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PREPARED FOR: Goodwin Knight PREPARED BY: Galloway & Company, Inc. 5265 Ronald Regan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, Colorado 80534 ORIGINAL PREPARATION: November 13, 2019 REVISED: July 1st, 2020 October 28th, 2020 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FIFTH FILING FORT COLLINS, COLORADO FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 2 of 18 I. CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 3 CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEER................................................................................................ 3 CERTIFICATION OF OWNER .................................................................................................... 3 II. GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 4 SITE LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 4 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ................................................................................................. 4 III. DRAINAGE BASINS AND SUB-BASINS ............................................................................................. 6 MAJOR BASIN DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 6 SUB-BASIN DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 6 IV. DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... 9 REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 9 DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA REFERENCE AND CONSTRAINTS ............................................... 9 HYDROLOGICAL CRITERIA .................................................................................................... 10 HYDRAULIC CRITERIA ............................................................................................................ 11 V. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 12 GENERAL CONCEPT............................................................................................................... 12 VI. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ....................................................................... 15 VII. FLOODPLAIN ................................................................................................................................. 16 VIII. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 17 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS .......................................................................................... 17 VARIANCES ............................................................................................................................. 17 IX. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 18 Appendices: A. Appendix A – Reference Material B. Appendix B – Hydrologic Calculations C. Appendix C – Hydraulic Calculations D. Appendix D – Supporting Documentation E. Appendix E – Supporting Documentation TABLE OF CONTENTS FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 3 of 18 I. CERTIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEER “I hereby certify that this report for the final drainage design of the Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing was prepared by me (or under my direct supervision) in accordance with the provisions of the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018) for the owners thereof.” To be signed and sealed at time of Final Drainage Report ______________________________________ Herman Feissner, P.E. Registered Professional Engineer State of Colorado No. 0038066 For and on behalf of Galloway & Company, Inc. CERTIFICATION OF OWNER “Goodwin Knight hereby certifies that the drainage facilities for Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing shall be constructed according to the design presented in this report. We understand that the City of Fort Collins does not and will not assume liability for drainage facilities designed and/or certified by our engineer. We also understand that the City of Fort Collins relies on the representation of others to establish that drainage facilities are designed and constructed in compliance with City of Fort Collins guidelines, standards or specifications. Review by the City of Fort Collins can therefore in no way limit or diminish any liability, which we or any other party may have with respect to the design or construction of such facilities.” ____________________________________ Goodwin Knight Attest: ___________________________________ Name of Responsible Party __________________________________ Notary Public __________________________________ Authorized Signature FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 4 of 18 II. GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE LOCATION The Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing (hereafter referred to as “the site” or “project site”) is a 34.81-acre project site located in the City of Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado. The project site is bound to the north by Triangle Drive; to the east by South College Avenue (US HWY 287); and to the south by undeveloped land. The west property boundary is adjacent to parkland and open space to the north and portions of Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing and Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing to the south. Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing is currently under construction. The project site is located on four separate parcels: - Parcel 1 is described as Tract A of the Shenandoah PUD Filing One; - Parcel 2 is described as a portion of the East ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 14, Township 6 North, Range 69 West of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Larimer County Colorado; - Parcel 3 is described as a portion of the East ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 14, Township 6 North, Range 68 West of the 6th Prime Meridian, in Larimer County Colorado; - Parcel 4 is described as a portion of the Tract C of the Shenandoah P.U.D. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY The 34.81-acre project site is currently undeveloped and consists of open fallow land. Vegetation on the project site consists of mostly invasive weeds and grasses. The project site currently drains from west to east at slopes ranging from 2% to 50%. The average slopes are between 5% and 10% and the steeper slopes up to 50% occur adjacent to the east property boundary at South College Avenue. Refer to sheets C1.0 and C1.1 – Existing Conditions & Demo Plan in Appendix E. There are several existing delineated natural areas and buffer zones present on the site, as defined by Section 3.4.1 of the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code. There are four wetland areas delineated on the project site – two at the northeast corner of the site, near the intersection of Triangle Drive and South College Avenue and two at the southwest corner of the site (i.e., developed basin WT3). A section of the North Loudon Ditch bisects the project site, which is also classified as a natural area. Proposed development that disturbs these areas and their buffer zones will require mitigation (i.e., developed basin WT2) as required by the Land Use Code. The Robert Benson Lake Inlet Swale (Inlet Swale) bisects the north quarter of the site and conveys off- site drainage (i.e., existing 42” RCP) from the neighborhood to the north of Triangle Drive (Shenandoah PUD Filing One, refer to Appendix D for Northern Engineering storm sewer plan and profile). Diverted flows owned by City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department and emergency overflow flows (i.e., ±2.0 cfs) from North Louden Ditch also are conveyed through the inlet swale. The Inlet Swale drains to an existing 48” RCP under College Avenue that outlets to Robert Benson Lake to the east. Undetained off-site drainage areas, immediately to the west of the project site, were delineated as part of the Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing (i.e., OS-4 (Tract N), 821, 917 and 918 per Nolte Associates). These off-site basins are currently being constructed as part of the Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing (Owen Consulting Group, Inc.). While the majority of the Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing basins will be captured and detained with the construction of the Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing, a small portion of runoff generated from the Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing development will flow undetained onto the project site (i.e., portions of basins N-7 and SB14). These off-site areas drain onto the project site and will be routed FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 5 of 18 through as part of the project development. A copy of the drainage maps from the Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing and Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing are included in Appendix E. Proposed improvements with the Fifth Filing project include the construction of multi-family, single-family attached and single-family detached residential units with associated roads, drives and utilities infrastructure. On-site detention of the project site will be divided amongst three separate constructed ponds that will release at 0.2 cfs/ac as mandated by the Fossil Creek Drainage Basin Master Plan. Stormwater quality And Low Impact Development (LID) features will be constructed to satisfy the City of Fort Collins Low Impact Development (LID) and Natural Areas mitigation requirements. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey, the project site consists of a mix of soil types and Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSGs)including: - Fort Collins Loam, HSG ‘C’, 41.9% of total project area - Heldt Clay Loam, HSGs ‘C’, 12.2% - Longmont Clay, HSGs ‘D’, 18.2% - Renohill Clay Loam, HSGs ‘D’, 1.0% - Santana Loam, HSGs ‘B’, 9.7% - Wiley Silt Loam, HSGs ‘B’, 17.0% The predominant on-site HSG is ‘C’. Group C soils are described as having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Refer to Appendix A, for the Web Soil Survey and soils information. A geotechnical report was prepared by CTL Thompson, Incorporated in August 2019 for the project site. The report included site-specific borings for the project site. Twelve exploratory borings were performed across the project site and discovered that subsurface conditions generally consisted of sandy clay over weathered and competent bedrock. Bedrock consisted primarily of sandy claystone. Groundwater was observed at depths of approximately 0.5’ to 23.5’ below the ground surface. Areas that experience shallow groundwater under the existing condition are located primarily at the south end of the site, at the location of the existing wetlands. The shallow groundwater present on the site contributes to the existing wetlands and should help reestablish wetlands within areas proposed as mitigation for those to be disturbed (i.e., developed basin WT2). Proposed site improvements, including the detention ponds, are determined to be above modeled groundwater levels as outlined in the geotechnical report. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 6 of 18 III. DRAINAGE BASINS AND SUB-BASINS MAJOR BASIN DESCRIPTION The project site is enveloped entirely within the Fossil Creek drainage basin, as delineated by the City of Fort Collins Drainage Basin Master Plan. The Drainage Basin Master Plan was approved by City Council in June of 2004 and describes the flooding history of the specified basins and offers guidance for new development within the basins. On-site detention is required to detain the 100-year developed storm event and release it at the 2-year historic release rate. In the Fossil Creek drainage basin, the 2-year historic release rate is 0.2 cfs/acre. The project site is shown on FEMA Map Number 08069C1200F. The floodplain map indicates the project exists within Zone X - Area of Minimal Flood Hazard and is, therefore, not impacted by an existing floodplain/floodway. Refer to Appendix A for a Firmette of the Flood Plain Hazard Map. SUB-BASIN DESCRIPTION The sub-basin development included herein is intentionally general with respect to the on-site developed drainage basins. More detail is provided in section IV. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN. Refer to Appendix E for sheets C12.0 and C12.1, Drainage Plan. Detailed information does follow for the off-site basins located west of the project site. OFF-SITE Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing and Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing Off-Site Basins: Several off-site basins exist along the west property boundary and were originally delineated with the Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing development and consist of portions of single-family residential lots, paved roadway associated with the Avondale Road extension to the east and undeveloped fallow land (i.e., basins OS-4, 821, 917 and 918). Under current conditions, runoff from these basins sheet flows directly onto the project site. Upon completion of the Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing, which is currently under construction, the Avondale Road extension and the majority of the developed areas will be captured and routed to existing Pond #2 constructed with Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing. A small portion of Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing along the west property boundary slopes sharply to the project site (i.e., portions of basins N-7 and SB14) and will not be captured and directed to the existing detention pond. These areas will remain undeveloped and will primarily consist of lawn and landscaped areas. The basins will be diverted at the property boundary via a system of swales and curb and gutter and directed into the Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing storm drain system. Shenandoah PUD Filing One Off-Site Basins: The basins consist of a developed neighborhood subdivision to the north of Triangle Drive. These basins were delineated with the Shenandoah PUD Filing One development and consist of portions of single-family residential lots, paved roadways, sidewalk, landscape and other hardscape. These basins are captured via a system of underground storm drain that discharges on the project site into the Inlet Swale. The existing 42” RCP underground storm drain from the Shenandoah PUD Filing One (refer to Appendix D for a copy of the approved storm drain plan and profile) will be re-routed through the project site where it will discharge into the Inlet Swale and eventually into the 48” RCP culvert under South College Avenue that discharges into Robert Benson Lake. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 7 of 18 Louden Irrigation Ditch: A portion of the Louden Irrigation Ditch bisects the existing project site. The ditch enters the site at the south property boundary, where it meanders across the property, generally from south to north. The ditch enters a culvert near the north property line at Triangle Drive where it passes under the street and resumes open-channel flow north of Triangle Drive. The Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing project requires the relocation of the ditch. The ditch will still enter the site at the south property boundary where it will continue in its current configuration to a point north and west of the large existing wetland at the southwest corner of the site. There, the ditch will be intercepted and conveyed via an underground pipe system to the north where it will connect to the Triangle Drive culvert and continue its current conveyance pattern. At one point, midway through the project site, the ditch will resume open channel flow as it crosses onto a neighboring property to the east. The ditch is then intercepted again within underground pipe system as it re-enters the site further north and continues toward Triangle Drive. ON-SITE A-Basins: These basins are compositionally similar and comprised of the north and east portion of the project site, east of Strasburg Drive, Strasburg Drive, and portions of Castle View Drive, west of Strasburg Drive. The composition of the development consists of the building roof areas from the multifamily buildings and clubhouse building, asphalt, curb and gutter, sidewalks, landscaping and outdoor amenity areas. These basins are intended to be captured via the on-site storm drain system and routed to Pond A at the northeast corner of the site, near the intersections of South College Avenue and Triangle Drive. The outlet flows from Pond A will be routed to the Inlet Swale and eventually into the existing 48” RCP storm drain that passes under South College Avenue and discharges into Robert Benson Lake. B-Basins: These basins are compositionally similar and are comprised of a portion of the proposed Castle View Drive right-of-way; a portion of the Field View Drive right-of-way, north of Avondale Road; a portion of the east right-of-way of the Avondale Road extension, north of Field View Drive; and a portion of the detached single-family buildings to the east of Pyramid Vista Way. The composition of development consists of paved roadways and sidewalks, paved parking areas, roof areas from detached single-family homes, landscaped areas and other hardscape. These basins are intended to be captured via the curb and gutter, overland flow and on-site storm drain system and routed to Pond B to the southwest of the intersection of Strasburg Drive and Castle View Drive. The outlet flows from Pond B will be routed to the Inlet Swale via a storm drain system and eventually into the existing 48” RCP storm drain that passes under College Avenue and discharges into Robert Benson Lake. C-Basins: These basins are compositionally similar and are comprised of the Avondale Road right-of- way extension, south of Field View Drive; the detached single-family buildings to the north and south of Field View Drive, east of Avondale Road; the proposed Maroon Vista Way, Pyramid Vista Way and Long Vista Way; and the attached single-family buildings along Longmont Street and Field View Drive. The composition of development consists of paved roadways and sidewalks, paved parking areas, roof areas from attached and detached single-family homes, landscaped areas and other hardscape. These basins are intended to be captured via the on-site storm drain system and routed to Pond C at the southwest corner of the site. The outlet flows from Pond C will be routed to the existing 24” RCP that runs parallel to the south property boundary and discharges into Stanton Creek on the east side of South College Avenue. D-Basins: These basins are not to be captured and conveyed offsite via the proposed on-site storm drain system. Basins D2 and D3 are largely comprised landscaped areas and sidewalk that runs parallel to South College Avenue. Due to the location of these basins directly adjacent to the South College Avenue FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 8 of 18 right-of-way, runoff generated in these basins cannot be captured via the on-site storm drain system and will runoff directly into College Avenue. Basin D4 consists of the Basin D4 consists of landscaped areas. Existing runoff in this basin flows north in a swale to an existing FES (DP 14 in Shenandoah PUD Filing One) and outfalls into POND 18 (Shenandoah PUD Filing One). The proposed condition, which reduced the tributary area (0.748 ac to 0.29 ac), should have a negligible impact on the existing detention pond. Due to the location of basin D5 directly adjacent to the Triangle Drive right-of-way, runoff generated in these basins cannot be captured via the on-site drainage system and will runoff directly into Triangle Drive. Basin D5 is similar in size and composition (i.e., vegetation) to the existing condition as well as the portion of basin 19 south of Triangle Drive that was delineated with Shenandoah PUD Filing One. Basin D6 is located along the south property boundary of the site and consists of the existing wetland area and vegetation. Runoff from this basin will sheet flow east along existing grades and off-site. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 9 of 18 IV. DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA REGULATIONS This final drainage design presented herein is prepared in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018). DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA REFERENCE AND CONSTRAINTS The project site is enveloped entirely within the Fossil Creek drainage basin, as delineated by the City of Fort Collins Drainage Basin Master Plan. The Drainage Basin Master Plan was approved by City Council in June of 2004 and describes the flooding history of the specified basins and offers guidance for new development within the basins. Several site-specific constraints helped develop the Low Impact Design Water Quality BMPs and detention pond design presented here. · The outfall for proposed Detention Pond A and Detention Pond B is the inlet swale at the northeast corner of the site that drains to a 48” RCP culvert under South College Avenue. · The outfall for the proposed Detention Pond C is a 24” RCP storm sewer that runs parallel to the south property boundary. This storm sewer passes under South College Avenue where it discharges into Stanton Creek on the west side of South College Avenue. The 24” RCP was designed and constructed with the Ridgewood Hills P.U.D. 3rd Filing. · The project site currently drains from west to east at slopes ranging from 2% to 50%. The steeper slopes up to 50% occur adjacent to the east property boundary at South College Avenue; however, slopes as steep as 30% exist at several locations throughout the project site. · The property has direct frontage along South College Avenue to the east and Triangle Drive to the north. · The existing soils are unsuitable for infiltrating stormwater runoff and generally consist of clayey sand/sandy lean clay and/or lean clay with sand subsoils. Due to the project site being encumbered by these constraints, we developed a strategy for implementing “The Four-Step Process” for stormwater quality management to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Each step is listed below along with a brief narrative describing the implementation strategy. Step 1 – Employ Runoff Reduction Practices To the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) the proposed development plan will Minimize Directly Connected Impervious Areas (MDCIA) by directing roof runoff in the B- and C-basins to lot line grass- lined and landscaped swales before draining to the adjacent curb and gutter. All developed runoff from the A-, B- and C-basins will be routed through on-site detention ponds Pond A, Pond B and Pond C, respectively. The detention ponds will restrict the flowrate of stormwater leaving the site and reduce the impact on downstream drainage areas. Step 2 – Implement BMPs that provide a Water Quality Capture Volume The proposed design allows for ±90% of the project’s newly added impervious area to be routed through an approved LID water quality treatment Best Management Practice (BMP). - In the A-basins, ±39% of the total newly added impervious area will be routed through an ADS StormTech chamber system; - In the C-basins, ±51% of the total newly added impervious area will be routed through a Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 10 of 18 The developed runoff from the - basins, which will not be routed through an LID BMP, will be treated for water quality in an Extended Detention Basin (EDB) in Pond B before it is piped directly into the Inlet Swale that flows into the 48” RCP culvert under South College Avenue. Step 3 – Stabilize Drainageways The existing Louden Ditch is to be removed and replaced with an underground pipe system. The Robert Benson Lake Inlet Swale will be preserved to the greatest extent possible. Tributary areas to the Inlet Swale will be piped across the project site. Earthen swales and embankments will be stabilized with vegetation. Retaining Walls are proposed along the east side of the project site to allow for the proposed grading to tie-into the existing grades. Step 4 – Implement site specific and other source control BMPs An erosion and sediment control plan and Stormwater Management Plan will be implemented to prevent erosion and control sediment on the project site and downstream drainageways during and after construction. HYDROLOGICAL CRITERIA For urban catchments that are not complex and generally 160 acres or less in size, it is acceptable to estimate the design storm runoff with the rational method. The rational method is often used when only the peak flow rate or total volume of runoff is needed (e.g., inlet sizing, storm sewer sizing or simple detention basin sizing). The Rational Method is based on the Rational Formula: Q = CiA where: Q = Peak rate of runoff, cfs C = Runoff coefficient, dimensionless i = Average intensity for a duration equal to the time of concentration, in/hr A = area, acres The runoff coefficient, C, for each basin is a weighted average of the runoff coefficient associated with each surface type (e.g., asphalt/concrete = 0.95). Refer to Appendix A and Table 3.2-2 which lists the runoff coefficient associated with common surface types and Table 3.2-3 which lists the Frequency Adjustment Factors (Cf) that were used to adjust the runoff coefficients for lower probability storm events. The one-hour rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency tables for use with the Rational Method of runoff analysis are provided in Table 3.4.1 (refer to Appendix B). The 2-year and 100-year storm events serve as the basis for the drainage system design. The 2-year storm is considered the minor storm event. It has a fifty percent probability of exceedance during any given year. The 100-year storm is considered the major storm event. It has a one percent probability of exceedance in any given year. The 2-year drainage system, at a minimum, must be designed to transport runoff from the 2-year recurrence interval storm event with minimal disruption to the environment. The 100-year drainage system, as a minimum, must be designed to convey runoff from the 100-year recurrence interval flood to minimize life hazards and health, damage to structures, and interruption to traffic and services. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 11 of 18 HYDRAULIC CRITERIA STREET CAPACITY ANALYSIS The street encroachment standards presented Table 2.1-1 were used to establish minor storm event street capacity, and the street encroachment standards in Table 2.1-2 were used to establish major storm event street capacity. The minor storm event street capacities were estimated with the Modified Manning Equation and Excel. The major storm event street capacities were estimated using Bentley FlowMaster. Refer to Appendix C for the street capacity calculations. The No. 16 Combination inlet and Type ‘R’ curb inlet capacity was estimated with the current Excel-based version of UD-Inlet_v4.05.xlsm (UDFCD). The Nyloplast inlets were sized with capacity charts provided by Nyloplast. In most basins, we selected an inlet grate that provided 2x Q100 capacity at the maximum allowable ponding depth. The storm drain system hydraulic analysis was completed using Bentley StormCAD V8i. This software routes flows based on the longest upstream Time of Concentration (tc) at each junction. Given the controlling tc, StormCAD V8i calculates the flow at the junction with the corresponding intensity (e.g., i2 and i100) and aggregate CA. Riprap sizing calculations will be provided in a follow-up submittal. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 12 of 18 V. