HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHAMROCK MANOR PUD PRELIMINARY - 53 89 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORM (3)SHAMROCK MANOR ^'G _ '::f.P.1�r.•'�L4�_r_.'a'i:�ti.':1..i�6.Y`' \' '�i1t/j�jQ11aY. �y�ya'.'.'.x_�1e�1!.Cll.'S�T!1F,r1A1''Mf�.:Gr >Yi..r)[erl:'i.% �.i'.rE2'E�1 ;r'r�.V +!'1!HrJ�4? �'i Yr L1'i'r.�iKJf.�dlii✓'iJ(Ji i .� �. � � �IC�1 '�!.iF7l��1w}k(..�rCIi S�J. ... �G.r DE IrFINITC'�N : All residential uses. II.c,S would inclule� single family attached dwellings, townhomes, duple ,es, mobile homes, and multiple family dwellings; group houws; boarding and r•onmino houses; fraternity and sorority houses; nrn-Sintl horses; public and private schools; public and non-profit quasi -public recreational uses as a principal use; uses providing meeting places and places for public assembly with .inciden- tal office space; and child-care centers. Cf��1 L_('�I�,, Each of the following applicable criteria must be " tC answered "yes" and implemented within the development plan. YeS Nb 1. On a gross acreone hasis, ifs the avi`raqo resi- dential density in the project at least three (3) dwelling units per acre (calculated for residential a D portion of the site only)? 2. DOES THE PROJr:T !Al-1-1 THE MINIMUM PERCENTAGE POINTS AS CALCULATE[) ON TIIE FOLLOWING "DENSITY CHART" FOR ❑ THE PROPOSED OE:NS11Y OF THE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT? x THE REQUIRED FARNFD CREDIT FOR A RESIDENTIAL PROJECT SHALL BE IA`i:;!l Ohl THE FOLLOWING: 30-40 PERCENTAGE P0[IT S 3-4 DWELL IN,'3 UNITS/ACRE; 40-50 PERCENTAGI PO1'1TS = 4-5 DWELLING Ut;ITS/ACRE; 50-60 PERCENTA.G.E POINTS == 5-6 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 60-70 PERCENTAGE 1101NTS == 6-7 DWELLING UIJITS/ACRE; 70-80 PERCENTAGE: P0PNT S = 7-8 DWELLING UIJITS/ACRE; 80-90 PERCENTAGr POINTS = 8-9 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 90-100 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 9-10 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 100 OR MIORE P'_R':�':NTAGE POINTS = 10 OR MORE DWELLING UNITS/ACRE. -2`)- SHAMROCK MANOR DENSITY CHART - Maximum Earned Criterion Credit If All Dwelling Units Are Within: Credit OI 20% 2000 feet of on9ushng or oppiu,tud rivighborhood shocaing center. b 10% 650teeh)fanlxmhngtronsniloo. 20 C 10% 40001eut of an j)NtshrgM oppme, a vUlun(ll shtgxxngoIrolul. 10 d 20%O .3WO IwdMtIDUNnlllyl UI WSUM)dIN!NIhl.HIo.N)dIcoA imlilb,N IN Ilk,."onnnmwfY tapllry. 10 LLJ e 10%9 1(N10 hrotot bu:hlwl.nouhlµ)nll lhr.rin1n11enxlnl5 of tlx)I.Iw14 nett ono hN:nhon luwsWthe Slulu rA C(AWxb. 20 V J - Qt 20%p 30001vetnomw@xw PkAgln:nh.NA,H 10 0+ g 5% 1000 hH)I file l thm Icon) clxdel - 20 h 20% -North'Foncalm I 20% MCCennhA lkNWx>ss lAsbiCt. -- - - -- Apoloclwhcwbounowyksconligtloustoovrstingwbondb k)prnenl.CledAmaybe�nedmfou ws' 0%- I:a proleCts whose proPerlybalndaN has0 to 10%cmlKrAfu 101015% -Fa golecnwhfiNigotw>IN tiOtrldOry,hasl0b?0 cmlkpkry: 