplied in this Addendum is not sufficient, please let me know as soon as possible; as winter approaches, time becomes more and more critical. 1 Sincerely, r, 1 1 1 Resource onsultants & Engineers Division o Owen Ayres & Associates, Inc. Scott Que n, P.E. Civil Engineer Paul R. Barker, E. Manager, Civil Engineering 1 SQ:sp 1 Enclosure 1 1 Resource Consultants & Engineers Engineers/Scientists/Surveyors 3665 JFK Parkway, Building 2, Suite 300, P.O. Box 270460, Fort Collins, CO 80527 (303) 223-5556, Denver Metro (303) 572-1806, FAX (303) 223-5578 HAMDI0.LTR 93-0103.04 Printed on recycled paper 1 1 1 1 ADDENDUM TO HUNTINGTON HILLS FILING 4 DRAINAGE REPORT Prepared for City of Fort Collins Storm Water Utility 235 Mathews Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 RCE A Division of Ayres Associates Resource Consultants & Engineers A Division of Ayres Associates 3665 John F. Kennedy Parkway Building 2, Suite 300 Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 RCE Project No. 93-0103.04 October 1994 HUNT-F4A.ADD Addendum ' to Huntington Hills Filing 4 Drainage Report ' I. Introduction Following the completion and Final Approval of the Final Drainage and Erosion ' Control Report for Huntington Hills PUD: Filing 4 (approved 8/19/94), two drainage issues were raised by adjacent property owners and City staff. The issues were examined in detail and additional features were incorporated into the final design. This addendum to ' the above -mentioned report discusses the two issues and the resulting changes to Huntington Hills PUD: Filing 4. ' II. Stone Creek Drainage Pursuant to a neighborhood meeting held Thursday, September 8, 1994, at the Stormwater Utility offices, RCE performed additional investigation regarding the hydraulic analysis along Stone Creek for the 100-year event. In particular, we examined freeboard criteria and existing lot and basement floor elevations in Brittany Knolls along Stone Creek. I According the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria (SDDC), the freeboard requirements for unlined channels "shall be 1.0 foot or additional capacity for one-third of the design flow." We have analyzed Stone Creek using a one-third increase in the discharge, to 907 cfs. As an additional criterion based on floodplain regulations, Stormwater Utility asked that at least 1.5 feet of freeboard separate the proposed 100-year water surface elevation and the first floor elevation of the Brittany Knolls homes. RCE examined the freeboard to the basement floor, which is far more conservative than the conditions requested by Stormwater Utility. Several values which are relevant to the discussion of impact on Brittany Knolls property owners of the proposed improvements associated with Huntington Hills are shown in Table 1. The information on this table is limited to Brittany Knolls lots 24 through 29. The table shows the proposed ground surface elevation at the northerly corners of these lots as shown on the Brittany Knolls Grading and Drainage Plan, the actual ground surface elevation at these locations based on a field survey, the elevation of existing basement floor elevations on the lots, the existing 100-year water surface elevation from the Brittany Knolls Grading and Drainage Plan, and the proposed 100-year water surface elevation corresponding to the improvements associated