HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Reports - 08/15/2005City of Ff. Collins prov lans Approved By Date Addendum to the Final Drainage & Erosion Control Report For Lots 1 & 2, Boardwalk Crossing, Filing 2 Located at McClellands / Mail Creek Drainage Basin Fort Collins, Colorado February 20, 2013 Prepared for: George Holter 3509 S Mason St. Ft. Collins, CO 80525 Original Report Prepared by: Stewart & Associates, Inc. 103 South Meldrum Street Fort Collins, CO 80521 Phone: (970) 482-9331 Certified by: Forbes Engineering LLC 2908 Cherly Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 Phone: (970) 232-6014 1 FORBES ENGINEERING ' Full Service Civil & Structural Engineering ' February 25, 2013 Olen Schlueter City of Fort Collins ' Stormwater Engineering 700 Wood Street ' Fort Collins, CO 80521 ' RE: Drainage & BMP Certification for site improvements at Boardwalk Crossing at Mason Street. 4012 So Mason St, Fort Collins, CO ' Mr. Schlueter, ' This letter and attached report is to serve as certification of the Addendum to the Final Drainage and Erosion Control Report produced for Lots 1 & 2, Boardwalk ' Crossing, Filing 2 by Stewart & Associates, Inc., dated April 1, 2005 (a copy of this report is attached with this letter and a copy of the original Final Drainage and Erosion Control Report prepared for Nadine Holter can be produced if required). ' The Boardwalk Crossing site improvement project is located at the Northeast ' corner of Mason Street and Boardwalk Drive. The improvements to the site include the construction of two commercial buildings along with the required site improvements. The proposed improvements remain the same the previously ' approved project but for the increase of 2,000 square feet to the southwestern office/retail building. This additional building's roof area will be off -set by the ' decrease in pavement area which has a higher run-off coefficient than the roof so the projected run-off will decrease by a very small amount. ' As with the original report, the storm water quality will be maintained using Best Management Practices as outlined in the report and with construction methods as ' shown on the Utility Construction Plans. All proposed drainage patterns and sub -basins remain the same as the original ' design. A grass island has been designed for the extended detention and all runoff will be directed to the existing 30 inch RCP located within Boardwalk Drive ' which was constructed for the McClellands/Mail Creek Drainage Basin. Runoff from this site will be restricted to 0.87 CFS per acre as allowed by the McClelland/Main Creek basin. Storm Drainage facilities required for this development include an extension of the 12 inch ADS pipe, a water quality control structure with a pond outlet restriction plate as well as the extended detention restriction plate and a four foot concrete pan to allow flow from South Mason Street via a curb and sidewalk chase. Adjustment to the original report's City Erosion Control Escrow to match current prices is as follows; Erosion Control Cost Estimate 1. Silt Fence: 2. Gravel Filter: 3. Straw Bale Filter 900 LF @ $3.50/Ft = $3,150 2 @ $200 = $400 1 @ $150 = $150 Total = $3,700 With an uncertainty factor of 1.5, the required City Erosion Control Escrow Amount is $5,550 The conclusion of the storm drainage report & system review for this project is that it was completed in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Larimer County Stormwater Design Standards and the USDCM. The design conforms to the drainage basin design of the Mail Creek Master Plan Update as well as the City of Ft. Collins Design Criteria and Construction standards and that no adverse affects to surrounding properties are anticipated from the proposed improvement