30% t510 0'M FOI pfOlGchwhoSC {xOMnIV IxxN NlaN has 701n:17 crutll9lury: 201o2b%- Folp(aloctswhosepromitvboundaN1ws30to A0Y C.uit"uN: 30 251030%� FerrxolectswhosVlnp(:rtybourxloNha540ro505'Canh(;LAV. nit can 0e demonshafed RIM the rVOW.1 will ff(hlfenl)1t Ie11eMn1111e m(x9y UY)(fmm�ltllfH mfOlxltllhp aPPkmlHm of allelnblNDBnprgy 1' IS SYS(e(nS UI1MgIgnCIX1)IIHIt1V fIlIN11[jyC(Nl:t)NIlIIn1111NN nlln!SINfYI Nxllll(n lNN11N 111Yn•t ll wlr!,Illy(.IlY r.g111.a5`%b(Nw R11NNrnealne(1 for eveN 5% reduction m ene, gy trse. " l Calculate a t%bonustM awry 50ul:fOs Hiclud('d Hl the ph)juCl. m Calculate the percentage of the total acres In the Project thnt are devote(] to locwuliinal use. enter V2 of that percentage as a bonus If Rx)tlPPlicaOf COmm11510 qeM �Ivllg plLTUM;OI nil detHN HI:{wFalM lhrleOlt lho CllV Sfnlni(n11111 fequuenlenlS, CaICubMtllBpBIGBnIdBB n OIIhISOpen SpOcetlClOa9e lu lhO tUtaIUGNaloprnwJuUva JC.anlof fnii {x GcnhX7 u5 silo xnR II port of the total dLv 100mmt budgel Is Io be spun on Ixiyllbalhouo pubic Ifmst ImilthCswhich are nor otherwise requited byCity Code, 0 enter 2 %bonus to every 5100 pel (lwelhng "fill rm)stM it purl III Yhototol (levompnx•nt bu(f9u1 is lotx) 3(xnA nI nuigldxnh(xxtl(x:iklbs afxf s„Ivxs!s whichpre ntit offlerv4se roquifedfryGily Colo. p ttnloi a l%bonus lot(rwvy 51001 nt(Iwnllnx] unit lnwe.ItNl l l 1 II a [Onlnllhnl ml l$11r,H I!) IIx xt()111111VI,1(w) I I:il IIH'llll I, 11 N nf,11111(I(F11111 thn Intl r M Nllt N!1 w, IWI flrl(j 111H1$ f(x lnW Ilx:(wlxl l(xN1a3, What WILentUgO Us U bums(, upto u I'm 11"no1n I AJI)'ir. - If a cOmmfhnent is being mode to develop a specieed Peliceinnge of the local number of dwellinguits far type Ktlnd TypaV hxWfcapped Z nowingas detined by the Clly Ot Fort COIIins.culculate tho bonu3OSlolbws Type A -- Skolvs, Typo "alnin O ( 7T-1 Uung coLJJ ype'6-1.0limes -ro 10AS (loot 1`°)n3 thnocase srxsllTn combinedbonls bepreatol thnn 30%. tt the site a adjacent lxaperty cbnl0in$ an histOl is bulldtng m Pkse. a bOruA muy be e(xr led 1a the $OSOWKtg 3% - FOl pevenm)gamitigalingout5idoinluCncns log onvhamlentas landuw. nflstrnllc.ecoramCanasocial bctasl aaN9fse bin $ - prcissuringt 3% For d53urlrglnpinB'x, slruClWGn willboirsMeCpirpwith Rlaehaacfef Dime bnikhrpof place. wMlCawidingsddunits 3% - Fp p10P0$H1gaU(4SINB(COntRq b1111(iI11t1 tN UkH:1!IMI1 WIRbtItI bIISt:UnINLgxt:1`.pfe5eN6t19n and lRl{xOVEYTIanl item pppraprN]b f iln Y 1L'1. -- 11 aPorWne, OR of the te(lllllea palkmg In therlH1hpktftxrNN p.01OCI IS1NUVkixf lHNhr( OLInd.wll1hrh me bk#kW . ofinanalevolea Parking slluCllHB Men mce55OrV use lathe ptlnlorysttuctufe. U wilt13 n"bee(LneaaS follow$ t 9 e - For proviaing 75%a nxxeol lhelwlbnllmasiruckun: 0% Forprovldrfg5U 1,11 otetopurkirginushuchxe, 3%- For pfovio1n925.11,0140 ilm palkin9H10 Shmctuo. u Il a collxnitmenlrslN:fig fnnOO V) 1A0,,ff0 f'Dpic tx) oulnrly Ak luetivllrxtulshxvl Syshrntlx flip dwe.I"Wuls. enter emus Or 10%. 7 10 TOTAL 130 -30-