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN GENERAL CONCEPT This Final Drainage Report presents the design of a system for collecting and conveying developed runoff from the proposed Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing project site into the on-site stormwater quality BMPs and detention ponds. Developed runoff generally consists of flows generated from roof areas, paved roads/drives and parking areas, landscaped areas and hardscape. The developed runoff for each basin begins as overland flow at numerous locations throughout the project site. The runoff then flows via a stormwater conveyance system consisting of swales, curb and gutter and underground storm drain pipes into water quality BMPs and detention ponds. SPECIFIC DETAILS A-Basins These basins comprise approximately 8.89 developed acres tributary to Pond A. The developed runoff from these basins is captured via a system of swales, curb and gutter, storm drain system A and routed into the underground ADS StormTech chamber system which follows a modified design procedure to meet City of Fort Collins LID design criteria. Runoff treated in the ADS StormTech chamber system outfalls into Pond A. The ADS StormTech chamber system tributary area from the A-Basins is 7.98 acres. The StormTech chamber system is manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS). When a modified sizing calculation is used, this system is an allowed method by the City of Fort Collins for the Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management technique requirements. The ADS StormTech system utilizes underground chambers and aggregate with a void ratio of ±40% to hold the Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV). The system is designed to infiltrate the WQCV through a filtering fabric on the floor of the chambers over 40-hours, removing contaminants. An underdrain system captures the filtered runoff and conveys it to Pond A. The WQCV was determined using the City of Fort Collins Modified FAA Method for the 2-year return period. The system is designed to internally bypass the estimated 100-year inflow of ±55.7 cfs. Refer to Appendix C for the ADS StormTech system sizing calculations and preliminary design details. In general, the on-site detention ponds were sized using the City of Fort Collins Modified FAA Method for the 100-year storm event. The allowable release rate for projects within the Fossil Creek drainage basin is 0.2 cfs/acre of tributary area. The allowable release rate for Pond A is 1.8 cfs. The estimated volume of 84951 cu. ft. provides the required detention volume for the 100-year storm event. Calculations for the sizing of the Detention Pond A are included in Appendix C. The detention pond will discharge via an outlet structure that conveys discharge from the pond directly into the Robert Benson Lake Inlet Swale and eventually to the 48” RCP culvert under South College Avenue. RBS-Basin Shenandoah PUD Filing One releases ±129.2 cfs to the Robert Benson Lake Inlet Swale, which then flows underneath U.S. 287 in an existing 48” RCP. The approved Shenandoah PUD Filing One Final Drainage Report estimated the maximum capacity of this pipe at ±228.5 cfs. Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing will contribute additional flow totaling ±2.6 cfs to the existing swale, 1.8 cfs from Pond A and 0.8 cfs from Pond B. The North Louden Ditch contributes ±2.0 cfs. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 13 of 18 B-Basins These basins comprise approximately 3.82 developed acres tributary to Pond B. The developed runoff from these basins is captured via a system of swales, curb and gutter, storm drain system B and routed to Pond B. The allowable release rate for Pond B is 0.8 cfs. The estimated volume of 25876 cu. ft. provides the required detention volume for the 100-year storm event. In addition to detention volume for the 100-year return period, the detention is designed as an Extended Detention Basin (EDB) to capture the required WQCV of 2526 cu. ft. for the B-Basins. The total volume provided in Pond B is 28402 cu. ft. Calculations for sizing Pond B are included in Appendix C. The detention pond will discharge via an outlet structure that is connected to a storm drain system that conveys discharge from the pond directly into the Robert Benson Lake Inlet Swale and eventually to the 48” RCP culvert under South College Avenue. C-Basins These basins comprise approximately 14.44 tributary acres to Pond C. The developed runoff from these basins is captured via a system of swales, curb and gutter, storm drain system C and routed through the above ground Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area to Pond C. The developed runoff treated in the Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area will infiltrate through the filter media into an underdrain system that outfalls into basin WT2, a proposed wetland mitigation area. Developed runoff from the C-basins will drain into the Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area which the Mile High Flood District (MHFD) defines as “an engineered, depressed landscape area designed to capture and filter or infiltrate the water quality capture volume (WQCV). BMPs that utilize bioretention are frequently referred to as Rain Gardens (RGs) or porous landscape detention areas (PLDs).” During storm events producing excess runoff exceeding the WQCV, the Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area is designed to fill to the design volume and spill excess runoff into Pond C. The incoming runoff will spill through a weir designed to pass the 100-year incoming flows at a flow depth of ±6”. The downstream face of the spillway will be protected with a Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM). The spillway and downstream protection are designed to pass ±76.8 cfs, the peak 100-year developed runoff entering the Rain Garden (RG)/bioretention area. The allowable release rate for Pond C is 2.9 cfs. The estimated volume of 120769 cu. ft. provides the required detention volume for the 100-year storm event. Calculations for sizing Pond C are included in Appendix C. Pond C will discharge via an outlet structure that is connected to a storm drain system that conveys discharge from the pond directly into the 24” storm drain that runs parallel to the south property boundary and was constructed with the Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing. The existing outfall pipe drains east underneath South College Avenue and south of Carpenter Road. The alignment outfalls approx. 1515 l.f. east of U.S. 287 and into a swale tributary to Stanton Creek. The existing outfall is 24” dia. increasing to 30” east of U.S. 287. Refer to Appendix D for as-built drawings of the existing outfall. Avondale Road Improvements An extension of Avondale Road is proposed with the Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing. The road will be dedicated as public right-of-way and will connect the northwest corner of the proposed development to the southeast corner of the site. The roadway will connect to an extension of Avondale Road to the project’s west property line that is currently under construction with the Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing. A series of curb inlets in Avondale should be constructed within Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing to maximally FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 14 of 18 intercept runoff before it continues southeast down the portion of Avondale Drive proposed with this project. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 15 of 18 VI. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES A General Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Construction Activities issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Water Quality Control Division (WQCD), will be acquired for the project site. Prior to any earth disturbing activity a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) will be prepared to identity the Control Measures which, when implemented, will meet the requirements of said General Permit. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 16 of 18 VII. FLOODPLAIN According to FEMA FIRM Map Numbers 08069C1200F - effective date: 12/19/2006, the project site resides in Zone X – Area of Minimal Flood Hazard. Refer to Appendix A, pages A-X and A-X for the FIRM Map and Firmette. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 17 of 18 VIII. CONCLUSIONS COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS The design presented in this Final Drainage Report for Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing has been prepared in accordance with the design standards and guidelines presented in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. VARIANCES No variance(s) requested at this time. FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT – Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing October 28th, 2020 Galloway & Company, Inc. Page 18 of 18 IX. REFERENCES 1. Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018) 2. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Drainage Criteria Manual Volumes 1 and 2, prepared by Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, originally published March 1969 and updated August 2018, and the Volume 3, prepared by Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, originally published September 1992 and updated April 2018. 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Appendix A – Reference Material Vicinity Map USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey FEMA Firmette Table 3.2-2. Surface Type – Runoff Coefficients Table 3.2-3. Frequency Adjustment Factors Figure 3.4.1 Rainfall IDF Curve – Fort Collins SCALE: NTS VICINITY MAP S. COLLEGE AVE W. TRILBY RD SITE CARPENTER RD TRIANGLE DRIVE AVONDALE ROAD STRASBURG DRIVE Hydrologic Soil Group—Larimer County Area, Colorado (Ridgewood Hills - Fifth Filing) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/6/2019 Page 1 of 4 4481000 4481100 4481200 4481300 4481400 4481500 4481600 4481700 4481800 4481000 4481100 4481200 4481300 4481400 4481500 4481600 4481700 4481800 493000 493100 493200 493300 493400 493500 493000 493100 493200 493300 493400 493500 40° 29' 14'' N 105° 5' 1'' W 40° 29' 14'' N 105° 4' 33'' W 40° 28' 46'' N 105° 5' 1'' W 40° 28' 46'' N 105° 4' 33'' W N Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 13N WGS84 0 200 400 800 1200 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Meters Map Scale: 1:4,250 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 37 Fort Collins loam, 5 to 9 percent slopes C 15.8 41.9% 49 Heldt clay loam, 3 to 6 percent slopes C 4.6 12.2% 63 Longmont clay, 0 to 3 percent slopes D 6.9 18.2% 90 Renohill clay loam, 3 to 9 percent slopes D 0.4 1.0% 96 Satanta loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes B 3.7 9.7% 108 Thedalund loam, 3 to 9 percent slopes C 0.0 0.0% 119 Wiley silt loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes B 6.4 17.0% Totals for Area of Interest 37.7 100.0% Hydrologic Soil Group—Larimer County Area, Colorado Ridgewood Hills - Fifth Filing Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/6/2019 Page 3 of 4 Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Hydrologic Soil Group—Larimer County Area, Colorado Ridgewood Hills - Fifth Filing Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/6/2019 Page 4 of 4 01820/69C1200F19/2006 Not Printed AREA OF MINIMAL Zone FLOOD X HAZARD T6N R69W S14 T6N R69W S13 T6N R69W S23 T6N R69W S24 CITY OF 080102 FORT COLLINS LARIMER 080101 COUNTY USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery. Data refreshed April, 2019. National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet Ü 105°5'1.75"W 40°29'12.38"N 105°4'24.30"W 40°28'45.01"N SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT HAZARD SPECIAL FLOOD AREAS Without Zone A, V, Base A99 Flood Elevation (BFE) With BFE or Depth Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Regulatory Floodway 0.of 2% 1% Annual annual Chance chance Flood flood with Hazard, average Areas depth areasdrainage of less less than than one one foot square or with mile Zone X Future ChanceAnnual Conditions Flood Hazard 1% Zone X Area Levee.to with See Reduced Notes. Flood Risk due Zone X Area with Flood Risk due to LeveeZone D NO SCREEN Area of Minimal Flood Hazard Zone X Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard Zone D Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer Levee, Dike, or Floodwall Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance 17.5 Water Surface Elevation Coastal Transect Coastal Transect Baseline Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) Effective LOMRs Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary Digital Data Available No Digital Data Available Unmapped This digital map flood complies maps if with it is FEMA's not void standards as described for the below. use of The accuracy basemap standards shown complies with FEMA's basemap The authoritative flood hazard NFHL information web services is derived provided directly by FEMA. from This the map was reflectnot exported changes on or 11/amendments 6/2019 at 11:subsequent 19:16 AM to and this does date and time. becomeor The superseded NFHL and effective by new data information over time. may change This elementsmap map image do not is appear: void if basemap the one or imagery, more of flood the following zone labels, legend, FIRM panel scale number, bar, map and creation FIRM effective date, community date. Map identifiers,images for unmapped regulatoryfor purposes. and unmodernized areas cannot be used Legend OTHER FLOOD AREAS HAZARD OF OTHER AREAS STRGUECNTUERREASL FEATURES OTHER MAP PANELS 8 FORT COLLINS STORMWATER CRITERIA MANUAL Hydrology Standards (Ch. 5) 3.0 Rational Method 3.2 Runoff Coefficients Page 5 Table 3.2-2. Surface Type - Runoff Coefficients Surface Type Runoff Coefficients Hardscape or Hard Surface Asphalt, Concrete 0.95 Rooftop 0.95 Recycled Asphalt 0.80 Gravel 0.50 Pavers 0.50 Landscape or Pervious Surface Lawns, Sandy Soil, Flat Slope < 2% 0.10 Lawns, Sandy Soil, Avg Slope 2-7% 0.15 Lawns, Sandy Soil, Steep Slope >7% 0.20 Lawns, Clayey Soil, Flat Slope < 2% 0.20 Lawns, Clayey Soil, Avg Slope 2-7% 0.25 Lawns, Clayey Soil, Steep Slope >7% 0.35 3.2.1 Composite Runoff Coefficients Drainage sub-basins are frequently composed of land that has multiple surface types or zoning classifications. In such cases a composite runoff coefficient must be calculated for any given drainage sub-basin. The composite runoff coefficient is obtained using the following formula: ( ) t n i i i A C xA C ∑ = = 1 Equation 5-2 Where: C = Composite Runoff Coefficient Ci = Runoff Coefficient for Specific Area (Ai), dimensionless Ai = Area of Surface with Runoff Coefficient of Ci, acres or square feet n = Number of different surfaces to be considered At = Total Area over which C is applicable, acres or square feet 3.2.2 Runoff Coefficient Frequency Adjustment Factor The runoff coefficients provided in Table 3.2-1 and Table 3.2-2 are appropriate for use with the 2-year storm event. For any analysis of storms with higher intensities, an adjustment of the runoff coefficient is required due to the lessening amount of infiltration, depression retention, evapotranspiration and other losses that have a proportionally smaller effect on high-intensity storm runoff. This adjustment is FORT COLLINS STORMWATER CRITERIA MANUAL Hydrology Standards (Ch. 5) 3.0 Rational Method 3.3 Time of Concentration Page 6 applied to the composite runoff coefficient. These frequency adjustment factors, Cf, are found in Table 3.2-3. Table 3.2-3. Frequency Adjustment Factors Storm Return Period (years) Frequency Adjustment Factor (Cf) 2, 5, 10 1.00 25 1.10 50 1.20 100 1.25 3.3 Time of Concentration 3.3.1 Overall Equation The next step to approximate runoff using the Rational Method is to estimate the Time of Concentration, Tc, or the time for water to flow from the most remote part of the drainage sub-basin to the design point under consideration. The Time of Concentration is represented by the following equation: 𝐓𝐓𝐜𝐜 = 𝐓𝐓𝐢𝐢 + 𝐓𝐓𝐭𝐭 Equation 5-3 Where: Tc = Total Time of Concentration, minutes Ti = Initial or Overland Flow Time of Concentration, minutes Tt = Channelized Flow in Swale, Gutter or Pipe, minutes 3.3.2 Overland Flow Time Overland flow, Ti, can be determined by the following equation: 𝐓𝐓𝐢𝐢 = 𝟏𝟏.𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖(𝟏𝟏.𝟏𝟏−𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐂𝐟𝐟)√𝐒𝐒 √𝐋𝐋 𝟑𝟑 Equation 3.3-2 Where: C = Runoff Coefficient, dimensionless Cf = Frequency Adjustment Factor, dimensionless L = Length of Overland Flow, feet S = Slope, percent CXCF PRODUCT OF CXCF CANNOT EXCEED THE VALUE OF 1 OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH L=200’ MAX IN DEVELOPED AREAS L=500’ MAX IN UNDEVELOPED AREAS FORT COLLINS STORMWATER CRITERIA MANUAL Hydrology Standards (Ch. 5) 3.0 Rational Method 3.4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Rational Method Page 7 3.3.3 Channelized Flow Time Travel time in a swale, gutter or storm pipe is considered “channelized” or “concentrated” flow and can be estimated using the Manning’s Equation: 𝐕𝐕 = 𝟏𝟏.𝐧𝐧 𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒 𝐑𝐑𝟐𝟐/𝟑𝟑𝐒𝐒𝟏𝟏/𝟐𝟐 Equation 5-4 Where: V = Velocity, feet/second n = Roughness Coefficient, dimensionless R = Hydraulic Radius, feet (Hydraulic Radius = area / wetted perimeter, feet) S = Longitudinal Slope, feet/feet And: 𝐓𝐓𝐭𝐭 = 𝐕𝐕𝐂𝐂𝐕𝐕𝐕𝐕 𝐋𝐋 Equation 5-5 3.3.4 Total Time of Concentration A minimum Tc of 5 minutes is required. The maximum Tc allowed for the most upstream design point shall be calculated using the following equation: 𝐓𝐓𝐜𝐜 = 𝟏𝟏𝟖𝟖𝐕𝐕 𝐋𝐋 + 𝟏𝟏𝐕𝐕 Equation 3.3-5 The Total Time of Concentration, Tc, is the lesser of the values of Tc calculated using Tc = Ti + Tt or the equation listed above. 3.4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Rational Method The two-hour rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves for use with the Rational Method is provided in Table 3.4-1 and Figure 3.4-1. TC • A MINIMUM TC OF 5 MINUTES IS REQUIRED IN ALL CASES. • A MAXIMUM TC OF 5 MINUTES IS TYPICAL FOR SMALLER, URBAN PROJECTS. FORT COLLINS STORMWATER CRITERIA MANUAL Hydrology Standards (Ch. 5) 3.0 Rational Method 3.4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Rational Method Page 9 Figure 3.4-1. Rainfall IDF Curve – Fort Collins FORT COLLINS STORMWATER CRITERIA MANUAL Hydrology Standards (Ch. 5) 3.0 Rational Method 3.4 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Rational Method Page 8 Table 3.4-1. IDF Table for Rational Method Duration (min) Intensity 2-year (in/hr) Intensity 10-year (in/hr) Intensity 100-year (in/hr) Duration (min) Intensity 2-year (in/hr) Intensity 10-year (in/hr) Intensity 100-year (in/hr) 5 2.85 4.87 9.95 39 1.09 1.86 3.8 6 2.67 4.56 9.31 40 1.07 1.83 3.74 7 2.52 4.31 8.80 41 1.05 1.80 3.68 8 2.40 4.10 8.38 42 1.04 1.77 3.62 9 2.30 3.93 8.03 43 1.02 1.74 3.56 10 2.21 3.78 7.72 44 1.01 1.72 3.51 11 2.13 3.63 7.42 45 0.99 1.69 3.46 12 2.05 3.50 7.16 46 0.98 1.67 3.41 13 1.98 3.39 6.92 47 0.96 1.64 3.36 14 1.92 3.29 6.71 48 0.95 1.62 3.31 15 1.87 3.19 6.52 49 0.94 1.6 3.27 16 1.81 3.08 6.30 50 0.92 1.58 3.23 17 1.75 2.99 6.10 51 0.91 1.56 3.18 18 1.70 2.90 5.92 52 0.9 1.54 3.14 19 1.65 2.82 5.75 53 0.89 1.52 3.10 20 1.61 2.74 5.60 54 0.88 1.50 3.07 21 1.56 2.67 5.46 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Appendix B – Hydrologic Calculations Rational Method Calculations Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Location: CO, Fort Collins Project No.: Calculated By: HHF Checked By: HHF INPUT User Input Date: 10/27/20 OUTPUT Calculated Value Single-Family Alley-Loaded SF Duplex/AttachedMulti-Family 95% 5% 100% A1 0.59 95 0.46 74 20 0.10 3 95 0.03 5 0.82 A2 0.99 95 0.78 75 20 0.13 3 95 0.08 8 0.85 A3 0.98 95 0.42 41 20 0.56 11 95 0.00 0 0.52 A4 0.44 95 0.23 50 20 0.21 9 95 0.00 0 0.60 A3 & A4 1.42 95 0.65 43 20 0.77 11 95 0.00 0 0.54 A5 0.33 95 0.21 60 20 0.12 7 95 0.00 0 0.68 A6 0.43 95 0.33 72 20 0.10 5 95 0.00 0 0.77 A5 & A6 0.76 95 0.54 67 20 0.23 6 95 0.00 0 0.73 A7 0.23 95 0.07 28 20 0.16 14 95 0.00 0 0.42 A8 0.16 95 0.13 78 20 0.03 4 95 0.00 0 0.82 A9 0.26 95 0.22 81 20 0.04 3 95 0.00 0 0.84 A10 0.18 95 0.13 67 20 0.05 6 95 0.00 0 0.73 A11 0.16 95 0.14 81 20 0.02 3 95 0.00 0 0.84 A12 0.28 95 0.23 76 20 0.03 2 95 0.03 9 0.87 A13 0.64 95 0.38 56 20 0.26 8 95 0.00 0 0.64 A14 0.34 95 0.13 37 20 0.13 8 95 0.08 23 0.67 A15 0.20 95 0.14 66 20 0.06 6 95 0.00 0 0.72 A16 0.32 95 0.28 83 20 0.03 2 95 0.01 3 0.89 PND A 0.91 95 0.01 1 20 0.89 20 95 0.01 2 0.22 7.45 RBS 0.85 95 0.00 0 20 0.85 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 0.85 B1 0.27 95 0.02 6 20 0.22 16 95 0.03 11 0.33 B2 1.78 95 0.68 36 20 0.89 10 95 0.21 11 0.57 B3 0.69 95 0.44 61 20 0.25 7 95 0.00 0 0.68 PND B 1.08 95 0.05 4 20 0.94 17 95 0.10 8 0.30 3.82 C1 0.30 95 0.00 1 20 0.24 16 95 0.07 20 0.37 C2 0.13 95 0.00 2 20 0.12 18 95 0.01 8 0.28 C3 2.25 95 0.78 33 20 1.01 9 95 0.46 20 0.61 C4 0.72 95 0.35 47 20 0.21 6 95 0.16 21 0.74 C5 0.22 95 0.10 43 20 0.07 7 95 0.05 21 0.70 C6a 0.25 95 0.11 42 20 0.06 5 95 0.08 32 0.78 C6b 0.99 95 0.47 45 20 0.29 6 95 0.24 23 0.73 C6a & C6b 1.25 95 0.58 44 20 0.34 6 95 0.33 25 0.74 C7 0.41 95 0.07 16 20 0.22 11 95 0.12 29 0.55 C8 0.42 95 0.09 21 20 0.27 13 95 0.05 12 0.46 C9 0.60 95 0.29 46 20 0.17 6 95 0.14 23 0.74 C10 0.46 95 0.30 64 20 0.08 4 95 0.07 14 0.81 C11 0.19 95 0.11 56 20 0.03 3 95 0.05 24 0.84 C12 0.41 95 0.08 18 20 0.22 11 95 0.11 27 0.55 C13 0.34 95 0.19 54 20 0.09 5 95 0.06 17 0.76 C14 1.07 95 0.58 51 20 0.33 6 95 0.16 14 0.72 C15 0.46 95 0.33 68 20 0.11 5 95 0.03 5 0.78 C13, C14 & C15 1.88 95 1.10 56 20 0.53 6 95 0.25 13 0.74 C16 1.60 95 0.87 51 20 0.46 6 95 0.27 16 0.73 C17 0.13 95 0.08 60 20 0.04 7 95 0.00 3 0.70 C18 1.03 95 0.52 48 20 0.44 8 95 0.08 7 0.63 RG C 0.86 95 0.04 4 20 0.79 18 95 0.04 4 0.27 PND C 1.58 95 0.00 0 20 1.58 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 14.44 RF1 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF2 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Location: CO, Fort Collins Project No.: Calculated By: HHF Checked By: HHF Date: 10/27/20 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BASIN D.A. Hydrologic C2 C5 C100 L Calculated S Ti | 2-Year Ti | 100-Year L Calculated S Cv VEL. Tt COMP. Tc | 2-Year COMP. Tc | 100-Year TOTAL Urbanized Tc Tc | 2-Year Tc | 100-Year ID (AC) Soils Group Cf=1.00 Cf=1.00 Cf=1.25 (FT) Slope, % (%) (MIN) (MIN) (FT) Slope, % (%) (FPS) (MIN) (MIN) (MIN) LENGTH(FT) (MIN) (MIN) (MIN) A1 0.59 C 0.82 0.82 1.00 73 2.57 0.00 3.2 1.2 221 1.64 0.00 20 2.6 1.4 4.7 2.6 294 11.6 5.0 5.0 A2 0.99 C 0.85 0.85 1.00 59 2.04 0.00 2.8 1.1 355 1.19 0.00 20 2.2 2.7 5.5 3.9 414 12.3 5.5 5.0 A3 0.98 C 0.52 0.52 0.65 92 8.59 0.00 5.1 3.9 227 1.15 0.00 20 2.1 1.8 6.9 5.7 319 11.8 6.9 5.7 A4 0.44 C 0.60 0.60 0.74 35 10.46 0.00 2.6 1.8 306 2.92 0.00 20 3.4 1.5 4.1 3.3 341 11.9 5.0 5.0 A3 & A4 1.42 C 0.54 0.54 0.68 5.1 3.9 1.8 6.9 5.7 0 10.0 6.9 5.7 A5 0.33 C 0.68 0.68 0.85 10 30.68 0.00 0.8 0.5 305 0.49 0.00 20 1.4 3.6 4.5 4.1 315 11.8 5.0 5.0 A6 0.43 C 0.77 0.77 0.96 18 4.45 2.00 2.1 0.9 465 2.45 0.00 20 3.1 2.5 4.6 3.4 484 12.7 5.0 5.0 A5 & A6 0.76 C 0.73 0.73 0.91 2.1 0.9 2.5 4.6 3.4 0 10.0 5.0 5.0 A7 0.23 C 0.42 0.42 0.52 22 5.83 0.00 3.3 2.8 171 2.12 0.00 15 2.2 1.3 4.6 4.1 192 11.1 5.0 5.0 A8 0.16 C 0.82 0.82 1.00 76 3.79 0.00 2.9 1.0 0 0.00 0.00 20 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.0 76 10.4 5.0 5.0 A9 0.26 C 0.84 0.84 1.00 76 4.32 0.00 2.6 1.0 110 2.17 0.00 20 2.9 0.6 3.3 1.6 187 11.0 5.0 5.0 A10 0.18 C 0.73 0.73 0.91 53 1.91 0.00 4.1 2.0 60 0.60 0.00 20 1.5 0.6 4.7 2.7 114 10.6 5.0 5.0 A11 0.16 C 0.84 0.84 1.00 111 4.80 0.00 3.0 1.2 0 0.00 0.00 20 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.2 111 10.6 5.0 5.0 A12 0.28 C 0.87 0.87 1.00 94 3.44 0.00 2.8 1.2 85 2.19 0.00 20 3.0 0.5 3.3 1.7 179 11.0 5.0 5.0 A13 0.64 C 0.64 0.64 0.81 56 4.08 0.00 4.0 2.6 213 2.74 0.00 20 3.3 1.1 5.1 3.7 269 11.5 5.1 5.0 A14 0.34 C 0.67 0.67 0.84 38 15.53 0.00 2.0 1.2 0 0.00 0.00 20 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.2 38 10.2 5.0 5.0 A15 0.20 C 0.72 0.72 0.91 88 5.10 0.00 3.8 2.0 14 0.52 0.00 20 1.4 0.2 4.0 2.1 101 10.6 5.0 5.0 A16 0.32 C 0.89 0.89 1.00 119 3.55 0.00 2.9 1.3 87 0.51 0.00 20 1.4 1.0 3.9 2.4 205 11.1 5.0 5.0 PND A 0.91 C 0.22 0.22 0.27 76 19.23 0.00 5.4 5.0 191 1.09 0.00 15 1.6 2.0 7.4 7.1 268 11.5 7.4 7.1 RBS 0.85 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 32 23.16 0.00 3.3 3.1 275 4.73 0.00 15 3.3 1.4 4.7 4.6 307 11.7 5.0 5.0 B1 0.27 C 0.33 0.33 0.42 88 3.58 0.00 8.8 7.8 14 0.22 0.00 15 0.7 0.3 9.1 8.1 101 10.6 9.1 8.1 B2 1.78 C 0.57 0.57 0.72 116 5.60 0.00 6.0 4.3 288 3.84 0.00 20 3.9 1.2 7.2 5.6 405 12.2 7.2 5.6 B3 0.69 C 0.68 0.68 0.85 21 4.60 2.00 2.9 1.7 689 3.85 0.00 20 3.9 2.9 5.8 4.6 710 13.9 5.8 5.0 PND B 1.08 C 0.30 0.30 0.38 133 8.01 0.00 8.6 7.8 234 3.65 0.00 20 3.8 1.0 9.6 8.8 367 12.0 9.6 8.8 C1 0.30 C 0.37 0.37 0.46 61 7.11 0.00 5.5 4.8 106 1.81 0.00 15 2.0 0.9 6.4 5.7 167 10.9 6.4 5.7 C2 0.13 C 0.28 0.28 0.35 66 5.55 0.00 7.1 6.5 120 4.15 0.00 20 4.1 0.5 7.6 7.0 186 11.0 7.6 7.0 C3 2.25 C 0.61 0.61 0.77 82 10.37 0.00 3.8 2.6 609 2.10 0.00 20 2.9 3.5 7.3 6.1 691 13.8 7.3 6.1 C4 0.72 C 0.74 0.74 0.92 100 6.31 0.00 3.7 1.8 249 1.81 0.00 20 2.7 1.5 5.2 3.4 349 11.9 5.2 5.0 C5 0.22 C 0.70 0.70 0.88 72 3.85 0.00 4.0 2.2 91 4.92 0.00 20 4.4 0.3 4.4 2.6 163 10.9 5.0 5.0 C6a 0.25 C 0.78 0.78 0.98 45 2.56 0.00 2.9 1.1 59 0.51 0.00 20 1.4 0.7 3.6 1.8 104 10.6 5.0 5.0 C6b 0.99 C 0.73 0.73 0.92 216 4.07 0.00 6.3 3.2 127 3.00 0.00 15 2.6 0.8 7.1 4.0 343 11.9 7.1 5.0 C6a & C6b 1.25 C 0.74 0.74 0.93 6.3 3.2 0.8 7.1 4.0 0 10.0 7.1 5.0 C7 0.41 C 0.55 0.55 0.69 42 6.01 0.00 3.7 2.7 121 3.21 0.00 15 2.7 0.7 4.4 3.5 163 10.9 5.0 5.0 C8 0.42 C 0.46 0.46 0.57 108 2.50 0.00 9.2 7.6 84 1.34 0.00 15 1.7 0.8 10.0 8.4 192 11.1 10.0 8.4 C9 0.60 C 0.74 0.74 0.93 15 13.39 0.00 1.1 0.5 563 3.58 0.00 20 3.8 2.5 3.6 3.0 579 13.2 5.0 5.0 C10 0.46 C 0.81 0.81 1.00 31 3.16 0.00 2.0 0.7 380 3.60 0.00 20 3.8 1.7 3.7 2.4 411 12.3 5.0 5.0 C11 0.19 C 0.84 0.84 1.00 60 4.41 0.00 2.3 0.9 192 3.48 0.00 20 3.7 0.9 3.2 1.7 252 11.4 5.0 5.0 C12 0.41 C 0.55 0.55 0.69 15 10.59 0.00 1.8 1.3 389 3.71 0.00 15 2.9 2.2 4.0 3.6 404 12.2 5.0 5.0 C13 0.34 C 0.76 0.76 0.95 32 4.33 0.00 2.2 1.0 192 2.21 0.00 20 3.0 1.1 3.3 2.1 225 11.2 5.0 5.0 C14 1.07 C 0.72 0.72 0.90 104 5.52 0.00 4.1 2.2 563 2.95 0.00 20 3.4 2.7 6.9 4.9 667 13.7 6.9 5.0 C15 0.46 C 0.78 0.78 0.97 30 3.75 0.00 2.1 0.9 573 2.72 0.00 20 3.3 2.9 5.0 3.8 603 13.4 5.0 5.0 C13, C14 & C15 1.88 C 0.74 0.74 0.92 4.1 2.2 2.7 6.9 4.9 0 10.0 6.9 5.0 C16 1.60 C 0.73 0.73 0.92 28 10.30 0.00 1.7 0.8 941 2.68 0.00 20 3.3 4.8 6.5 5.6 969 15.4 6.5 5.6 C17 0.13 C 0.70 0.70 0.88 40 3.25 0.00 3.2 1.8 89 1.03 0.00 20 2.0 0.7 3.9 2.5 129 10.7 5.0 5.0 C18 1.03 C 0.63 0.63 0.79 101 5.14 0.00 5.1 3.4 616 2.93 0.00 20 3.4 3.0 8.1 6.4 717 14.0 8.1 6.4 RG C 0.86 C 0.27 0.27 0.33 84 13.79 0.00 6.0 5.5 1 0.00 0.00 20 0.0 0.0 6.0 5.5 85 10.5 6.0 5.5 PND C 1.58 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 70 9.30 0.00 6.7 6.3 268 4.44 0.00 20 4.2 1.1 7.8 7.4 339 11.9 7.8 7.4 12.64 RF1 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 STANDARD FORM SF-2 TIME OF CONCENTRATION SUB-BASIN Tc CHECK Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Location: CO, Fort Collins Project No.: Calculated By: HHF Checked By: HHF Date: 10/27/20 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BASIN D.A. Hydrologic C2 C5 C100 L Calculated S Ti | 2-Year Ti | 100-Year L Calculated S Cv VEL. Tt COMP. Tc | 2-Year COMP. Tc | 100-Year TOTAL Urbanized Tc Tc | 2-Year Tc | 100-Year ID (AC) Soils Group Cf=1.00 Cf=1.00 Cf=1.25 (FT) Slope, % (%) (MIN) (MIN) (FT) Slope, % (%) (FPS) (MIN) (MIN) (MIN) LENGTH(FT) (MIN) (MIN) (MIN) STANDARD FORM SF-2 TIME OF CONCENTRATION SUB-BASIN Tc CHECK GNK10.20 INITIAL/OVERLAND FINAL (Ti) TRAVEL TIME DATA (Tt) (URBANIZED BASINS) RF2 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF3 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF4 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF5 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF6 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF7 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF8 0.16 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF9 0.08 C 0.95 0.95 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 RF10 0.08 C 0.94 0.94 1.00 1 10 0.00 0.1 0.1 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 D1 0.10 C 0.65 0.65 0.82 6 2.48 0.00 1.5 0.9 88 6.02 0.00 15 3.7 0.4 1.9 1.3 94 10.5 5.0 5.0 D2 0.74 C 0.33 0.33 0.42 48 9.63 0.00 4.7 4.1 1 25.00 0.00 15 7.5 0.0 4.7 4.1 49 10.3 5.0 5.0 D3 0.21 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 50 7.31 0.00 6.1 5.8 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 6.1 5.8 51 10.3 6.1 5.8 D4 0.29 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 50 10.51 0.00 5.5 5.2 147 4.06 0.00 15 3.0 0.8 6.3 6.0 198 11.1 6.3 6.0 D5 0.42 C 0.23 0.23 0.28 53 16.28 0.00 4.7 4.4 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 4.7 4.4 54 10.3 5.0 5.0 D6 0.93 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 107 3.66 0.00 11.3 10.7 213 3.76 0.00 15 2.9 1.2 12.5 11.9 320 11.8 11.8 11.8 WT1 0.17 C 0.41 0.41 0.52 1 10 0.00 0.6 0.5 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.6 0.5 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 WT2 2.21 C 0.25 0.25 0.31 1 10 0.00 0.7 0.7 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 WT3 1.70 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 1 10 0.00 0.8 0.7 1 25.00 0.00 20 10.0 0.0 0.8 0.7 2 10.0 5.0 5.0 OS1 0.90 C 0.21 0.21 0.27 238 n/a 4.00 16.1 15.1 1 25.00 0.00 7 3.5 0.0 16.1 15.1 239 11.3 11.3 11.3 OS2 0.69 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 260 n/a 4.00 17.1 16.1 1 25.00 0.00 7 3.5 0.0 17.1 16.1 261 11.4 11.4 11.4 OS3 1.69 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 308 n/a 4.00 18.6 17.6 1 25.00 0.00 7 3.5 0.0 18.6 17.6 309 11.7 11.7 11.7 OS4 0.38 C 0.20 0.20 0.25 212 n/a 4.00 15.5 14.6 1 25.00 0.00 7 3.5 0.0 15.5 14.6 213 11.2 11.2 11.2 NOTES: Ti = (1.87*(1.1 - CCf)*(L)^0.5)/((S)^0.33), S in % Cv Tt=L/60V 2.5 Velocity V=Cv*S^0.5, S in ft/ft 5 Tc Check = 10+L/180 7 For urbanized basins a minimum Tc of 5.0 minutes is required. 