of this site. Sincerely, p,OO .RED 0� N O9 ' .t11 �� V, (POJ 35265 evin Forbes, P.E. #35 2 I ADDENDUM TO THE FINAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL REPORT FOR LOTS 1 AND 29 BOARDWALK CROSSING, FIIJNG 2 LOCATED IN THE MCCLELLANDS / MAU, CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN PREPARED FOR NADINE HOLTER April 1, 2005 PREPARED BY STEWART & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 429 103 SOUTH MELDRUM STREET FORT COLLINS, COLORADO SM22 TEL: 970.482.9331 FAX. 970.482.9382 VICINITY MAP SCALE - 1 "=2000' N y West Hormony w 0 `arm "OP 5U' yI 1 {' i I A�IMLI ° P �IMviaCNN m- hiw' bNb are OLIVE c b q MMme4q b Bw Prh by tM e sul - -• ------- -- - -- BOARDWALK DRIVE --�-- — _-------y --- -WAN arc — — — — — .re rr /. rhbe! Sri-sr�rm rr.M� � � r / s { k Illl��lii�lll!�I�IIi� .W. P. eymme —s— MP . nee .e+ee. n. ,,,a,aa � e�eya• haww �yyr o- Le. I M an W Wo+lrnab. Final Ymer we E i NOBL I nOpba�Fs!c'.hew W .lWt r.piu4 .lelr/Gr,1r B+PNEf ' STEWAU&ASSOCIAT'ES Consulting Engineers and Surveyors 1 ' April 1, 2005 Mr. Basil Hamdan ' Stormwater Utilities City of Fort Collins P.O. Box 580 ' Fort Collins, CO 90522-0580 Re: Boardwalk Crossing at Mason Street ' We are proposing to develop Phase 11 of Lots 1 and 2, Boardwalk Crossing Filing 2. A bank building along with the parking lots West and also South of the building that we constructed in 1997. This phase will be to construct the South and North buildings and the parking lot between ' them along Mason Street. The buildings and parking lot have been revised to our present need. These changes however are minimal from the original design. ' This addendum is to update the original design calculations and erosion control methods to the City Current Standards. Most design and calculations within this report are in compliance with the City of Fort Collins Strom Drainage Criteria and Construction Standards. The one design exception is the detention pond depth in the parking lot exceeds the City Standard of 12-inch depth by 0.1 to 0.2 feet at the flow line of the curb around the water quality control island in the middle of the parking area We are asking for a variance because this flow line area is not either ' a walking or parking area In fact at the lip of the gutter, which is two feet wide, we meet the City criteria of 12" of depth. This area that exceeds your standard is very small and does not affect heahh, safety, or welfare of this project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please let me know. Sincerely, ' Franklin D. Blake, P.E. & L.S. ' FDB/meh James H. Stewart and Associates, Inc. ' 103 S. Meldrum Street • P.O. Box 429 • Ft. Collins, CO 80522 970/482-9331 • Fax 970/482-9382 April 1, 2005 ADDENDUM TO THE FINAL DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL REPORT FOR LOTS 1 AND 29 BOARDWALK CROSSING FILING 2 EXISTING SITE: This site was originally designed in 1996 and the bank building and the parking lots on the West and South sides of the bank constructed in 1997. The developed site was constructed as the designed grading, drainage and erosion control plan show on Sheet 4 of 5 of the Approved Utility Plan. That sheet is included herein along with the original drainage report for reference. ' All lots and roads around this phase have been constructed. The sine is bounded on the North by Boardwalk Avenue on the East by the bank's parking lot and REI; on the South by a 30-foot wide access road; and on the West by South Mason Street. Runoff from this site will be as originally designed which will be to route all runoff to the Stormwater System in Boardwalk Drive which was constructed for the McClelland / Mail Creek basin. Runoff from this site will be restricted to 0.87 c1s. per acre as allowed by this