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Drainage Reports - 12/16/1991
TDINC. Engineering Consultants 2900 South College Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 303/226-4955 FAX:303/226-4971 November 26, 1991 Susan Hayes City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Dept. 235 Matthews Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 I RE: APPLEBEE'S (PAD B) AT THE FORT COLLINS RETAIL CENTER P.U.D. Dear Susan: The purpose of this letter is to.clarify the drainage and erosion impact of the above mentioned project. The area for Applebeej's (Pad B)-,was included in the original drainage report done for the Ft. Collins' Retail Center P.U.D., dated September 4, 1985. A vicinity map -is included for your reference. Originally, it was assumed thatthe area for pad "B" was much smaller than was realized at the time of the last submittal (10-25- 91) on this site. Per our conversation of Friday, November 22, I found that the area used for pad "B" in past submittals to your office was only about half as large as the area affectedlby the proposed improvements for Applebee's. This discrepancy is why you noticed a difference in areas used for the composite "C" and the erosion control calculations. With this submittal is included a photocopy of the original drawings for pad "B". The area outlined is that which had been referred to in the last submittal as previous and original. The additional hatched area has been added to reflect the new proposal for improvements. The proposed building size has .increased, the paved areas have decreased and the grassed/landscaped areas have substantially increased. As the attached calculations will show, the "C"ifactor has risen from the "revised" original value of 0.58 to 0.61. This difference is rather small and the net effect would be negligible.' Detention for runoff from this site will be handled by thejRetail Center parking lot. We feel that this will have a negligible, impact on the overall drainage for the.entire Retail Center site. OtheCJTf e4!iD�YhQr(i'03fWil§873iAi1 5114 i The (erosion control calculations previously submitted to your office have also changed due to the increase in landscaped.areas. These calculations are also included with this submittal..On.yethe effectiveness calculations have been reworked. An -error.-.1neldrea . calculations was made and has been corrected. The `new' gr-0'4` ng�jand' utility plan is also included with revisions per your office review. As was the case previously, the: Net Effectiveness was just short of the ,target performance standard. As before, we have made'a point that, the site accessibility and limited size allow for the acceptance of these numbers as the intent of the Erosion Standards has been met. We trust that this letter will allow the owner to proceed with plans for the proposed development. Sincerely, RBD,! Inc. even C. Birdsall Project Engineer an A. Myers, P.E. Project Manager