10 For non-urbanized basins a minimum Tc of 10.0 minutes is required 15 Paved Areas and Shallow Paved Swales 20 Nearly Bare Ground Grassed Waterway Type of Land Surface Heavy Meadow Tillage/Field Short Pasture and Lawns Page 2 of 2 10/27/2020 Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project No.: GNK10.20 Location: CO, Fort Collins Calculated By: HHF Design Storm: Checked By: HHF Date: TRAVEL TIME STREET Design Point Basin ID Area (Ac) Runoff Coeff. | C 2 Tc | 2-Year (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Tc (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Slope (%) Street Flow (cfs) Design Flow (cfs) Slope (%) Pipe Size (inches) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) Tt (min) NOTES (Inlets are in a SUMP unless noted ) A1 A1 0.59 0.82 5.0 0.48 2.85 1.4 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP A1 A2 A2 0.99 0.85 5.5 0.84 2.78 2.3 Drains to 2-No. 16 Valley inlets (i.e., Neenah R-3362-L) at DP A2 A3 A3 0.98 0.52 6.9 0.51 2.61 1.3 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A3/A4 A4 A4 0.44 0.60 5.0 0.26 2.85 0.8 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A3/A4 A4 A3 & A4 1.42 0.54 6.9 0.77 2.61 2.0 0 A5 A5 0.33 0.68 5.0 0.23 2.85 0.6 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A5/A6 A6 A6 0.43 0.77 5.0 0.33 2.85 0.9 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A5/A6 A6 A5 & A6 0.76 0.73 5.0 0.56 2.85 1.6 0 A7 A7 0.23 0.42 5.0 0.10 2.85 0.3 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP A7 A8 A8 0.16 0.82 5.0 0.13 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A8 A9 A9 0.26 0.84 5.0 0.22 2.85 0.6 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP A9 A10 A10 0.18 0.73 5.0 0.13 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A10 A11 A11 0.16 0.84 5.0 0.14 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A11 A12 A12 0.28 0.87 5.0 0.25 2.85 0.7 Drains to 2-No. 16 Valley inlets (i.e., Neenah R-3362-L) at DP A12 A13 A13 0.64 0.64 5.1 0.41 2.84 1.2 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP A13 A14 A14 0.34 0.67 5.0 0.22 2.85 0.6 Future pool and clubhouse area | 3-Nyloplast Drain Basins w/ 15" Dome Grates A15 A15 0.20 0.72 5.0 0.14 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A15 A16 A16 0.32 0.89 5.0 0.29 2.85 0.8 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A16 A17 PND A 0.91 0.22 7.4 0.20 2.54 0.5 Drains to outlet structure in Pond A RBS RBS 0.85 0.20 5.0 0.17 2.85 0.5 Existing Robert Benson Reservoir Inlet Swale B1 B1 0.27 0.33 9.1 0.09 2.33 0.2 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP B1 B2 B2 1.78 0.57 7.2 1.02 2.57 2.6 Drains to 6-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP B2 B3 B3 0.69 0.68 5.8 0.47 2.75 1.3 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP B3 B4 PND B 1.08 0.30 9.6 0.33 2.26 0.7 Drains to WQ outlet structure in Pond B C1 C1 0.30 0.37 6.4 0.11 2.67 0.3 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/18" Dome Grate at DP C1 C2 C2 0.13 0.28 7.6 0.04 2.52 0.1 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP C2 C3 C3 2.25 0.61 7.3 1.38 2.56 3.5 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C3 C4 C4 0.72 0.74 5.2 0.53 2.82 1.5 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C4 C5 C5 0.22 0.70 5.0 0.16 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C5 C6a C6a 0.25 0.78 5.0 0.20 2.85 0.6 Drains to 2' wide SW chase at DP C6a C6b C6b 0.99 0.73 7.1 0.73 2.58 1.9 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C5 Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project No.: GNK10.20 Location: CO, Fort Collins Calculated By: HHF Design Storm: Checked By: HHF Date: TRAVEL TIME STREET Design Point Basin ID Area (Ac) Runoff Coeff. | C 2 Tc | 2-Year (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Tc (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Slope (%) Street Flow (cfs) Design Flow (cfs) Slope (%) Pipe Size (inches) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) Tt (min) NOTES (Inlets are in a SUMP unless noted ) DIRECT RUNOFF TOTAL RUNOFF STREET PIPE STANDARD FORM SF-3 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN (RATIONAL METHOD PROCEDURE) 2-Year 10/27/20 C18 C18 1.03 0.63 8.1 0.66 2.46 1.6 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C18 C19 RG C 0.86 0.27 6.0 0.23 2.72 0.6 Rain Garden C20 PND C 1.58 0.20 7.8 0.32 2.50 0.8 Drains to outlet structure in Pond C RF1 RF1 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF2 RF2 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF3 RF3 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF4 RF4 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF5 RF5 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF6 RF6 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF7 RF7 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF8 RF8 0.16 0.95 5.0 0.15 2.85 0.4 Direct connection to SDA RF9 RF9 0.08 0.95 5.0 0.08 2.85 0.2 Direct connection to SDA RF10 RF10 0.08 0.94 5.0 0.07 2.85 0.2 Direct connection to SDA D1 D1 0.10 0.65 5.0 0.06 2.85 0.2 Developed basin drains to existing Louden Ditch D2 D2 0.74 0.33 5.0 0.25 2.85 0.7 Developed basin consisting of landscaping and proposed SW drains to US287 D3 D3 0.21 0.20 6.1 0.04 2.71 0.1 Developed basin consisting of landscaping drains to US287 D4 D4 0.29 0.20 6.3 0.06 2.69 0.2 Developed basin consisting landscaping drains to existing culvert under Triangle Drive D5 D5 0.42 0.23 5.0 0.09 2.85 0.3 Developed basin consisting of landscaping drains to Triangle Drive D6 D6 0.93 0.20 11.8 0.19 2.09 0.4 Basin will reman undeveloped and drain along historic drainage paths WT1 WT1 0.17 0.41 5.0 0.07 2.85 0.2 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/xx" Dome Grate at DP WT1 WT2 WT2 2.21 0.25 5.0 0.55 2.85 1.6 largely existying basin w/mitigated wetlands at DP WT2 WT3 WT3 1.70 0.20 5.0 0.34 2.85 1.0 Existing wetlands area OS1 OS1 0.90 0.21 11.3 0.19 2.12 0.4 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin A4 OS2 OS2 0.69 0.20 11.4 0.14 2.11 0.3 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin A3 OS3 OS3 1.69 0.20 11.7 0.34 2.09 0.7 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin B2 STANDARD FORM SF-3 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN (RATIONAL METHOD PROCEDURE) Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project No.: GNK10.20 Location: CO, Fort Collins Calculated By: HHF Design Storm: Checked By: HHF Date: TRAVEL TIME STREET Design Point Basin ID Area (Ac) Runoff Coeff. | C 100 Tc | 100-Year (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Tc (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Slope (%) Street Flow (cfs) Design Flow (cfs) Slope (%) Pipe Size (inches) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) Tt (min) NOTES (Inlets are in a SUMP unless noted ) A1 A1 0.59 1.00 5.0 0.59 9.95 5.8 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP A1 A2 A2 0.99 1.00 5.0 0.99 9.95 9.9 Drains to 2-No. 16 Valley inlets (i.e., Neenah R-3362-L) at DP A2 A3 A3 0.98 0.65 5.7 0.64 9.63 6.1 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A3/A4 A4 A4 0.44 0.74 5.0 0.33 9.95 3.3 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A3/A4 A4 A3 & A4 1.42 0.68 5.7 0.97 9.63 9.3 A5 A5 0.33 0.85 5.0 0.28 9.95 2.8 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A5/A6 A6 A6 0.43 0.96 5.0 0.41 9.95 4.1 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs A5/A6 A6 A5 & A6 0.76 0.91 5.0 0.70 9.95 6.9 A7 A7 0.23 0.52 5.0 0.12 9.95 1.2 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP A7 A8 A8 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A8 A9 A9 0.26 1.00 5.0 0.26 9.95 2.6 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP A9 A10 A10 0.18 0.91 5.0 0.17 9.95 1.7 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A10 A11 A11 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A11 A12 A12 0.28 1.00 5.0 0.28 9.95 2.8 Drains to 2-No. 16 Valley inlets (i.e., Neenah R-3362-L) at DP A12 A13 A13 0.64 0.81 5.0 0.52 9.95 5.1 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP A13 A14 A14 0.34 0.84 5.0 0.28 9.95 2.8 Future pool and clubhouse area | 3-Nyloplast Drain Basins w/ 15" Dome Grates A15 A15 0.20 0.91 5.0 0.18 9.95 1.8 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A15 A16 A16 0.32 1.00 5.0 0.32 9.95 3.2 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP A16 A17 PND A 0.91 0.27 7.1 0.25 9.02 2.2 Drains to outlet structure in Pond A RBS RBS 0.85 0.25 5.0 0.21 9.95 2.1 Existing Robert Benson Reservoir Inlet Swale B1 B1 0.27 0.42 8.1 0.11 8.55 1.0 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP B1 B2 B2 1.78 0.72 5.6 1.28 9.70 12.4 Drains to 6-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP B2 B3 B3 0.69 0.85 5.0 0.59 9.95 5.9 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets (ON-GRADE) at DP B3 B4 PND B 1.08 0.38 8.8 0.41 8.24 3.4 Drains to WQ outlet structure in Pond B C1 C1 0.30 0.46 5.7 0.14 9.63 1.4 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/18" Dome Grate at DP C1 C2 C2 0.13 0.35 7.0 0.05 9.08 0.4 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP C2 C3 C3 2.25 0.77 6.1 1.73 9.46 16.4 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C3 C4 C4 0.72 0.92 5.0 0.66 9.95 6.6 Drains to 2-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C4 STANDARD FORM SF-3 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN (RATIONAL METHOD PROCEDURE) Project Name: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Subdivision: Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing Project No.: GNK10.20 Location: CO, Fort Collins Calculated By: HHF Design Storm: Checked By: HHF Date: TRAVEL TIME STREET Design Point Basin ID Area (Ac) Runoff Coeff. | C 100 Tc | 100-Year (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Tc (min) C*A (Ac) I (in/hr) Q (cfs) Slope (%) Street Flow (cfs) Design Flow (cfs) Slope (%) Pipe Size (inches) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) Tt (min) NOTES (Inlets are in a SUMP unless noted ) PIPE 100-Year DIRECT RUNOFF TOTAL RUNOFF STREET 10/27/20 C17 C17 0.13 0.88 5.0 0.12 9.95 1.2 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C17 C18 C18 1.03 0.79 6.4 0.82 9.35 7.7 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C18 C19 RG C 0.86 0.33 5.5 0.29 9.73 2.8 Rain Garden C20 PND C 1.58 0.25 7.4 0.40 8.88 3.5 Drains to outlet structure in Pond C RF1 RF1 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF2 RF2 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF3 RF3 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF4 RF4 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF5 RF5 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF6 RF6 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF7 RF7 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF8 RF8 0.16 1.00 5.0 0.16 9.95 1.6 Direct connection to SDA RF9 RF9 0.08 1.00 5.0 0.08 9.95 0.8 Direct connection to SDA RF10 RF10 0.08 1.00 5.0 0.08 9.95 0.8 Direct connection to SDA D1 D1 0.10 0.82 5.0 0.08 9.95 0.8 Developed basin drains to existing Louden Ditch D2 D2 0.74 0.42 5.0 0.31 9.95 3.1 Developed basin consisting of landscaping and proposed SW drains to US287 D3 D3 0.21 0.25 5.8 0.05 9.60 0.5 Developed basin consisting of landscaping drains to US287 D4 D4 0.29 0.25 6.0 0.07 9.52 0.7 Developed basin consisting landscaping drains to existing culvert under Triangle Drive D5 D5 0.42 0.28 5.0 0.12 9.95 1.2 Developed basin consisting of landscaping drains to Triangle Drive D6 D6 0.93 0.25 11.8 0.23 7.29 1.7 Basin will reman undeveloped and drain along historic drainage paths WT1 WT1 0.17 0.52 5.0 0.09 9.95 0.9 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/xx" Dome Grate at DP WT1 WT2 WT2 2.21 0.31 5.0 0.68 9.95 6.8 largely existying basin w/mitigated wetlands at DP WT2 WT3 WT3 1.70 0.25 5.0 0.43 9.95 4.2 Existing wetlands area OS1 OS1 0.90 0.27 11.3 0.24 7.40 1.8 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin A4 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Appendix C – Hydraulic Calculations Curb Inlet and Street Capacity Calculations Nyloplast Inlet Grate Calculations 2’ Wide Curb Cut Capacity Calculations Storm Drain Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) Calculations LID and EDB Sizing Calculations Detention Pond Sizing Calcualtions 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Curb Inlet and Street Capacity Calculations Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.025 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.0 6.0 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 7.50 7.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.39 1.39 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 8.89 8.89 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.226 0.226 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 15.4 15.4 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 13.4 13.4 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.368 0.368 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 2 2 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.50 1.50 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.38 0.38 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.6 6.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 4.1 4.1 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.2 11.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 7.0 7.0 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 7.8 7.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.8 4.8 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 4.1 4.1 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.08 0.08 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.84 8.40 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.84 5.84 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.331 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.0 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.0 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.204 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 4 4 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.84 6.50 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.88 1.88 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.24 0.24 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 8.1 10.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 6.2 8.1 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.1 23.3 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 16.9 17.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 12.1 14.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 9.2 10.8 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 6.2 8.1 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.25 1.25 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.05 0.05 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.84 8.40 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.84 5.84 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.331 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.0 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.0 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.204 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 2 2 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.84 6.50 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.50 1.50 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.38 0.38 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.2 8.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.9 5.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.1 11.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 6.9 7.3 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 7.5 8.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.7 5.4 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 3.9 5.0 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.08 0.08 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.045 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 4.80 4.80 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 13.50 13.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.91 0.91 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 14.41 14.41 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.209 0.209 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 7.2 7.2 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 5.2 5.2 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.633 0.633 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 4.80 4.80 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 3.5 3.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.8 1.8 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.0 5.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.5 2.5 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 3.8 3.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.9 1.9 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 1.8 1.8 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.035 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 4.80 4.80 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 10.50 10.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.15 1.15 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 11.65 11.65 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.215 0.215 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 8.7 8.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 6.7 6.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.573 0.573 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 2 2 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 4.80 4.80 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.50 1.50 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.38 0.38 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 3.9 3.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 2.4 2.4 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 10.1 10.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 6.3 6.3 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 3.5 3.5 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.4 2.4 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.08 0.08 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 6.00 6.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.51 1.51 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 7.51 7.51 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.235 0.235 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.7 18.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.7 16.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.318 0.318 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.0 6.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.0 3.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.6 2.6 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.6 2.6 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.050 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 4.80 4.80 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 15.00 15.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.79 0.79 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 15.79 15.79 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.207 0.207 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 6.7 6.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 4.7 4.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.657 0.657 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 4.80 4.80 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 3.5 3.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.8 1.8 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.0 5.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.5 2.5 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 3.8 3.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.9 1.9 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 1.8 1.8 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.030 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.0235 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Allow Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) check = yes Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 9.00 9.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.27 1.27 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 10.27 10.27 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.219 0.219 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 66.5 66.5 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 18.7 18.7 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = 85.2 85.2 cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 12.1 12.1 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 10.3 10.3 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 13.1 13.1 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 11.1 11.1 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.411 0.411 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 9.6 9.6 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a') aLOCAL = 3.0 3.0 inches Total Number of Units in the Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Length of a Single Unit Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Lo = 10.00 10.00 ft Width of a Unit Grate (cannot be greater than W, Gutter Width) Wo = N/A N/A ft Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Grate (typical min. value = 0.5) Cf -G = N/A N/A Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Curb Opening (typical min. value = 0.1) Cf -C = 0.10 0.10 Street Hydraulics: OK - Q < Allowable Street Capacity' MINOR MAJOR Design Discharge for Half of Street (from Sheet Inlet Management ) Qo = 1.2 5.1 cfs Water Spread Width T = 3.8 8.1 ft Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) d = 2.7 4.2 inches Water Depth at Street Crown (or at TMAX) d CROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Ratio of Gutter Flow to Design Flow Eo = 0.937 0.626 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx Q x = 0.1 1.9 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W Qw = 1.1 3.2 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb Face QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Flow Area within the Gutter Section W AW = 0.28 0.53 sq ft Velocity within the Gutter Section W VW = 4.1 6.0 fps Water Depth for Design Condition dLOCAL = 5.7 7.2 inches Grate Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Total Length of Inlet Grate Opening L = N/A N/A ft Ratio of Grate Flow to Design Flow Eo-GRATE = N/A N/A Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = N/A N/A fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = N/A N/A Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = N/A N/A Interception Capacity Qi = N/A N/A cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateCoef = N/A N/A Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateClog = N/A N/A Effective (unclogged) Length of Multiple-unit Grate Inlet Le = N/A N/A ft Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = N/A N/A fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = N/A N/A Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = N/A N/A Actual Interception Capacity Qa = N/A N/A cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qo-Q a (to be applied to curb opening or next d/s inlet) Qb Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.0375 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 11.25 11.25 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.09 1.09 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 12.34 12.34 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.213 0.213 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 10.9 10.9 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 8.9 8.9 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.466 0.466 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.0 6.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.0 3.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.6 2.6 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.6 2.6 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.032 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 9.60 9.60 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.22 1.22 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 10.82 10.82 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.217 0.217 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 12.4 12.4 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 10.4 10.4 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.427 0.427 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.0 6.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.0 3.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.6 2.6 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.6 2.6 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.0355 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 8.40 inches Allow Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) check = yes Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * Sx * 12)) a = 1.51 1.51 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.83 5.83 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.330 0.330 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX QX = 15.8 15.8 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - QX) QW = 7.8 7.8 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = 23.6 23.6 cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 9.7 9.7 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 4.7 4.7 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.7 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.7 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.318 0.203 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH QX TH = 17.7 61.9 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) QX = 17.7 56.5 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - QX) QW = 8.2 15.8 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 2.9 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 25.9 75.2 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 9.9 12.8 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 4.9 9.