projecusite: ' I
^, ^on,
)f cig/countv t6*Gll*/^' Date: # ' /d-)o
Appric e:
sampling Poirf: -----ll:-lfuL[ f
Landform (hiltslope. ter rle, etc.1:P lc.i^s Grn-v l-^Lt Localrelief (concave, convex, nonel: -..1!]!!-3111i-= Slope (%): 9
suu,"gion trnn)' G tar' ?*"'1)/ zt/o" tong" /a { QQB)o I
-oatun.: L4LL'{
Soil Map Unit Name: - Nwl classificaton: LLOE &"-
Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes -lA- No
(lf no' explain in Remarks.)
Are vegetation
or Hydrology
signilicantly disturbed? Arc 'Normal Gircumstances' present? ves K No
Are Vegetation
Soil-, or Hydrology
problematic? (lf needed' explain any answers in Remarks )
suMMARY oF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects,
imPortant features,
ls the Sampled Area
within a Wetland? Yu= X' No
Hyd rophytic Vegetation Present?
Hydric Soil Present?
Wetland HYdrologY Present?
Yes * No
""rX No
Yes >< No
Remarks: Eu; {.r n 5/r} 1 n F
)'c rt lAnn fra fu',
WZ{l *..Z* crn{*r..-5r /ta, yil,
w i ltctwt enJ c^*d,*- [
p*r,d, eA$'c, q' ca: i&'c-
o S5;$l' ; nJ't e.- i r
VEGETATION - Use scientific, names
of plants.
Dominance Test worksheet:
Number of Dominant Species
That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC tJ
(exduding FAC-): I (A)
Total Number of Dominant
Species Across All Strata:
Percent of Dominant SPec'tes
That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC:
Absolute Dominant lndicator
W-o/o Cover -T Species? fi*Stqtus u
lf Y frlY
lo r fi^a
T' q0
SOIL Sampling Point: I
ndicator or conlirm the absence of indicators.)
Depth /in;hFsl crr- (moisl,Matrix _/" Texture Remalks
/"-16 -rot; SZ *
<o,.l, jr>-vel, <i#
,Tvoe: C=Concentration, D=Depletion,
RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 'Lg"rtion:
PL=Pore Linlng.,-lvl:tvlaglx.
Hydric Soil lndicators: (Appticable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.)
_ Histosol (Al
_ Histic Epipedon (A2)
_ Black Histic (A3)
_ Hydrogen Sulflde (A4)
_ Stratifled Layers (A5) (LRR F)
_ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR F, G, H)
_ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11)
_ Thick Dark Surface (A12)
_ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S'1)
_ 2.5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S2) (LRR G, H)
5 crn Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) (LRR F)
Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)
Sandy Redox (S5)
Stripped Matrix (56)
Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl)
Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2)
Depleted Matrix (F3)
Redox Dark Surface (F6)
Depleted Dark Surface (F7)
Redox Depressions (F8)
High Plains Depressions (F16)
(MLRA 72 &73 of LRR H)
lndicators for Probtematic Hydric Soils':
_ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR l, J)
_ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR F, G, H)
_ Dark Surface (S7) (LRR G)
High Plains Depressions (F16)
(LRR H outside of MLRA 72 &73)
_ Reduced Vertic (F18)
_ Red Parent Material fIF2)
_ Very Shallow Dark Surface IF12)
_ Other (Explain in Remarks)
'lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
wetland hydrology must be Present,
unless disturbed or problematic.
Restrictive Layer (if present):
Depth (inches): Hvdric Soil Present? Yes (
Remarks:Do-b heLi, r. l
S rst LJ /rcra^{ , wrfA tfio*}i-t
-(Srrfr"" Water (A1)
Water Table (A2)
- Saturation (A3)
)a^ Water Marks (B1)
_ Sediment Deposits (B2)
projecr/site ainptins Dabt d ' /d
' )a
Appticanuo state: -99- sampling Poift I - Lu a'#
tnvestigato(s): D a-v i J -t I
3 i n lzt ,. .l
^ seclion, Township, Range:
Landform (hillsloPe, terrace, etc.): P ) e.-l^s Gr*-s lo.^f,J Local relief (concave, convex, none): C eta c g*v *
slope (u"\: 7
Subregion (LRR): C t*. /O ,-{)/ Oat tons: '/ o
4. ?f 0!28 Datum: w dJ I t-{
Soil Map Unit Name: NWt ctassiflcation: A.L aF
* *
Are climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of yeaf Yes
K No
(lf no, explain in Remarks.)