CC:'477-001/0461003L.477 VICINITY MAP t W. O et Z� p O O 16tRI z DtR Fa - IF, C NYBOARD r i OARDi �90NG ST ZT,� �w �TRDUT lo`o'- Fit' RIcra.z im a 1 N ~ � Q cJR MONR"% Z; YY p, q :OER LEEV4 WAR CT_ -. W BOWLI < off✓ N jj4' gS 'TROU�MAK AA'N a~v uiX SID4E Y o 3 �_� = :-vim �E� C p e► ^�W._,C c� T r-• �; ocr I. L �'�0 b1l ONT CZ• �� TL - Sry a HTTTJG TON =a p.BENT fi I _ TREE-n.. z INC DR_ IFl�O�R. oc Q1 �S : J ""'NORTH STAR COUR! \\ VSAICOaS FR RFfF 1 0 f P4. WARREN LAKE IYON T At k H WEST. u SNORE CT, N3 W SANDY a �f COVE LN. _ V I I E. i � _y�Y RI o' ilon,07civc r. 494 TOW DR. HARMONY N �° = 2000' W l I _,L/) I __S_O_UJTH__COLLEGE AVENUE (exist4g).- 1J>- T _ _ (�.. 11J Cn 'uj _�'2 [ DES DESIGNED CHECKED DATE PROJECT NO. :MINC Engineering Consultants 2900 S. College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 8052 (303) 226.4955 CLIENT Rlj F • Con/Cr•Ni'f JOB NO. 15-`77-00/ ■MINC PROJECTc^3C2-, CALCULATIONSFOR G " Engineering Consultants MADEB DATE�9YECKEDBY— DATE SHEETOF Z C'AS Sc2 iY O�/ %J. G' eCh irt7 :SiaL i� �✓AS-ii.¢GG�IZ: _ _ i G dx /NG. L �:c�'�c_ ✓G��•'/_O n/s/ .y y Z�/GrL��J'ScSA.,:. ( 1 vACuc.. /'-:4✓G ,p2,/l�ii,/>Q.G__t .Sipe' � _i•>L:�N _._ ' ; I ; A /Lt'A.s A/CV- c U , 02 r�/« 94c /n//�cl-cL`I Gry�el2 oYH(i.ts�'. a7J . v— 4 �n/o' — fi/Jc`w/J cif �ciJG:) ; �ij s / f all/o). f E C/o•' It (//� _; %G?:�5.✓ -? 70vA:! �./2p11 0 .%53. `7a + yC//;1snc�sio�✓__� n iLdC�_c? L/S7r6 L i (r2QS-�f�nr�SCCdL NG!.) :C7 `/7f c''. /O 6 _ G. Z� F GIY 6Z i i • ' ' I i I•�. l��ij2 i/r'G. G I f -i j �.c:>' G i,d-/Lv-.E- = IO �/5:.3.Q� ,/9. 7.�.3' s ✓� o %iJ- ;33 I 4vv/0/S<Oez L./C/JrL/vc�' /��iL/_CiF �; - --• --- VY ` i_ ,�s� f ':� ��.rJ I� o(io j�,�8(zir� 7,e , 1 I AAicil�.�/G . .XZ `✓F w•SiO//l . �w.'i:iA`[%C'.. i I I I y�v3s`.�G9 o9BB;.Qc_ i 4�,/o/,y x ,`e !./C6ss•- O. /} - p`,1rJ3- t4.o9•�cq- p_p27-3 ...p•2O//Ac- - — 7c�.� CaAL CLIENT ,2 d3P-la+e-7Q 1-i_j JOBN0.19�7-Bd PROJECT �f /��LC /�C"Z- J" CALCULATIONSFOR .` MADE BY,LQ_ DATE Fi7- HECKEO BY DATE SHEET Z OF Z- I %VINC Engineering Consultants I J,3Ci'G I. r /IASS cb • � (9 . Cr2BS� i i RAINFALL PERFORMANCE STANDARD EVALUATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT: A?Ae-r^.8c-e-S `4eDt3) STANDARD FORM A COMPLETED DEVELOPED SUBBASIN BY s t •-------------------------------------------------- ERODIBILITYI „3 . DATE: ,o --- Sb I s I ----I PS I Asb I Lsb I Ssb I Lb I ZONE I I------- iyooe.cA�� 1 (ac) I It----- o.•rs (ft) I(%) i9v8-�6.yI I(feet) I I(%) ------- I I I ------- I I ( . ) I ------- �y 7"44, I T�d4.� h��U.a�� I I I I I I I I I i I I i I I I I I I I ------- --------------------------------------------- i(nT /SF-A:1967 IO La.� 0y1.5 ton EFFECTIVENESS CALCULATIONS ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- PROJECT: .4' dr•'G c: 3r. is //-)A>>- •a , ,;).4 �r� �.. ��f) STANDARD FORM B COMPLETED BY: <,-, e-. / DATE: Erosion Control C-Factor P-Factor Method Value Value Comment ------------------------------------ aLUG. Arlr% /.