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = 0.65 0.53 Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = 16.9 39.6 cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = 5.29 6.83 inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = 0.00 1.00 inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Spread Criterion Qallow = 16.9 23.6 cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Minor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Major storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP B2 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP B2 10/26/2020, 12:26 PM Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a') aLOCAL = 2.0 2.0 inches Total Number of Units in the Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 6 6 Length of a Single Unit Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Lo = 3.00 3.00 ft Width of a Unit Grate (cannot be greater than W, Gutter Width) Wo = 1.73 1.73 ft Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Grate (typical min. value = 0.5) Cf-G = 0.50 0.50 Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Curb Opening (typical min. value = 0.1) Cf-C = 0.10 0.10 Street Hydraulics: OK - Q < Allowable Street Capacity' MINOR MAJOR Design Discharge for Half of Street (from Sheet Inlet Management ) Qo = 2.6 12.4 cfs Water Spread Width T = 6.7 13.9 ft Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) d = 3.1 4.8 inches Water Depth at Street Crown (or at TMAX) dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Ratio of Gutter Flow to Design Flow Eo = 0.777 0.429 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx Qx = 0.6 7.1 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W Qw = 2.0 5.3 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb Face QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Flow Area within the Gutter Section W AW = 0.35 0.64 sq ft Velocity within the Gutter Section W VW = 5.7 8.3 fps Water Depth for Design Condition dLOCAL = 5.1 6.8 inches Grate Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Total Length of Inlet Grate Opening L = 18.00 18.00 ft Ratio of Grate Flow to Design Flow Eo-GRATE = 0.730 0.392 Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = 8.19 8.19 fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = 1.00 1.00 Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = 0.87 0.80 Interception Capacity Qi = 2.5 10.9 cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateCoef = 1.97 1.97 Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateClog = 0.16 0.16 Effective (unclogged) Length of Multiple-unit Grate Inlet Le = 15.05 15.05 ft Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = 5.73 5.73 fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = 1.00 0.97 Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = 0.81 0.73 Actual Interception Capacity Qa = 2.5 10.2 cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qo-Qa (to be applied to curb opening or next d/s inlet) Qb = 0.1 2.2 cfs Curb or Slotted Inlet Opening Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Equivalent Slope Se (based on grate carry-over) Se = 0.134 0.083 ft/ft Required Length LT to Have 100% Interception LT = 1.87 9.92 ft Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Effective Length of Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet (minimum of L, LT) L = 1.87 9.92 ft Interception Capacity Qi = 0.5 2.0 cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient CurbCoef = 1.31 1.31 Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet CurbClog = 0.04 0.04 Effective (Unclogged) Length Le = 17.61 17.61 ft Actual Interception Capacity Qa = 0.4 1.8 cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qb(GRATE)-Qa Qb = 0.0 0.4 cfs Summary MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity Q = 2.9 12.0 cfs Total Inlet Carry-Over Flow (flow bypassing inlet) Qb = 0.0 0.4 cfs Capture Percentage = Qa/Qo = C% = 100 97 % INLET ON A CONTINUOUS GRADE Version 4.06 Released August 2018 Denver No. 16 Combination Denver No. 16 Combination GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP B2 10/26/2020, 12:26 PM Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.0355 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.0 8.40 inches Allow Flow Depth at Street Crown (leave blank for no) check = yes Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.51 1.51 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.83 5.83 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.330 0.330 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 15.8 15.8 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 7.8 7.8 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = 23.6 23.6 cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 9.7 9.7 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 4.7 4.7 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.7 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.7 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.318 0.203 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 17.7 61.9 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a') aLOCAL = 2.0 2.0 inches Total Number of Units in the Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 5 5 Length of a Single Unit Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Lo = 3.00 3.00 ft Width of a Unit Grate (cannot be greater than W, Gutter Width) Wo = 1.73 1.73 ft Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Grate (typical min. value = 0.5) Cf-G = 0.50 0.50 Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Curb Opening (typical min. value = 0.1) Cf-C = 0.10 0.10 Street Hydraulics: OK - Q < Allowable Street Capacity' MINOR MAJOR Design Discharge for Half of Street (from Sheet Inlet Management ) Qo = 1.3 5.9 cfs Water Spread Width T = 4.2 10.0 ft Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) d = 2.5 3.9 inches Water Depth at Street Crown (or at TMAX) d CROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Ratio of Gutter Flow to Design Flow Eo = 0.940 0.577 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section Tx Q x = 0.1 2.5 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W Qw = 1.2 3.4 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb Face QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Flow Area within the Gutter Section W AW = 0.25 0.49 sq ft Velocity within the Gutter Section W VW = 4.8 7.0 fps Water Depth for Design Condition dLOCAL = 4.5 5.9 inches Grate Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Total Length of Inlet Grate Opening L = 15.00 15.00 ft Ratio of Grate Flow to Design Flow Eo-GRATE = 0.898 0.533 Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = 5.70 5.70 fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = 1.00 1.00 Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = 0.83 0.77 Interception Capacity Qi = 1.3 5.3 cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateCoef = 1.94 1.94 Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Grate Inlet GrateClog = 0.19 0.19 Effective (unclogged) Length of Multiple-unit Grate Inlet Le = 12.09 12.09 ft Minimum Velocity Where Grate Splash-Over Begins Vo = 4.34 4.34 fps Interception Rate of Frontal Flow Rf = 1.00 0.92 Interception Rate of Side Flow Rx = 0.75 0.68 Actual Interception Capacity Qa = 1.3 4.8 cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qo-Q a (to be applied to curb opening or next d/s inlet) Qb = 0.0 1.1 cfs Curb or Slotted Inlet Opening Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Equivalent Slope Se (based on grate carry-over) S e = 0.157 0.104 ft/ft Required Length LT to Have 100% Interception L T = 0.87 6.35 ft Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Effective Length of Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet (minimum of L, LT) L = 0.87 6.35 ft Interception Capacity Qi = 0.2 1.0 cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient CurbCoef = 1.31 1.31 Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet CurbClog = 0.04 0.04 Effective (Unclogged) Length Le = 14.61 14.61 ft Actual Interception Capacity Qa = 0.2 0.9 cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qb(GRATE)-Q a Qb = 0.0 0.3 cfs Summary MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity Q = 1.5 5.6 cfs Total Inlet Carry-Over Flow (flow bypassing inlet) Qb = 0.0 0.3 cfs Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 5.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.055 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 7.50 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 11.88 11.88 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.67 0.67 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 12.55 12.55 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.279 0.279 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 8.1 10.3 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 6.1 8.3 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.562 0.459 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 4 4 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 7.50 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.88 1.88 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.24 0.24 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 8.7 15.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 6.7 11.5 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.4 24.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 17.1 19.1 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 12.6 17.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 9.6 13.3 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 6.7 11.5 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.25 1.25 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.05 0.05 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 4.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.055 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.75 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 16.50 16.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.67 0.67 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 17.17 17.17 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.205 0.205 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 8.1 9.2 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 6.1 7.2 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.562 0.505 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 2 2 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.75 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.50 1.50 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.38 0.38 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.6 8.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 4.1 5.5 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.2 11.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 7.0 7.4 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 7.8 9.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.8 5.8 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 4.1 5.5 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.08 0.08 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 20.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.025 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 20.00 20.00 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 4.80 4.80 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 6.00 6.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.39 1.39 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 7.39 7.39 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 18.0 18.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.283 0.283 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 11.4 11.4 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 9.4 9.4 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.489 0.489 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 4.80 4.80 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 3.5 3.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.8 1.8 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.0 5.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.5 2.5 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 3.8 3.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.9 1.9 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 1.8 1.8 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 6.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.035 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 7.32 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 10.50 10.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.15 1.15 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 11.65 11.65 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.215 0.215 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 11.5 14.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 9.5 12.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.449 0.360 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 3 3 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 7.25 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.75 1.75 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.29 0.29 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 7.0 11.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 5.0 7.9 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 16.8 18.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 11.9 13.0 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 9.8 12.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 6.9 9.1 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 5.0 7.9 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.06 0.06 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 20.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.033 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 15.0 15.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 5.94 5.94 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.20 1.20 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 7.14 7.14 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 13.0 13.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.356 0.356 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 12.1 12.1 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 10.1 10.1 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.435 0.435 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 3.00 3.00 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.75 1.75 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.29 0.29 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 7.0 7.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 5.0 5.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 16.8 16.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 11.9 11.9 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 9.8 9.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 6.9 6.9 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 5.0 5.0 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.06 0.06 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.048 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.04 5.04 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 14.40 14.40 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.84 0.84 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 15.24 15.24 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.208 0.208 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 7.3 7.3 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 5.3 5.3 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.620 0.620 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 3 3 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.04 5.04 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.75 1.75 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.29 0.29 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 4.6 4.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.2 3.2 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 15.5 15.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 11.0 11.0 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 7.6 7.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 5.4 5.4 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 3.2 3.2 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.06 0.06 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.044 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.16 5.16 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 9.50 9.50 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 0.94 0.94 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 10.44 10.44 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.287 0.287 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 8.0 8.0 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 6.0 6.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.586 0.586 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.2 5.2 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 4.2 4.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 2.1 2.1 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.6 2.6 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 4.2 4.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.1 2.1 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.1 2.1 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.84 8.40 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.84 5.84 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.331 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.0 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.0 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.204 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 5 5 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.84 7.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.94 1.94 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.19 0.19 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 9.7 15.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 7.8 12.2 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 27.6 30.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 22.3 24.3 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 14.7 19.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 11.9 15.5 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 7.8 12.2 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.31 1.31 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.04 0.04 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 10.5 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = 0.020 ft/ft Warning 01 Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = 0.025 Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 18.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 18.0 18.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 5.84 8.40 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 4.32 4.32 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 5.84 5.84 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 16.0 16.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.331 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.0 28.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.0 26.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.331 0.204 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 4 4 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 5.84 7.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.88 1.88 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.24 0.24 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 8.1 12.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 6.2 9.7 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.1 24.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 16.9 18.5 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 12.1 15.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 9.2 12.0 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 6.2 9.7 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.25 1.25 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.05 0.05 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 6.00 6.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 7.52 7.52 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.235 0.235 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.7 18.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.7 16.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.319 0.319 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.0 6.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.0 3.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.6 2.6 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.6 2.6 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi Project: Inlet ID: Gutter Geometry (Enter data in the blue cells) Maximum Allowable Width for Spread Behind Curb TBACK = 0.0 ft Side Slope Behind Curb (leave blank for no conveyance credit behind curb) SBACK = ft/ft Manning's Roughness Behind Curb (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nBACK = Height of Curb at Gutter Flow Line HCURB = 6.00 inches Distance from Curb Face to Street Crown TCROWN = 25.0 ft Gutter Width W = 2.00 ft Street Transverse Slope SX = 0.020 ft/ft Gutter Cross Slope (typically 2 inches over 24 inches or 0.083 ft/ft) SW = 0.083 ft/ft Street Longitudinal Slope - Enter 0 for sump condition SO = 0.000 ft/ft Manning's Roughness for Street Section (typically between 0.012 and 0.020) nSTREET = 0.016 Minor Storm Major Storm Max. Allowable Spread for Minor & Major Storm TMAX = 25.0 25.0 ft Max. Allowable Depth at Gutter Flowline for Minor & Major Storm dMAX = 6.00 6.00 inches Check boxes are not applicable in SUMP conditions Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based On Allowable Spread Minor Storm Major Storm Water Depth without Gutter Depression (Eq. ST-2) y = 6.00 6.00 inches Vertical Depth between Gutter Lip and Gutter Flowline (usually 2") dC = 2.0 2.0 inches Gutter Depression (dC - (W * S x * 12)) a = 1.52 1.52 inches Water Depth at Gutter Flowline d = 7.52 7.52 inches Allowable Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX = 23.0 23.0 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.235 0.235 Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX Q X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (QT - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Maximum Flow Based On Allowable Spread QT = SUMP SUMP cfs Flow Velocity within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Maximum Capacity for 1/2 Street based on Allowable Depth Minor Storm Major Storm Theoretical Water Spread TTH = 18.7 18.7 ft Theoretical Spread for Discharge outside the Gutter Section W (T - W) TX TH = 16.7 16.7 ft Gutter Flow to Design Flow Ratio by FHWA HEC-22 method (Eq. ST-7) EO = 0.319 0.319 Theoretical Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, carried in Section TX TH Q X TH = 0.0 0.0 cfs Actual Discharge outside the Gutter Section W, (limited by distance TCROWN) Q Design Information (Input) MINOR MAJOR Type of Inlet Type = Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from above) alocal = 2.00 2.00 inches Number of Unit Inlets (Grate or Curb Opening) No = 1 1 Water Depth at Flowline (outside of local depression) Ponding Depth = 6.00 6.00 inches Grate Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Grate Lo (G) = 3.00 3.00 feet Width of a Unit Grate Wo = 1.73 1.73 feet Area Opening Ratio for a Grate (typical values 0.15-0.90) Aratio = 0.31 0.31 Clogging Factor for a Single Grate (typical value 0.50 - 0.70) Cf (G) = 0.50 0.50 Grate Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.15 - 3.60) Cw (G) = 3.60 3.60 Grate Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.80) Co (G) = 0.60 0.60 Curb Opening Information MINOR MAJOR Length of a Unit Curb Opening Lo (C) = 3.00 3.00 feet Height of Vertical Curb Opening in Inches Hvert = 6.50 6.50 inches Height of Curb Orifice Throat in Inches Hthroat = 5.25 5.25 inches Angle of Throat (see USDCM Figure ST-5) Theta = 0.00 0.00 degrees Side Width for Depression Pan (typically the gutter width of 2 feet) Wp = 2.00 2.00 feet Clogging Factor for a Single Curb Opening (typical value 0.10) Cf (C) = 0.10 0.10 Curb Opening Weir Coefficient (typical value 2.3-3.7) Cw (C) = 3.70 3.70 Curb Opening Orifice Coefficient (typical value 0.60 - 0.70) Co (C) = 0.66 0.66 Grate Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.50 0.50 Grate Capacity as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi = 6.0 6.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.0 3.0 cfs Grate Capacity as a Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.6 5.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Grate Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.6 2.6 cfs Resulting Grate Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QGrate = 2.6 2.6 cfs Curb Opening Flow Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient for Multiple Units Coef = 1.00 1.00 Clogging Factor for Multiple Units Clog = 0.17 0.17 Curb Opening as a Weir (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qwi 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Nyloplast Inlet Grate Capacity Calculations DP A7 | INLET A-11.1.1 Q100 MAX: 1.2 cfs Max. Depth=1.0' w/ Qin=3.8 cfs At max. depth, capacity is over 2x Q100 MAX DP A14 | INLETS A-3.4, A-3.5, and A-3.6 Q100 MAX: 2.8 cfs combined Max. Depth=0.7' w/ Qin=3.2 cfs each At max. depth, capacity is over 2x Q100 MAX DP C2 | INLET C-16 Q100 MAX: 0.4 cfs Max. Depth=0.15' w/ Qin= 0.7cfs At max. depth, capacity is +/- 2x Q100 MAX DP C8 | INLET C-5.1 Q100 MAX: 2.0 cfs Max. Depth=1.09' w/ Qin=4.0 cfs At max. depth, capacity is +/- 2x Q100 MAX DP C2 DP A14 DP A7 DP C8 DP B1 | INLET B-2.3 Q100 MAX: 1.0 cfs Max. Depth=0.30' w/ Qin= 2.0cfs At max. depth, capacity is +/- 2x Q100 MAX DP B1 DP C1 | INLET C-20 Q100 MAX: 2.04 cfs Max. Depth=0.52' w/ Qin=4.1 cfs At max. depth, capacity is +/- 2x Q100 MAX DP C12 | INLET C-3.4 Q100 MAX: 2.8 cfs Max. Depth=0.98' w/ Qin=5.6 cfs At max. depth, capacity is +/- 2x Q100 MAX DP C7 | INLET C-5.4 Q100 MAX: 2.8 cfs Max. Depth=0.50' w/ Qin= 6.2cfs At max. depth, capacity is over 2x Q100 MAX 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com 2' Wide Sidewalk Chase Capacity Calculations Project Description Solve For Discharge Input Data Headwater Elevation 5000.50 ft Crest Elevation 5000.00 ft Tailwater Elevation 5000.00 ft Weir Coefficient 2.80 US Crest Length 2.00 ft Number Of Contractions 2 Results Discharge 1.88 ft³/s Headwater Height Above Crest 0.50 ft Tailwater Height Above Crest 0.00 ft Flow Area 1.00 ft² Velocity 1.88 ft/s Wetted Perimeter 3.00 ft Top Width 2.00 ft 2' Wide Sidewalk Chase 10/26/2020 2:42:17 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution BentleCyenter FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Storm Drain Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) Calculations Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing | Storm Drain A, B, C, and Offsite Storm Date: 10/28/2020 Start Node (In) Stop Node (Out) Length (ft) Rise (in) x Span (in) or Diameter (in) Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Invert (Start) (ft) Elevation Ground (Start) (ft) Invert (Stop) (ft) Elevation Ground (Stop) (ft) Slope (Calculated) (ft/ft) System CA (acres) System Intensity (in/h) System Rational Flow (cfs) System Fixed Flow (cfs) INLET A-13.2 CONNECTION A-13.1 14.63 18 1.8 6.4 5039.00 5043.80 5038.59 5040.24 0.028 0.18 9.95 1.80 0.0 INLET A-13 STMH A-12 294.68 24 9.1 5.3 5040.97 5044.78 5039.49 5045.88 0.005 0.91 9.95 9.10 0.0 INLET A-12.1 STMH A-12 17.00 24 13.1 10.9 5039.96 5045.33 5039.49 5045.88 0.028 1.31 9.95 13.10 0.0 STMH A-12 STMH A-11 31.92 24 21.3 6.8 5039.29 5045.88 5039.13 5046.19 0.005 2.22 9.53 21.30 0.0 INLET A-11.4 INLET A-11.3 37.00 18 9.4 8.2 5041.71 5048.46 5041.11 5048.46 0.016 0.97 9.64 9.40 0.0 INLET A-11.3 STMH A-11.2 27.99 24 16.0 5.4 5040.61 5048.46 5040.49 5049.76 0.004 1.66 9.60 16.00 0.0 STMH A-11.2 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) 205.15 24 17.5 5.6 5040.29 5049.76 5039.39 5046.19 0.004 1.82 9.57 17.50 0.0 INLET A-11.1.1 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) 24.55 15 1.2 8.2 5041.55 5045.80 5039.76 5046.19 0.073 0.12 9.95 1.20 0.0 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) STMH A-11 57.84 24 18.1 5.8 5039.39 5046.19 5039.13 5046.19 0.004 1.94 9.29 18.10 0.0 STMH A-11 STMH A-10 86.39 36 38.6 7.4 5038.93 5046.19 5038.50 5046.60 0.005 4.16 9.22 38.60 0.0 INLET A-10.2 INLET A-10.1 196.88 18 3.2 6.7 5044.95 5049.58 5041.02 5047.18 0.020 0.32 9.95 3.20 0.0 INLET A-10.1 STMH A-10 51.93 24 5.7 7.6 5040.52 5047.18 5039.50 5046.60 0.020 0.58 9.73 5.70 0.0 STMH A-10 STMH A-9 118.90 36 43.6 7.6 5038.30 5046.60 5037.71 5047.29 0.005 4.74 9.13 43.60 0.0 INLET A-9.3 INLET A-9.2 37.09 12 0.0 0.0 5047.37 5051.38 5046.63 5051.44 0.020 0.00 9.95 0.00 0.0 INLET A-9.2 INLET A-9.1 191.87 18 3.2 7.6 5046.13 5051.44 5040.84 5047.31 0.028 0.32 9.95 3.20 0.0 INLET A-9.1 STMH A-9 51.85 18 4.8 8.4 5040.64 5047.31 5039.21 5047.29 0.028 0.48 9.76 4.80 0.0 STMH A-9 STMH A-8 26.26 36 47.4 7.6 5037.51 5047.29 5037.38 5047.22 0.005 5.22 9.01 47.40 0.0 INLET A-8.1 STMH A-8 16.90 18 2.8 7.3 5039.34 5046.51 5038.88 5047.22 