with Huntington Hills Filing 4. The last column tabulates the water surface elevation corresponding to the discharge equaling the 100-year flow increased by one-third. There are several things to be seen from this table: First, the ground surface elevation at only one lot corner (between lots 25 and 26) meets or exceeds the elevation designated on the Brittany Knolls Grading and Drainage Plan. The remaining lot corners are up to 1.5 feet below the design elevation. This may explain in part why the various lot owners were subjected to flooding during the storm in June, 1994, which was referenced several times at the meeting mentioned above. (It is noted that the elevation for the northwest corner of lot 29 is difficult to ascertain from the grading plan. According to the HUNT-F4A.ADD 93-0103.04 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Table 1 Ground surface, water surface, and basement floor elevations at Brittany Knolls lot corners. Propose d .. ......... ...... .... ... ..,...,,.,Existing .... ...... Propbsedd . . . . . .. ......... .. ........... Water er �Ground:. Ground: aseme Y Year: 100 n..Year ,,�.:;, h� evatiomwit ::. an. .... ........ Lot Surface :::� Surface:,....:::., F16 or., x: ::Water:Surface: . Water I.Surface::::. . dditidh [Qnejhir.i . ......... Elevation Elev..a.t..i.o-n:, ......... I ..t...io.n ... ofDesign-H ow .. .. .. .....6t:::.NW.:C6r.ner..'.:'::..::at:: NW,.Corner atN 6 r 1� :�at NW: at:--NW�:Corner .. .. 24 16.3 15.5 19.64 15.92 14.87 15.09 25 16.5 17.2 20.57 16.22 15.80 16.25 26 18.0 17.3 22.18 16.80 16.25 16.72 27 18.5 17.3 NA 17.42 16.86 17.32 28 19.0 18.4 22.82 18.00 17.48 17.94 29 18.63 18.0 NA 18.60 18.14 18.58 'From Brittany Knolls final grading and drainage plan 2 From field survey 3 Unclear from Brittany Knolls grading plan. The Brittany Knolls 1 00-year water surface elevation at this point is 18.6 and the floodplain limits indicate the lot corner is above that elevation. For this analysis, no freeboard is assumed. information tabulated on the Brittany Knolls PUD, Filing 2 Final Grading and Drainage sheet of the Final Utility plans, the 100-year water surface elevation at this location is 18.6. The ' floodplain boundary is shown north of lot 29, indicating the minimum lot elevation exceeds 18.6. RCE assumed the elevation of this corner to be 18.6. Since the existing ground at that lot corner is below the 100-year water surface elevation, it is recommend that the lot ' owner raise the elevation to at least 18.6 in order to meet freeboard criteria.) Secondly, even with an additional one-third added to the design discharge, the computed water surface elevation is below the design ground elevation at each lot corner. In fact, with the exception of the northwest corner of lot 29 (discussed above), at no location does the water surface elevation corresponding to the increased design discharge exceed the existing ground surface elevation. Thirdly, excess freeboard exists between the proposed ' 100-year water surface and the existing basement floors on these lots. This freeboard ranges from 3.6 to 5 feet, exceeding by far the 1.5 feet requested by Stormwater Utility. The HEC-2 deck corresponding to the increased design discharge is included in Appendix A ' as part of this Addendum. During this review, it was discovered that Table 4.1 in the Huntington Hills