Are Vegetation
or Hydrotogy
significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Cirdrmstances' present? Ves K l..lo
Are Vegetation _, soil_, or Hydrology _naturally problematic? (lf needed, explain any answers in Remarks.)
suMMARy OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects,
imPortant features, etc.
ls the Sampled Area
within a Wetland?
Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Ves 4 No
Hydric soit Present z Y", T No
Wetland Hydrology Present? Ves * No
Remarks: W r e{kra #ri? *i
)'o5't 1l*'' -roo'tre I
w e+la^lS c,lonl AzY-t'L
Uti ll"w *r*af. *{A ru,l n" #^}
{i*a t S t*^r;; tytia),te t,f
|*n i eJ g o, 4'-5/r,t
VEGETATION - Use scientific names
of plants.
Absolute Dominant lndicator
% Cover Species? Status
'l o Y fa.()
)o { fo.
{ Y f-o'cttt
-W =-Totarcov",
1. Fu.*
Woodv Vine Stratum (Plot size: ? e,rl r
5J n:
SOIL Sampling Point' )
profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.)
Depth (inches) color (moist) Matrix % color Redox Features . n
0-A ttsgr"Z/,,7t ),rY'V/(moist) , r : % Tvpe' Loc' Texture
PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix.
Hydric Soil lndicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,
_ Histosol(A1)
_ Histic Epipedon (A2)
_ Black Histic (A3)
_ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4)
_ Stratified Layers (A5) (LRR F)
_ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR F, G, H)
_ Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11)
_ Thick Dark Surface (A12)
_ Sandy Mucky Mineral (Sl)
2.5 cm Mucky Peai or Peat (S2) (LRR G, H)
_ 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) (LRR F)
unless otherwise noted.)
_ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4)
_ Sandy Redox (S5)
_ Stripped Matrix (56)
_ Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl)
_ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2)
_ Depleted Matrix (F3)
_ Redox Dark Surface (F6)
_ Depleted Dark Surface (F7)
_ Redox Depressions (F8)
_ High Plains Depressions (F16)
(MLRA 72 &73 of LRR H)
lndicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3:
_ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR I, J)
_ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR F, G, H)
_ Dark Surface (S7) (LRR G)
High Plains Depressions (F16)
(LRR H outside of MLRA 72 &73)
_ Reduced Vertic (Fl B)
_ Red Parent Material (fFz).
_ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
_ Other (Explain in Remarks)
tlndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and
wetland hydrology must be present,
unless disturbed or problematic.
Restrictive Layer (if present):
Depth (inches): Hydric Soit Present? Yes (
l-, J*1. r ai, it u,Yt A n
Wetland Hydrology lndicaiors:
Primarv lndicators (minimum of one reouired: check
all that apolv) Secondarv lndicators {minimum oflwo reouired)
.lSisurface water (Ai)
Satt Crust (811)
Surface Soilcracks (86)
Figure 1. Photo 1 (top) looking northwest from the southeast corner, and photo 2 (bottom)
looking northeast from the southwest corner of the property on January 30, 2020..
Jil HighwaterTable (A2) _X$quatic
ln\rertebrates (813)
Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (BB)
l<1 Saturation (A3) Hydrogen Suhde Odor (Cl ) -<Drainage
Pattems (Bl 0)
Ii water Marks (Bj) _ Dry-season water Table (C2)
Oxidized Rhizo+hores on Living Roots (C3)
Sediment Deposits (B2)
OxidEed Rhizospheres on Living Roots (c3) (where lilled)
!!.Drift Deposits (83) tf,here not tilled)
Crayfish Bunows (C8)
_ AlgatMat or Crust (&l) _ Presence of Reduced lron (O4)
Saturation Vrsible on Aeriallmagery (Cg)
lmn Deposits (85)
Thin Muck Surtace (C7)
Geomorphic Position (D2)
_Z(nundation Vlsible on Aerial lmagery (87) _ Other (Exptain in Remarks) _ FAC-NeubalTest (D5)
_ water-stained Leaves (89) _ Frosl-Heave Hummocks (D7) (LRR F)
Field Observations:
Surface Water Present? yes K No
Depth (inches): / O
Water Table Present? yes ,}4 No
Depth (inches): a
Saturation Present? yes F No
Depth (inches): O
(includes capillary frinoe)
Wetland Hydrology Present? yes X No-
T on L eL2 ",
5/of l,* w+b ?ru,a,{,
US Army Corps of Engineers Great Plains
- Version 2.0
=lotal Uover
4r { obl
c/ \- =
Total Cover
= Total Cover
(Plot size: D o ,"a ',
o/o BareGround in Herb Stratum fJ'
Domi na nce Test works heet:
Number of Dominant Species
That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC
(exduding FAC-):
Total Number of Dominant
Species Across All Strata:
Percent of Dominant Spec'tes (2. r
rhat Are oBL, FAcw, ;; F^-c, O 0 (A/B)
Prevalence I ndex worksheet:
Total o/"
Cover of: Multiplv bv:
oBLspecies L/T x1= Vs*
FACW species 60 xz= I )O
FACspecies /C x3= ?#
FAGU species ?a xaa= 2 bo
corumnrotars: /B{ Ol V?f Fl
Prevalencelndex =B/A= > rt?
