HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARAGON POINT PUD FINAL - 48 91B - CORRESPONDENCE - WILDLIFE DOCUMENTSU11:'l;_JUN ;D T. 1.01LLL11-t LltN ILL 11 ., ;?_{Q—II::,:( STATE OF COLORADO Roy Romer, Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURALRE_JURCES DIVISION OF WILDLIFE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY kiMPLQYER Perry D. Olson. Director 6060 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80216 Telephone: (303) 297.1192 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Karen MAncie - Natural Resources FROM: -.Cheryl BOrkLndz.....----- NOTES: he 1.!,5+1 11:=_ f•IiI.Ci1 F.ill REFLR Tp O�R'1D P xa �p�OF�`� For l[f bffife- For People NO. PAGES ATTACHED: 11 Any Qite,tions cnnCeniinF, this li5tshould be directed -to Judy Sheppard - 7272 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS -FAX TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CONTACT: S,1r4_L Barunda �— AT: 291-72,69 OUR FAX NUMBER IS: (303) 294-0874 CONFIRMATION COPY WILL X WILL NOT FOLLOW War /*l \tom. x DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Kenneth Salazar, Executive Director WILDLIFE COMMISSION, William R. Hegberg, Chairman • Eldon W. Cooper, Secretary • Felix Chavez, Member Rebrarrd L. Frank, Member • Louls F. Swift, Member • George Vandenberg, Member • Larry M. Wright. Member o"N."t -- Tiger Salamander Plains Spadefoot COUCh's Spadefoot Great Basin Spadefoot N_w Mexico Spadefoot western Toad Great Plains Toad G_een road Toad TJ c,. Northern Cricket Frog Canyon Treefrog Striped Chorus Frog Plains Leopard Frog Bullfrog Northern Leopard Frog Wood Frog Great Plains Narrowmouth road Amphibians of Colorado Ambystoma t; U i Scap=us bompif:ons SCao= COLIC- SCaphiO;us 1ntT Scap= multic-- ro, ..s Bufo boreas Bufo �nas cu, 0 ceb, , 5 -OOC-�i Acris Crepitans Hyla arenlcolor Pse— u� trl�riata Rana blairi Rana cat secat oeiana Rana�n� Rana ipie s vatica Gastr_ one oli vacea zz 79 Page Four REGION NE SW NW CE SPECIES N. Redbelly Dace Common Shiner Brassy Minnow Iowa Darter Orangethroat Darter Stonecat Johnny Darter Rio Grande Cutthroat Rio Grande Chub Rio Grande Sucker Roundtail Chub Colo. R. Cutthroat Colo. R. Cutthroat Bluehead Sucker Flannelmouth Sucker Mountain Sucker Sculpin(s) Roundtail Chub N. Redbelly Dace Common Steiner (NONE AVAILABLE AT WE TABLE 1 CRIT—ERIA FOR RANKING+ C1.� U C S N U 4 Y O 0 OI Gy Y N v C -» e 0 m Y 0 r m O 0 v W O O O Y is X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TING) X X X X X X X X COMhENTS/NEEDS HSI, inventory data HSI, inventory - data HSI, inventory data HSI, inventory cata Habitat protection inventory delisting warranted? set into mgt. scheme; propag. expand range research on hybridiza`_' identification problen get into mgt. scneme; source? inventory; RMNP brood program inventory; identify limiting factors inventory, identify limiting factors inventory, identify limiting factors inventory, taxonomic issues inventories inventories Inventories `Criteria were adopted from September 1985 Special Concern Species Workshop LliVi'::11-4•I 0T 1-d1LLILIFL DEN ILL J. - _{ - c:74 DeC 111.'-'1 11 : ' No .0117, F .1i_ SPECIES SPECLXL CONCERNISPECIES OF UNi,L>-t:PzNIiNEI) ST.gTUS Nay 1990 Special Status and Abundance Oescriptors After much discussion, the following descriptors were accepted: Extirpated - A native species which, to the best of our knowledge, occurred in a natural free roaming condition in Colorado within the last 100 years but no longer occurs as a viao:e Population. (COON Oirective E-1, July 1985) Endangered - State endangered species: any species or sub -species o° native wildlife whose prospects for survival or recruitment within this state are in jeopardy as determined by the Commission. (Title 33, Article 1, C.R.S., Sept. 1984) Threatened - State threatened species: any species or sub -species wildlife which, as determined by the Commission, is ^o~ in immediate jeopardy of extinction but is vui-e:ao_� because it exists in such small numbers or is s-- extremely restricted throughout all or a si;n;•;_37: portion of its range that it may become ercar. (Title 33, Article 1, C.R.S-, Sept., 1984) g- Special Concern - A native species or sub -species which ras :es - threatened or endangered or could recome �nre3=ewe^ endangered due to low population levels. of COOW Oirective E-1, ,Lly 1985) Undetermined - A species about wnich too little is known to determine its status in the state. (COOw Plans, 1977, 1983) Otner Protected Nongame - Nongame species +which do not fall into :ne the above categories. It was also decided that we should continue