0.028 0.28 9.95 2.80 0.0 STMH A-8 STMH A-7 45.75 36 49.8 7.6 5037.18 5047.22 5036.95 5048.02 0.005 5.50 8.99 49.80 0.0 STMH A-7 STMH A-6 67.48 36 51.0 7.2 5036.75 5048.02 5036.41 5049.63 0.005 5.66 8.94 51.00 0.0 STMH A-6 STMH A-5 141.79 42 50.6 8.0 5035.92 5049.63 5035.21 5049.88 0.005 5.66 8.87 50.60 0.0 STMH A-5 STMH A-4 76.44 42 49.9 8.0 5035.01 5049.88 5034.63 5046.79 0.005 5.66 8.74 49.90 0.0 STMH A-4 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) 52.48 34x53 49.5 8.0 5034.43 5046.79 5034.16 5044.79 0.005 5.66 8.67 49.50 0.0 INLET A-3.6 INLET A-3.5 32.87 12 2.9 8.5 5046.46 5050.52 5045.17 5050.75 0.039 0.29 9.95 2.90 0.0 INLET A-3.5 INLET A-3.4 37.22 12 2.9 8.5 5044.97 5050.75 5043.51 5050.86 0.039 0.29 9.92 2.90 0.0 INLET A-3.4 INLET A-3.3 68.57 12 2.8 8.5 5043.31 5050.86 5040.62 5052.64 0.039 0.29 9.89 2.80 0.0 INLET A-3.3 INLET A-3.2 30.31 12 2.8 8.5 5040.42 5052.64 5039.23 5049.72 0.039 0.29 9.83 2.80 0.0 INLET A-3.2 INLET A-3.1 32.10 12 2.8 8.5 5039.03 5049.72 5037.78 5048.01 0.039 0.29 9.80 2.80 0.0 Column Number→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Start Node (In) Stop Node (Out) Pipe Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Pipe Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Pipe Energy Grade Line (In) (ft) Pipe Energy Grade Line (Out) (ft) Downstream Structure Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Downstream Structure Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Downstream Structure Energy Grade Line (In) (ft) Downstream Structure Energy Grade Line (Out) (ft) INLET A-13.2 CONNECTION A-13.1 5039.50 5038.94 5039.69 5039.47 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) INLET A-13 STMH A-12 5045.70 5045.22 5045.83 5045.35 5045.17 5044.85 5045.30 5045.56 INLET A-12.1 STMH A-12 5045.33 5045.28 5045.61 5045.55 5045.17 5044.85 5045.30 5045.56 STMH A-12 STMH A-11 5044.85 5044.56 5045.56 5045.28 5044.28 5044.12 5044.79 5044.58 INLET A-11.4 INLET A-11.3 5047.36 5047.07 5047.80 5047.50 5046.89 5046.78 5047.33 5047.19 INLET A-11.3 STMH A-11.2 5046.78 5046.64 5047.19 5047.05 5046.48 5046.38 5046.88 5046.87 STMH A-11.2 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) 5046.38 5045.15 5046.87 5045.64 5044.96 5044.86 5044.97 5045.37 INLET A-11.1.1 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) 5044.97 5044.96 5044.99 5044.98 5044.96 5044.86 5044.97 5045.37 STM TEE A-11.1 (BLIND) STMH A-11 5044.86 5044.48 5045.37 5045.00 5044.28 5044.12 5044.79 5044.58 STMH A-11 STMH A-10 5044.12 5043.83 5044.58 5044.29 5043.64 5043.53 5043.70 5044.12 INLET A-10.2 INLET A-10.1 5045.63 5043.73 5045.89 5043.78 5043.71 5043.70 5043.76 5043.75 INLET A-10.1 STMH A-10 5043.70 5043.66 5043.75 5043.72 5043.64 5043.53 5043.70 5044.12 STMH A-10 STMH A-9 5043.53 5043.02 5044.12 5043.61 5042.78 5042.64 5042.89 5043.34 INLET A-9.3 INLET A-9.2 5047.37 5047.11 5047.37 5047.11 5047.11 5046.82 5047.11 5047.08 INLET A-9.2 INLET A-9.1 5046.82 5042.98 5047.08 5043.03 5042.96 5042.93 5043.01 5043.05 INLET A-9.1 STMH A-9 5042.93 5042.83 5043.05 5042.94 5042.78 5042.64 5042.89 5043.34 STMH A-9 STMH A-8 5042.64 5042.51 5043.34 5043.21 5042.23 5042.07 5042.27 5042.85 INLET A-8.1 STMH A-8 5042.26 5042.24 5042.30 5042.28 5042.23 5042.07 5042.27 5042.85 STMH A-8 STMH A-7 5042.07 5041.82 5042.85 5042.59 5041.51 5041.25 5042.28 5042.06 STMH A-7 STMH A-6 5041.25 5040.85 5042.06 5041.66 5040.53 5040.35 5041.34 5040.78 STMH A-6 STMH A-5 5040.35 5039.99 5040.78 5040.42 5039.82 5039.68 5040.25 5040.10 STMH A-5 STMH A-4 5039.68 5039.49 5040.10 5039.91 5039.32 5039.16 5039.74 5039.55 STMH A-4 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) 5039.16 5039.03 5039.55 5039.43 5038.88 5038.79 5039.07 5039.22 INLET A-3.6 INLET A-3.5 5047.77 5047.55 5047.97 5047.76 5047.47 5045.69 5047.68 5046.04 INLET A-3.5 INLET A-3.4 5045.69 5044.58 5046.04 5044.78 5044.50 5044.03 5044.70 5044.37 INLET A-3.4 INLET A-3.3 5044.03 5042.56 5044.37 5042.76 5042.48 5041.14 5042.68 5041.48 S S S S S S MV MV MV MV MV T T T T T T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN S S MV T T S S MV MV T T S S T T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP S S MV MV T T S S S MV MV MV T T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: S S S MV MV MV T T S S MV MV T T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC S S S T T S S MV T T S MV T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY S MV S T S T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND MV MV MV MV KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. MV MV S S S KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S STM STM STM S S S S S S S S S S S S S S MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S MV S S S S S S S S S S S S S S KEYMAP 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com LID and EDB Sizing Calculations Sheet 1 of 3 Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Basin Storage Volume A) Effective Imperviousness of Tributary Area, Ia Ia = 73.0 % B) Tributary Area's Imperviousness Ratio (i = Ia / 100 ) i = 0.73 C) Contributing Watershed Area Area = 7.98 ac D) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, Depth of Average d6 = in Runoff Producing Storm E) Design Concept (Select EURV when also designing for flood control) 1 F) Design Volume (WQCV) Based on 40-hour Drain Time VDESIGN= 0.19 ac-ft (VDESIGN = (1.0 * (0.91 * i3 - 1.19 * i2 + 0.78 * i) / 12 * Area ) G) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, VDESIGN OTHER= ac-ft Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume (VWQCV OTHER = (d6*(VDESIGN/0.43)) H) User Input of Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume VDESIGN USER= ac-ft (Only if a different WQCV Design Volume is desired) I) NRCS Hydrologic Soil Groups of Tributary Watershed i) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type A Soils HSG A = % ii) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type B Soils HSG B = % iii) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type C/D Soils HSG C/D = % J) Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Design Volume For HSG A: EURVA = 1.68 * i1.28 EURVDESIGN = ac-f t For HSG B: EURVB = 1.36 * i1.08 For HSG C/D: EURVC/D = 1.20 * i1.08 K) User Input of Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Design Volume EURVDESIGN USER= ac-f t (Only if a different EURV Design Volume is desired) 2. Basin Shape: Length to Width Ratio L : W = : 1 (A basin length to width ratio of at least 2:1 will improve TSS reduction.) 3. Basin Side Slopes A) Basin Maximum Side Slopes Z = ft / ft (Horizontal distance per unit vertical, 4:1 or flatter preferred) 4. Inlet A) Describe means of providing energy dissipation at concentrated inflow locations: 0.192 5. Forebay A) Minimum Forebay Volume VFMIN = 0.006 ac-ft (VFMIN = 3% of the WQCV) B) Actual Forebay Volume VF = ac-ft C) Forebay Depth (DF = 18 inch maximum) DF = in D) Forebay Discharge i) Undetained 100-year Peak Discharge Q100 = cfs ii) Forebay Discharge Design Flow QF = cfs (QF = 0.02 * Q100) E) Forebay Discharge Design F) Discharge Pipe Size (minimum 8-inches) Calculated DP = in G) Rectangular Notch Width Calculated WN = in Design Procedure Form: Extended Detention Basin (EDB) Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing | A-Basins Galloway & Company, Inc. October 27, 2020 Fort Collins, CO H. Feissner UD-BMP (Version 3.07, March 2018) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 UDSCM WQCV (CF) WQ FLOW (CFS) CHAMBER TYPE (A) RELEASE RATE/ CHAMBER (CFS) VOLUME/ CHAMBER (CF) VOLUME/ CHAMBER + AGGREGATE (CF) NUMBER OF CHAMBERS COMBINED RELEASE RATE WQCV METHOD (CFS) FAA REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (CF) NUMBER OF CHAMBERS (FAA) TOTAL VOLUME (CHAMBERS ONLY) (CF) TOTAL VOLUME (CHAMBERS + AGGREGATE) (CF) COMBINED RELEASE RATE FAA METHOD (CFS) TOTAL NUMBER OF CHAMBERS REQUIRED 8364 7.0 MC-4500 0.026 106.5 162.6 52 1.36 12225 76 8094 12358 1.99 76 w/9" stone base Q2 13.93 48.3 100.0 4830 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. R FOR STORMTECH INSTRUCTIONS, DOWNLOAD THE INSTALLATION APP IMPORTANT - NOTES FOR THE BIDDING AND INSTALLATION OF MC-4500 CHAMBER SYSTEM 1. STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THE MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE HAS COMPLETED A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE INSTALLERS. 2. STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE". 3. CHAMBERS ARE NOT TO BE BACKFILLED WITH A DOZER OR EXCAVATOR SITUATED OVER THE CHAMBERS. STORMTECH RECOMMENDS 3 BACKFILL METHODS: · STONESHOOTER LOCATED OFF THE CHAMBER BED. · BACKFILL AS ROWS ARE BUILT USING AN EXCAVATOR ON THE FOUNDATION STONE OR SUBGRADE. · BACKFILL FROM OUTSIDE THE EXCAVATION USING A LONG BOOM HOE OR EXCAVATOR. 4. THE FOUNDATION STONE SHALL BE LEVELED AND COMPACTED PRIOR TO PLACING CHAMBERS. 5. JOINTS BETWEEN CHAMBERS SHALL BE PROPERLY SEATED PRIOR TO PLACING STONE. 6. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 9" (230 mm) SPACING BETWEEN THE CHAMBER ROWS. 7. INLET AND OUTLET MANIFOLDS MUST BE INSERTED A MINIMUM OF 12" (300 mm) INTO CHAMBER END CAPS. 8. EMBEDMENT STONE SURROUNDING CHAMBERS MUST BE A CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE MEETING THE AASHTO M43 DESIGNATION OF #3 OR #4. 9. STONE SHALL BE BROUGHT UP EVENLY AROUND CHAMBERS SO AS NOT TO DISTORT THE CHAMBER SHAPE. STONE DEPTHS SHOULD NEVER DIFFER BY MORE THAN 12" (300 mm) BETWEEN ADJACENT CHAMBER ROWS. 10. STONE MUST BE PLACED ON THE TOP CENTER OF THE CHAMBER TO ANCHOR THE CHAMBERS IN PLACE AND PRESERVE ROW SPACING. 11. THE CONTRACTOR MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH CHAMBER FOUNDATION MATERIAL BEARING CAPACITIES TO THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER. 12. ADS RECOMMENDS THE USE OF "FLEXSTORM CATCH IT" INSERTS DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR ALL INLETS TO PROTECT THE SUBSURFACE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF. NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1. STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE". 2. THE USE OF EQUIPMENT OVER MC-4500 CHAMBERS IS LIMITED: · NO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED ON BARE CHAMBERS. · NO RUBBER TIRED LOADER, DUMP TRUCK, OR EXCAVATORS ARE ALLOWED UNTIL PROPER FILL DEPTHS ARE REACHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE". · WEIGHT LIMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CAN BE FOUND IN THE "STORMTECH MC-3500/MC-4500 CONSTRUCTION GUIDE". 3. FULL 36" (900 mm) OF STABILIZED COVER MATERIALS OVER THE CHAMBERS IS REQUIRED FOR DUMP TRUCK TRAVEL OR DUMPING. USE OF A DOZER TO PUSH EMBEDMENT STONE BETWEEN THE ROWS OF CHAMBERS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO CHAMBERS AND IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE BACKFILL METHOD. ANY CHAMBERS DAMAGED BY USING THE "DUMP AND PUSH" METHOD ARE NOT COVERED UNDER THE STORMTECH STANDARD WARRANTY. CONTACT STORMTECH AT 1-888-892-2694 WITH ANY QUESTIONS ON INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS OR WEIGHT LIMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. MC-4500 STORMTECH CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS 1. CHAMBERS SHALL BE STORMTECH MC-4500. 2. CHAMBERS SHALL BE ARCH-SHAPED AND SHALL BE MANUFACTURED FROM VIRGIN, IMPACT-MODIFIED POLYPROPYLENE COPOLYMERS. 3. CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418-16a, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" CHAMBER CLASSIFICATION 60x101. 4. CHAMBER ROWS SHALL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS, UNOBSTRUCTED INTERNAL SPACE WITH NO INTERNAL SUPPORTS THAT WOULD IMPEDE FLOW OR LIMIT ACCESS FOR INSPECTION. 5. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHAMBERS, THE STRUCTURAL BACKFILL, AND THE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS SHALL ENSURE THAT THE LOAD FACTORS SPECIFIED IN THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 12.12, ARE MET FOR: 1) LONG-DURATION DEAD LOADS AND 2) SHORT-DURATION LIVE LOADS, BASED ON THE AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK WITH CONSIDERATION FOR IMPACT AND MULTIPLE VEHICLE PRESENCES. 6. CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED, TESTED AND ALLOWABLE LOAD CONFIGURATIONS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787, "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". LOAD CONFIGURATIONS SHALL INCLUDE: 1) INSTANTANEOUS (<1 MIN) AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LIVE LOAD ON MINIMUM COVER 2) MAXIMUM PERMANENT (75-YR) COVER LOAD AND 3) ALLOWABLE COVER WITH PARKED (1-WEEK) AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK. 7. REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND INSTALLATION: · TO MAINTAIN THE WIDTH OF CHAMBERS DURING SHIPPING AND HANDLING, CHAMBERS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL, INTERLOCKING STACKING LUGS. · TO ENSURE A SECURE JOINT DURING INSTALLATION AND BACKFILL, THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER JOINT SHALL NOT BE LESS 520 CROMWELL AVENUE | ROCKY HLIL | CT | 06067 860-529-8188 |888-892-2694 | WWW.STORMTECH.COM Detention Retention Water Quality ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. R 4640 TRUEMAN BLVD HILLIARD, OH 43026 1-800-733-7473 DATE: DRAWN: EF PROJECT #: CHECKED: N/A THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. REV DRW CHK DESCRIPTION RIDGEWOOD HILLS FORT COLLINS, CO SHEET 2 OF 5 NOTES • MANIFOLD SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER. SEE TECH NOTE #6.32 FOR MANIFOLD SIZING GUIDANCE. • DUE TO THE ADAPTATION OF THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM TO SPECIFIC SITE AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO CUT AND COUPLE ADDITIONAL PIPE TO STANDARD MANIFOLD COMPONENTS IN THE FIELD. • THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER MUST REVIEW ELEVATIONS AND IF NECESSARY ADJUST GRADING TO ENSURE THE CHAMBER COVER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. • THIS CHAMBER SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED WITHOUT SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON SOIL CONDITIONS OR BEARING CAPACITY. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOIL AND PROVIDING THE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE INSITU SOILS. THE BASE STONE DEPTH MAY BE INCREASED OR DECREASED ONCE THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED. • NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION: THIS LAYOUT IS FOR DIMENSIONAL PURPOSES ONLY TO PROVE CONCEPT & THE REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME CAN BE ACHIEVED ON SITE. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF PAVEMENT/UNPAVED): 5040.11 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED WITH TRAFFIC): 5035.61 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (UNPAVED NO TRAFFIC): 5035.11 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (TOP OF RIGID CONCRETE PAVEMENT): 5035.11 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE GRADE (BASE OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT): 5035.11 TOP OF STONE: 5034.11 TOP OF MC-4500 CHAMBER: 5033.11 24" ISOLATOR ROW PLUS INVERT: 5028.30 24" ISOLATOR ROW PLUS INVERT: 5028.30 24" ISOLATOR ROW PLUS INVERT: 5028.30 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT: 5028.27 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT: 5028.27 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT: 5028.27 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD INVERT: 5028.27 18" BOTTOM CONNECTION INVERT: 5028.27 BOTTOM OF MC-4500 CHAMBER: 5028.11 BOTTOM OF STONE: 5027.36 PROPOSED LAYOUT 45 STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBERS 6 STORMTECH MC-4500 END CAPS 12 STONE ABOVE (in) 9 STONE BELOW (in) 40 STONE VOID 8874 INSTALLED SYSTEM VOLUME (CF) (PERIMETER STONE INCLUDED) (COVER STONE INCLUDED) (BASE STONE INCLUDED) 2169 SYSTEM AREA (SF) 209.2 SYSTEM PERIMETER (ft) *INVERT ABOVE BASE OF CHAMBER ITEM ON DESCRIPTION INVERT* MAX FLOW ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS: STORMTECH MC-4500 CHAMBER SYSTEMS PLEASE NOTE: 1. THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE, A SPECIFICATION FOR #4 STONE WOULD STATE: "CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR NO. 4 (AASHTO M43) STONE". 2. STORMTECH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FOR 'A' LOCATION MATERIALS WHEN PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 9" (230 mm) (MAX) LIFTS USING TWO FULL COVERAGES WITH A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR. 3. WHERE INFILTRATION SURFACES MAY BE COMPROMISED BY COMPACTION, FOR STANDARD DESIGN LOAD CONDITIONS, A FLAT SURFACE MAY BE ACHIEVED BY RAKING OR DRAGGING WITHOUT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. FOR SPECIAL LOAD DESIGNS, CONTACT STORMTECH FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 4. ONCE LAYER 'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER 'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER 'C' OR 'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION. NOTES: 1. CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418-16a, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" CHAMBER CLASSIFICATION 60x101 2. MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 3. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS. 4. PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND INSTALLATION: · TO MAINTAIN THE WIDTH OF CHAMBERS DURING SHIPPING AND HANDLING, CHAMBERS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL, INTERLOCKING STACKING LUGS. · TO ENSURE A SECURE JOINT DURING INSTALLATION AND BACKFILL, THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER JOINT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3”. · TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ARCH SHAPE DURING INSTALLATION, a) THE ARCH STIFFNESS CONSTANT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6.2.8 OF ASTM F2418 SHALL BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 500 LBS/IN/IN. AND b) TO RESIST CHAMBER DEFORMATION DURING INSTALLATION AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (ABOVE 73° F / 23° C), CHAMBERS SHALL BE PRODUCED FROM REFLECTIVE GOLD OR YELLOW COLORS. MATERIAL LOCATION DESCRIPTION AASHTO MATERIAL CLASSIFICATIONS COMPACTION / DENSITY REQUIREMENT D FINAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER 'D' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE 'C' LAYER TO THE BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR UNPAVED FINISHED GRADE ABOVE. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE PART OF THE 'D' LAYER ANY SOIL/ROCK MATERIALS, NATIVE SOILS, OR PER ENGINEER'S PLANS. CHECK PLANS FOR PAVEMENT SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS. N/A PREPARE PER SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S PLANS. PAVED INSTALLATIONS MAY HAVE STRINGENT MATERIAL AND PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. C INITIAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER 'C' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE EMBEDMENT STONE ('B' LAYER) TO 24" (600 mm) ABOVE THE TOP OF THE CHAMBER. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE A PART OF THE 'C' LAYER. GRANULAR WELL-GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35% FINES OR PROCESSED AGGREGATE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE MATERIALS CAN BE USED IN LIEU OF THIS LAYER. AASHTO M145¹ A-1, A-2-4, A-3 OR AASHTO M43¹ 3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57, 6, 67, 68, 7, 78, 8, 89, 9, 10 BEGIN COMPACTIONS AFTER 24" (600 mm) OF MATERIAL OVER THE CHAMBERS IS REACHED. COMPACT ADDITIONAL LAYERS IN 12" (300 mm) MAX LIFTS TO A MIN. 95% PROCTOR DENSITY FOR WELL GRADED MATERIAL AND 95% RELATIVE DENSITY FOR PROCESSED AGGREGATE MATERIALS. B EMBEDMENT STONE: FILL SURROUNDING THE CHAMBERS FROM THE FOUNDATION STONE ('A' LAYER) TO THE 'C' LAYER ABOVE. CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE AASHTO M43¹ 3, 4 A FOUNDATION STONE: FILL BELOW CHAMBERS FROM THE SUBGRADE UP TO THE FOOT (BOTTOM) OF THE CHAMBER. CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE STEP 1) INSPECT ISOLATOR ROW PLUS FOR SEDIMENT A. INSPECTION PORTS (IF PRESENT) A.1. REMOVE/OPEN LID ON NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN A.2. REMOVE AND CLEAN FLEXSTORM FILTER IF INSTALLED A.3. USING A FLASHLIGHT AND STADIA ROD, MEASURE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT AND RECORD ON MAINTENANCE LOG A.4. LOWER A CAMERA INTO ISOLATOR ROW PLUS FOR VISUAL INSPECTION OF SEDIMENT LEVELS (OPTIONAL) A.5. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. B. ALL ISOLATOR PLUS ROWS B.1. REMOVE COVER FROM STRUCTURE AT UPSTREAM END OF ISOLATOR ROW PLUS B.2. USING A FLASHLIGHT, INSPECT DOWN THE ISOLATOR ROW PLUS THROUGH OUTLET PIPE i) MIRRORS ON POLES OR CAMERAS MAY BE USED TO AVOID A CONFINED SPACE ENTRY ii) FOLLOW OSHA REGULATIONS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY IF ENTERING MANHOLE B.3. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. STEP 2) CLEAN OUT ISOLATOR ROW PLUS USING THE JETVAC PROCESS A. A FIXED CULVERT CLEANING NOZZLE WITH REAR FACING SPREAD OF 45" (1.1 m) OR MORE IS PREFERRED B. APPLY MULTIPLE PASSES OF JETVAC UNTIL BACKFLUSH WATER IS CLEAN C. VACUUM STRUCTURE SUMP AS REQUIRED STEP 3) REPLACE ALL COVERS, GRATES, FILTERS, AND LIDS; RECORD OBSERVATIONS AND ACTIONS. STEP 4) INSPECT AND CLEAN BASINS AND MANHOLES UPSTREAM OF THE STORMTECH SYSTEM. NOTES 1. INSPECT EVERY 6 MONTHS DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. ADJUST THE INSPECTION INTERVAL BASED ON PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS OF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS. 2. CONDUCT JETTING AND VACTORING ANNUALLY OR WHEN INSPECTION SHOWS THAT MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARY. CATCH BASIN OR MANHOLE MC-4500 ISOLATOR ROW PLUS DETAIL NTS STORMTECH HIGHLY RECOMMENDS FLEXSTORM INSERTS IN ANY UPSTREAM STRUCTURES WITH OPEN GRATES COVER PIPE CONNECTION TO END CAP WITH ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE MC-4500 CHAMBER OPTIONAL INSPECTION PORT MC-4500 END CAP 24" (600 mm) HDPE ACCESS PIPE REQUIRED USE FACTORY PRE-CORED END CAP PART #: MC4500REPE24BC OR MC4500REPE24BW ONE LAYER OF ADSPLUS175 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE BETWEEN FOUNDATION STONE AND CHAMBERS 10.3' (3.1 m) MIN WIDE CONTINUOUS FABRIC WITHOUT SEAMS SUMP DEPTH TBD BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER (24" [600 mm] MIN RECOMMENDED) INSTALL FLAMP ON 24" (600 mm) ACCESS PIPE PART #: MC450024RAMP 520 CROMWELL AVENUE | ROCKY HLIL | CT | 06067 860-529-8188 |888-892-2694 | WWW.STORMTECH.COM Detention Retention Water Quality ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. R 4640 TRUEMAN BLVD HILLIARD, OH 43026 1-800-733-7473 DATE: DRAWN: EF PROJECT #: CHECKED: N/A THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. MC-SERIES END CAP INSERTION DETAIL NTS NOTE: MANIFOLD STUB MUST BE LAID HORIZONTAL FOR A PROPER FIT IN END CAP OPENING. MANIFOLD HEADER MANIFOLD STUB STORMTECH END CAP MANIFOLD HEADER MANIFOLD STUB 12" (300 mm) MIN SEPARATION 12" (300 mm) MIN INSERTION 12" (300 mm) MIN SEPARATION 12" (300 mm) MIN INSERTION MC-4500 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NTS PART # STUB B C MC4500IEPP06T 6" (150 mm) 42.54" (1081 mm) --- MC4500IEPP06B --- 0.86" (22 mm) MC4500IEPP08T 8" (200 mm) 40.50" (1029 mm) --- MC4500IEPP08B --- 1.01" (26 mm) MC4500IEPP10T 10" (250 mm) 38.37" (975 mm) --- MC4500IEPP10B --- 1.33" (34 mm) MC4500IEPP12T 12" (300 mm) 35.69" (907 mm) --- MC4500IEPP12B --- 1.55" (39 mm) MC4500IEPP15T 15" (375 mm) 32.72" (831 mm) --- MC4500IEPP15B --- 1.70" (43 mm) MC4500IEPP18T 18" (450 mm) 29.36" (746 mm) --- MC4500IEPP18TW MC4500IEPP18B --- 1.97" (50 mm) MC4500IEPP18BW MC4500IEPP24T 24" (600 mm) 23.05" (585 mm) --- MC4500IEPP24TW MC4500IEPP24B --- 2.26" (57 mm) MC4500IEPP24BW MC4500IEPP30BW 30" (750 mm) --- 2.95" (75 mm) MC4500IEPP36BW 36" (900 mm) --- 3.25" (83 mm) MC4500IEPP42BW 42" (1050 mm) --- 3.55" (90 mm) NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL NOMINAL CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS SIZE (W X H X INSTALLED LENGTH) 100.0" X 60.0" X 48.3" (2540 mm X 1524 mm X 1227 mm) CHAMBER STORAGE 106.5 CUBIC FEET (3.01 m³) MINIMUM INSTALLED STORAGE* 162.6 CUBIC FEET (4.60 m³) WEIGHT (NOMINAL) 125.0 lbs. (56.7 kg) NOMINAL END CAP SPECIFICATIONS SIZE (W X H X INSTALLED LENGTH) 90.0" X 61.0" X 32.8" (2286 mm X 1549 mm X 833 mm) END CAP STORAGE 39.5 CUBIC FEET (1.12 m³) Sheet 1 of 3 Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Basin Storage Volume A) Effective Imperviousness of Tributary Area, Ia I a = 41.0 % B) Tributary Area's Imperviousness Ratio (i = Ia / 100 ) i = 0.410 C) Contributing Watershed Area Area = 3.82 ac D) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, Depth of Average d6 = in Runoff Producing Storm E) Design Concept (Select EURV when also designing for flood control) 1 F) Design Volume (WQCV) Based on 40-hour Drain Time VDESIGN= 0.058 ac-ft (VDESIGN = (1.0 * (0.91 * i 3 - 1.19 * i 2 + 0.78 * i) / 12 * Area ) G) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, VDESIGN OTHER= ac-ft Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume (VWQCV OTHER = (d 6*(VDESIGN /0.43)) H) User Input of Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume VDESIGN USER= ac-ft (Only if a different WQCV Design Volume is desired) I) NRCS Hydrologic Soil Groups of Tributary Watershed i) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type A Soils HSG A = % ii) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type B Soils HSG B = % iii) Percentage of Watershed consisting of Type C/D Soils HSG C/D = % J) Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Design Volume For HSG A: EURVA = 1.68 * i 1.28 EURV DESIGN = ac-f t For HSG B: EURVB = 1.36 * i 1.08 For HSG C/D: EURVC/D = 1.20 * i 1.08 K) User Input of Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Design Volume EURVDESIGN USER= ac-f t (Only if a different EURV Design Volume is desired) 2. Basin Shape: Length to Width Ratio L : W = : 1 (A basin length to width ratio of at least 2:1 will improve TSS reduction.) 3. Basin Side Slopes A) Basin Maximum Side Slopes Z = ft / ft (Horizontal distance per unit vertical, 4:1 or flatter preferred) 4. Inlet A) Describe means of providing energy dissipation at concentrated inflow locations: 0.058 5. Forebay A) Minimum Forebay Volume VFMIN = 0.001 ac-ft (VFMIN = 1% of the WQCV) B) Actual Forebay Volume VF = ac-ft C) Forebay Depth (DF = 12 inch maximum) D F = in D) Forebay Discharge i) Undetained 100-year Peak Discharge Q100 = cfs Sheet 1 of 2 Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 1. Basin Storage Volume A) Effective Imperviousness of Tributary Area, Ia Ia = 59.0 % (100% if all paved and roofed areas upstream of rain garden) B) Tributary Area's Imperviousness Ratio (i = Ia/100) i = 0.590 C) Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) for a 12-hour Drain Time WQCV = 0.19 watershed inches (WQCV= 0.8 * (0.91* i3 - 1.19 * i2 + 0.78 * i) D) Contributing Watershed Area (including rain garden area) Area = 560,182 sq ft E) Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume VWQCV = 8,696 cu ft Vol = (WQCV / 12) * Area F) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, Depth of d6 = in Average Runoff Producing Storm G) For Watersheds Outside of the Denver Region, VWQCV OTHER = cu ft Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume H) User Input of Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Design Volume VWQCV USER = cu ft (Only if a different WQCV Design Volume is desired) 2. Basin Geometry A) WQCV Depth (12-inch maximum) DWQCV = 12 in B) Rain Garden Side Slopes (Z = 4 min., horiz. dist per unit vertical) Z = 4.00 ft / ft (Use "0" if rain garden has vertical walls) C) Mimimum Flat Surface Area AMin = 6610 sq ft D) Actual Flat Surface Area AActual = 10694 sq ft E) Area at Design Depth (Top Surface Area) ATop = 12664 sq ft F) Rain Garden Total Volume VT= 11,679 cu ft (VT= ((ATop + AActual) / 2) * Depth) 3. Growing Media 4. Underdrain System A) Are underdrains provided? 