Prospect Parkway
E. Prospect Road
Cattail Chorus
Natural Area
Parking Lot
Mountain Sage
Charter School
Spring Creek
Spring Creek Trail
Project Narrative
The design intent of the Mountain View Community Church (MVCC) development is to provide a place of worship for MVCC that
is compatible with the surrounding employment business within the Seven Lakes Business Park and enhances it’s relationship with
the existing Cattails Natural Area to the north. The development is located at 2330 E Prospect Road, Parcel 8717306005.
The development will reuse portions of the existing building as well as adding sanctuary space to the south-west corner of
the building, outside of the established Natural Habitat Buffer Zone (NHBZ). The existing dock area will be re-purposed as a
pedestrian friendly plaza area that allows for both small and large gathering spaces as well as a gas fire pit on a raised plaza for
evening use and gatherings. This new plaza connects to a new sidewalk system that connects from the existing Spring Creek
Trail spur all the way across the southern portion of the building to the proposed main entrance on the south-east corner of the
The existing site and building are home to the Niner Bike Company. The building was constructed in three phases from the east
first to the west portion as the final expansion phase.
Mountain View Community Church
Conceptual Review Meeting: January 24, 2019
Neighborhood Meeting: May 27, 2020 (no public participation)
Planning and Zoning Meeting: Approved September 17, 2020
Project Location: 2330 E Prospect Road
Size: 126,260 sf / 2.899 ac
Existing zoning: Employment (E)
Proposed zoning: Employment (E)
Number of off street parking spaces provided: 98 on property, 220 off property within Seven Lakes Business Park, parking
agreement submitted.
Number of building stories proposed: Two
Maximum building height of new building: 33’-10”
LUC Modifications and Alternative Compliance proposed (refer to supplemental information provided):
LUC 3.5.3(C)(1):
Where complete separation of pedestrians and vehicles and bicycles is not possible, potential hazards shall be
minimized by the use of techniques such as special paving, raised surfaces, pavement marking, signs or striping,
bollards, median refuge areas, traffic calming features, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate
pedestrian areas, for both day and night use.
LUC 3.2.2(5)(a):
Directness and Continuity. Walkways within the site shall be located and aligned to directly and continuously connect
areas or points of pedestrian origin and destination, and shall not be located and aligned solely based on the outline
of a parking lot configuration that does not provide such direct pedestrian access. Walkways shall be unobstructed by
vertical curbs, stairs, raised landscape islands, utility appurtenances or other elements that restrict access and shall link
street sidewalks with building entries through parking lots. Such walkways shall be raised or enhanced with a paved
surface not less than six (6) feet in width. Drive aisles leading to main entrances shall have walkways on both sides of the
drive aisle.
LUC LUC 3.2.2(C)(6):
Direct On-Site Access to Pedestrian and Bicycle Destinations. The on-site pedestrian and bicycle circulation system
must be designed to provide, or allow for, direct connections to major pedestrian and bicycle destinations including,
but not limited to, trails, parks, schools, Neighborhood Centers, Neighborhood Commercial Districts and transit stops
that are located either within the development or adjacent to the development as required, to the maximum extent
Project Narrative
feasible. The on-site pedestrian and bicycle circulation system must also provide, or allow for, on-site connections
to existing or planned off-site pedestrian and bicycle facilities at points necessary to provide direct and convenient
pedestrian and bicycle travel from the development to major pedestrian destinations located within the neighborhood.
In order to provide direct pedestrian connections to these destinations, additional sidewalks or walkways not associated
with a street, or the extension of street sidewalks, such as from the end of a cul-de-sac, or other walkways within
the development, to another street or walkway, may be required as necessary to provide for safety, efficiency and
convenience for bicycles and pedestrians both within the development and to and from surrounding areas.
LUC 3.2.2(C)(7):
Off-Site Access to Pedestrian and Bicycle Destinations. Off-site pedestrian or bicycle facility improvements
may be required in order to comply with the requirements of Section 3.2.2(E)(1) (Parking Lot Layout), Section 3.6.4
(Transportation Level of Service Requirements), or as necessary to provide for safety, efficiency and convenience for
bicycles and pedestrians both within the development and to and from surrounding areas.
No direct R.O.W. sidewalk connection shall be provided.
LUC 3.2.4(D)(6):
Unique areas or neighborhoods within the City may have additional design guidelines for lighting as part of a
neighborhood or area plan. The Department can provide information regarding neighborhood or area plans. Natural
areas and natural features shall be protected from light and spillage from off-site sources.
The required building egress exits within Natural Habitat Buffer Zone would have low level lighting installed 12” above
finished walking surface. A photocell that would keep the lights off during all hours that light levels are above 0.5 foot
candles (i.e full moon). If light levels are below 0.5 foot candles the lights would come on to a 0.5 foot candle level. If
the emergency egress doors were exited a motion sensor will activate the lights to come up to the 1 candle foot light
level that is required by Building Code section 1008.2.
The north parking lot fixture in the east parking lot will be installed with a dimming feature that will be activated after
10:00pm. Light levels would be dimmed 50%.
Mountain View Community Church
Contact: Jason McConahy
2330 E Prospect Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Russell + Mills Studios
Contact: Shelley LaMastra
506 S College Ave, Unit A
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Mountain View Community Church
Contact: Jason McConahy
2330 E Prospect Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Project Narrative
Vehicular traffic accesses off of E. Prospect Road via Prospect Parkway. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic are primarily traveling via
the Spring Creek Trail to the north which has an existing spur connection into the site. Bike parking is provided off of the spur for
easy parking once on site. A sidewalk along the west and south side of the building has been added for improved connection and
safety within the site. A drop-off area on the south side of the building will ensure visitors and users that cannot travel the longer
distances with the parking lot distances can be dropped off near the entrances. All ADA spaces for the total required parking
spaces have been provided to the west of the building on the property.