to use any and all of tie following descriptors as appropriate: Accidental Peripheral Common Abundant Fairly Common Unusual Rare Uncommon Irregular (Oefiniticns for these terms are found in the various latilongs and in Directive E-1, July 1985) TERRESTRIAL SESSION Ct)jeCI- Develop d priOIitiZed list Of Species Of special COnCe rn an0 species of undetermined status for birds and manmals The purpose of these lists is to serve as guidance for Regions to develco their own lists based on their geographic areas. These lists can be used for planning and budgeting purposes; to develop decision items; for use in Great Outdoors Colorado; and ,for use in the development of a statewide Program Plan. Mammalc All mammals were reviewed using the index from the mammal latilong. The fJIst was develcoed based on definitions determined the previous day anC cased on availacle inforration and expe_tise. NEEDS SPECIES Region(s) Basic Habitat Research in which Inv. Mgmt. (specify) occurs (distrib. & abund.) SPECIAL CONCERN - Mammals Preble's meadow NE X jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius rep blei) Other SPECIES OF UNDETERMINED STATUS - Mammals (to be prioritized by region) Townsend's Big- Statewide eared Bat (Plecotus townsendii) work with *potential conflict MLRB on with mine closures; mine Statewide high closures priority Spotted Bat NW,SW X try ultrasonic (Euderma (possible) detector in maculatum) surveys; work with FWS (Nat'l Ecol. Cntr.) and NPS (Dinosaur N.M.) Kit Fox NW,SW X tagging project to (Vulpes look at effects of macrotis) trapping; work with Bill Andelt, other trappers; good MS project NEEDS SPECIES Regions) in which occurs Basic Inv. (distrib. & abund.) Habitat Research Cthe r Mgnt. (specify) Gray Fox Statewide X develop (Urocyon (concern is questionnaire for cinerecar- on E. slope) trappers enq teus Sw_ Fox NE, SE,CE X trapoer survey (Vulpes velox) Silky Pocket NE,SE,CE X *potential conflict Mouse with development (Perognathus flavus) Olive -Sacked NE,SE,CE X *potential conflict Pocket Mouse with development (Pero nathus fasciatus _. Gunnison's SE,SW X cooperative mapping Prairie Dog effort with CROW, (Cynomys BLM,FWS, FS(?) gunnisoni NOTE: only the gunnisoni) sub -species is of undetermined status Colorado Hog- SE X trapper surveys nosed Skunk (Conepatus mesoleucus Eastern Spotted SE, NE X work with trappers SkunK & locals (Spilogale putorius) In the 1985 Special Concern Workshop, five mammals were listed as hignest priority. The ones with a * are on our 1990 lists: Brazilian Free -tailed Bat Gunnison's Prairie Dog *Meadow Jumping Mouse *Kit Fox *Olive -backed Pocket Mouse Birds All birds were reviewed using the index from the iru laticne. following list was developed based on definitions determined the previous and based on available information and expertise. Species were prior_t:rec cased on potential response to management and degree of concern. NEEDS SPECIES Region(s) in Basic Habitat Research Other whicn occurs Inv. Mgmt. (specify) (distrib. abunt.) SPECIAL CONCERN - Birds (By Statewide Priority) 1. White Pelican NE (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) Z. Mountain NE, SE, NW Plover (Charadrius montanus 3. Snowy Plover (Charadrius .,1 e..-nli -i ro gel SE maintain monitor island X X grazing mgmt. stra- tegies and recom- mendations; oil & gas activity co- ordination *potential conflict due to grazing and oil and gas exploration X beach mgmt. (dis- turbance, preda- tion, water levels) *potential conflict due to human disturbance and water fluctuations 4. Ferruginous NE,SE,NW,CE X Hawk (nest- (Buteo regalis) ing) J 5. Long -billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) 6. Barrow's Goldeneye (Buce hala is andica X maintenance of prey base;short- grass prairie habitat mgmt. NE,SE,NW X, X NE,SW,NW same as Mtn. Plover X reduce kill at hatcheries; put up nest boxes NEEDS SPECIES Fegicn(s) Basic Hacitat Research in which Lnv. Mgmt. (specify) occurs (distrib. & abund.) SPECIES CF UNDETEFMINED STATUS - Birds (By Statewide Priority) 1. Mexican SW Spotted Owl 'x ccciden- 2. Burrowing Owl Statewide (Atnene cunicularia) 3. White-faced Statewide This (Plegadis c hihi ) 4. Southwestern SW willow fly- catcher (Empidonax trailii extimus 5. Black- NW throated Gray Warbler (Dendroica nigrescens) 6. Blue Grosbeak Statewide (Guiraca caerulea) 7. Yellow- NE,SE billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus 8. Lewis' NE,CE,sE Woodpecker (. 