Filing 4 Final Drainage report does not contain the correct values. The revised table is shown as ' Table 2. The HEC-2 decks in the Appendix of the report are accurate. Appendix B of this Addendum contains a plot of cross section 12.6. The cross section is oriented north -south and is located along the lot line between Brittany Knolls Filing 2 lots 28 and 29. An additional sheet was added to the Huntington Hills Filing 4 Final Utility Plans, on which are shown the Stone Creek cross sections used in the drainage analysis. The property lines as well as the existing and proposed condition topography and 100-yr flood elevations are shown on the cross sections. ' III. Fossil Creek Parkway/Lemay Avenue intersection In the final design of Huntington Hills Filing 4, a cross pan was specified for the ' intersection of Fossil Creek Parkway and Lemay Avenue. City code does not allow for cross pans at the intersections of collector- and arterial -status streets, except in extreme circumstances. It was necessary to redesign this intersection, eliminating the cross pan and adding an inlet at the northwest corner of the intersection. This inlet will intersect flows along the north side of Fossil Creek Parkway east of Huntington Hills Drive and along the west side of Lemay north of the intersection. ' Drainage calculations, included in Appendix C of this addendum, indicate that the 2- year discharge at the new inlet will be 0.53 cfs and the 100-year discharge will be 2.19 cfs. Using criteria listed in the SDDC, an inlet 4 feet long was specified. From the inlet, a 15" ADS pipe extends approximately 280' north at a slope of -0.4 percent, where it will discharge into a grass lined swale in "Tract D" of Huntington Hills Filing 4. The swale shall have sideslopes of 4H:1 V. The calculations in Appendix C verify that the pipe and swale ' have adequate capacity to convey the 100-year discharge. The Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control sheets included in the Utility Plans were updated to reflect the modifications to the design. Additionally, the storm sewer design profile was added to the ' Huntington Hills Filing 4 Final Utility Plans. It is shown on Sheet 3A. HUNT-F4A.ADD ' 93-0103.04 Table 2. Comparison of Hydraulic Parameters for Existing and Proposed Conditions. 1 OO..Year.:...W.atersurfaceElevatioh..:.. OWYear Channel Vel oc ross,:.:x.- (f t) (fDS)...... .......... Sectiom... Exi stng Proposed .: . . .. ........................ Eximhq� ...... .... Proposed,; 1 4902.50 4902.50 3.15 3.15 2 4902.55 4902.55 3.13 3.13 3 4902.53 4902.53 3.54 3.54 3.5 4902.65 4902.65 3.75 3.75 4 1 4902.85 4902.85 4.09 4.09 5 4903.51 4903.51 3.75 3.75 6 4904.27 4904.27 3.33 3.33 7 4905.44 4905.44 4.46 4.46 8 4906.79 4906.79 3.15 3.15 8.5 4907.13 4907.13 3.43 3.43 9 4907.85 4907.85 3.64 3.64 9.25 4908.45 4908.45 4.60 4.60 10 4909.57 4909.57 2.89 2.89 11 4911.73 4911.73 5.63 6.08 12 4915.11 4915.36 4.25 7.12 12.2 4915.35 4915.95 3.80 5.26 12.3 4915.48 4916.05 6.17 6.41 12.5 4916.52 4916.70 4.78 6.30 13 4917.85 4918.14 5.60 6.34 17 4918.66 4918.86 1.51 1.37 20 4918.85 4919.00 2.17 1.91 50 4920.67 4920.58 3.84 4.43 100 4925.38 4925.45, 2.65 2.45 125 4926.98 4926.95 2.82 2.93 HUNT-F4A.ADD 93-0103.04 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A HEC-2 Output File for the Additional One -Third Design Discharge