1 B) Underdrain system orifice diameter for 12 hour drain time i) Distance From Lowest Elevation of the Storage y = ft Volume to the Center of the Orifice ii) Volume to Drain in 12 Hours Vol12 = cu ft iii) Orifice Diameter, 3/8" Minimum DO = in Design Procedure Form: Rain Garden (RG) H. Feissner Galloway & Company, Inc. October 26, 2020 Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing | C-Basins Fort Collins, CO UD-BMP (Version 3.07, March 2018) Choose One Choose One 18" Rain Garden Growing Media Other (Explain): YES NO GNK10.20_UD-BMP_v3.07.xlsm, RG 10/26/2020, 1:33 PM Sheet 2 of 2 Designer: Company: Date: Project: Location: 5. Impermeable Geomembrane Liner and Geotextile Separator Fabric A) Is an impermeable liner provided due to proximity of structures or groundwater contamination? 6. Inlet / Outlet Control A) Inlet Control 7. Vegetation 8. Irrigation A) Will the rain garden be irrigated? Notes: Design Procedure Form: Rain Garden (RG) H. Feissner Galloway & Company, Inc. October 26, 2020 Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing | C-Basins Fort Collins, CO Choose One Choose One Choose One Sheet Flow- No Energy Dissipation Required Concentrated Flow- Energy Dissipation Provided Plantings Seed (Plan for frequent weed control) Sand Grown or Other High Infiltration Sod Choose One YES NO YES NO GNK10.20_UD-BMP_v3.07.xlsm, RG 10/26/2020, 1:33 PM Project Description Solve For Headwater Elevation Input Data Discharge 76.80 ft³/s Crest Elevation 5052.50 ft Tailwater Elevation 5050.30 ft Weir Coefficient 2.80 US Crest Length 100.00 ft Results Headwater Elevation 5052.92 ft Headwater Height Above Crest 0.42 ft Tailwater Height Above Crest -2.20 ft Equal Side Slopes 0.25 ft/ft (H:V) Flow Area 42.26 ft² Velocity 1.82 ft/s Wetted Perimeter 100.87 ft Top Width 100.21 ft Rain Garden | Overflow Weir 10/26/2020 2:36:54 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution BentleCyenter FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Detention Pond Sizing Calculations Project Number: GNK10.20 Date: 10/23/2020 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND A User Input Cell: Blue Text 100-year 84951 0.83 1.95 8.89 1.8 0.2 minutes seconds in/hr cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet acre-feet 5 300 9.95 22025 533 21492 0.49 10 600 7.72 34178 1067 33111 0.76 15 900 6.52 43298 1600 41698 0.96 20 1200 5.60 49585 2134 47451 1.09 25 1500 4.98 55119 2667 52452 1.20 30 1800 4.52 60033 3200 56833 1.30 35 2100 4.08 63221 3734 59487 1.37 40 2400 3.74 66231 4267 61964 1.42 45 2700 3.46 68932 4801 64131 1.47 50 3000 3.23 71500 5334 66166 1.52 55 3300 3.03 73780 5867 67912 1.56 60 3600 2.86 75971 6401 69570 1.60 65 3900 2.71 77985 6934 71051 1.63 70 4200 2.59 80265 7468 72798 1.67 75 4500 2.48 82346 8001 74345 1.71 80 4800 2.38 84294 8534 75760 1.74 85 5100 2.29 86176 9068 77108 1.77 90 5400 2.21 88057 9601 78456 1.80 95 5700 2.13 89585 10135 79450 1.82 100 6000 2.06 91201 10668 80533 1.85 105 6300 2.00 92972 11201 81770 1.88 110 6600 1.94 94477 11735 82742 1.90 115 6900 1.88 95716 12268 83448 1.92 120 7200 1.84 97753 12802 84951 1.95 Average Outflow Storage Volume Storage Volume Catchment Drainage Area, ac: Release Rate, cfs: Storm Duration Time Rainfall Intensity Inflow Volume Catchment 'C': Required Storage, ac-ft: Modified FAA Method- Storage Volume Calculations Inputs | Tributary Area Output | Detention Volume Return Period for Detention Control: Required Storage, cubic feet: Project Description Solve For Diameter Input Data Discharge 1.80 ft³/s Headwater Elevation 5033.00 ft Centroid Elevation 5026.14 ft Tailwater Elevation 5025.94 ft Discharge Coefficient 0.64 Results Diameter 0.41 ft Headwater Height Above Centroid 6.86 ft Tailwater Height Above Centroid -0.20 ft Flow Area 0.13 ft² Velocity 13.45 ft/s 100-yr Orifice | Pond A 10/27/2020 2:45:01 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution BentleCyenter FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Project Number: GNK10.20 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Date: 10/26/2020 Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND A User Input Cell: Blue Text Design Point: N/A Design Storm: WQCV Required Volume: 0 ft3 N/A ft Design Storm: N/A Required Volume: 0 ft3 N/A ft Design Storm: 100-year Required Volume: 84951 ft3 5033.0 ft Contour Elevation Contour Area Depth Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Cummulative Volume ft ft2 ft ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ac-ft 5025.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 5026.00 330 0.06 10 10 7 7 0.0 5027.00 5697 1.00 3013 3023 2466 2472 0.1 5028.00 8878 1.00 7288 10311 7229 9701 0.2 5029.00 11203 1.00 10041 20351 10018 19719 0.5 5030.00 13644 1.00 12423 32775 12403 32123 0.7 5031.00 16223 1.00 14933 47708 14915 47037 1.1 5032.00 18959 1.00 17591 65299 17573 64611 1.5 5033.00 21868 1.00 20413 85712 20396 85006 2.0 5034.00 24970 1.00 23419 109131 23402 108408 2.5 5035.00 28297 1.00 26634 135765 26616 135024 3.1 Detention Pond Stage-Storage Calculations Average End Area Method: Required Volume Water Surface Elevation Conic Volume Method: 100-year 5024 5026 5028 5030 5032 5034 5036 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 Contour Elevation, ft Cummulative Volume, ft3 Stage - Storage | POND A Project Number: GNK10.20 Date: 10/23/2020 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND B User Input Cell: Blue Text 100-year 25876 0.62 0.59 3.82 0.8 0.2 minutes seconds in/hr cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet acre-feet 5 300 9.95 7070 229 6840 0.16 10 600 7.72 10970 458 10512 0.24 15 900 6.52 13898 688 13210 0.30 20 1200 5.60 15916 917 14999 0.34 25 1500 4.98 17692 1146 16546 0.38 30 1800 4.52 19269 1375 17894 0.41 35 2100 4.08 20292 1604 18688 0.43 40 2400 3.74 21259 1834 19425 0.45 45 2700 3.46 22126 2063 20063 0.46 50 3000 3.23 22950 2292 20658 0.47 55 3300 3.03 23682 2521 21160 0.49 60 3600 2.86 24385 2750 21635 0.50 65 3900 2.71 25032 2980 22052 0.51 70 4200 2.59 25763 3209 22555 0.52 75 4500 2.48 26431 3438 22993 0.53 80 4800 2.38 27057 3667 23389 0.54 85 5100 2.29 27661 3896 23764 0.55 90 5400 2.21 28264 4126 24139 0.55 95 5700 2.13 28755 4355 24400 0.56 100 6000 2.06 29273 4584 24689 0.57 105 6300 2.00 29842 4813 25029 0.57 110 6600 1.94 30325 5042 25283 0.58 115 6900 1.88 30723 5272 25451 0.58 120 7200 1.84 31377 5501 25876 0.59 Average Outflow Storage Volume Storage Volume Catchment Drainage Area, ac: Release Rate, cfs: Storm Duration Time Rainfall Intensity Inflow Volume Catchment 'C': Required Storage, ac-ft: Modified FAA Method- Storage Colume Calculations Inputs | Tributary Area Output | Detention Volume Return Period for Detention Control: Required Storage, cubic feet: Project Description Solve For Diameter Input Data Discharge 0.80 ft³/s Headwater Elevation 5050.70 ft Centroid Elevation 5046.33 ft Tailwater Elevation 5046.18 ft Discharge Coefficient 0.64 Results Diameter 0.31 ft Headwater Height Above Centroid 4.37 ft Tailwater Height Above Centroid -0.15 ft Flow Area 0.07 ft² Velocity 10.73 ft/s 100-yr Orifice | Pond B 10/27/2020 2:46:03 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution BentleCyenter FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Project Number: GNK10.20 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Date: 10/26/2020 Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND B User Input Cell: Blue Text Design Point: N/A Design Storm: WQCV Required Volume: 2526 ft3 5047.56 ft Design Storm: N/A Required Volume: 0 ft3 N/A ft Design Storm: 100-year Required Volume: 28402 ft3 5050.7 ft Contour Elevation Contour Area Depth Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Cummulative Volume ft ft2 ft ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ac-ft 5046.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 5047.00 1940 0.82 795 795 530 530 0.0 5048.00 5495 1.00 3718 4513 3567 4097 0.1 5049.00 8338 1.00 6917 11430 6867 10965 0.3 5050.00 10782 1.00 9560 20990 9534 20499 0.5 5051.00 13257 1.00 12020 33010 11998 32497 0.7 5052.00 15815 1.00 14536 47546 14517 47014 1.1 Detention Pond Stage-Storage Calculations Required Volume Water Surface Elevation Average End Area Method: Conic Volume Method: 100-year 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 Contour Elevation, ft Cummulative Volume, ft3 Stage - Storage | POND B Project Number: GNK10.20 Date: 10/23/2020 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND C User Input Cell: Blue Text 100-year 120769 0.74 2.77 14.44 2.9 0.2 minutes seconds in/hr cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet acre-feet 5 300 9.95 31897 866 31030 0.71 10 600 7.72 49496 1733 47763 1.10 15 900 6.52 62703 2599 60104 1.38 20 1200 5.60 71807 3466 68342 1.57 25 1500 4.98 79821 4332 75489 1.73 30 1800 4.52 86938 5198 81740 1.88 35 2100 4.08 91554 6065 85489 1.96 40 2400 3.74 95914 6931 88983 2.04 45 2700 3.46 99825 7798 92027 2.11 50 3000 3.23 103543 8664 94879 2.18 55 3300 3.03 106845 9530 97315 2.23 60 3600 2.86 110019 10397 99622 2.29 65 3900 2.71 112936 11263 101673 2.33 70 4200 2.59 116238 12130 104108 2.39 75 4500 2.48 119251 12996 106255 2.44 80 4800 2.38 122072 13862 108210 2.48 85 5100 2.29 124797 14729 110068 2.53 90 5400 2.21 127522 15595 111927 2.57 95 5700 2.13 129734 16462 113272 2.60 100 6000 2.06 132074 17328 114746 2.63 105 6300 2.00 134639 18194 116444 2.67 110 6600 1.94 136818 19061 117758 2.70 115 6900 1.88 138614 19927 118686 2.72 120 7200 1.84 141563 20794 120769 2.77 Average Outflow Storage Volume Storage Volume Catchment Drainage Area, ac: Release Rate, cfs: Storm Duration Time Rainfall Intensity Inflow Volume Catchment 'C': Required Storage, ac-ft: Modified FAA Method- Storage Colume Calculations Inputs | Tributary Area Output | Detention Volume Return Period for Detention Control: Required Storage, cubic feet: Project Description Solve For Diameter Input Data Discharge 2.90 ft³/s Headwater Elevation 5050.30 ft Centroid Elevation 5043.35 ft Tailwater Elevation 5043.10 ft Discharge Coefficient 0.64 Results Diameter 0.52 ft Headwater Height Above Centroid 6.95 ft Tailwater Height Above Centroid -0.25 ft Flow Area 0.21 ft² Velocity 13.53 ft/s 100-yr Orifice | Pond C 10/27/2020 2:46:53 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution BentleCyenter FlowMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Project Number: GNK10.20 Project Location: Fort Collins, Colorado Date: 10/26/2020 Calculations By: H. Feissner Pond Description: POND C User Input Cell: Blue Text Design Point: N/A Design Storm: WQCV Required Volume: 0 ft 3 N/A ft Design Storm: N/A Required Volume: 0 ft 3 N/A ft Design Storm: 100-year Required Volume: 120769 ft 3 5050.3 ft Contour Elevation Contour Area Depth Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Incremental Volume Cummulative Volume Cummulative Volume ft ft 2 ft ft 3 ft 3 ft 3 ft 3 ac-ft 5043.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 5044.00 2367 0.90 1065 1065 710 710 0.0 5045.00 8856 1.00 5612 6677 5267 5978 0.1 5046.00 13364 1.00 11110 17787 11033 17011 0.4 5047.00 17199 1.00 15282 33069 15241 32252 0.7 5048.00 21805 1.00 19502 52571 19457 51709 1.2 5049.00 27738 1.00 24771 77342 24712 76421 1.8 5050.00 35466 1.00 31602 108944 31523 107943 2.5 5051.00 45660 1.00 40563 149507 40456 148399 3.4 Detention Pond Stage-Storage Calculations Required Volume Water Surface Elevation Average End Area Method: Conic Volume Method: 100-year 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Appendix D – Supporting Documentation Shenandoah PUD Filing One Ridgewood Hills PUD 3rd Filing Ridgewood Hills Fourth Filing This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact City of Fort Collins Utilities 700 Wood Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA This unofficial copy was downloaded on Aug-27-2019 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA 8-UNIT 8-UNIT 6-UNIT 6-UNIT TOT LOT SPORTS COURT (110' X 50') CLUB HOUSE POOL AVONDALE ROAD TRIANGLE DRIVE 2' CURB CUT RIP RAP TYPE VL AS SHOWN D50=6" 1 N1 0.353 0.36 N2 0.36 2 N3 0.41 3 N4 0.33 4 5 6 7b 8 9 N5 0.55 0.276 0.301 0.211 1.872 12 STORM A PIPE - (45) STORM A PIPE - (44) FLOW TO EX. POND 1 EXISTING DETENTION POND 7a 11b 52.11 LF 12" HDPE @ 5.95% YARD INLET LATERALS HDPE N-12 (TYP) YARD INLET LATERALS HDPE N-12 (TYP) STORM A PIPE - (63) CDOT TYPE D AREA INLET STMH A1 EXISTING INLET CORE 8-UNIT 6-UNIT 24-UNIT 16-UNIT 16-UNIT 24-UNIT 24-UNIT PEYTON DRIVE AVONDALE ROAD TRIANGLE DRIVE RIP RAP TYPE VL AS SHOWN D50=6" 31 10 13 S2 0.125 0.25 S4 0.121 0.31 S5 0.125 0.29 S6 0.154 0.61 S7 0.155 0.25 S8 0.575 0.55 S9 0.112 0.63 S10 0.119 0.56 S11 0.201 0.46 S12 0.436 0.50 S13 0.041 0.45 S14 1.866 0.49 S15 1.153 0.66 S18 0.990 0.28 S17 0.810 0.18 S16 0.204 0.68 S19 0.352 0.25 14 15 16b 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 This unofficial copy was downloaded on Oct-19-2020 from the City of Fort Collins Public Records Website: http://citydocs.fcgov.com For additional information or an official copy, please contact Engineering Office 281 North College Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 • GallowayUS.com Appendix E – Supporting Documentation Sheets C1.0 and C1.1 - Existing Conditions & Demo Plan Sheets C12.0 and C12.1 - Drainage Plan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C1.0_Existing Conditions Plan.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/27/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMO PLAN C1.0 UE W SS STM G UT SCALE: 1"=60' 0 10 30 60 C1.0 MATCHLINE-SEE SHEET C1.1 KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C1.0_Existing Conditions Plan.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/27/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMO PLAN C1.1 UE W SS STM G UT SCALE: 1"=60' 0 10 30 60 KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD C1.0 C1.1 1 2 1 11 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM A PORTION OF BASIN N7 - RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 acres D4 0.20 0.25 0.29 D5 RF10 RF9 A15 A16 A14 A13 RF8 RF7 A12 A9 A8 A10 A11 A2 A7 RF6 RF5 RF4 RF3 A5 A4 A6 1 10 6 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 5 6 OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM BASIN SB-14 OF RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING Q2=0.05 cfs Q100 = 1.52 cfs 3 D1 C7 C6b C6a C8 C10 C13 C14 C15 C16 C11 C12 C18 C17 C9 AVD2 AVD1 C18 C19 acres PND C 0.20 0.25 1.58 acres RG C 0.27 0.33 0.86 acres D1 0.65 0.82 0.10 acres C5 0.70 0.88 0.22 C5 acres C6b 0.73 0.92 0.99 acres C7 0.55 0.69 0.41 acres C8 0.46 0.57 0.42 acres AVD2 0.04 0.25 0.00 acres C9 0.74 0.93 0.60 acres C10 0.81 1.00 0.46 acres C11 0.84 1.00 0.19 acres C13 0.76 0.95 0.34 acres C12 0.55 0.69 0.41 acres C14 0.72 0.90 1.07 acres C15 0.78 0.97 0.46 acres C16 0.73 0.92 1.60 acres C17 0.70 0.88 0.13 acres C18 0.63 0.79 1.03 acres WT2 0.25 0.31 2.21 WT2 acres WT3 0.20 0.25 1.70 WT3 acres D6 0.20 0.25 0.93 D6 acres WT1 0.41 0.52 0.17 WT1 acres C6a 0.78 0.98 0.25 acres SB-14 0.06 0.51 0.298 SB-14 acres AVD1 0.04 0.25 0.00 15 OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM AVD1 AND AVD2 TO BE DETERMINED EXISTING WETLAND AREA 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY LEGEND: PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING MANHOLE DRAINAGE SYMBOLS: DESIGN POINT MAJOR BASIN BOUNDARY (i.e., C-STORE) SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY (i.e., RATIONAL METHOD) OVERLAND FLOW DIRECTION (I.E., LANDSCAPING) DIRECT FLOW DIRECTION (I.E., PAVEMENT, CURB AND GUTTER) BASIN ID MINOR (2YEAR) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT MAJOR (100YEAR) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT BASIN AREA (ACRES) acres A1 0.23 0.45 1.00 A1 SCALE: 1"=60' 0 10 30 60 MATCHLINE-SEE SHEET C12.0 DRAINAGE PLAN C12.1 KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD C12.1 C12.0 DRAINAGE NOTES PROPOSED OUTLET STRUCTURE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN INLET (CDOT TYPE R CURB INLET, No. 16 COMBINATION INLET, AREA INLET, ETC.) PROPOSED GRASS-LINED SWALE W/CONCRETE PAN PROPOSED RE-ALIGNMENT OF EXISTING IRRIGATION DITCH EXISTING IRRIGATION DITCH TO BE PROTECTED IN-PLACE PROPOSED INTERIM OUTFALL PROPOSED HEADWALL w/ORIFICE PLATE PROPOSED SIDEWALK CHASE PROPOSED BIORETENTION BASIN PROPOSED ADS STORMTECH SYSTEM EXISTING 48" OUTFALL TO ROBERT BENSON LAKE RE-ROUTED OUTFALL FROM SHENANDOAH PUD FILING ONE POND B OUTFALL ESTIMATED 100-YEAR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION (WSEL) EXISTING 24" OUTFALL CONSTRUCTED W/RIDGEWOOD HILLS PUD 3RD FILING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A3 RF2 RF1 A1 B3 B2 B4 acres PND A 0.22 0.27 0.91 acres PND B 0.30 0.38 1.08 B1 D4 C2 C3 C4 D2 acres A1 0.82 1.00 0.59 acres B1 0.33 0.42 0.27 acres B2 0.57 0.72 1.78 acres B3 0.68 0.85 0.69 acres A2 0.85 1.00 0.99 acres A7 0.42 0.52 0.23 acres A3 0.52 0.65 0.98 acres A5 0.68 0.85 0.33 acres A4 0.60 0.74 0.44 acres A6 0.77 0.96 0.43 acres A8 0.82 1.00 0.16 acres A9 0.84 1.00 0.26 acres A10 0.73 0.91 0.18 acres A11 0.84 1.00 0.16 acres A12 0.87 1.00 0.28 acres A13 0.64 0.81 0.64 acres A14 0.67 0.84 0.34 acres A15 0.72 0.91 0.20 acres A16 0.89 1.00 0.32 acres D5 0.23 0.28 0.42 C1 acres C1 0.37 0.46 0.30 acres C2 0.28 0.35 0.13 acres C3 0.61 0.77 2.25 acres C4 0.74 0.92 0.72 acres C5 0.70 0.88 0.22 C5 acres OS3 0.20 0.25 1.69 acres RBS 0.20 0.25 0.85 RBS A17 acres N-7 0.25 0.31 0.90 acres OS1 0.21 0.27 0.90 acres OS2 0.20 0.25 0.69 acres OS4 0.20 0.25 0.38 acres D2 0.33 0.42 0.74 acres D3 0.20 0.25 0.21 D3 OS1 OS2 OS3 OS4 14 13 15 15 OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM ±31% OF N-7 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING Q2=0.18 cfs Q100 =0.64 cfs OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM ±28% OF N-7 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING Q2=0.16 cfs Q100 =0.58 cfs OFF-SITE RUNOFF FROM ±41% OF N-7 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING Q2=0.24 cfs Q100=0.85 cfs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY LEGEND: PROPOSED STORM SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING MANHOLE DRAINAGE SYMBOLS: DESIGN POINT MAJOR BASIN BOUNDARY (i.e., C-STORE) SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY (i.e., RATIONAL METHOD) OVERLAND FLOW DIRECTION (I.E., LANDSCAPING) DIRECT FLOW DIRECTION (I.E., PAVEMENT, CURB AND GUTTER) BASIN ID MINOR (2YEAR) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT MAJOR (100YEAR) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT BASIN AREA (ACRES) acres A1 0.23 0.45 1.00 A1 SCALE: 1"=60' 0 10 30 60 DRAINAGE PLAN MATCHLINE-SEE SHEET C12.1 C12.0 KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD C12.1 C12.0 DRAINAGE NOTES PROPOSED OUTLET STRUCTURE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN INLET (CDOT TYPE R CURB INLET, No. 16 COMBINATION INLET, AREA INLET, ETC.) PROPOSED GRASS-LINED SWALE W/CONCRETE PAN PROPOSED RE-ALIGNMENT OF EXISTING IRRIGATION DITCH EXISTING IRRIGATION DITCH TO BE PROTECTED IN-PLACE PROPOSED INTERIM OUTFALL PROPOSED HEADWALL w/ORIFICE PLATE PROPOSED SIDEWALK CHASE PROPOSED BIORETENTION BASIN PROPOSED ADS STORMTECH SYSTEM EXISTING 48" OUTFALL TO ROBERT BENSON LAKE RE-ROUTED OUTFALL FROM SHENANDOAH PUD FILING ONE POND B OUTFALL ESTIMATED 100-YEAR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION (WSEL) EXISTING 24" OUTFALL CONSTRUCTED W/RIDGEWOOD HILLS PUD 3RD FILING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MATCHLINE-SEE SHEET C1.0 C1.1 28 29 32 33 30 STORM B PIPE - (24) STORM B PIPE - (23) STORM B PIPE - (22) 34 16a EX. STM MANHOLE AND APPROX. 44 LF OF EX. 30" D/S STORM DRAIN TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT GRADE SHOWN. 36.5 LF 24" RCP @ 2.00% 64.10 LF 12" HDPE @ 6.99% YARD INLET LATERALS HDPE N-12 (TYP) 5' TYPE R INLET RIM EL. = 5087.6 INV IN = 5077.68 INV OUT = 5075.93 STMH B1 20' TYPE R INLET 5' TYPE R INLET 6' DENVER #16 STMH B2 COMBO INLET STMH C1 TYPE D M-604-11 AREA INLET RIM EL. = 5070.0 STMH B3 STORM C PIPE - (34) CORE DRILL 12" HDPE STORM B PIPE - (21) STORM C PIPE - (59) 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5091.50 INV: 5089.50 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5090.44 INV: 5087.87 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5094.25 INV: 5088.18 66.15 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.07% 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5091.00 INV: 5085.05 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5091.20 INV: 5085.09 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5090.74 INV: 5087.57 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5083.40 INV: 5078.42 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5083.40 INV: 5078.83 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5083.40 INV: 5079.05 53.65 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.0% 54.47 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.0% 7.00 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% 7.00 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% 2' SIDEWALK CHASE AND CURB CUT 7.00 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% 7.00 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% 35.54 LF 12" HDPE @ 5.97% STORM C PIPE - (60) CORE DRILL 12" HDPE 61.24 LF 12" HDPE @ 5.97% 72.51 LF 12" HDPE @ 5.97% 50.00 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.07% 6.65 LF 12" RCP @ 7.50% 16.4 LF 12" HDPE @ 2.01% 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5083.32 INV: 5075.00 12.38 LF 6" PVC @ 1.00% 20.00 LF 8" HDPE @ 4.20% EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT IS TO BE RELOCATED CORE DRILL 12" HDPE 35.45 LF 12" HDPE @ 6.99% TEE 12" HDPE TEE 12" RCP 92.88 INV. 92.03 INV. 90.60 INV. 90.47 INV. 12" TEE INV=5084.21 28.27 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.0% 25.65 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.0% 20.07 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.0% 24" BASIN COVERED LID INV.=78.22 12" TEE 12" TEE INV.=78.57 INV.=78.76 2' SIDEWALK CHASE 95.45 INV. 95.38 INV. 94.60 INV. 94.54 INV. 89.45 INV. 89.38 INV. 88.65 INV. 88.57 2' SIDEWALK INV. CHASE 45.12 LF HDPE @ 1.75% 2' CURB CUT (TYP X3) SEE SEPARATE L.I.D. PLAN SET FOR SUBDRAIN DETAILS S1 0.560 0.43 8.0 LF 8" HDPE @ 2.05% 93.86 INV. 93.69 INV. 4' VALLEY PAN 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5083.22 INV: 5081.22 87.11 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.75% 12" TEE INV: 5080.43 12" FES INV: 5078.90 EXISTING MANHOLE STORM C PIPE - (59) NORTH 0 15' 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1"= 30'-0" MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET 6 OF 9) 1-800-922-1987 NOTES 1. SEE SHEET 5 FOR DRAINAGE DATA SUMMARY TABLE 2. SEE SHEETS 19 - 21 FOR STORM DRAIN PLAN & PROFILES. MATCHLINE (SAME SHEET) MATCHLINE (SAME SHEET) LEGEND: DRAINAGE BASIN I.D. DESIGN POINT OVERLAND FLOW DIRECTION # # 0.000 0.00 MINOR STORM RUNOFF COEFFICIENT DRAINAGE BASIN AREA (AC) CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO UTILITY PLAN APPROVAL THIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TFG DESIGN, LLC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 1269 N Cleveland Ave, Loveland CO 80537 (970) 669.3737 design@tfgdesign.com www.tfgdesign.com ATTN: SHEET OF SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: REVISIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION: OWNER: DRAWN BY: FILE LOCATION: T:\Projects\1000 General\1053 TFG\1053-001 RidgewoodHills4th\DWGS\C2.0_Drainage Plans.dwg PLOT DATE: 11/19/2013 7:34 AM PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: PHASE: M. TIMM DEVELOPMENT BILL TIMM 233 CARILLO STREET SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 (805) 963-0358 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING AVONDALE RD & TRIANGLE FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 111-122FC AUG 07, 2014 FP 36 DRAINAGE PLAN SOUTH 6 6 SOUTH WALL OF INLET BOX TO ACCEPT PIPING FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STMH A2 W/ NEENAH R-2553 GRATE RIM EL. = 5080.33 INV. EL. (W) = 5075.30 INV. EL. (E) = 5075.10 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5098.25 INV: 5096.25 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5093.00 INV: 5091.00 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5085.25 INV: 5083.25 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5080.25 INV: 5078.25 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5098.25 INV: 5095.30 12" TEE INV: 5089.90 12" TEE INV: 5082.76 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5079.91 INV: 5077.45 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5098.25 INV: 5095.79 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5098.25 INV: 8093.60 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5094.20 INV: 5090.81 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5092.34 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5092.76 INV: 5086.60 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5088.15 INV: 5083.50 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5084.85 INV: 5081.13 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5084.50 INV: 5080.18 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5094.25 INV: 5090.22 24" ADS AREA DRAIN RIM: 5094.25 INV: 5092.25 25.00 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.07% 45.82 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.00% 47.06 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.00% 46.83 LF 12" HDPE @ 3.64% 76.60 LF 12" HDPE @ 3.64% 76.12 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.16% 39.91 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.96% 36.83 LF 12" HDPE @ 6.05% 64.60 LF 12" HDPE @ 3.67% 23.78 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.51% 71.42 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.51% 79.12 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.20% 21.96 LF 12" HDPE @ 2.55% 68.75 LF 12" HDPE @ 0.33% 12" TEE INV: 5078.02 34.29 LF 12" HDPE @ 6.27% EXIST. 24" RCP EXIST. 36" RCP 12" ELBOW INV: 5083.13 12" ELBOW INV: 5090.79 37.30 LF 12" HDPE @ 5.78% 63.98 LF 12" HDPE @ 2.00% 12" HDPE INV: 5074.48 12" ELBOW INV: 5091.23 25.00 LF 12" HDPE @ 4.07% SEE SEPARATE L.I.D. PLAN SET FOR SUBDRAIN DETAILS S3 0.235 0.29 N6 0.830 0.71 N7 0.900 0.25 OS-1 0.401 0.61 18.42 LF 12" HDPE @ 1.16% NORTH 0 15' 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1"= 30'-0" MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET 7 OF 9) DRAINAGE DATA SUMMARY TABLE 1-800-922-1987 LEGEND: DRAINAGE BASIN I.D. DESIGN POINT OVERLAND FLOW DIRECTION # # 0.000 0.00 MINOR STORM RUNOFF COEFFICIENT DRAINAGE BASIN AREA (AC) CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO UTILITY PLAN APPROVAL THIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF TFG DESIGN, LLC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 1269 N Cleveland Ave, Loveland CO 80537 (970) 669.3737 design@tfgdesign.com www.tfgdesign.com ATTN: SHEET OF SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: REVISIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION: OWNER: DRAWN BY: FILE LOCATION: T:\Projects\1000 General\1053 TFG\1053-001 RidgewoodHills4th\DWGS\C2.0_Drainage Plans.dwg PLOT DATE: 11/19/2013 7:34 AM PROJECT NUMBER: DATE: PHASE: M. TIMM DEVELOPMENT BILL TIMM 233 CARILLO STREET SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 (805) 963-0358 RIDGEWOOD HILLS FOURTH FILING AVONDALE RD & TRIANGLE FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 111-122FC AUG 07, 2014 FP 36 NOTES 1. SEE SHEETS 19 - 21 FOR STORM DRAIN PLAN & PROFILES. DRAINAGE PLAN NORTH 5 5 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 Contour Elevation, ft Cummulative Volume, ft3 Stage - Storage | POND C ii) Forebay Discharge Design Flow QF = cfs (QF = 0.02 * Q 100) E) Forebay Discharge Design F) Discharge Pipe Size (minimum 8-inches) Calculated DP = in G) Rectangular Notch Width Calculated WN = in Flow too small for berm w/ pipe Design Procedure Form: Extended Detention Basin (EDB) Ridgewood Hills Fifth Filing | B-Basins Galloway & Company, Inc. October 23, 2020 Fort Collins, CO H. Feissner UD-BMP (Version 3.07, March 2018) Choose One Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Choose One Wall with Rect. Notch Berm With Pipe Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Wall with V-Notch Weir GNK10.20_UD-BMP_v3.07.xlsm, EDB 10/23/2020, 3:27 PM MINIMUM INSTALLED STORAGE* 115.3 CUBIC FEET (3.26 m³) WEIGHT (NOMINAL) 90 lbs. (40.8 kg) *ASSUMES 12" (305 mm) STONE ABOVE, 9" (229 mm) STONE FOUNDATION AND BETWEEN CHAMBERS, 12" (305 mm) STONE PERIMETER IN FRONT OF END CAPS AND 40% STONE POROSITY. PARTIAL CUT HOLES AT BOTTOM OF END CAP FOR PART NUMBERS ENDING WITH "B" PARTIAL CUT HOLES AT TOP OF END CAP FOR PART NUMBERS ENDING WITH "T" END CAPS WITH A PREFABRICATED WELDED STUB END WITH "W" CUSTOM PARTIAL CUT INVERTS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INVENTORIED MANIFOLDS INCLUDE 12-24" (300-600 mm) SIZE ON SIZE AND 15-48" (375-1200 mm) ECCENTRIC MANIFOLDS. CUSTOM INVERT LOCATIONS ON THE MC-4500 END CAP CUT IN THE FIELD ARE NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PIPE SIZES GREATER THAN 10" (250 mm). THE INVERT LOCATION IN COLUMN 'B' ARE THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE FOR THE PIPE SIZE. UPPER JOINT CORRUGATION WEB CREST CREST STIFFENING RIB VALLEY STIFFENING RIB BUILD ROW IN THIS DIRECTION LOWER JOINT CORRUGATION FOOT B C 52.0" (1321 mm) 48.3" (1227 mm) INSTALLED 60.0" (1524 mm) 100.0" (2540 mm) 90.0" (2286 mm) 61.0" (1549 mm) 32.8" (833 mm) INSTALLED 38.0" (965 mm) 520 CROMWELL AVENUE | ROCKY HLIL | CT | 06067 860-529-8188 |888-892-2694 | WWW.STORMTECH.COM Detention Retention Water Quality ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. R 4640 TRUEMAN BLVD HILLIARD, OH 43026 1-800-733-7473 DATE: DRAWN: EF PROJECT #: CHECKED: N/A THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. REV DRW CHK DESCRIPTION RIDGEWOOD HILLS FORT COLLINS, CO SHEET 5 OF 5 REV DRW CHK DESCRIPTION RIDGEWOOD HILLS FORT COLLINS, CO SHEET 4 OF 5 AASHTO M43¹ 3, 4 PLATE COMPACT OR ROLL TO ACHIEVE A FLAT SURFACE. 