+. O / /•o v XAAveC ,dS i"L'ra' / r3A s.o C/'✓loPeS�d� Sr iUrt�4fr /Cf p. / /.DU �t7rrs P MAJOR BASIN i $ARi Sprr_1. /.mJ O. n err i' i"e wrr'• �.Po g, ,�:p PS W 711,77 ---------------------------------------- SUB I AREA BASINS (Ac) I CALCULATIONS ----- ---104. --------------------- Rout. rs�trCR. SF'nrarJ .CTNL.cy --------------- rfT S.iJr'WNt,/1S�Y3J6a) : Or CL% 5.7. SorG�B,PR�/..SS"d C, � r 0.,;20�/ oa73 K (a•o/)}ie 0)7 . us3 +� 90 r7�c- Ta ,�.v� .4cc<s3,A3rci�� 7orjo ij si�PrlLO C7 �UrFcG�c_�v 7-0 /ry Cr-� � �vPCT/O- Or- Gr7Z oSrOn.� SG'•IN/J r4?. AS . 3z+- -t.>79 1 0.0I414 1,0. ---------------------------------------------------------------- DI/SF-B:1989 O O Q O J O U t/1 1L. J J O U F- W [Y O u_. ut O 2 cf O Z E— V) W U ct O W OL' W 0 1 On al 0 0 Cl O 1 ct ct lff I.n to Ln I W W W W W O I ON m m IT C G O O O C G 1 V ct ct d'tn to to In to In dI W W W W W W W W W W C I W 01 01 01 m 0N 01 0� m m m O) O O C G 1 41;1;4 ;41;4.44 J VtntnLn, M I W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O I h W W W O'.mm CN ONOtm 0� G� W O'•ONm m alt7t o I Vd•cYd It r<r•a-4441;4-r*-4 4 14 ; 4 4 N I W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O I OMI[l IO IO W tDhhhhW W W q . . . . O ccdcf. 1; 441; 4 ct cK ct ct. . . ct ct�ct ct�ct r+ I WOO W W W W W W g W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 1 O I W.N . . .to to lO lO t. t. t. to h h h h . .l�h hh W co W O'. I Mct ct ct d'ct ct d' d' ct d' ct cl' d•ct -zr ct nt"t ct ct rr ct ct d•d' I 0000 W W W W 0000 0000 0000 W CO W W W W W W W W W W CO W 1 O I to CD N Cl) ct ct to to tff to to to tO to tO to to to to tOhhhhhh 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W I M d• �r d' rr V ct ct ct d• � ct d- ct cr � d• dr dt V V ct 'I- ct d' ct I co W co W Cl W 0000 W co 0000 W W W W W W co W W W W W W W O I d' al N Cl) Cl) d' ct ct ct to In to lI') to W In to lil to tD lO to to to h h I C1 CM ct cctcd.c44 ct.•S 4 ct cct c444 dc4444 1 0000 CA W WOO W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 1 O I Oto W O.-I.--INN M MM M ct ct zr ar �7' ct'd'cl'lf` In l[')l.f)IO to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to I M M Cl) d' dl �r ct d'ct ct ct ct ct ct d' cY d' V V ct d'rr V d'd' V I 0000 W W W W co W W W W W W W W co W co W W W W W W W W IO I lI'. N In h . M 0 0 .--I .-1 .-. . . . n. N M . . . . . c. d. . d. Lr) 1 (\)MMCl) MM ct ct-tctc't ct -t cY d' c!' d' ct ct d' d• d' d• d• d•-zl' I W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W. W W W W 1 n.tn I + .r.Md'tntntOtDhhh W W W W W WD. .O. . . . . . _ i V I h 1 N M M C M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M( ) M c t * d. d' d• V) I W W W CO W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I O I to to W O rI N M d' ct to to In to to to to tO fh h h h W W W Ot Ot 1 cY I r+N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M .1 W W W W W W W W 0000 W W 0000 0000 0000 W W CO W W CO W W 1 to I .-1 .-+W h W OO.