C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD. OUT 9.16.94 '* HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES } } * Version 4.6.2; May 1991 + * * RUN DATE 12SEP94 TIME 13:21:02 X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X X x x x x x ' xxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX ' 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 HEC-2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 ' T1 HUNTINGTION HILLS PROPOSED CONDITIONS 'T2 T3 STONE CREEK, (STONENC2.DAT) J1 ICHECK INQ NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS Q 2 ' J2 NPROF IPLOT PRFVS XSECV XSECH FN ALLDC IBW 1 -1 -1 ' J3 VARIABLE CODES FOR SUMMARY PRINTOUT 38 1 3 26 8 4 5 NC .050 .050 .028 .1 .3 ' QT 1 680 QT 1 907 X1 1 14 10 77 0 GR 4103 0 4102 4898.3 45 4898.5 10 62 4901 4899 15 65 4899 4899 'GR GR 4900 69 4901 74 4902 77 4903 X1 2 9 5 76 35 80 65 GR 4903 0 4902 5 4899 18 4898.7 GR 4900 65 4901 72 4902 76 4904 X1 3 11 0 77 10 10 10 4903 0 4902 4 4901 8 4900 'GR GR 4899.3 38 4899.5 62 4900 65 4901 GR 4905 85 X1 3.5 10 0 113 82 86 79 GR 4903.5 0 4903 6 4902 11 4901 GR 4901 105 4902 109 4903 113 4904 1 ' 12SEP94 13:21:02 X1 4 8 0 143 71 71 71 4903.5 0 4903 7 4902 13 4901.1 'GR GR 4903 143 4904 148 4904 152 t Page 1 ***fh+*+**h**th*tfh***f*** * U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGI * HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING * 609 SECOND STREET, SUIT * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 * (916) 756-1104 PAGE THIS RUN EXECUTED 12SEP94 13:21: WSEL FQ 4902.5 CHNIM ITRACE 42 43 39 25 4898.6 28 65 4900 68 87 41 4899 63 81 11 4899.5 14 70 4903 77 16 4900.5 65 117 4905 121 PAGE 65 4902 138 ' C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEHORD.OUT 9.16.94 X1 5 7 9 219 122 120 120 4904.3 0 4904 9 4903 15 4902.2 'GR GR 4904 219 4905 224 X1 6 10 1013.4 1282.7 123 100 124 GR 4905.2 991 4905 1000 4904 1013.4 4903.6 GR 4903.6 1271.8 4904 1282.7 4905 1287.5 4906 X1 7 13 1070 1446 136 98 125 4910.4 1000 4910 1013 4909 1040 4908 'GR GR 4906 1122 4905 1148 4904.8 1163 4904.6 GR 4905 1338 4906 1446 4909 1457 .050 .050 .033 'NC X1 8 7 1105 1445 141 70 119 GR 4913 1000 4908 1105 4906 1145 4905.9 GR 4907 1445 4910 1456 ' X1 8.5 10 1100 1436 49 38 44 GR 4913 1000 4908 1100 4907 1124 4906.4 GR 4906.4 1359 4907 1387 4908 1428 4910 X1 9 7 1100 1400 89 50 75 GR 4913 1000 4908 1100 4907 1132 4906.9 GR 4908 1400 4911 1412 ' X1 9.25 14 80 309 42 43 40 GR 4913.9 0 4908.1 80 4908 115 4907.6 GR 4907.5 178 4907.5 200 4907.7 253 4908.4 ' GR 4910.9 374 4911.4 382 4912.7 387 4913.4 X1 10.0 17 68 336 120 95 105 GR 4914.2 0 4913.6 14 4910.4 48 4909.2 GR 'GR 4908.1 4909 130 217 4909 4909.1 167 234 4909 4908.5 187 238 4907.3 4908.5 GR 4912.3 344 4913.9 362 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 ' X1 11.0 13 127 214 217 227 194 GR 4117 0 4916 14 4914 23 4912 GR 4911.2 127 4910.1 132 4910 145 4910.5 GR 4912 225 4914.2 232 4916.4 258 X1 12 12 95 134 375 360 360 4919.8 0 4918 34 4916 86 4914 'GR GR 4913.2 114 4912.4 117 4912.8 131 4913.8 GR 4918.7 163 4919.4 174 X1 12.2 10 92 153 39 38 38 GR 4920 0 4918 41 4916 92 4914 GR 4913 121 4913 134 4915.6 153 4918.9 12.3 12 90 135 39 38 38 'X1 GR 4920 0 4918 42 4916 90 4914 GR 4913.2 122 4912.7 128 4913 132 4914.1 GR 4919.1 165 4920.2 183 'X1 12.5 11 -1 141 92 90 90 GR 4920 0 4918 80 4916 104 4914 GR 4913 132 