2,3 24" (600 mm) MIN* 7.0' (2.1 m) MAX 100" (2540 mm) 12" (300 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 9" (230 mm) MIN D C B A *TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 30" (750 mm). 60" (1525 mm) DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN PERIMETER STONE (SEE NOTE 6) EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) MC-4500 END CAP SUBGRADE SOILS (SEE NOTE 4) PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) NO COMPACTION REQUIRED. ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS 520 CROMWELL AVENUE | ROCKY HLIL | CT | 06067 860-529-8188 |888-892-2694 | WWW.STORMTECH.COM Detention Retention Water Quality ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. R 4640 TRUEMAN BLVD HILLIARD, OH 43026 1-800-733-7473 DATE: DRAWN: EF PROJECT #: CHECKED: N/A THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OTHER PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THIS DRAWING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER TO ENSURE THAT THE PRODUCT(S) DEPICTED AND ALL ASSOCIATED DETAILS MEET ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. REV DRW CHK DESCRIPTION RIDGEWOOD HILLS FORT COLLINS, CO SHEET 3 OF 5 PART TYPE LAYOUT 18" BOTTOM PARTIAL CUT END CAP, PART#: MC4500IEPP18B / TYP OF ALL 18" BOTTOM 1.97" PREFABRICATED END CAP A CONNECTIONS 24" BOTTOM PARTIAL CUT END CAP, PART#: MC4500IEPP24B / TYP OF ALL 24" BOTTOM 2.26" PREFABRICATED END CAP B CONNECTIONS AND ISOLATOR PLUS ROWS FLAMP C INSTALL FLAMP ON 24" ACCESS PIPE / PART#: MC450024RAMP (TYP 3 PLACES) MANIFOLD D 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12 1.97" MANIFOLD E 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12 1.97" MANIFOLD F 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12 1.97" MANIFOLD G 18" x 18" BOTTOM MANIFOLD, ADS N-12 1.97" CONCRETE STRUCTURE H OCS (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) 8.0 CFS OUT I (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) 11.0 CFS IN CONCRETE STRUCTURE W/WEIR J (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) 11.0 CFS IN CONCRETE STRUCTURE W/WEIR K (DESIGN BY ENGINEER / PROVIDED BY OTHERS) 11.0 CFS IN CONCRETE STRUCTURE W/WEIR ISOLATOR ROW PLUS (SEE DETAIL/TYP 2 PLACES) PLACE MINIMUM 17.50' OF ADSPLUS175 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE OVER BEDDING STONE AND UNDERNEATH CHAMBER FEET FOR SCOUR PROTECTION AT ALL CHAMBER INLET ROWS BED LIMITS 76.11' 28.50' 65.84' 26.50' H D A C B F G E K J I 0 10' 20' THAN 3”. · TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ARCH SHAPE DURING INSTALLATION, a) THE ARCH STIFFNESS CONSTANT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6.2.8 OF ASTM F2418 SHALL BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 500 LBS/IN/IN. AND b) TO RESIST CHAMBER DEFORMATION DURING INSTALLATION AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (ABOVE 73° F / 23° C), CHAMBERS SHALL BE PRODUCED FROM REFLECTIVE GOLD OR YELLOW COLORS. 8. ONLY CHAMBERS THAT ARE APPROVED BY THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER WILL BE ALLOWED. UPON REQUEST BY THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER OR OWNER, THE CHAMBER MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT A STRUCTURAL EVALUATION FOR APPROVAL BEFORE DELIVERING CHAMBERS TO THE PROJECT SITE AS FOLLOWS: · THE STRUCTURAL EVALUATION SHALL BE SEALED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. · THE STRUCTURAL EVALUATION SHALL DEMONSTRATE THAT THE SAFETY FACTORS ARE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 1.95 FOR DEAD LOAD AND 1.75 FOR LIVE LOAD, THE MINIMUM REQUIRED BY ASTM F2787 AND BY SECTIONS 3 AND 12.12 OF THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR THERMOPLASTIC PIPE. · THE TEST DERIVED CREEP MODULUS AS SPECIFIED IN ASTM F2418 SHALL BE USED FOR PERMANENT DEAD LOAD DESIGN EXCEPT THAT IT SHALL BE THE 75-YEAR MODULUS USED FOR DESIGN. 9. CHAMBERS AND END CAPS SHALL BE PRODUCED AT AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED MANUFACTURING FACILITY. ©2013 ADS, INC. PROJECT INFORMATION ADS SALES REP PROJECT NO. ENGINEERED PRODUCT MANAGER RIDGEWOOD HILLS FORT COLLINS, CO 33.54 0.35 11.74 0.026 (A - COLUMN 4) FLOW RATE (GPM/SF) FLOW RATE PER CHAMBER (GPM) FLOW RATE PER CHAMBER (CFS) STORMTECH CHAMBER VOLUME AND RELEASE RATE CALCULATIONS SC-740 CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS CHAMBER LENGTH (IN) CHAMBER WIDTH (IN) CHAMBER FOOTPRINT (SQ IN) CHAMBER FOOTPRINT (SF) Approximated 2-year flow w/Tc=10 min. C=0.79 i=2.21 in/hr A=7.98ac Flow too small for berm w/ pipe Choose One Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV) Choose One Wall with Rect. Notch Berm With Pipe Water Quality Capture Volume (WQCV) Wall with V-Notch Weir GNK10.20_UD-BMP_v3.07.xlsm, EDB 10/27/2020, 11:38 AM US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM C 39+50 47+53.82 50' 5' MATCH LINE SEE SHEET: C6.8 STA: 39+50 LINE MATCH STA 39+50 STORM C, C-14 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.9 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM C-14 139+50 140+08.72 50' 5' T T T T STM STM STM S T KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STAMP Date: Drawn By: Project No: Checked By: H:\Goodwin Knight\CO, Fort Collins - GNK000010 - Triangle Dr. and College Ave\CADD\3-CD\UTIL\GNK10_C6.0_Storm Plan and Profile.dwg - Donald Cecil - 10/28/2020 # Date Issue / Description Init. RIDGEWOOD HILLS - FIFTH FILING FINAL UTILITY PLAN FORT COLLINS, CO THESE PLANS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND ARE THE PROPERTY OF GALLOWAY, AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, DISCLOSED, OR REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF GALLOWAY. COPYRIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENTS WILL BE ENFORCED AND PROSECUTED. COPYRIGHT GallowayUS.com 5265 Ronald Reagan Blvd., Suite 210 Johnstown, CO 80534 970.800.3300 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.26.2020 GNK000010 JEP DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM C 30+00.00 39+50 50' 5' MATCH LINE SEE SHEET: C6.9 STA: 39+50 LINE MATCH STA 39+50 STORM C, C-2 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.8 STORM C-2 20+00.00 20+51.67 50' 5' EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET B-1 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM B-1 10+00.00 11+30.06 50' 5' STORM B-1, B-2 PLAN & PROFILE C6.7 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM B-2 20+00.00 END 50' 5' B-2 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM B 20+00.00 27+36.72 50' 5' STORM B PLAN AND PROFILE C6.6 SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-15 150+00.00 150+70.83 50' 5' A-15 A-16 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-16 160+00.00 161+23.73 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-17 170+00.00 170+28.91 50' 5' A-17 STORM A-15, A-16, A-17 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.5 NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-12 120+00.00 120+16.82 50' 5' A-11 A-12 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-13 130+00.00 130+13.41 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-14 140+00.00 140+03.50 50' 5' A-13 A-14 STORM A-12, A-13, A-14 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.4 PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-11 110+00.00 113+26.70 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-11.1 100+00.00 102+44.86 50' 5' A-11 A-11.1 STORM A-11, A-11.1 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.3 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-9 90+00.00 92+80.13 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-10 100+00.00 102+44.86 50' 5' A-9 A-10 STORM A-9, A-10 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.2 DBC PRELIMINARY NOTES: 1. THE SIZE, TYPE AND LOCATION OF ALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE WHEN SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-2 20+00.00 20+10.85 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-3 30+00.00 32+46.90 50' 5' SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 STORM A-8 80+00.00 80+17.00 50' 5' A-2 A-3 A-8 STORM A-2, A-3, A-8 PLAN AND PROFILE C6.1 SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXISTENCE OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF THE WORK. BEFORE COMMENCING NEW CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER FORT COLLINS LOVELAND WATER DISTRICT AND SOUTH FORT COLLINS SANITATION DISTRICT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LATEST EDITION. 3. ALL WATER FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE ONLY GRAPHICALLY REPRESENTED AND ARE NOT TO SCALE. 4. UTILITY SERVICES ARE SHOWN IN A SCHEMATIC FASHION ONLY. EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PROVIDERS, AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. MAINTAIN 10' HORIZONTAL AND 18" VERTICAL MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, STORM SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS & SERVICES. 6. CONFIRM EXISTING SANITARY SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 7. CONFIRM EXISTING STORM SEWER INVERT IN THE FIELD. IF IT DOESN'T MATCH THE ASSUMED INVERT, CONTACT THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 8. CONFIRM HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF WATER TO EXISTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 9. MINIMUM SEWER SLOPE IS 1.04% (1 8" / 1') FOR 6" DIAMETER AND 2.08% ( 1 4" / 1') FOR 4" DIAMETER. 10. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CABLE SERVICES. 11. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL TERMINATE UTILITY LATERALS 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXACT LOCATIONS (HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL) OF ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS INTO THE PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 12. ROOF DRAIN CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. EXISTING WATER MAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPOSED LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8"W PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM INLET PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY BOUNDARY 8"SS W SS EXISTING IRRIGATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE IRR UT EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UE LEGEND: EXISTING FIBER OPTIC FO EXISTING GAS G EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING STORM INLET SCALE: 1"=50' 0 10 20 50 KEYMAP US HWY 287 STRASBURG DR TRIANGLE DR AVONDALE RD STORM A 10+00.00 20+33.29 50' 5' STORM A PLAN AND PROFILE C6.0 INLET A-3.3 INLET A-3.2 5041.14 5040.95 5041.48 5041.15 5040.87 5039.75 5041.07 5040.09 INLET A-3.2 INLET A-3.1 5039.75 5039.43 5040.09 5039.63 5039.35 5039.24 5039.55 5039.44 INLET A-3.1 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) 5039.24 5038.96 5039.44 5039.15 5038.88 5038.79 5039.07 5039.22 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) STMH A-2 5038.79 5038.74 5039.22 5039.17 5038.57 5038.47 5038.71 5038.98 INLET A-2.1 STMH A-2 5038.65 5038.62 5038.78 5038.76 5038.57 5038.47 5038.71 5038.98 STMH A-2 STMH A-1 5038.47 5038.33 5038.98 5038.84 5038.13 5036.22 5038.64 5036.73 STMH A-1 CONNECTION A-0 5036.22 5036.14 5036.73 5036.64 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) OUTFALL A-16.2 FES A-16.1 5026.44 5025.54 5026.63 5025.78 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) INLET B-2.3 STMH B-2.2 5054.95 5052.56 5055.10 5052.66 5052.51 5052.31 5052.61 5052.44 STMH B-2.2 FES B-2.1 5052.31 5051.78 5052.44 5051.93 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) INLET B-1.3 INLET B-1.2 5051.24 5051.12 5051.50 5051.38 5051.01 5050.93 5051.27 5051.15 INLET B-1.2 FES B-1.1 5050.93 5050.70 5051.15 5050.92 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) OUTFALL B-5 STMH B-4 5046.33 5045.93 5046.45 5046.02 5045.82 5045.70 5045.91 5045.82 STMH B-4 STMH B-3 5045.70 5043.89 5045.82 5044.02 5043.44 5043.38 5043.57 5043.50 STMH B-3 STMH B-2 5043.38 5042.38 5043.50 5042.46 5042.24 5042.14 5042.33 5042.26 STMH B-2 FES B-1 5042.14 5040.71 5042.26 5040.89 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) INLET C-20 STMH C-19 5066.76 5066.75 5066.84 5066.83 5066.72 5066.50 5066.80 5066.62 STMH C-19 STMH C-18 5066.50 5066.45 5066.62 5066.50 5066.43 5065.75 5066.48 5065.93 STMH C-18 STMH C-17 5065.75 5065.56 5065.93 5065.60 5065.54 5065.53 5065.58 5065.57 STMH C-17 INLET C-16 5065.53 5065.39 5065.57 5065.43 5065.38 5065.34 5065.42 5065.39 INLET C-16 STMH C-15 5065.34 5065.23 5065.39 5065.28 5065.21 5065.17 5065.26 5065.22 STMH C-15 STMH C-14 5065.17 5065.11 5065.22 5065.16 5065.09 5064.76 5065.14 5065.24 INLET C-14.1 STMH C-14 5065.33 5065.28 5065.81 5065.75 5065.09 5064.76 5065.14 5065.24 STMH C-14 STMH C-13 5064.76 5064.28 5065.24 5064.76 5064.09 5064.00 5064.57 5064.47 STMH C-13 STMH C-12 5064.00 5063.65 5064.47 5064.11 5063.46 5063.34 5063.93 5063.80 STMH C-12 STMH C-11 5063.34 5063.13 5063.80 5063.58 5062.94 5062.83 5063.16 5063.16 INLET C-11.1 STMH C-11 5063.08 5063.03 5063.30 5063.25 5062.94 5062.83 5063.16 5063.16 STMH C-11 STMH C-10 5062.83 5062.24 5063.16 5062.57 5062.11 5061.99 5062.44 5062.30 STMH C-10 STMH C-9 5061.99 5061.81 5062.30 5062.12 5061.69 5061.65 5061.72 5061.82 INLET C-9.3 STMH C-9.2 5068.90 5068.02 5069.11 5068.15 5067.94 5067.71 5068.08 5067.92 STMH C-9.2 STMH C-9.1 5067.71 5064.15 5067.92 5064.28 5064.07 5063.84 5064.21 5064.05 STMH C-9.1 STMH C-9 5063.84 5061.70 5064.05 5061.74 5061.69 5061.65 5061.72 5061.82 STMH C-9 STMH C-8 5061.65 5061.60 5061.82 5061.77 5061.53 5061.44 5061.70 5061.61 STMH C-8 STMH C-7 5061.44 5061.35 5061.61 5061.52 5061.28 5061.17 5061.45 5061.49 INLET C-7.1 STMH C-7 5061.71 5061.55 5062.38 5062.22 5061.28 5061.17 5061.45 5061.49 STMH C-7 STMH C-6 5061.17 5061.00 5061.49 5061.33 5060.87 5060.81 5061.20 5061.13 STMH C-6 STMH C-5 5060.81 5060.61 5061.13 5060.93 5060.48 5060.44 5060.60 5060.66 INLET C-5.4 STMH C-5.3 5061.34 5061.06 5061.42 5061.14 5061.03 5061.01 5061.11 5061.09 STMH C-5.3 STMH C-5.2 5061.01 5060.79 5061.09 5060.87 5060.76 5060.74 5060.83 5060.82 STMH C-5.2 INLET C-5.1 5060.74 5060.66 5060.82 5060.73 5060.63 5060.59 5060.70 5060.71 INLET C-5.1 STMH C-5 5060.59 5060.53 5060.71 5060.65 5060.48 5060.44 5060.60 5060.66 STMH C-5 STMH C-4 5060.44 5060.38 5060.66 5060.59 5060.29 5060.18 5060.51 5060.39 STMH C-4 STMH C-3 5060.18 5059.99 5060.39 5060.20 5059.90 5059.57 5060.12 5060.07 HW C-3.4.6 STMH C-3.4.5 5071.44 5071.53 5071.58 5071.56 5071.52 5070.92 5071.55 5071.10 STMH C-3.4.5 STMH C-3.4.4 5070.92 5065.67 5071.10 5065.80 5065.59 5065.41 5065.72 5065.59 STMH C-3.4.4 STMH C-3.4.3 5065.41 5064.58 5065.59 5064.63 5064.56 5064.01 5064.61 5064.19 STMH C-3.4.3 INLET C-3.4.2 5064.01 5063.93 5064.19 5063.95 5063.92 5063.28 5063.94 5063.75 INLET C-3.4.2 INLET C-3.4.1 5063.28 5061.68 5063.75 5061.93 5061.58 5061.49 5061.83 5061.74 INLET C-3.4.1 INLET C-3.4 5061.49 5061.26 5061.74 5061.51 5061.16 5060.98 5061.22 5061.38 INLET C-3.8 INLET C-3.7 5061.49 5061.46 5061.52 5061.50 5061.45 5061.43 5061.48 5061.50 INLET C-3.7 STMH C-3.6 5061.43 5061.41 5061.50 5061.48 5061.38 5061.34 5061.45 5061.41 STMH C-3.6 STMH C-3.5 5061.34 5061.26 5061.41 5061.33 5061.24 5061.22 5061.30 5061.28 STMH C-3.5 INLET C-3.4 5061.22 5061.18 5061.28 5061.25 5061.16 5060.98 5061.22 5061.38 INLET C-3.4 STMH C-3.3 5060.98 5060.79 5061.38 5061.19 5060.63 5060.58 5061.03 5060.66 STMH C-3.3 STMH C-3.2 5060.58 5060.54 5060.66 5060.62 5060.51 5060.49 5060.59 5060.57 STMH C-3.2 STMH C-3.1 5060.49 5060.47 5060.57 5060.55 5060.44 5060.29 5060.52 5060.60 INLET C-3.1.2 STMH C-3.1 5061.44 5060.87 5062.52 5061.96 5060.44 5060.29 5060.52 5060.60 INLET C-3.1.1 STMH C-3.1 5060.99 5060.84 5061.99 5061.83 5060.44 5060.29 5060.52 5060.60 STMH C-3.1 STMH C-3 5060.29 5060.03 5060.60 5060.33 5059.90 5059.57 5060.12 5060.07 STMH C-3 STMH C-2 5059.57 5059.27 5060.06 5059.76 5059.07 5058.95 5059.07 5059.54 INLET C-2.1A STMH C-2 5059.07 5059.07 5059.07 5059.07 5059.07 5058.95 5059.07 5059.54 INLET C-2.1 STMH C-2 5059.16 5059.11 5059.26 5059.22 5059.07 5058.95 5059.07 5059.54 STMH C-2 STMH C-1 5058.95 5058.89 5059.54 5059.48 5058.66 5054.19 5059.25 5055.23 STMH C-1 FES C 5054.19 5053.57 5055.23 5054.80 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) S-19 S-20 5050.80 5050.62 5052.44 5052.26 5049.96 5049.39 5051.61 5051.03 S-20 S-21 5049.39 5048.82 5051.03 5050.46 5048.16 5047.47 5049.80 5049.11 S-21 S-22 5047.47 5046.57 5049.11 5048.21 5045.91 5043.32 5047.55 5045.32 S-22 S-22 5043.32 5042.11 5045.32 5044.56 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Offsite Storm Storm Drain B Storm Drain C HGL and EGL Results1,2 Storm Drain A Notes: 1. Headloss Method: HEC-22 Energy (Third Edition) 2. Results show entrance and structure losses (e.g., entrance loss at SDMH A2 = column 2 - column 5, structure loss = column 5 - column 6, total loss = entrance loss + structure loss) INLET A-3.1 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) 45.83 12 2.8 8.5 5037.58 5048.01 5035.78 5044.79 0.039 0.29 9.77 2.80 0.0 STM TEE A-3 (BLIND) STMH A-2 18.06 34x53 51.7 8.1 5034.16 5044.79 5034.07 5044.79 0.005 5.95 8.62 51.70 0.0 INLET A-2.1 STMH A-2 9.94 18 5.2 8.6 5035.67 5044.53 5035.40 5044.79 0.028 0.52 9.95 5.20 0.0 STMH A-2 STMH A-1 43.61 34x53 56.1 8.3 5033.87 5044.79 5033.65 5044.64 0.005 6.46 8.61 56.10 0.0 STMH A-1 CONNECTION A-0 29.57 34x53 55.8 8.3 5033.46 5044.64 5033.31 5035.11 0.005 6.46 8.57 55.80 0.0 OUTFALL A-16.2 FES A-16.1 123.73 18 1.8 3.9 5025.94 5031.92 5025.08 5027.15 0.007 0.00 9.95 0.00 1.8 INLET B-2.3 STMH B-2.2 32.20 15 1.1 8.2 5054.53 5058.92 5052.07 5059.48 0.076 0.11 9.95 1.10 0.0 STMH B-2.2 FES B-2.1 116.52 15 1.1 2.9 5051.87 5059.48 5051.36 5053.55 0.004 0.11 9.92 1.10 0.0 INLET B-1.3 INLET B-1.2 37.00 24 12.9 5.4 5047.83 5052.28 5047.66 5052.37 0.004 1.28 9.95 12.90 0.0 INLET B-1.2 FES B-1.1 111.54 30 18.6 6.0 5047.17 5052.37 5046.67 5051.69 0.004 1.87 9.90 18.60 0.0 OUTFALL B-5 STMH B-4 86.05 18 0.8 2.8 5046.00 5048.20 5045.57 5049.75 0.005 0.00 9.95 0.00 0.8 STMH B-4 STMH B-3 300.00 18 0.8 2.9 5045.37 5049.75 5043.57 5050.53 0.006 0.00 9.95 0.00 0.8 STMH B-3 STMH B-2 199.61 18 0.8 2.8 5043.05 5050.53 5042.01 5054.78 0.005 0.00 9.95 0.00 0.8 STMH B-2 FES B-1 151.07 18 0.8 3.4 5041.81 5054.78 5040.42 5042.64 0.009 0.00 9.95 0.00 0.8 INLET C-20 STMH C-19 8.56 18 2.0 3.6 5066.02 5072.32 5065.98 5073.42 0.005 0.14 9.95 1.40 0.6 STMH C-19 STMH C-18 84.49 15 2.0 3.6 5065.78 5073.42 5065.35 5075.63 0.005 0.14 9.93 1.40 0.6 STMH C-18 STMH C-17 229.78 15 2.0 3.6 5065.15 5075.63 5064.00 5074.88 0.005 0.14 9.76 1.40 0.6 STMH C-17 INLET C-16 150.70 15 1.9 3.6 5063.80 5074.88 5063.05 5067.63 0.005 0.14 9.28 1.30 0.6 INLET C-16 STMH C-15 88.25 15 2.3 3.7 5062.85 5067.63 5062.41 5069.83 0.005 0.18 8.97 1.70 0.6 STMH C-15 STMH C-14 48.80 15 2.3 3.7 5062.21 5069.83 5061.97 5068.61 0.005 0.18 8.79 1.60 0.6 INLET C-14.1 STMH C-14 8.59 24 17.4 17.3 5061.90 5068.17 5061.22 5068.61 0.080 1.73 9.95 17.40 0.0 STMH C-14 STMH C-13 80.24 24 17.4 5.6 5061.02 5068.61 5060.61 5067.19 0.005 1.92 8.70 16.80 0.6 STMH C-13 STMH C-12 61.12 24 17.2 5.5 5060.41 5067.19 5060.11 5067.39 0.005 1.92 8.59 16.60 0.6 STMH C-12 STMH C-11 38.50 24 17.1 5.7 5059.91 5067.39 5059.72 5066.69 0.005 1.92 8.51 16.40 0.6 INLET C-11.1 STMH C-11 12.01 18 6.6 13.6 5061.18 5065.96 5060.22 5066.69 0.080 0.66 9.95 6.60 0.0 STMH C-11 STMH C-10 195.00 30 22.6 6.6 5059.22 5066.69 5058.24 5070.70 0.005 2.58 8.46 22.00 0.6 STMH C-10 STMH C-9 60.66 30 22.0 6.5 5058.04 5070.70 5057.74 5070.65 0.005 2.58 8.23 21.40 0.6 INLET C-9.3 STMH C-9.2 78.95 15 1.9 5.0 5068.34 5077.05 5067.36 5075.92 0.012 0.19 9.95 1.90 0.0 STMH C-9.2 STMH C-9.1 122.15 15 1.9 6.8 5067.16 5075.92 5063.49 5073.66 0.030 0.19 9.83 1.90 0.0 STMH C-9.1 STMH C-9 71.78 15 1.9 8.7 5063.29 5073.66 5058.99 5070.65 0.060 0.19 9.70 1.90 0.0 STMH C-9 STMH C-8 38.63 36 23.5 6.7 5057.24 5070.65 5057.04 5070.35 0.005 2.77 8.16 22.80 0.6 STMH C-8 STMH C-7 78.30 36 23.3 6.6 5056.84 5070.35 5056.45 5067.46 0.005 2.77 8.12 22.70 0.6 INLET C-7.1 STMH C-7 13.01 18 11.6 15.8 5059.00 5066.96 5057.95 5067.46 0.080 1.16 9.95 11.60 0.0 STMH C-7 STMH C-6 69.33 36 32.4 7.2 5056.25 5067.46 5055.91 5067.39 0.005 3.93 8.03 31.80 0.6 STMH C-6 STMH C-5 83.90 36 32.2 7.2 5055.71 5067.39 5055.29 5067.77 0.005 3.93 7.96 31.50 0.6 INLET C-5.4 STMH C-5.3 144.81 15 2.8 3.9 5059.14 5063.07 5058.42 5067.15 0.005 0.28 9.95 2.80 0.0 STMH C-5.3 STMH C-5.2 122.35 15 2.8 3.9 5058.22 5067.15 5057.61 5066.23 0.005 0.28 9.68 2.80 0.0 STMH C-5.2 INLET C-5.1 47.10 15 2.7 3.9 5057.41 5066.23 5057.17 5065.49 0.005 0.28 9.44 2.70 0.0 INLET C-5.1 STMH C-5 27.32 18 4.9 4.5 5056.92 5065.49 5056.79 5067.77 0.005 0.52 9.35 4.90 0.0 STMH C-5 STMH C-4 49.13 42 36.0 7.4 5054.79 5067.77 5054.54 5068.13 0.005 4.45 7.88 35.30 0.6 STMH C-4 STMH C-3 152.08 42 35.7 7.4 5054.34 5068.13 5053.58 5063.12 0.005 4.45 7.83 35.10 0.6 HW C-3.4.6 STMH C-3.4.5 9.88 18 1.5 6.3 5070.94 5073.16 5070.63 5076.26 0.031 0.00 9.95 0.00 1.5 STMH C-3.4.5 STMH C-3.4.4 198.22 15 1.5 6.1 5070.43 5076.26 5065.12 5069.67 0.027 0.00 9.95 0.00 1.5 STMH C-3.4.4 STMH C-3.4.3 44.86 15 1.5 6.1 5064.92 5069.67 5063.72 5068.78 0.027 0.00 9.95 0.00 1.5 STMH C-3.4.3 INLET C-3.4.2 37.98 15 1.5 6.1 5063.52 5068.78 5062.50 5067.31 0.027 0.00 9.95 0.00 1.5 INLET C-3.4.2 INLET C-3.4.1 119.06 18 7.1 9.3 5062.25 5067.31 5059.06 5064.50 0.027 0.56 9.95 5.60 1.5 INLET C-3.4.1 INLET C-3.4 51.33 18 7.1 9.3 5058.86 5064.50 5057.49 5061.55 0.027 0.56 9.86 5.50 1.5 INLET C-3.8 INLET C-3.7 61.88 24 4.6 4.4 5058.74 5066.16 5058.43 5068.02 0.005 0.46 9.95 4.60 0.0 INLET C-3.7 STMH C-3.6 28.50 24 6.5 4.8 5058.23 5068.02 5058.09 5068.86 0.005 0.65 9.85 6.50 0.0 STMH C-3.6 STMH C-3.5 97.87 24 6.4 4.8 5057.89 5068.86 5057.40 5066.07 0.005 0.65 9.80 6.40 0.0 STMH C-3.5 INLET C-3.4 41.95 24 6.3 4.8 5057.20 5066.07 5056.99 5061.55 0.005 0.65 9.65 6.30 0.0 INLET C-3.4 STMH C-3.3 38.34 24 15.9 5.8 5056.79 5061.55 5056.59 5063.06 0.005 1.49 9.59 14.40 1.5 STMH C-3.3 STMH C-3.2 75.62 36 15.9 6.0 5055.59 5063.06 5055.22 5061.90 0.005 1.49 9.54 14.30 1.5 STMH C-3.2 STMH C-3.1 41.58 36 15.7 6.0 5055.02 5061.90 5054.81 5061.72 0.005 1.49 9.44 14.20 1.5 INLET C-3.1.2 STMH C-3.1 28.50 18 14.8 8.4 5056.59 5061.38 5056.31 5061.72 0.010 1.47 9.95 14.80 0.0 INLET C-3.1.1 STMH C-3.1 8.50 18 14.1 8.0 5056.39 5061.38 5056.31 5061.72 0.010 1.41 9.95 14.10 0.0 STMH C-3.1 STMH C-3 145.34 42 42.9 7.8 5054.31 5061.72 5053.58 5063.12 0.005 4.37 9.39 41.40 1.5 STMH C-3 STMH C-2 128.17 48 70.6 8.7 5053.08 5063.12 5052.44 5061.34 0.005 8.82 7.70 68.40 2.2 INLET C-2.1A STMH C-2 15.28 24 1.1 6.6 5055.20 5060.87 5054.44 5061.34 0.050 0.11 9.95 1.10 0.0 INLET C-2.1 STMH C-2 35.72 24 8.2 11.8 5056.23 5060.87 5054.44 5061.34 0.050 0.81 9.95 8.20 0.0 STMH C-2 STMH C-1 20.00 48 77.2 8.9 5052.24 5061.34 5052.14 5061.72 0.005 9.75 7.64 75.00 2.2 STMH C-1 FES C 90.05 38x60 77.1 9.0 5051.94 5061.72 5051.49 5055.79 0.005 9.75 7.63 75.00 2.2 S-19 S-20 22.04 48.00 129.2 13.2 5041.66 5058.93 5041.43 5059.95 0.010 0 9.95 0.00 129.2 S-20 S-21 70.57 48.00 129.2 10.3 5041.23 5059.95 5040.88 5060.17 0.005 0 9.95 0.00 129.2 S-21 S-22 111.47 48.00 129.2 10.3 5040.68 5060.17 5040.12 5049.72 0.005 0 9.95 0.00 129.2 S-22 S-22 85.83 48.00 129.2 13.0 5039.92 5049.72 5039.06 5041.44 0.010 0 9.95 0.00 129.2 100-Year Storm Event Bentley StormCAD v8.1 Output Storm Drain A Storm Drain B Storm Drain C Offsite Storm = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.7 1.7 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.7 5.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.9 2.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.4 2.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.7 1.7 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.7 18.7 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.94 0.94 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.94 0.94 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.9 3.9 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.6 2.8 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C18 10/22/2020, 4:52 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C18 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C18 10/22/2020, 4:52 PM = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.7 1.7 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.7 5.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.9 2.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.4 2.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.7 1.7 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.7 18.7 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.94 0.94 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.94 0.94 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.9 3.9 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.3 1.2 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C17 10/22/2020, 4:50 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C17 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C17 10/22/2020, 4:50 PM = 4.4 7.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 4.2 7.5 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.5 24.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 21.3 22.8 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 8.6 11.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 8.1 11.2 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 4.2 7.5 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 12.00 12.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.0 22.8 ft.>T-Crown Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 1.2 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.509 0.606 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.32 0.42 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.55 0.66 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.86 0.92 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.55 0.66 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 9.4 15.5 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 3.1 14.2 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C16 10/22/2020, 4:49 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C16 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C16 10/22/2020, 4:49 PM = 5.5 9.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 5.3 9.4 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 28.1 30.1 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 26.9 28.8 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 10.7 14.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 10.3 14.2 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 5.3 9.4 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 15.00 15.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.0 22.8 ft.