basin. The S.I.0. fee for this project was paid for at the time of the bank construction DESIGN CRITERIA: The rational method will be used to determine the developed site initial and mayor storm runoff Detention for the site will be based on the 100-year storm less the allowed release rate of 0.87 c.f s. per acre. The mass diagram will be used to determine the required detention. All calculations and design consideration are in accordance with the City of Fort Collins Design Criteria Manual, except the historic 2-year storm will not be used for the release rate. DEVELOPED SITE: All proposed drainage patterns and subbasins remain the same as the original design This phase is in Sub -basins A, D, and part of C. Sub -basins C and D are existing except for the North proposed building and c not be changed with this projecL Sub -basin 4 which includes offsite flows from Mason Street will be designed to inchude the City's new intensity data and extended detention. A grass island has been created for the extended detention. All runoff from this Phase 2 will be to the existing 30 inch R.C.P. storm drain in Boardwalk Drive which was constructed f+or the McClellands/Mail Creek Drainage Basin. This pipe system outf tUs into Marl Creek. Storm Drainage facilities required for the Phase 2 will be the extension of the 12-inch A.D.S. pipe. The water quality control structure with the pond outlet restriction plate and also the extended detention restriction plate. The four -foot concrete pan to allow flow from, South Mason Street and the sidewalk chase. EROSION CONTROL: This site is in a moderate to high rainfall erodibility zone and in moderate to high wind erodibility zone. Rainfall performance standard evaluation and effectiveness calculations were ' completed with the original report and have not changed The required City Erosion Control Escrow Amount is $2950. ' This phase will construct a silt Bence along the North and South property lines and on the East Property line along the REI site and also along the West line of the exsting West parking lot, and along South Mason Street. A gravel filter shall be placed around the eAstiog area inlet in the said ' West parking lot and also around the area inlet on the South parking lot of the bank. A straw bale barrier shall be placed around the WQC structure in the grass island I STORM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS STE V VAR &kSSOCIA ES 10 S. 9 3DRF� FO TTCCOLLINS, CO 80521 PH. 481 482-2 Consulting Engineers and Surveyors �/� By: /aa� _ Date: //O/O�/ Client: //'a/O/0d' 4 45y- Sheet No. of — Project Subjec • rS�rB�'S aid �p��� o � S8- C S,C� -_C _y . O, !D do _. • _ iQ �o ri Eas o% -�. /D �o �xis�.,t ►/� -.lit . ��/ . =zo.3� f•D, 7T) a, 95 �(0, Jy e o. 2 140, 40 7,f' �,a= d7�'�/�s3 �,97 STEWART& SSOC[ATES 103 S. MEL9331DRUM,FAX FORT 8OLLINS, CO 80521 Consulting Engineers and Surveyors By: 1 Date:-.7''0✓� Client: /`T��� Sheet No. �c� of Project: 407 5 for Subject: 0' ��v�.sea� .Z•� �c„s• lava - - - /, Oaa 000rrrw D 6 3 as . CZ_ia = 0.7X 97 2.. Truer Gn,�CO�'lC �Ti"? orb : dies fp 3-0_G; s'3• Z 4%0,C 117Z 7,f yvo ,� D.G3 97 ��v = 0.97 x r . 55 X D', G 3 No Text 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL 5C 3a H 20 z W C) 0: W IL 10 z w n O 5 U) W ¢ 3 O U 2 W F- 3 1 .5 /e RUNOFF �I��I//►I 1 i �!i■iii�iei�iisio� i�iiiii� �I �//� ��►I ��rs��=MENNEN VELOCITY.. FIGURE 3-2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. *MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING"UNDEVELQPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Small Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1975. ' 5 -1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE 3 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1-y T City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency