David.Duffy — 726 Wood Street
John & Dorothy Duffy — 724 Wood Street
Betty A. Pepper — 726 Wood Street
Eve Johnson — 416 N. Grant
Ellen Bryan — 416 N. Grant
Peter Haney — 505 N. Grant
Derek Marchi — 429 N. Grant
Ruthane Kostner — 521 N Grant
Connie Doster — 910 N. Shields
Alan Franklin — 715 Elm Street
Gregory Eckert — 507 N. Loomis
David Marsh — 526 Sycamore
Ben & Jacob Steen — 616 Park Street
Chuck Warner —1242 W. Mountain
Scott Livingston — 930 N. Shields
Commencing, 7:10um
Tim Sagen - Utilities
Tom Rock - Utilities
Stanley Dunn — Sear/Brown
Rich Brewbaker — Traffic Operations
Carol Rankin — Operations Services
Jack Gianola — Operations Services
John Renhowe — Vaught*Frye Architects
Ken Mannon — Operations Services
Mike Smith - Utilities
Jim Hibbard - Utilities
Wendy Williams.- Utilities
Suzanne Jarboe -Simpson - Utilities
It's been about a year since we've been together. We wanted to get together with you again to
show you where we're at on the project. We heard the concerns of neighbors from our last
meeting, and are addressing those concerns.
Thank you for your participation we really appreciate that you're here. We are trying to be good
neighbors and react positively to the issues you bring. To give a little history, in 1997 the City
acquired the property to the South of the existing building at 700 Wood Street. At that time we
had thought about adding an access road onto Elm, but due to neighbor concerns, we decided not
to proceed. In 2000 our plans were to build a 18' high vehicle storage building, to house our 1-
ton vehicles, parallel (East/West) to Elm Street with a berm to help camouflage the building.
The idea was to buffer noise for the neighbors. The neighbors again did not like this idea
because of the large building, wanted to see if it could be moved to the North. So, we looked at a
plan that would move the building to the north of 700 Wood Street, but the issues we ran into
with this was 1) Major regarding of the area. 2) The need for a expansive and expensive retaining
walls. 3) Not sufficient area for oval vaults (assembly and traffic). 4) Security at entrances. 5)
Cross -Traffic Safety. 6) Wall would amplify the sound. 7) Splitting the Yard,
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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Why not go onto Vine?
We were trying to keep traffic off of neighborhood streets.
Why would you need to move out of downtown?
Our building is on the location where they want the Performing Arts Center. If they don't build
there, we may stay.
I would just like to say that I like the idea of more landscaping and screening and we appreciate
the improvements and the efforts to protect the river..
Meeting Adjourned:. 9:10pm
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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How much forklift activity is there?
It's pretty stead all day long.
Nei bor
Are we talking lam — 4pm?
Probably. In the morning we get deliveries, through the afternoon they move the deliveries to
various areas, and in the evening we load for the next day.
What type of fuel to the forklifts use? Is it clean?
Yes, they're clean they use gas and propane.
We are trying to avoid major impact on your neighborhood by using the berm we should have
been insulation for noise. And, it's better for us to have the warehouse area remain together.
The Plan we decided would work the best would be to move the welding shed to the North and
build the garage closer to Elm, but going North and South. This would allow for a larger green
zone, 135' from Elm Street to building. The berm would be built higher with large trees and
more trees to improve the buffer zone. We are trying to be good neighbors with the type of
vehicles that will be in this area.
We're in a recession right now, is this expansion needed?
It will be a while before the buildings will be built. The part of the project we're preparing to do
right now is the grading, berm, containment plans, and storm drain culverts with berm.
What is your water quality treatment?
We have a settling pond.
Nei bor
I'm concerned about the run off from the yard.
On the Northeast comer of the yard there is a storm absorption center for pollution.
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The reason for the expansion is that we need more area for storage at warehouse, so we're
making plans for the future. Right now the fence is diagonal, we're going to open up that area
Nei bor
What kind of bed are you going to have — gravel?