A traffic narrative was submitted to City staff on February 11, 2020. Staff confirmed no further traffic studies or memos were
necessary on February 18, 2020.
A neighborhood meeting was held on May 27, 2020 via Zoom. There was no public participation or input at the meeting.
Mountain View Community Church is located on a unique property near the Cattails Chorus Natural Area. The lot has an existing
building and two parking areas to the east and west of the building. The existing loading dock has been converted to a pedestrian
plaza with gas fire pit, landscape beds, boulder retaining walls on the multi-level plazas, small intimate meeting and prayer
nooks and connecting walkways to the east and west. The landscape utilizes native and low water species throughout the front
landscape areas. The north side of the property within the NHBZ has been restored to a native seed mix with native shrubs.
Poudre Fire Authority will be able to utilize an emergency access easement through the east parking lot as well as with the west
parking lot where existing easement has been added to connected to the property line for future development improvement
Surface parking is utilized within the lot with a total of 98 spaces provided. Parking share agreements with other businesses within
Seven Lakes Business Park have been provided as these employment business have peak hour use during the church’s off peak
hours and vis versa.
Pedestrian traffic is accommodated with the new sidewalk to the south of the building that connects the east and west parking
area as well as the main plaza areas.
An ECS report was submitted to COFC Environmental Planning. The 100’ buffer from the edge of the Spring Creek and existing
wetlands has been shown on all applicable plans. No building expansion has been proposed with the NHBZ. A per Building Code
requirements for emergency egress exits three (3) new walkways have been added to connect to the Spring Creek Trail.
The existing lawn/turf area on the north side of the building within the NHBZ will be restored to a native seed area with native
shrubs in the LID area on the northwest.
The project seeks to transition to the surrounding NHBZ with reduced levels of use as well as more native plantings.
The existing facility was built in three phases with the west side pre-engineered metal building constructed in the early 80s
followed by the middle CMU block/steel bar joist section and then finally the two-story precast concrete east wing in the early
Currently, the west and middle sections are generally clad with a cementitious stucco that has similar texture to the precast
concrete exterior skin on the 2-story east wing. During phase 1, the vast majority of this existing exterior skin will remain as is with
only new paint being applied to provide for a more cohesive color palette.
Project Narrative
Limited façade improvements include upgrades to the main entry at the southeast corner and at the south-central courtyard
entry (at the current loading dock location). At the main entry, the small vestibule will be removed and a new canopy created to
provide protection for the entry doors. At the south-central entry, an upper plaza with a large overhang provides protection for
the entry doors and enhanced screening for RTUs.
In phase 2, the southwest pre-engineered metal building structure will be demolished and replaced with a 900-seat sanctuary that
includes a mezzanine. This larger sanctuary massing is broken down by stepping the central roofline on both sides. High windows
with stone veneer/stucco pilaster elements accentuate the south and west facades.
The primary exterior stucco skin will continue as a part of phase 2 with the main field color to be an off-white/ light warm gray
color with accent finishes in a mid-tone gray. Entry canopy detailing will include stone veneer base elements with exposed steel
upper columns, trusses and intermediate brackets painted to match the dark bronze metal flashings.
Two (2) phases are proposed with this development. Phase 1 will include all site infrastructure improvements, emergency egress
connections, parking lot reconfiguration, drop-off area, southern sidewalk connection across site, trash/recycling enclosure,
lighting updates as well as the main entry and internal plaza areas. The upper plaza area will be “squared” with large shrubs
between the existing building and the plaza, all other landscaping will be installed including the NHBZ restoration. Phase 2
includes the demolition of the south-west portion of the building and the new sanctuary expansion. The final phase will include
columnar trees along the souther face of the sanctuary.
The existing water, sewer, gas, telephone, and cable services will be utilized for the proposed expansion of the building in Phase 1
and Phase 2. The electric transformer will be relocated with Phase 1.
All lighting will meet City of Fort Collins requirements. Since a portion of the existing building is within the newly established
NHBZ and requires building exit egress walks to be lit at 1 foot candle per building code. A request for alternative compliance on
the lighting LUC requirement has been submitted as well as a modification request to the building code requirement.
A photometric plan for both Phase 1 and 2 have been submitted. Photocells will be located on the northside of the building.
These will measure the natural light levels during the night. On nights with more than 0.5 foot candles (i.e. full moon) the north
egress lights with the NHBZ will not be activated. On nights where there is less than 0.5 foot candles the photocells will activate
the lights to come on to 0.5 foot candle level. Motion sensors will be located over every door on the north side as well as the
exit on the north-east that are within the NHBZ. If the door is opened the lights will be brought up to the Building Code 1008.2
requirement of 1 foot-candle. North parking lot light will dim to 50% after 10:00pm.
Developed runoff is designed to largely maintain existing drainage patterns. Existing conveyance methods include sheet flow,
concrete pans, curb and gutter, inlets, and storm sewer that ultimately drain runoff off-site to Cattail Chorus Natural Area
ponds north the site. Runoff that drains off-site to the east is ultimately conveyed to the Cache La Poudre River by means of
existing storm sewer infrastructure and drainage swales related to Tract B and Tract C of the Seven Lakes Business Park. Per City
standards, stormwater detention is not being provided because the increase in impervious surfaces is less than 1,000 square-feet.
Per City standards, water quality and low impact development (LID) is being proposed with project to mitigate the impervious
areas that are being modified with the development. This includes a proposed bioretention pond on the north side of the
building and a new storm drain system that conveys runoff to the vegetative buffer on the west side of the property.
Trash and recycling services will be located on the west side of the building along the north edge of the existing parking lot.
Room for both trash and recycling has been provided.