4el ane ees ewes X Ctner X *potential confl-cz due to prairie dcc control; work with prairie dog control X X needs taxonomic work X X X X *potential conflict due to timber cut- ting and clearing of canals NEEDS SF�O_75 Regions) in which occurs oasic Inv. (distrib. & abund.) 9. American Statewide X Bittern (Botaurus .1entioinosus 10. Least Bittern Statewide xobr cus (Ih exilis 11. Upland NE, SE X Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) 12. Eared Grebe Statewide X (Podiceps nigricollis) Habitat Research Othe. Mgmt. (specify) 0 *potential conflict due to water fluctuations *potential conflict due to water fluc- tuations *potential conflict due to water fluctuations Based on a suggestion by Jim Sedgwick, the following are bird species that ranked high in the 1985 Special Concern workshop, due to small or declining populations and/or inadequate population information. The ones with a * are on one of our 1990 lists. We might view the remainder as species to look closely at the next time we revise our list. *Eared Grebe Western Grebe *American Bittern Prarie Falcon *Snowy Plover *Mountain._Plover *Upland Sandpiper *Long -billed Curlew Black Tern *Yellow -billed Cuckoo Common Nighthawk Common Poorwill *Lewis' Woodpecker Chihuahuan Raven Canyon Wren Mountain Bluebird Loggerhead"Shrike Common Yellowthroat Savannah Sparrow Note that the species on these lists are not set in concrete. These lists are working documents for budgeting and planning purposes; and they will need to be updated as conditions change and new information is gained. These lists will be sent out to the original participants in the Species of Special Concern workshop (the ones for which we have addresses). The group decided not to merge the bird and mammal lists to develop a single prioritized "terrestrial" list. Ab..n J....ca Valva idae Thiaridae A,croloxidae Lymnaeidae Physidae Anclylidae Unionidae TAxA COLO�NDO Meal uSGS LlY\VLV b� 5 vs 1. Valvata sincera 2. �I�12no dcs tuberculata 3. Acroloxus colcradens_s 4. L my naea auricularia 5. L my naea bulimoides 6. Lymnaea caperata 7. L my naea elodes 8. Lymnaea obrussa 9. Lvmnaea parva 10. Lymnaea stagnalis 11. Hplexa elongata 12. Physa anatina 13. Physa cupreonitens 14. Physa elliptica 15. Physa cgrina 16. Physa heterostropha 17. Physa inte ra 18. Physa skinneri 19. Physa utahensis 20. Gyraulus circumstriatus 21. Gyraulus parvus 22. Heliosoma anceps 23. Heliosoma scalare 24. Heliosoma subcrenatum 25. Heliosoma trivolvis 26. Promenetus excuous 27. Promentus umbilicatellus 28. Ferrissia fra ilis 29. Ferrissia rivularis 30. Ferrissia walkeri 31. Anodonta rag ndis grandis 32. Anodontoides ferussacianus 33. Uniomerus tetralasmus Sphaeriidae 34. Musculium lacustre 35. Musculium transversum 36. Sphaerium striatinum 37. Pisidium casertamum 38. Pisidium compressum 39. Pisidiun milium 40. Pisidium nitidum NAT / .0r;- NATIV h� yu t! I(NN) I N 2' N r� 7.l r1 ,7 T� 7� 7d ,7 /9 CNN) I. 7N r.N� A u Te ra�� e l t T oq7 Reptiles of Colorado Snapping Turtle Yellow Mud Turtle Painted Turtle western Box Turtle Spiny Softshell Collared Lizard Longnose Leopard Lizard Lesser Earless Lizard Texas Horned Lizard irned Lizard n Lizard piny Lizard Fence Lizard and tched Lizard ed Skink ains Skink d Racerunner Checkered whiptail whiptail riaceau Striped whiptail Texas Blind Snake Glossy S�-:ke Racer Ringneck Snake Corn Snake western Hognose Snake Night Snake Common Kingsnake -Milk--Snake Coachwnip Striped whipsnake Northern water Snake Smooth Green Snake Bullsnake Longnose Snake Grand Snake Plains Blackhead Snake western Blackhead Snake Blackneck Garter Snake western Terrestrial Garter Snake Plains Garter Snake Common Garter Snake Lined Snake western Rattlesnake Prairie Rattlesnake Midget Faded Rattlesnake Massasauga so Chelydra serpentina Kinosternon flavescens Chrysemys picta Terraoene ornata Trionyx spiniferus Cro_achytus collaris Gamoelia wislizenii roiorooK_a racu_ata Phrynosoma cornutum Phrynosoma douglassii Scel000rus graciosus Sceloporus magister Sceloporus undulatus Urosaurus ornatus Uta stansburiana Eumeces multiviroatus Eumeces obsoletus Cnemidophorus sexiineatus Cnemidophorus tesselatus Cnemicoonorus ti ris Cnemidophorus velox Leptotypn oos tlTs grizona eleaans Coluber constrictor Oiadoonis punctatus Elaone ug ttata Heterodon nasicus Hypsiglena torquata Lamprooelti5 getulus Lampropeltis trianaulum _ Masticopnis flagellum Masticopnis taeniatus Nerooia sipedon Opneoorys vernalis Pituopnis melanoleucus Rninocneilus lecontei Sonora semiannulata Tantilla nigriceps Tan�la planiceos Thamnopnis cyrtopsis Thamnopnis elegans Thamnopnis radix Thamnopnis sirtalis Tropidoclonion lineatum Crotalus viridus C. V. viridus C. v. concolor Sistrurus catenatus