No, asphalt.
No new permeable material? What do you have in other areas?
It's all asphalt.
Nei or
What is your immediate plan?
It would be leveling, landscaping and drainage system -
I would like to know numbers. For instance, how high is the berm going to be?
We're working on that, because it was a concern.
We want to know specifics. What are we going to see, how much noise will there be, what are
we going to smell.
Right now the berm is at 7' with large trees and thick bushes to make it better for the neighbors.
Nei bor
Why is the building running East West better than when you had it North South?
East West allows us to pull it farther away from Elm Street and create a bigger berm so there will
be less noise. Also, the view is better for the neighbors.
Nei bor
What type of vehicles will be parked in the covered parking?
Wood Street. Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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1-ton pickups, and smaller type vehicles.
How many vehicles will it fit?
About 12, but we're 5 years off.
Nei bor
Why do you need covered parking?
Keeps the snow off and the vehicles warmer, which allows for less warm-up time.
Are the vehicles gas and propane?
I think you should take air quality readings. I don't know that it's the City, but there is a terrible
diesel odor, especially in the mornings.
We did do a study about a year ago.
I think you need to do it again, and more than once.
We'll look into it.
Will there be security fencing?
Yes, it will be around the building and the perimeter.
In the morning there is a lot of back-up beep noise from the trucks. Can they back in at night?
Most of them do.
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Nei or
Could you add more trees inside the yard to help absorb noise?
We can look into that.
When will you implement your plan. Is the timeframe immediate, weeks, months?
We'll go through a six month design phase and implementation should start in the summer 2002.
Once you do landscaping, is there still room to modify your plans for building?
I'm sure there's always room for changes.
Nei bor
Are you still planning to talk with us?
We would like to know specific measurements on what we can expect to see, example the
pollution level, noise volume; in 3=5 years I'm concerned that: our neighborhood not be
negatively impacted.. I would think we could get this information.
The new area will basically be a parking area. Our activity is going to be in the same area it is
now. This just gives us more room.
Nei bor
My concern is with the parking area there will be more lights: And, how high will the berm be;
am l going to be looking at the asphalt?
Right now as it's drawn, it's about a 7'-8' berm which is very reasonable. We could possibly go
to 101, but if it gets to steep then you run into problems with plantings.
When we ask about specifics we want to get them and it seems we're getting the run around, our
questions aren't being answered.
If we can't get a firm answer then I want a20' berm with 10' trees. I think the berm is fairly
critical because I don't want to look at a parking lot.; 7' doesn't sound reasonable.
Could you find some berms around town that would be comparable so we could get an idea of
the height.
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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The 7' berm seems fine to me as long as there are a lot of threes.
Has anyone looked into Austree trees? They grow fast and are very thick.
Ci '
Concerning the lights in the parking area, we shouldn't have too many lights installed, because
we only need lights for security. We know they are not good for the neighborhood and are trying
to fix what we have so they reflect down.
Could they be on lower poles?
We can look into it, but with lower poles the code may require _more of them.
Nei bor -
We have a monthly newsletter. When the project gets closer, could we have updates written on
this is what's happening now, here's what to expect.
Also, incorporate the specifics to the project.
That would definitely be something we could do. Give us a week's notice before you need the
information and we would be happy to put something together.
Nei bor
The back up signals on trucks is obnoxious - is it going to increase?
We're not expanding our fleet, it's just a little closer. I would think the noise impact would be
Again, we would like to hear specifics like there will be no difference in 3-5 years or you'll see a
10% increase — those are the type of specifics we're looking for.
Nei or
Is there going to be a pedestrian walk -way incorporated with landscaping being done. We want
to keep the cars out.
Yes, there will be a pedestrian walk way. And, we're working on shutting off vehicle access.