>T-Crown Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 1.2 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.509 0.606 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.32 0.42 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.55 0.66 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.78 0.84 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.55 0.66 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 11.8 19.5 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 3.6 17.3 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C15 10/22/2020, 4:48 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C15 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C15 10/22/2020, 4:48 PM = 1.2 1.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.0 1.0 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.4 5.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.5 4.5 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.2 2.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.8 1.8 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.0 1.0 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 8.0 8.0 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.453 0.453 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.26 0.26 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.81 0.81 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.81 0.81 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.8 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C11 10/22/2020, 4:47 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C11 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C11 10/22/2020, 4:47 PM = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.9 1.9 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 16.0 16.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 15.1 15.1 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 4.9 4.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.6 4.6 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.9 1.9 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 9.00 9.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 7.3 7.3 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.443 0.443 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.25 0.25 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.48 0.48 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.91 0.91 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.48 0.48 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 1.1 4.5 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C10 10/22/2020, 4:45 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C10 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C10 10/22/2020, 4:45 PM = 3.6 3.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.4 3.4 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 17.0 17.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 16.1 16.1 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 6.8 6.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 6.4 6.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 3.4 3.4 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 9.00 9.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 12.1 12.1 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.57 0.57 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.97 0.97 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.57 0.57 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 7.6 7.6 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 1.3 5.5 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C9 10/22/2020, 4:44 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C9 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C9 10/22/2020, 4:44 PM = 3.6 6.6 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 3.4 6.2 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 17.0 18.3 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 16.1 17.3 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 6.8 9.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 6.4 8.9 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 3.4 6.2 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 9.00 9.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 11.5 14.5 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.627 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.44 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.57 0.68 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.97 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.57 0.68 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 7.6 12.7 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 2.4 11.5 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C6b 10/22/2020, 4:43 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C6b GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C6b 10/22/2020, 4:43 PM = 0.9 0.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 0.8 0.8 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.4 4.4 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 1.9 1.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.6 1.6 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 0.8 0.8 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 11.4 11.4 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.423 0.423 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.23 0.23 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.75 0.75 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.75 0.75 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 2.3 2.3 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.9 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C5 10/26/2020, 12:35 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C5 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C5 10/26/2020, 12:35 PM = 3.0 4.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 2.8 4.0 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.4 11.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 10.4 10.9 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.0 6.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.6 5.7 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 2.8 4.0 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 6.00 6.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 8.1 9.2 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.585 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.40 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.71 0.79 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.71 0.79 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 6.2 8.6 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 1.5 6.6 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C4 10/22/2020, 4:41 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C4 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C4 10/22/2020, 4:41 PM = 4.9 9.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 4.6 9.3 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.7 24.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 21.5 23.5 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 9.0 13.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 8.6 12.7 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 4.6 9.3 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 12.00 12.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 8.1 10.3 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.648 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.46 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.57 0.71 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.87 0.95 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.57 0.71 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 10.1 18.7 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 3.7 17.1 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C3 10/26/2020, 10:56 AM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP C3 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP C3 10/26/2020, 10:56 AM Capture Percentage = Qa/Q o = C% = 100 95 % INLET ON A CONTINUOUS GRADE Version 4.06 Released August 2018 Denver No. 16 Combination Denver No. 16 Combination GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP B3 10/22/2020, 4:38 PM X = 17.7 56.5 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 8.2 15.8 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 2.9 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 25.9 75.2 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 9.9 12.8 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 4.9 9.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = 0.65 0.53 Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = 16.9 39.6 cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = 5.29 6.83 inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = 0.00 1.00 inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Spread Criterion Qallow = 16.9 23.6 cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Minor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Major storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP B3 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP B3 10/22/2020, 4:38 PM = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.7 1.7 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.7 5.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.9 2.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.4 2.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.7 1.7 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 12.4 12.4 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.94 0.94 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.94 0.94 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.9 3.9 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.8 3.2 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A16 10/22/2020, 4:35 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A16 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A16 10/22/2020, 4:35 PM = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.7 1.7 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.7 5.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.9 2.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.4 2.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.7 1.7 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 10.9 10.9 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.94 0.94 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.94 0.94 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.9 3.9 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.8 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A15 10/22/2020, 4:37 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A15 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A15 10/22/2020, 4:37 PM = N/A N/A cfs Curb or Slotted Inlet Opening Analysis (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Equivalent Slope Se (based on grate carry-over) S e = 0.196 0.141 ft/ft Required Length LT to Have 100% Interception L T = 4.75 11.57 ft Under No-Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Effective Length of Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet (minimum of L, LT) L = 4.75 10.00 ft Interception Capacity Qi = 1.2 5.0 cfs Under Clogging Condition MINOR MAJOR Clogging Coefficient CurbCoef = 1.25 1.25 Clogging Factor for Multiple-unit Curb Opening or Slotted Inlet CurbClog = 0.06 0.06 Effective (Unclogged) Length Le = 8.75 8.75 ft Actual Interception Capacity Qa = 1.2 4.9 cfs Carry-Over Flow = Qb(GRATE)-Q a Qb = 0.0 0.2 cfs Summary MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity Q = 1.2 4.9 cfs Total Inlet Carry-Over Flow (flow bypassing inlet) Qb = 0.0 0.23 cfs Capture Percentage = Qa/Q o = C% = 100 95 % CDOT Type R Curb Opening INLET ON A CONTINUOUS GRADE Version 4.06 Released August 2018 CDOT Type R Curb Opening GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A13 (Type R) 10/26/2020, 10:57 AM X = 9.6 9.6 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 6.7 6.7 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 16.3 16.3 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 8.0 8.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 4.0 4.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = 0.90 0.90 Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = 14.8 14.8 cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = 5.82 5.82 inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = 0.00 0.00 inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = 14.8 14.8 cfs Minor storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Major storm max. allowable capacity GOOD - greater than the design flow given on sheet 'Inlet Management' Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A13 (Type R) GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A13 (Type R) 10/26/2020, 10:57 AM = 0.9 0.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 0.8 0.8 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.4 4.4 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 1.9 1.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.6 1.6 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 0.8 0.8 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 6.7 6.7 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.423 0.423 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.23 0.23 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.75 0.75 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.75 0.75 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 2.3 2.3 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.6 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A11 10/22/2020, 4:17 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A11 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A11 10/22/2020, 4:17 PM = 2.0 2.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.7 1.7 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.7 5.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.7 4.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 2.9 2.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 2.4 2.4 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.7 1.7 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.7 18.7 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.94 0.94 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.94 0.94 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.9 3.9 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.7 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A10 10/22/2020, 4:32 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A10 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A10 10/22/2020, 4:32 PM = 1.4 1.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 1.3 1.3 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 10.5 10.5 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 9.6 9.6 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 3.3 3.3 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 3.0 3.0 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 1.3 1.3 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 6.00 6.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 8.7 8.7 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.423 0.423 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.23 0.23 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.56 0.56 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.56 0.56 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 3.4 3.4 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.6 2.6 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A9 10/22/2020, 4:26 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A9 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A9 10/22/2020, 4:26 PM = 0.9 0.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 0.8 0.8 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 5.2 5.2 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 4.4 4.4 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 1.9 1.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 1.6 1.6 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 0.8 0.8 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 3.00 3.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 7.2 7.2 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.423 0.423 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.23 0.23 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.75 0.75 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.75 0.75 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 2.3 2.3 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 0.4 1.6 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A8 10/22/2020, 4:29 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A8 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A8 10/22/2020, 4:29 PM = 2.8 3.9 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 2.5 3.6 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.2 11.7 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 10.3 10.7 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 4.8 5.8 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.4 5.3 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 2.5 3.6 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 6.00 6.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.0 20.8 ft.>T-Crown Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.7 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.509 0.564 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.32 0.38 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.69 0.76 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.69 0.76 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 5.8 7.8 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 1.6 7.2 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A6 10/22/2020, 4:29 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A6 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A6 10/22/2020, 4:29 PM = 4.4 6.3 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 4.2 5.9 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 22.5 23.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 21.3 22.2 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 8.6 10.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 8.1 9.9 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 4.2 5.9 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 12.00 12.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 18.0 20.8 ft.>T-Crown Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.7 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.509 0.564 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.32 0.38 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.55 0.61 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 0.86 0.90 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.55 0.61 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 9.4 12.6 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 2.0 9.7 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A4 10/22/2020, 4:27 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Warning 01: Manning's n-value does not meet the USDCM recommended design range. Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A4 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A4 10/22/2020, 4:27 PM = 3.0 3.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qwa = 2.8 2.8 cfs Curb Opening as an Orifice (based on Modified HEC22 Method) MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qoi = 11.4 11.4 cfs Interception with Clogging Qoa = 10.4 10.4 cfs Curb Opening Capacity as Mixed Flow MINOR MAJOR Interception without Clogging Qmi = 5.0 5.0 cfs Interception with Clogging Qma = 4.6 4.6 cfs Resulting Curb Opening Capacity (assumes clogged condition) QCurb = 2.8 2.8 cfs Resultant Street Conditions MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Length L = 6.00 6.00 feet Resultant Street Flow Spread (based on street geometry from above) T = 15.4 15.4 ft Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown dCROWN = 0.0 0.0 inches Low Head Performance Reduction (Calculated) MINOR MAJOR Depth for Grate Midwidth dGrate = 0.523 0.523 ft Depth for Curb Opening Weir Equation dCurb = 0.33 0.33 ft Combination Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCombination = 0.71 0.71 Curb Opening Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFCurb = 1.00 1.00 Grated Inlet Performance Reduction Factor for Long Inlets RFGrate = 0.71 0.71 MINOR MAJOR Total Inlet Interception Capacity (assumes clogged condition) Qa = 6.2 6.2 cfs Inlet Capacity IS GOOD for Minor and Major Storms(>Q PEAK) Q PEAK REQUIRED = 1.4 5.8 cfs Denver No. 16 Combination INLET IN A SUMP OR SAG LOCATION Version 4.06 Released August 2018 H-Vert H-Curb W Lo (C) Lo (G) Wo WP Denver No. 16 Combination Override Depths GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A1 10/22/2020, 4:15 PM X = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge within the Gutter Section W (Qd - Q X) QW = 0.0 0.0 cfs Discharge Behind the Curb (e.g., sidewalk, driveways, & lawns) QBACK = 0.0 0.0 cfs Total Discharge for Major & Minor Storm (Pre-Safety Factor) Q = 0.0 0.0 cfs Average Flow Velocity Within the Gutter Section V = 0.0 0.0 fps V*d Product: Flow Velocity Times Gutter Flowline Depth V*d = 0.0 0.0 Slope-Based Depth Safety Reduction Factor for Major & Minor (d > 6") Storm R = SUMP SUMP Max Flow Based on Allowable Depth (Safety Factor Applied) Qd = SUMP SUMP cfs Resultant Flow Depth at Gutter Flowline (Safety Factor Applied) d = inches Resultant Flow Depth at Street Crown (Safety Factor Applied) dCROWN = inches MINOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Minor Storm Major Storm MAJOR STORM Allowable Capacity is based on Depth Criterion Qallow = SUMP SUMP cfs Version 4.06 Released August 2018 ALLOWABLE CAPACITY FOR ONE-HALF OF STREET (Minor & Major Storm) (Based on Regulated Criteria for Maximum Allowable Flow Depth and Spread) GNK10.20 | Triangle Development DP A1 GNK10.20_UD-Inlet_v4.06.xlsm, DP A1 10/22/2020, 4:15 PM OS2 OS2 0.69 0.25 11.4 0.17 7.37 1.3 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin A3 OS3 OS3 1.69 0.25 11.7 0.42 7.31 3.1 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin B2 OS4 OS4 0.38 0.25 11.2 0.10 7.44 0.7 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin C3 Page 2 of 2 10/27/2020 C5 C5 0.22 0.88 5.0 0.19 9.95 1.9 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C5 C6a C6a 0.25 0.98 5.0 0.25 9.95 2.5 Drains to 2' wide SW chase at DP C6a C6b C6b 0.99 0.92 5.0 0.91 9.95 9.1 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C5 C6b C6a & C6b 1.25 0.93 5.0 1.16 9.95 11.5 C7 C7 0.41 0.69 5.0 0.28 9.95 2.8 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/24" Dome Grate at DP C7 C8 C8 0.42 0.57 8.4 0.24 8.44 2.0 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP C8 C9 C9 0.60 0.93 5.0 0.55 9.95 5.5 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C9 C10 C10 0.46 1.00 5.0 0.46 9.95 4.5 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C10 C11 C11 0.19 1.00 5.0 0.19 9.95 1.8 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C11 C12 C12 0.41 0.69 5.0 0.28 9.95 2.8 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/18" Dome Grate at DP C12 C13 C13 0.34 0.95 5.0 0.33 9.95 3.2 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C14 C14 1.07 0.90 5.0 0.96 9.95 9.6 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C15 C15 0.46 0.97 5.0 0.45 9.95 4.5 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C15 C13, C14 & C15 1.88 0.92 5.0 1.74 9.95 17.3 C16 C16 1.60 0.92 5.6 1.47 9.67 14.2 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C16 PIPE 100-Year DIRECT RUNOFF TOTAL RUNOFF STREET 10/27/20 Page 1 of 2 10/27/2020 OS4 OS4 0.38 0.20 11.2 0.08 2.13 0.2 Existing undeveloped basin drains to basin C3 Page 2 of 2 10/27/2020 C6b C6a & C6b 1.25 0.74 7.1 0.93 2.58 2.4 C7 C7 0.41 0.55 5.0 0.22 2.85 0.6 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/24" Dome Grate at DP C7 C8 C8 0.42 0.46 10.0 0.19 2.21 0.4 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/15" Dome Grate at DP C8 C9 C9 0.60 0.74 5.0 0.44 2.85 1.3 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C9 C10 C10 0.46 0.81 5.0 0.37 2.85 1.1 Drains to 3-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C10 C11 C11 0.19 0.84 5.0 0.16 2.85 0.4 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C11 C12 C12 0.41 0.55 5.0 0.22 2.85 0.6 Drains to ADS Nyloplast drain basin w/18" Dome Grate at DP C12 C13 C13 0.34 0.76 5.0 0.26 2.85 0.7 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C14 C14 1.07 0.72 6.9 0.77 2.61 2.0 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C15 C15 0.46 0.78 5.0 0.36 2.85 1.0 Drains to 5-No. 16 Combination inlets at DPs C14/C15 C15 C13, C14 & C15 1.88 0.74 6.9 1.39 2.61 3.6 C16 C16 1.60 0.73 6.5 1.18 2.66 3.1 Drains to 4-No. 16 Combination inlets at DP C16 C17 C17 0.13 0.70 5.0 0.09 2.85 0.3 Drains to 1-No. 16 Combination inlet at DP C17 DIRECT RUNOFF TOTAL RUNOFF STREET PIPE STANDARD FORM SF-3 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN (RATIONAL METHOD PROCEDURE) 2-Year 10/27/20 Page 1 of 2 10/27/2020 GNK10.20 INITIAL/OVERLAND FINAL (Ti) TRAVEL TIME DATA (Tt) (URBANIZED BASINS) Page 1 of 2 10/27/2020 RF3 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF4 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF5 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF6 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF7 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF8 0.16 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.16 95 0.95 RF9 0.08 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.08 94 0.95 RF10 0.08 95 0.00 0 20 0.00 0 95 0.08 94 0.94 1.44 D1 0.10 95 0.02 19 20 0.04 8 95 0.04 38 0.65 D2 0.74 95 0.13 17 20 0.61 16 95 0.00 0 0.33 D3 0.21 95 0.00 0 20 0.21 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 D4 0.29 95 0.00 0 20 0.29 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 D5 0.42 95 0.01 3 20 0.40 19 95 0.00 0 0.23 D6 0.93 95 0.00 0 20 0.93 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 2.67 WT1 0.17 95 0.02 12 20 0.12 14 95 0.03 15 0.41 WT2 2.21 95 0.08 3 20 2.07 19 95 0.06 3 0.25 WT3 1.70 95 0.00 0 20 1.70 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 4.08 OS1 0.90 95 0.02 2 20 0.88 20 95 0.00 0 0.21 OS2 0.69 95 0.00 0 20 0.69 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 OS3 1.69 95 0.00 0 20 1.69 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 OS4 0.38 95 0.00 0 20 0.38 20 95 0.00 0 0.20 3.67 Detention Pond Tributary Area 27.16 95 10.83 38 20 12.04 9 95 4.29 15 0.62 StormTech System Tributary Area 7.98 95 4.27 51 20 2.04 5 95 1.67 20 0.76 Detention Pond A Tributary Area 8.89 95 4.28 46 20 2.93 7 95 1.68 18 0.70 Detention Pond B Tributary Area 3.82 95 1.19 30 20 2.30 12 95 0.33 8 0.50 Rain Garden Tributary Area 12.86 95 5.36 40 20 5.23 8 95 2.27 17 0.65 Detention Pond C Tributary Area 14.44 95 5.36 35 20 6.81 9 95 2.27 15 0.60 Σ Basins 34.8 Area Weighted C2 COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS Basin ID Total Area (ac) Runoff Coefficient Area (ac) Roof Area Runoff Coefficient Area (ac) Area Weighted Asphalt + Concrete Walks Lawns, Heavy Soil: Flat (±2.0%) Area Weighted Runoff Coefficient Area (ac) GNK10.20 Page 1 of 1 10/27/2020 55 0.87 1.48 3.03 22 1.53 2.61 5.32 56 0.86 1.47 2.99 23 1.49 2.55 5.20 57 0.85 1.45 2.96 24 1.46 2.49 5.09 58 0.84 1.43 2.92 25 1.43 2.44 4.98 59 0.83 1.42 2.89 26 1.4 2.39 4.87 60 0.82 1.4 2.86 27 1.37 2.34 4.78 65 0.78 1.32 2.71 28 1.34 2.29 4.69 70 0.73 1.25 2.59 29 1.32 2.25 4.60 75 0.70 1.19 2.48 30 1.30 2.21 4.52 80 0.66 1.14 2.38 31 1.27 2.16 4.42 85 0.64 1.09 2.29 32 1.24 2.12 4.33 90 0.61 1.05 2.21 33 1.22 2.08 4.24 95 0.58 1.01 2.13 34 1.19 2.04 4.16 100 0.56 0.97 2.06 35 1.17 2.00 4.08 105 0.54 0.94 2.00 36 1.15 1.96 4.01 110 0.52 0.91 1.94 37 1.16 1.93 3.93 115 0.51 0.88 1.88 38 1.11 1.89 3.87 120 0.49 0.86 1.84 1:6,000 B 20.2 The point pin selected displayed by the on the user map and is does an approximate not represent an authoritative property location. of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Larimer County Area, Colorado Survey Area Data: Version 14, Sep 13, 2019 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Aug 11, 2018—Aug 12, 2018 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydrologic Soil Group—Larimer County Area, Colorado (Ridgewood Hills - Fifth Filing) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/6/2019 Page 2 of 4