-tN NMCl) M ct d' d• cY zt to to uI to to to hh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M I .--1N NN N1" M M f")M MCM MM MMMM 1" 1M MM Mf"7MM I W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I O 1 MNto W m c)ct ct In Ln Ln to w tD tO to 1 M 1 O� . -+ r+ N N t V N N N N N N N N N N t V N N cm N N N N 1 00 OC CO W 00 W 00 00 W W W W W W 0000 W 00 W 00 W W W W W W to I to to O� N M d' to tO h h h CO CO W M M On 01 O% Ot 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 1 M C O .--1 r1 r•I .--I .--1 ti .--1 1- r4 1.-t 1- ^t .-1 r1 .--I N N N N N N I h W W W CO CO 0000 W CO W W W W W W W W co W W W co W W W I 1 O I ct to O M In to W W Ot•O O O .-1 .-I .-1 .--1 N N N N M M M CM M fM N I W rn O O O O O O O 1- _:.--1 .-+ '-I .-I .-- .- .r .- .--I . .- r+ -- I h h W W W W co W W W W co W. W W W W W W W W W W W W W I 1 I lf) 1 W N W d' LC I- I- W O� O t O O r 1 .- .-+ N N N M M M M M I r-I 1 to W W M M ON ON M M Ot ON O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I 1 h h h h h h h h h h h W W W W W W W 0300 W 00 W W W W 1 I O I tOMOd'1�010.-+NCl) Md'•S lCl to In to to to tO to l�,t�tO tO to 1 I cY tD h h h h W W W W W W'W W W W W W W W W W W W W W h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h to\h W W h hhto tD to Ln d' d' cn M N N ON tO ci r1 Ol tO 1 O I O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .-411 .-+ N O O I I h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h I O O O O O I O (.7 F- 1 0 0 0(D 0 I J=ti I r-IINM V U) 1 LL W v 1 _J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O .-I N CM.d' to to h W T O to O In O to O a-•1 .-1 .-� rl '-1 .-. r-1 .-+ r-1 .--I N N M M Cr Ct to PAGE 23 t 1I TABLE 5.1 PAGE 24 Table 5.2 C-Factors and P-Factors for Evaluating EFF Values. Treatment C-Factor P-Factor BARE SOIL Packed and smooth . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 1.00 Freshly disked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 0.90 Rough irregular surface . . . . . . . . . 1.00 0.90 SEDIMENT BASIN/TRAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 0.50(1) STRAW BALE BARRIER, GRAVEL FILTER, SAPID BAG. 1.00 0.80 SILT FENCE BARRIER . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 0.50 ASPHALT/CONCRETE PAVEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . 0.Da 1.00 ESTABLISHED DRY LAND (NATIVE) GRASS. . . See Figure 1.00 SOD GRASS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01 1.00 TEMPORARY VEGETATION/COVER CROPS . . . . . . . 0.45(2) 1.00 HYDRAULIC MULCH 0 2 TONS/ACRE. . . . . . . . . 0.10(3) 1.00 SOIL SEALANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01-0.60(4) 1.00 EROSION CONTROL MATS/BLANKETS. . . . . . . . . 0.10 1.00 HAY OR STRAW DRY MULCH After planting grass seed., apply mulch at a rate ot Z tons acre minimum) and adequately anchor, tack or crimp material into the soil. Maximum Slope Length ( % ) (feet) 1 to 5 40 ... . . . . . . . 0.06 1.00 6 to 10 200 .•. . . . . . . . 0.06 1.00 11 to 15 150 ... . . . . . . . 