4913.2 137 4914.7 141 4916.9 GR 4921.7 186 ' X1 13 8 165 199 196 191 191 GR 4921.5 0 4918.4 88 4916 165 4914.4 GR 4916.7 199 4916.6 205 4922.3 234 NC .050 .050 .040 ' Page 2 100 4903 215 1024 4903.4 1120 1293.5 4907 1296.9 1070 4907 1095 1210 4904.7 1318 1196 4906 1365 1141 4906.2 1186 1436 4911 1440 1180 4907 1273 170 4906.7 176 309 4909.4 370 403 68 4908.9 105 193 4908.7 196 287 4908.7 336 PAGE 51 4911.9 88 162 4910.8 214 95 4913.4 98 134 4914.2 139 99 4913.8 106 170 4920.2 188 96 4914.1 116 135 4915.4 145 112 4914 127 159 4921.2 174 168 4915.4 170 C:\HUNf\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD.OUT 9,16.94 X1 17 15 30 415 180 180 180 GR 4926 0 4924 30 4922 65 4920 85 4918 GR 4916 180 4915.7 190 4915.7 230 4915.7 242 4916 GR 4918 320 4920 350 4922 390 4924 415 4926 20 10 1000 1520 175 175 175 'X1 X3 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GR 4924 1000 4922 1045 4920 1080 491E 1140 4917.3 GR 4918 1380 4920 1455 4922 1480 4924 1520 4926 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 50 12 1000. 1955.1 305 305 305 4900 'X1 X3 1270 GR 30.0 1000.0 28.0 1043.9 26.0 1080.5 24.0 1101.1 22.0 GR 19.9 1224.2 19.9 1472.2 22.0 1628.5 24.0 1731.0 26.0 GR 28.0 1899.2 30.0 1955.1 X1 100 10 1000 1577.8 410 500 440 4900 X3 1040 GR 32.0 1000.0 30.0 1031.1 28.0 1050.2 26.0 1064.4 24.0 GR 24.0 1291.7 26.0 1500.9 28.0 1522.2 30.0 1543.6 32.0 X1 125 9 30 620 230 230 230 GR 4934 0 4932 30 4930 60 4928 80 4926 ' GR 4926 310 4928 440 4930 585 4932 620 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WIN ELMIN SSTA ' SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *PROF 1 'CRITICAL 0 DEPTH TO BE CALCULATED AT ALL CROSS SECTIONS CCHV= .100 CEHV= .300 *SECNO 1.000 1.000 4.20 4902,50 4900,91 4902,50 4902,77 .27 4902,01 907.0 .5 905.9 .5 1.3 215.4 1.3 .00 .0 .00 .0 4902.00 .00 .43 4.21 .43 .050 .028 .050 .000 4898.30 5.00 .001344 0. 0. 0. 0 13 0 .00 77.00 82.00 *SECNO 2.000 2.000 3.90 4902.60 4901.08 .00 4902.86 .26 .09 .00 4902.00 907.0 .4 906.4 .2 .9 221.6 .5 .3 .1 4902.00 .00 .48 4.09 .46 .050 .028 .050 .000 4898.70 1.98 35. 65. 80. 2 11 0 .00 75.52 77.51 '.001322 *SECNO 3.000 3.000 3.27 4902.56 4901.47 .00 4902.90 .34 .02 .02 4903.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 194.5 .0 .4 .1 4903.00 .01 .00 4.66 .00 .000 .028 .000 .000 4899.30 1.74 ' .002147 10. 10. 10. 2 11 0 .00 73.74 75.48 *SECNO 3.500 3.500 2.28 4902.78 4902.21 .00 4903.11 .34 .21 .00 4903.50 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 194.5 .0 .7 .3 4903.00 .01 .00 4.66 .00 .000 .028 .000 .000 4900.50 7.12 .003408 82. 79. 86. 2 11 0 .00 104.99 112.11 *SECNO 4.000 4.000 1.96 4903.06 4902.72 .00 4903.40 .33 .28 .00 4903.50 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 195.3 .0 1.0 .5 4903.00 .01 .00 4.64 .02 .000 .028 .050 .000 4901.10 6.12 .004773 71. 71. 71. 2 19 0 .00 137.20 143.31 *SECNO 5.000 1 Page 3 105 250 445 1300 1580 PAGE 1159.5 1851.2 1241.3 1577.8 100 PAGE C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD.OUT 9.16.94 5.000 1.54 4903.74 4903.46 .00 4903.98 .24 .57 .01 4904.00 ' 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 230.6 .0 1.6 1.0 4904.00 .02 .00 3.93 .00 .000 .028 .000 .000 4902.20 10.56 .004775 122. 120. 120. 2 14 0 .00 207.39 217.96 ' 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST ' *SECNO 6.000 6.000 1.02 4904.42 4904.22 .00 4904.64 .22 .66 .00 4904.00 907.0 .9 905.7 .3 1.2 240.1 .4 2.3 1.7 4904.00 .03 .80 3.77 .79 .050 .028 .050 .000 4903.40 1007.83 .005888 123. 