Hydrophytic Vegetation I ndicators :
E1 - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
>< Z - Dominance Test is >50%
/. g - Prevalence lndex
is s3.01
4 - Morphological Adaptationsl (Provide supporting
data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)
Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetationl (Explain)
tlndicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must
be present, unless disturbed or problematic.
Vegetation \,
Present? Yes r:-- No
fl *Jrru'n, L *t c'7F c : fu &..*d- ar:!{* wS a*la *2 T on L
US Army CorPs of Engineers
Great Plains -
Version 2.0
_liDrift Deposits (83)
_ Algal Mat or Crust (B4)
_ lron Deposits (B5)
.)4Jnundation Visible on Aerial lmagery (B7)
Water-Stained Leaves (B9)
_ Salt Crust (811)
,FAquatic I nvertebrates (B 1 3)
_ Hydrogen Sulflde Odor (C1)
_ Dry-season Water Table (C2)
Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3)
(where not tilled)
Presence of Reduced lron (C4)
_ Thin Muck Surface (C7)
_ Other (Explain in Remarks)
Wetland Hydrology lndicators :
Primarv lndicators (minimum of one required: check all that applv)
Secondarv Indicators (minimum of Mo required)
_ Surface SoilCracks (86)
_ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8)
.r4 Drainage Pattems (Bl 0)
_ Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3)
(where tilled)
_ Crayfish Burrows (C8)
_ Saturation Visible on Aerial lmagery (C9)
_ Geomorphic Position (D2)
_ FAC-NeutralTest (D5)
_ Frost-Heave Hummocks (D7) (LRR F)
Field Observations:
Surface water Present? yes 2a No
Depth (inches): I
Water Table Present? Yes A No
Depth (inches): O
Saturation Present? Yes ,rL No Depth (inches): P
(includes caPillary fringe)
Wetland Hydrology Present? yes X No-
Remarks: ""{son J. *Jo e -d^ /1" * \#*. 1-"'*'
US Army Corps of Engineers Great Plains
- Version 2.0
F-a -- I =Totalcover
o^^r:^^/chr,,l.r Qlra{r rm rrPlnl cize' I (J
ht \
\o t- ? frcua
7 f = TotalCover
(Plot size: ? -a ',
o/oBareGround in Herb Stratum 6 f
Prevalence lndex worksheet:
Total % Cover of: MultiPlv bv:
oBL speciet 3 "tr xl =
3 f
FAGWspecies tf xz= /lo
FACspecies l0 xl= 3O
FACU species d f va= )&o
corumn rotars: I /.f Ol
L/3 f @l
Prevalence lndex = an= 2-l {
Hyd rophytic Vegetation lndicators:
& - Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation
>< 2 - Dominance Test is >50%
/.1- Prevalence lndex is 53.01
4 - MorphologicalAdaptationsl (Provide supporting
data in Remarks or on a separate shedt)
Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetationl (Explain)
tlndicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must
be present, unless disturbed or problematic.
Vegetation s
Present? Yes /\-- No
Remarks: ^'"Zo*{--;Ls
+ s*-.'.ilr^r u'';lt**J 5\-.,
r'n-t'in1 '\\
* )"* wt6J.r
-a--l oqq *U eJs" 6F 4
US ArmY CorPs
Great Plains -
Version 2.0