0.07 1.00 16 to 20 100 . . . . . . . . . 0.11 1.00 21 to 25 75 . . . . . . . . . 0.14 1.00 25 to 33 50 . . . . . . . . . 0.17 1.00 > 33 35 0.20 1.00 NOTE: Use of other C-Factor or P-Factor values reported in this table must be substantiated by documentation. (1) Must be constructed as the first step in overlot grading. (2) Assumes planting by dates identified in Table 7.4 thus dry or hydraulic mulches are not required. (3) Hydraulic mulches shall be used only between March 15 and May 15 unless irrigated., (4) Value used must be substantiated by documentation. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE PROJECT: AI ',K ter_f STANDARD FORM C 51:QUENC'a. FOR 19 _0_2 ONLY COMPLETED BY: DATE: ,-o-ate—�, Indicate by use of a bar line or symbols when erosion control measures will be installed. Major modifications to an approved schedule may require submitting a new schedule for approval by the City Engineer. YEAR 11992 MONTH I I I ----------------------------I-J-- -F-. OVERLOT GRADING I I WIND EROSION CONTROL Soil Roughing Perimeter Barrier Additional Barriers Vegetative Methods Soil Sealant Other RAINFALL EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURAL: Sediment Trap/Basin i Inlet Filters Straw Barriers Silt Fence Barriers Sand Bags Bare Soil Preparation Contour Furrows Terracing Asphalt/Concrete Paving Other VEGETATIVE: Permanent Seed Planting Mulching/Sealant Temporary Seed Planting Sod Installation Nettings/Mats/Blankets Other STRUCTURES: INSTALLED BY VEGETATION/MULCHING CONTRACTOR DATE SUBMITTED HDI/SF-C:1969 I A I rt_I_-L_I..1_ I I-A--I-S--I--O-I---I--D-I 11 1 I 1 I ------------------- MAINTAINED BY APPROVED BY CITY OF FORT COLLINS ON GENERAL NOTES L : _..._.._._._......_..........A....... __ i _ a,' 11In -gym Mw�-. _ '—'°' I. ALL 61REE15, 6.WRMY EEWE•1. anti SEKER "a WATER Im-r•T in mio STANDADSAN $H/.LL LONFgMI R THE CITY OF FENCE` FAWNS ee M I'O J 1'O J $TANOMOB AND SPEGFlGTKMIS CURRENT AT W1E OF EXEGIIICN OF .nrl `• , TIEDEVEIOPMEHTAOREEMEMPFATNxHIGTJTI6 DEOELOPMFNT..WY fly° Wen r Gdi6iRlNiIpN000URRIN3TXREEYFARBKlERn1EEIRWTd10FTNE w. DE\ELOPMEHT NWFEMENT SNNL REWIRE RE EM lMN OF THE - N PIANSBYTNE DMECT(MOF ENgNEERING. W1p IMY PEOIMETMTTIEV �' ms 41� - REMADE TOWNF TO MIMRPS AND WEURGT CUP WAT TATn E µ Ind •u e • • • 1 r a• 111 E THE TYES, SEE I OGA AND MMa OF ALL KNOAT UNDEXGWUND _ 6 �S �._ f 3 51'`M'M1H„no UTILITIES APE APPNJ%IMATE wNEH 911GWN W THE DR: WM RSHLLL BE THE • asPa•NRS.nr OF THE WNIM M TO VENIFY THE E+STEME ^-•• ^ - .TJ T LPE ANDSCACONC. PAN ow AND LIXATK1N ONE el UNEEROR'JIRU UnI S AWK1 TIE acid of , �,. '•'w ME WODK BEFORE COS.IENGWo NEW FArvSIRUG 4 THE YLXSPECTIVE VIEW T CCNIMGTg19NMLBE NE8NN61BLE fODLOCAn1Ni MLyMEWD11g1rvP —_ �h0 M1 n IRILTES. '-� r It % nry,n, •n .t THE EAL.HE VEER WOKS HE EBY MFDMEEEPIANSBYEITOTHE Oil ANA 7 _':1 I. \ h^ - WK XEREOF F HEREBY AFFMM RESPoKLBILRY TO THE CJTY. NA I All` Fj I I L - nunno: w, n,pO •1 < n P mr N, P r 1\ � \ ,nnM •nry BENEM:IMY OF ED ENOESEER9 .AND FDR ANV ERROIIB AND BY The N6 COryfA OF EI EBEWisti M YFIEVKOFTXESEP M •�' BY TIE MEotOR OF ENOIHEER NO F AN NT RELIEVE ME EMOINEFR - nru•m n ,. nuY n WHO NAS AEVAAEO THESE PUNS Ci AN SUCH RESPpISIBRRY. •.