Table for using the Rational Method (5 minutes - 30 minutes) Figure 3-1a Duration (minutes) 2-year Intensity in/hr 10-year Intensity in/hr 100-year Intensity in/hr 5.00 2.85 4.87 9.95 6.00 2.67 4.56 ' 9.31 7.00 2.52 4.31 8.80 8.00 2.40 4.10 8.38 9.00 2.30 3.93 8.03 10.00 2.21 3.78 7.72 11.00 2.13 3.63 7.42 12.00 2.05 3.50 7.16 13.00 1.98 3.39 6.92 14.00 1.92 3.29 6.71 15.00 1.87 3.19 6.52 16.00 1.81 3.08 6.30 17.00 1.75 2.99 6.10 18.00 1.70 2.90 5.92 19.00 1.65 2.82 5.75 20.00 1.61 2.74 5.60 21.00 1.56 2.67 5.46 22.00 1.53 2.61 5.32 23.00 1.49 2.55 5.20 24.00 1.46 2.49 5.09 25.00 1.43 2.44 4.98 26.00 1.40 2.39 4.87 27.00 1.37 2.34 4.78 28.00 1.34 2.29 4.69 29.00 1.32 2.25 4.60 30.00 1.30 2.21 4.52 /C CURB OPENING INLET IN A SUMP 71 Project = Inlet ID = WP Lu WP H Cutter i Yd Pan water Flow Direction th of a Unit Inlet L„ = 4.00 ft I Depression, if any (not part of upstream Composite Gutter) 81.d = 2.00 inches it of Curb Opening in Inches H = 6.00 inches Width for Depression Pan WP = 3.00 ft ding Factor for a Single Unit (typical value = 0.1) C. = 0.10 D of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 63.4 degrees a Coefficient (see USDCM Table ST-7) Cd = 0.67 Coefficient (see USDCM Table ST-7) Cw = 2.30 Number of Units in the Curb Opening Inlet No = 1 a Weir sign Discharge on the Street (from Street Hy) Q, = 5.2 cfs ter Depth for the Design Condition Yd = 5.81 inches al Length of Curb Opening Inlet L = 4.00 ft Dadty as a Weir without Clogging Q„d = 7.3 cis g8mg Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 ggfng Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.10 patty as a Weir with Clogging a. = 7.0 cfs an Mice pally as an Orifice without Clogging Qa = 5.5 cis pacity as an Orfice with Clogging 06 = 4.9 cfe pacity for Deslan with Cloaalna 01 = 4.9 cis pture Percentage for this Inlet o Q, / Qo = C% a 94.65 % Note: Unless additional ponding depth or spilling over the curb is acceptable, a capture percentage of less than 100% In a sump may Indicate the need for additional inlet units. UD4nletvl.06a.xis, Curb-S 2/10/2005, 10:43 AM STEWART&ASSOCIATES 103 S. MELDRUM, FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 Cosu tI ' PH. 482-9331 FAX 482-9382 ' n7ng Engineers and Surveyors BY Date: . -- Client: �� / ShFt Nn ' Project: Subject: �•- 7a°° va !% ! 7 - Aal 2. -5; e d'0' �'v�o�� a o lip cCfi . �f a3 - Z . Asp _ ee;vld l Z �y -'f; �J0;'/l . _ 'r —::rr 4i = d, 7�'� 2, y �r /, �9 s Z G t� 4�r-7 leeleo5e /67TG 0 x 21 Q15 R M 0 h- CO CE >- Z 00 o T Z TW LW 1 1— H W CC:� 0 00 V- W Zcc 0 Z) P: 0 Z W W Cc W W` 1 U/ 0 W CC 0 W cc H z w 2 w cr- Z � OCc: �= z z O w p �-z w w ww ❑ o: oC �O LL w m w cc: F— 0 U) Q U) Q 2 9pumnogj i��� DisnD 3o S90001 8 9 h ' STE VAffr&A SJVCIIA'T'ES 103 S. MELDRUM, FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 ' Consulting Engineers and Surveyors PH. 482-9331 FAX 482-9382 By: 0-0/Date: - G Client: �11Sheet No. -5- of _ 1 Project: _ L_ 41741 g- P/�ZSC 2 Subject:o 1 p Z5 1� 1 aka �49 1zp top lee T /C 1 - M.- DETENTION POND HIGH WATER LINE EXTENDED DETENTION CONTOUR AREA AVERAGE AREA INTERVAL CUMULATIVE HIGH WATER (sq.ft.) (sa.ft.) VOLUME (ruft) VOLUME (cu.ft. p I t±-L ) LINE_M)_ 7 DETENTION POND HIGH WATER LINE INCLUDES EXTENDED DETENTION VOL. = 1/3 (AREA ABOVE) (DIFFERENCE IN COUNTOUR ELEV.) 2. FOR THE REMAIMDER OF THE VOLUMES BETWEEN CONTOURS (SECTION 9.2) VOL. = DEPTH/3 (A +(AB) '.5 + B) FOR: Uniform Sides sec.(9.2) 3. HWL= (VOL. REQ. —VOL.LOW CUML)*3/(AREA LOW+AREA HIGH+(Iow area*high area) ORIFICE SIZING IORIGINAL DESIGN DATA ' 1 *21 = Allowable Des. Re@4i�L 1 3 32.11 = Flowline Orifice Elevation (ft) 32 . 