124. 100. 2 11 0 .00 276.86 1284.69 *SECNO 7.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 7.000 .98 4905.58 4905.58 .00 4905.94 .36 1.05 .04 4908.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 189.5 .0 2.9 2.4 4906.00 .04 .00 4.79 .00 .000 .028 .000 .000 4904.60 1132.88 .012900 136. 125. 98. 0 8 0 .00 267.93 1400.81 ' *SECNO 8.000 8.000 1.03 4906.93 4906.72 .00 4907.12 .19 1.17 .02 4908.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 260.0 .0 3.5 3.2 4907.00 .05 .00 3.49 .00 '.000 .033 .000 .000 4905.90 1126.33 .007700 141. 119. 70. 2 12 0 .00 313.36 1439.69 *SECNO 8.500 8.500 1.07 4907.27 4907.09 .00 4907.50 .23 .36 .01 4908.00 ' 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 237.8 .0 3.8 3.5 4910.00 .05 .00 3.81 .00 .000 .033 .000 .000 4906.20 1117.66 .008924 49. 44. 38. 2 11 0 .00 280.17 1397.83 *SECNO 9.000 9.000 1.10 4908.00 4907.88 .00 4908.25 .24 .75 .01 4908.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 228.6 .0 4.2 4.0 4908.00 .06 .00 3.97 .00 .000 .033 .000 .000 4906.90 1099.93 .011158 89. 75. 50. 2 8 0 .00 300.08 1400.01 *SECNO 9.250 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 9,210 1,89 4901*59 4908,59 .00 4908,91 .39 .54 .04 4908.10 907.0 2.5 903.6 .9 1.7 180.7 1.1 4.4 4.3 4908.40 .06 1.51 5.00 .81 .050 .033 .050 .000 4906.70 73.24 .016928 42. 40. 43. 0 17 0 .00 247.38 320.62 1 125EP94 13:21:02 SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *SECNO 10.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.83 10,010 2,42 4909.72 4919*10 .00 4909,19 .16 .11 .02 4901*20 907..0 2.0 903.5 1.5 2.3 276.9 1.2 4.9 4.9 4908.70 .07 .86 3.26 1.27 .050 .033 .050 .000 4907.30 59.25 .005042 120. 105. 95. 3 8 0 .00 279.03 338.28 *SECNO 11.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 11.000 2.04 4912.04 4912.04 .00 4912.62 .58 1.39 .12 4911.20 ' Page 4 PAGE PAGE ' C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD.OUT 9.16.94 907.0 38.7 852.2 16.1 22.4 135.5 7.0 5.9 6.0 4910.80 .08 1.73 6.29 2.29 .050 .033 .050 .000 4910.00 50.45 .010827 217. 194. 227. 0 15 0 .00 174.68 225.13 *SECNO 12.000 ' 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 12.000 3.17 4915.57 4915.56 .00 4916.66 1.09 3.89 .15 4914.00 907.0 14.2 848.5 44.3 5.5 98.5 12.8 7.1 6.9 4913.80 .09 2.58 8.61 3.45 .050 .033 .050 .000 4912.40 87.95 ' .010749 375. 360. 360. 2 14 0 .00 58.34 146.29 *SECNO 12.200 ' 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.58 ' 12.200 3.48 4916.48 4915.71 .00 4916.97 .49 .24 .06 4916.00 907.0 2.2 902.6 2.2 2.9 161.1 2.0 7.2 7.0 4915.60 .09 .75 5.60 1.11 .050 .033 .050 .000 4913.00 79.85 .004288 39. 38. 38. 3 15 0 .00 77.67 157.52 I 1 12SEP94 13:21:02 PAGE ' SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST *SECNO 12.300 12.300 3.83 4916.53 4916.11 .00 4917.22 .69 .20 .06 4916.00 907.0 3.5 836.0 67.6 3.5 121.7 21.4 7.4 7.1 4914.10 .09 .006290 .99 39. 6.87 38. 3.15 38. .050 2 .033 8 .050 0 .000 .00 4912.70 74.15 77.02 151.17 *SECNO 12.500 12,500 907.0 4.16 .0 4917.16 833.6 4116,71 73.4 .00 .0 4917.82 123.6 .66 24.5 .59 7.7 .00 7.2 4920.00 4914.70 ' .10 .00 6.73 3.00 .000 .033 .050 .000 4913.00 90.17 .006942 92. 90. 90. 