�: '�' I 'T •IE'� �. EKISI. GLG 1 / �P'n•m"'•A a. mg TO THE (%JLIMENCEMEM OF ANY Cgtl1RMC , ME SECTIUN A.A ` I `'` _.— --..._ }\ rte CEMMCTORSMKLGNEMEOT ENGNEERNGDE1ARlMENTTVENTV- •//.'•m FOUR INIX ADwwCEMILE ••Y•tR /i IT AT, (YVETIN(I O _ F e VIEWING •',` CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE n n Tr„ :. rrP,.N,. „I ...I ,r.-- o t NOTE ^ �.0 NI W DRIVE III;. •IIIIPCH ULTNLS al FROM FROM SITE TO Be 'i DETAMEO IN RETAIL CENTER BASIN 1 PAIN LOT RETENTION �� EAST GoEWALK BOUNDARY .I .4 TO ¢EMAW I,.n ., 9d 5 I u.•. NP 11 yall Ej(15T_C!G ANTI ..Fr . 1 „ L.sm n. �JI Im ^o-�•r_ � ',::...•., -�. ��� 9� 9 �6"EIDFWALK�� ...yam _ h1h �yf�J -- I - IYJ Vil METES -4Y �� CORP STOP III KIND ft YE. ,SA. r r.,;„�,_I s WATER El yv� ',..;'IT It, >.; J.. i = t15 •J \ \ \ \ - -T WARPED BECTIOE, EPDTgX A -A I Z'LAUDSUaE--____-_-_� '�. ZEE DETAIL Z /SEW.' _ _-eCLENN W yI F.F. 28 29 0 Q ¢ENIDVE EKIST. J. = .8 \ I SIDEWALK M wGREASE en 5E9YICE DRIVE se,ao: N : - -• I IO5 4" TRAP o YI"a.: `Fr.:.^n O / FLOW F 7 \ K N E775 WI Call al EWALK,TV on. I ay'�NNIINNTI C t. G 3 IN IN NMETAL SIDEWALK CULVERT FOR �_ IN, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK BASIN { 1� _ 1 •aL� IsEE oE� LIE _ ,.. ,jq r BOUNDARY - 32 x^" 1JB ID. � l mn Lo •n,l ^,. .. - ?B -2 LA SCME IN N �� L _J mast I-=` ,....�• , �'R -,.�i, p�.. y.,• - » _ �� _ `" .� im �,. 2n m ,z I ,V I. - a tR _L To i \ r n. I- `S =MmITI Al TD REMAIN NE ex main IPIK AM Ilia. mt mw, IT 9 LI,: anti DRIVE I l -_ - 6' TO i Oman /AN $e rot. IRS a L2 ,N ".,r i! D.M..I Nmo: 1 ilia, CURB 8 GUTTER NOTES ILEGEPRELIMINARY z n', b n , r, a w •m .a .. no n..,, env, wri a w• u Y "oc _Gmpacv..ac. t, nN mwnum or DID m.» IMiuo I" 2. R OD NOT use bF ro 0.35 Eno w, TDO MLaI M1,ca, a1.NmI mlMty'om•,w, wN,,.,,,. I.+,...a.,Pr.n. ^ s. N.P•cL am n� �•R•�� r �•lINSTALL± 138 L F. OUTFALL CBS.M nm. Ap•c om wipe III W tN»nee Me • . A< -w Eaan Oi rmyN Faam 2REMOVE Pa ILE C&G. INSTALL 14' WIDE SERVICE DRIVE AND WARPED SECTIONS. PROP EP CONTOUR „s, ,, . , .IT .,, I Nn I. am n..m r w meaoo lee In Inem a 6'SEE DETAIL. � P 6 19911 FIN" In aapma" I., o,,,h.. I,I qd .. _..., mans. ^ Q3 2' WIDE CURB CUT. TMNSITION TO FULL CURB HEIGHT 5' EITHER SIDE OF CURB EwsT CONTpIft a. ,. r,. w. It Wi,wen . CUT. - n'"""'^'^'^ � =Fo1cN'uEW OUTFACE CURB AND GUTTER STANDARD SETTING FOR 11/20 WATER METERS SILT FENCE N s © TRANSRION CURB HEIGHT FROM 6' TO 0' WHEN ADJACENT TO EXISTING SILT FRJlCE SIDEWALK AT N.E. CORNER OF SITE. Sp EXIST S1bT ELEVATION IN Ix CNrvn.n Y.,e,N SHEETS SHEET DRAWN Dsslixrr ;.T,c'' „ Engineering Consulanls I �"• e0i01 - .11 001 : YET Su E..g..� w.$1.so APPLEBEE'S - PAD B !a' THE PAVILION GRADING & UTILITY PLAN APPROVED DATE II NET NO NOr8yrD TE m nzR avameNu