But, before we can put up barricades, we have to be careful we don't put them on someone else's
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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city I
The other site we're looking to renovate is the old Milliken Lumber Yard. When we bought it in
the late 80's we did an environmental clean up on the site. We thought about using it for storage,
fueling facility, yard storage and a detention pond. But, decided the fueling facility would be
bad for the neighbors. Not much has changed on the site since the 80's except we added a
community garden, curb and gutter, bus stop and a small berm. What we: want to do with the site
now is keep the retention pond to the very North, South of the retention pond have material
storage, South of storage build an enclosed -vehicle storage with dual side access doors large
enough for our heavy equipment which needs to be stored inside in the winter, South of the
vehicle storage a smaller open -vehicle storage for 1-tons. The buildings would act as buffers for
the activity that would take place in the material storage area. This would be about 100' from
Vine Drive. We will have to go through all City planning process before we could proceed with
this plan, this plan is probably 0-5 years off. Again, the landscaping would come first.
Nei bor
Isn't it a staging area right now?
Yes, and it will stay there, it's just being moved back. We're also looking at putting material in
bins to cut down on the dust.
Will it cut down thedetention pond?
No, and we did upgrade it and made sure there was no blockage in case of flood.
Nei bor
Did you put an outlet on the West side?
There's only one outlet, but we did create an access into the detention pond from the West.
Will there still be beeping noise at 2am when there are problems?
Yes, but with the buildings, hopefully, it will cut down on the volume..
What about the dust?
We can look at landscaping on the other side of ditch to help cut down on the dust.
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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We see a lot of private trucks going into this area, is it open to the public?
No, but they use it and we will be installing a fence.
Where 700 Wood Street is fairly immediate, when will this happen?
We would be next.
What type of vehicles will be used.
In the larger garage, there would be big diesel trucks, in the smaller garage there would be i-ton
gas/propane vehicles. Some of the vehicles that are current along North fence at 700 Wood
would move into new storage area.
This site does not have a PUD and will still have to go through P&Z whole process before we
can move forward. The 700 Wood project does have an existing PUD and has gone through
P&Z.so what they're proposing is an administrative change. .
Can we have a meeting again before you start berm? We would like specifics..
We come to you with a concept because as an idea it's flexible and we can work with you, _so it's
hard to have specifics_ With specifics comes the design and at that point we're ready to build
and the flexibility is limited.
We may not have a meeting of this nature, but when we get into the design phase, we will put
specifics into the newsletter. And, we would be happy to attend one of your meetings.
At the Miliken site, we would like to see the berm and the larger building built at the same time.
We can do that.
The detention pond drainage line is not connected into river.
We'll have to check into that.
Wood Street Neighborhood Meeting 11/29/2001
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® ,0
It's because the trail was not fixed properly after the flood.
We'll get it fixed.
The Plan we brought you in 2000 for the Wood Street site was adding to the existing building at
835 Wood Street, and building a new building to the Southwest for the Administration Office. In
2001 we have changed the Plan somewhat. We have bought land to the West, but did not need
Claudia's property. We would have a screen of plants to help buffer noise for Claudia and the
other neighbors to West. We would only build the new Administration Office and not add to the
existing building at 835 Wood. In addition, we would still have to go through the P&Z process
What's the point of a driveway to Shields.
It addresses the concerns of the neighbors to get traffic off of Wood Street and Cherry Street.
This gives us one more outlet to the site.
There won't be that many people .at.the site. With the vote, our Plan is about 5-10 years out. To
give you some idea of the amount of people and traffic, for the entire site; in
1984 —14 people out 2000 — 4 people out
1989 — 8 people out 2001-13 people IN
1994 — 52 people out 2002 —18 people out
1999 — 2 people out 200x — 22 people IN
This reflects a net loss of people and traffic of 63.
Unless the driveway entails dramatic changes to Vine and Shields intersection, I don't know why
you need it.
Would you do a traffic study?
Putting the driveway through doesn't make sense and it would be an expensive proposition
encompassing Arthur's Ditch, fences, etc. — what's the need?
We don't know what improvements will be made. This is a vision and we would have to do a
traffic study.
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