1 1 0 .6 0.65 Orifice Coefficient (Cd) 3.87 = Available Driving Head(ft) VERT. CIRCULAR PLATE _�17A2 = _OufttAeOg(i�OJM1168) Z35 = Circular rad 368 = Actual Hvdraulic Drivingft Head ft -VERT. SQUARE PLATE 17.36 =Outlet AreaN. riches 4.17 = Side for Sq. Openin 3.70 = Actua],Hydrauhc Orly iqg fiead,(ffl NOTE: 1. VERT. PLATES WILL BE PLACED AT PIPE FLOWLINE r 0 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DESIGN Weir Equation Q = C L (H) ^ 3/2 Q (cfs), C (weir coefficient), L (crest length, feet), H (energy head, feet) 22 = Weir Length L in feet 3.1 = Weir Coefficient Weir Shape Broadcrested Design Flow 13.53 (cfs) Depth of flow ft Flow Over Weir cfs 0.10 2.16 0.15 3.96 0.16 4.36 0.17 4.78 0.18 5.21 0.19 5.65 0.20 6.10 0.30 11.21 0.40 17.25 0.50 24.11 4�1.35 CONSTRUCTKM PHASE okuk Month) 1 2 1 3 4 5 5 7 18 . _ ...9 ___ _ ______ DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL RUNOFF /D Q' 31 f- 2 ( z W U W °' 10 z W a 0 5 to W opt 3 0 0 2 Ir W f•- 3 1 .5 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND FIGURE 3-2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. *MOST FREQUENTLY OCCURRING "UNDEVELOPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Small Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1975. 5 -1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE & FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1 ' T 1 1 1 1 City of Fort Collins Rainfall Intensity -Duration -Frequency Table for using the Rational Method (5 minutes - 30 minutes) Figure 3-1a in 2-year (minutes) Intensityyear 10-year 100- in/hr Intensity Intensity 5.00 2.85 in/hr in/hr 4.87 F Fin ., , , 9.95 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 21.00 22.00 8.38 Z•.Z1 3.78 7.72 2.13 3.63 7.42 2.05 3.50 7.16 1.98 3.39 6.92 1.92 3.29 6.71 1.87 3.19 6.52 1.81 3.08 6.30 1.75 2.99 6.10 1.70 2.90 5.92 1.65 2.82 5.75 1.61 2.74 5.60 1.56 2.67 5.46 1.53 2.61 5.32 1.49 2.55 5.20 1.46 2.49 5.09 1.43 2.44 4.98 1.40 2.39 4.87 1.37 2.34 4.78 1.34 2.29 4.69 1.32 2.25 4.60 1.30 0 1), ll to, 11 DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL N. 3) 9-t-ts�z UDFCD /Z STORMWATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Note: Watershed inches of runoff shall to the enff►e watershed teutary to the 88a Faddy. FIGURE 5-1. WATER QUALITY CAPTURE VOLUME (WOCV) DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V. 3) STRUCTURAL BMPS 10. 6.1 4.1 2 1.i 0.6( .2 o.4C D.2c a o.0 3 Q 0.0E 0.00 oA Irl "SOLUTION: RZqul�,d A, la r Zw .75 inrjpr t OAV NINE FRA No r 911A lip a, E ME VOYANAVAINAF PAJ FJJ F4 APA V, A, I OFA 11 ANA ENIEll % NMIill 0.01 • 0.40 0.60 1.0 20 4.0 6.0 Required Area per Row (In? Source: Douglas County Sturm Drakage and Tedmkd Crirerk IM. FIGURE 5-3. WATER QUALITY OUTLET SIZING: DRY EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN WITH A 40-HOUR DRAIN TIME OF THE CAPTURE VOLUME 9-1-1992 UDFCO ' DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL (V 3) STRUCTURALBMPs /7 ' Threaded Cap Water Quality Capture Volume ' Level (including 20% additional volume for sediment storage) Gravel (1-1/2'to 3' Rock) Around ?erfcrated Riser Filter Fabric Water Quality Riser Pipe (See Detail) Notes: 1. The outlet pipe shall be sized to control overflow into the concrete riser. 2. Alternate designs Ind ude a Hydrobrake outlet (or orifice designs) as long as the hydraulic Performance matches this configuration. Notes: 1. Minimum number of holes . 8 2 Minimum hole diameter. 1r8'da. Access Pit (Min. 3 ft) OUTLET WORKS NOT TO SCALE 1-12' diameter Air Vent in Threaded C Water Quality Outlet Holes Ductile Iron or Steel Pipe rER QUALITY RISER PIPE NOT T -SCALE S-4- Removable & Lockable Overflow Grate for Larger Storms Outlet Pipe --► Size Base to Prevent Hydrostatic Uplift Maximum Number of Perforated Columns Riser Hole Diameter, in. Diameter (m') 1/4' 1/2' 3/4' 1' 4 8 8 6 12 12 9 8 16 16 12 g 10 20 20 14 10 12 24 24 18 12 Hole Diameter Area of Hole (in.) (in.2 ) 14 0.013 1 14. 