2 8 0 .00 69.71 159.88 *SECNO 13.000 ' 13.000 4.18 4918.58 4918.18 .00 4919.06 .48 1.22 .02 4916.00 907.0 299.8 595.4 11.8 106.7 90.9 5.6 8.5 7.6 4916.70 .11 2.81 6.55 2.11 .050 .033 .050 .000 4914.40 82.89 .005158 196, 191, 191. 2 12 0 .00 122,05 204.94 *SECNO 17.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 3.39 17.000 3.59 4919.29 4917.23 .00 4919.32 .04 .22 .04 4924.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 598.7 .0 10.1 8.4 4924.00 .14 .00 1.52 .00 .000 .040 .000 .000 4915.70 92.21 180. 180. 180. 2 22 0 .00 246.97 339.18 '.000511 *SECNO 20.000 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = .59 ' 20.000 2.12 4919.42 4918.41 .00 4919.47 .05 .14 .01 4924.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 490.9 .0 12.3 9.6 4924.00 .17 .00 1.85 .00 .000 .040 .000 .000 4917.30 1097.58 .001489 175. 175. 175. 2 17 0 .00 335.45 1433.03 *SECNO 50.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 1 ' 12SEP94 13:21:02 PAGE SECNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L-BANK ELEV Page 5 C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD.OUT 9.16.94 Q QLOB QCH QROB ALOE ACH AROB VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WIN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED ' 3470 ENCROACHMENT STATIONS= 1270.0 1955.1 TYPE= 1 TARGET= -1270.000 50.000 .81 4920.71 4920.71 .00 4921.07 .36 1.18 .09 100000.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 189.1 .0 14.7 11.7 100000.00 .18 .00 4.80 .00 .000 .040 .000 .000 4919.90 1270.00 ' .025948 305. 305. 305. 0 18 0 .00 262.74 1532.74 *SECNO 100.000 ' 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE OF ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 2.13 3470 ENCROACHMENT STATIONS= 1040.0 1577.8 TYPE= 1 TARGET= -1040.000 100.000 1.63 4925.63 4925.17 .00 4925.74 .11 4.65 .02 100000.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 339.8 .0 17.3 14.8 100000.00 ' .23 .00 2.67 .00 .000 .040 .000 .000 4924.00 1096.83 .005693 410. 440. 500. 7 it 0 .00 365.71 1462.54 'SECNO 125.000 125.000 1.12 4927.12 4926.79 .00 4927.28 .16 1.53 .01 4932.00 907.0 .0 907.0 .0 .0 283.1 .0 19.0 16.6 4932.00 .25 .00 3.20 .00 .000 .040 .000 .000 4926.00 88.77 .007829 230. 230. 230. 5 11 0 .00 294.23 383.00 ' 1 12SEP94 13:21:02, PAGE !**rrr+!*#x***xx**xxx*xx*x*xxx##+*##x THIS RUN EXECUTED 12SEP94 13:21: 'HEC-2 WATER SURFACE Version 4.6.2; PROFILES May 1991 !**#tltlrxx*#kxx*txxxtx###t*#tt#*#ttt ' NOTE- ASTERISK (*) AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTION NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST STONE CREEK, (STONENC2 SUMMARY PRINTOUT SECNO CWSEL EG VCH DEPTH TOPWID 10*KS ELMIN Q XLCH ' 1.000 4902.50 4902.77 4.21 4.20 77.00 13.44 4898.30 907.00 .00 2.000 4902.60 4902.86 4.09 3.90 75.52 13.22 4898.70 907.00 65.00 3.000 4902.56 4902.90 4.66 3.27 73.74 21.47 4899.30 907.00 10.00 3.500 4902.78 4903.11 4.66 2.28 104.99 34.08 4900.50 907.00 79.00 4.000 4903.06 4903.40 4.64 1.96 137.20 47.73 4901.10 907.00 71.00 ' 5.000 4903.74 4903.98 3.93 1.54 207.39 47.75 4902.20 907.00 120.00 6.000 4904.42 4904.64 3.77 1.02 276.86 58.88 4903.40 907.00 124.00 * 7.000 4905.58 4905.94 4.79 .98 267.93 129.00 4904.60 907.00 125.00 8.000 4906.93 4907.12 3.49 1.03 313.36 77.00 4905.90 907.00 119.00 8.500 4907.27 4907.50 3.81 1.07 280.17 89.24 4906.20 907.00 44.00 '9.000 4908.00 4908.25 3.97 1.10 300.08 111.58 4906.90 907.00 75.00 * 9.250 4908.59 4908.98 5.00 1.89 247.38 