3/ 0.049 1/22 0.110 SIB0.307 0.196 3/4 Ire 0.442 1 0.601 0.785 FIGURE 5-2. WATER QUALITY OUTLET FOR A DRY 9-1-1992 EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN UDFCD `+B • L3 STEWART&kSSOCIATES 103 S. MELDRUM, FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 Consulting Engineers and Surveyors ' PH. 482-9331 FAX 482-9382 By: �Gh Date: 7" �.� Client: /TD11/ Sheet No. 125rof— Project: EJo�/�/fJ9�� 4 �Oylw% /� O/l Subject:.�051D/J r�a/dp ?//2r= /5 .' Idp ■ uP PIY je ax aGIVE gAPOEA yIMOP 5 BOARDWALK DRIVE Means;M. rybf eI my e Ran « mwN. ------------------------- --- r••so --- -- �- - --� - R - - -� - T - - - . - - 6. f T /Fri titi, It 6 is .no I ^ •no ar. l� x�.G / ��foE IN <i�I j' T IZ € j co,.. I� I I,; i 6a 2 LEGEND essaw1 na,M.dP / A i on�V I erzeM m•n.r +n / G F �$ se,Units �a o aa. di Ii f is 4{ l i ® .x...•n. er.n„e nn , —.nwww , an. Imxi, Aw 6,q } xiev inn _. ,;.r a .•roe'al,It ei s O A a m -1 awb r lIR ---- ---_- ---1�\\ e •.- arory a inrr o„aaw wrc..- rr,.. a emps,'Ami III Feet �gge6'aWe, g/0 seer., wre a /! ss.. Je.6f' Issue W A CF—I NewTF , enwt 6 beau'/ = w awax w,b ww• van m, ten k✓w wwsi A SET FENCE 5 REOUWED ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY Li OF LOT 2 mRsNG mNsmuc•IwN �_...._.,.... smv arysua 7;7/ yy ddI % P I C sit b ^ IF 9 E`4f d JAP NJE ^ 'JEJ M9 I L J J - JO FOOT ACCESS DRIVE OgIE enPPEb s hw! Mcn aiy w d Na ewt ,roy any wNn es.e ."O. rem en. ae. a a. rrnn..m•n o :mee .Au e.;roiw .wr ..wean � ao ewe . � man set N.wbo, Gr-1 �iw.memn acme ® .ww,es sesr arWeb g�_i eW[win s•a 411y✓NIa obv a,s e� BMP NOTES: SILT FENCE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO AND CONSTRUCTION AND REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE CONSTRUCT STRAW BALE DIKE AROUND WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE AND IT SHALL REMAIN ` IN PUCE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. -G"• CONSTRUCT GRAVEL FILTER AROUND EXISTING AREA INLET IN PARKING LOT M BASIN C Ai ON BANK INLET BY TRASH ENCLOSURE PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND REMAIN UNTILL CONSTRUCTION 15 COMPLETED. NOTE The top of foundation elevations shown are minimum elevations required for protection from the 100 year storm. Minimum finished floor elevations above the 100 year water surface in streets, channels, ditches, swales, or other drainage facilities as illustrated by o master grading plan are to be shown. BASIN DATA: SITE AREA 1.39 ACRES HISRMYC DATA — Q2 I aim 2.60 645 11.J0 POND RELEASE RATE = 0.87 ch/ocre CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NM Gar tin, vrwn cwwWN'an •d eavnr aM Men &Ve W N NNa40/rwwW b fM inn gives, I IF III I 1 11 Z' O iiiiiiiiiii — --------- �---iiiiiii i■iiiiiiiii ■_MEN ■■■■_■_■_■_ lilt=iiii POND DATA: - Repuimd retention WNme 9,805 cf Required Extended Detention Volume X139 If yg Siro Required Detention Volume 11844 IF Pend Contour Volume Contour 5032.1 0 OF Contour 5033 51 cf Contour 5034 J755 cf W Contour 50J5 2.J40.4 cf Contour i 120I1.6 Of y Contour 50361 IJlO4J cf Pond1 Top of Pond = p 50. 100 Year 50J60 Extended Detention HWL = 50J4.8 2 Flawlriro of Pond W32,1 t sic IS g Rii of of Pipe 503211 Top of bock of Water Ou nity Control Sfuctum — 50353 O Top of hoot of water Quality cannot strvctun — 51 Z ReeMcnlan Plate Opening Sze 4.2 diameter al & Ny O Extended Detention Plate Opening Sze J/6' diameter hole per rov, (h Rows arc spaced 4 apart vertically 9 R isa W 3 Y City of Fort Collins, Colorado UTILITY PLAN APPROVAL g APPROVED: g a+i bngawv pw CHECKED BY.. ilk r O /sew a IrmY•N� uavy 11H � v SCALE.' 1 ii = 30 CHECKED BY.. s>ainw.W. vas IT DOE JO 0 JO w 80 CHECKED BY: : wrr/m CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY.. or B bW