169.28 4906.70 907.00 40.00 * 10.000 4909.72 4909.89 3.26 2.42 279.03 50.42 4907.30 907.00 105.00 * 11.000 4912.04 4912.62 6.29 2.04_ 174.68 108.27 4910.00 907.00 194.00 12.000 4915.57 4916.66 8.61 3.17 58.34 107.49 4912.40 907.00 360.00 ' Page 6 ' + C:\HUNT\FILING4\HYDRAUL\FREEBORD.OUT 9.16.94 12.200 4916.48 4916.97 5.60 3.48 77.67 42.88 4913.00 907.00 38.00 ' 12.300 4916.53 4917.22 6.87 3.83 74.15 62.90 4912.70 907.00 38.00 1 ' 12SEP94 13:21:02 PAGE SECNO CWSEL EG VCH DEPTH TOPWID 10*KS ELMIN Q XLCH 12.500 4917.16 4917.82 6.73 4.16 69.71 69.42 4913.00 907.00 90.00 13.000 4918.58 4919.06 6.55 4.18 122.05 58.58 4914.40 907.00 191.00 * 17.000 4919.29 4919.32 1.52 3.59 246.97 5.11 4915.70 907.00 180.00 ' * 20.000 4919.42 4919.47 1.85 2.12 335.45 14.89 4917.30 907.00 175.00 * 50.000 4920.71 4921.07 4.80 .81 262.74 259.48 4919.90 907.00 305.00 * 100.000 4925.63 4925.74 2.67 1.63 365.71 56.93 4924.00 907.00 440.00 ' 125.000 4927.12 4927.28 3.20 1.12 294.23 78.29 4926.00 907.00 230.00 1 ' 12SEP94 13:21:02 PAGE ' SUMMARY OF ERRORS AND SPECIAL NOTES CAUTION SECNO= 7.000 PROFILE= 1 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 7.000 PROFILE= 1 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 'CAUTION SECNO= 9.250 PROFILE= 1 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 9.250 PROFILE= 1 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY WARNING SECNO= 10.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CAUTION SECNO= 11.000 PROFILE= 1 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED CAUTION SECNO= 11.000 PROFILE= 1 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY WARNING SECNO= 12.200 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 'WARNING SECNO= 17.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE WARNING SECNO= 20.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE CAUTION SECNO= 50.000 PROFILE= 1 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 'CAUTION SECNO= 50.000 PROFILE= 1 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY WARNING SECNO= 100.000 PROFILE= 1 CONVEYANCE CHANGE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 1 ' Page 7 I 1 APPENDIX B Cross Section 12.6 4924 4922 4920 4918 4916 4914 4912 Cross Section 12.6 (in line with Lot 28/1-ot 29 boundary) - ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------- -------- - -------------- ------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------- ----- -- ----- - -- ----------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- --------------------- - - --------------- ------ L -------------- -------- I ---------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- ---------- - ----------- --------------------- 0 50 100 150 200 Station (feet) APPENDIX C ' Drainage Calculations for ' Storm Drain Inlet at the Northwest Corner of the Fossil Creek Parkway/Lemay Avenue Intersection 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 AYRES ASSOCIATES DESIGN COMPUTATIONS 1 II ((�� jt(a,j A i d �l C.S 7G0 r Y WJ (;�,Y�( I n 1 v D�51 � C�2z4 L �a� 1 LPG' L5 C�tG�PpG Igo&Z � 2 YUAO4' G,DS Z(050+(0�+L0�9)IS(61I i) _ LO.%4- 1 160�2 1 1 1 1 1 cc��bz C� - I,p 2 y- I,ZS 100 �r Project No. 2,t ICr�0 Remarks Computation by i ii Date�� Project Name V vl . t t i � I'l� I I j v c Checked by , % G 1 Date Title/ttem it�' , , ii.! . 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