Engineering Consuftants
2900 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
(303) 226-4955
October 26, 1990
Ms. Kirsten Whetstone
City of Fort Collins
Development Services Planning Department
281 N. College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
RBD JOB NO. 394-001
Dear Ms. Whetstone:
The City Water Utility Department has indicated that it is
currently unable to provide adequate water service within the Burns
Ranch to any house built above elevation 5200. This means that the
highest water fixture should not be located above 5200 according to
the City Water Utility Department.
According to Warren Jones' memorandum dated 07/26/90, he would
allow residential sprinkler systems to reduce the fire flow
requirements to 500 GPM. In addition he would accept a lower fire
flow (less than 500 GPM) if the developer would be willing to make
modifications to the possibility of fire spread from house to
We are therefore proposing, at this Preliminary Plat approval time,
to use a Booster Pump System in order to provide adequate
residential flows and pressures as well as a 500 gpm fire flow at
adequate pressure. The proposed Booster Pump System can be located
near lot 1 within the Burns Ranch. A booster pump station
consisting of a constant speed pump, an identical backup pump, and
an air charged bladder type pressure tank would work well for the
Other Offices: Vail, Colorado (303) 476-6340 • Colorado Springs, Colorado (719) 598-4107 • Longmont, Colorado (303) 678-9584
Burns Ranch application. The pump will be sized to meet the
maximum hourly residential demand within the Burns Ranch and the
pressure tank will be sized to minimize the frequency of pump
starts. This type of booster pump station is readily available in
a compact factory built package manufactured by Engineered Fluid
Process and distributed by Falcon Supply, Inc.
In addition to the above described system, we propose to include a
fire pump in the factory built package. The system would be
connected to a standby power generator which would be automatically
activated by power outages. The booster pumping station would be
located below ground and the standby power generator above ground.
The subject of maintenance is always an issue when the use of pumps
comes into play. Where pumps are used, whether it is in a water or
sewage treatment plant, or in a booster pumping station,
maintenance will be needed. The proposed booster pumping station
at the Burns Ranch can easily be connected by telemetry to an alarm
system at the City of Fort Collins Water Treatment Plant or City
Service Center. Thus in the event of a maintenance problem, the
City of Fort Collins Water personnel would be immediately notified.
RBD Inc. has designed numerous booster pumping stations for various
clients and each system is currently functioning very well. The
Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, managed by Jerry Bender,
currently has five packaged booster pumping stations in use which
were manufaCtu�Engineered Fluid Process. Jerry can be
contacted ate 476-748 n Vail if you desire to review reliability
or maintenance ith him. Please find enclosed a copy out of
the Engineering Fluid Process catalog of a typical below ground
package water booster pumping station. This will help you
visualize what the system would generally look like.
We believe that the above described water booster pumping system
would work very well at the Burns ranch. This project's location
is unfortunately at a difficult elevation where the City of Fort
Collins water system is at its limit of service. Construction of
a water storage tank to create a third pressure zone would be very
costly due to the fact that such a tank would need to be located at
an elevation in excess of 5355. Locating a water storage tank at
elevation 5355 would create access problems and in addition the
tank would need to be located a significant distance from the Burns
Ranch. Thus significant offsite water main costs would occur in
delivering water from the tank to the Burns Ranch. For these
reasons we are proposing to use the above described on site water
booster pumping station.
Thank you for consideration of this matter. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact us.
RBD, Inc.
loyd G. McLau in,
Project Manager
Kelvin W. Ginger , P.E.
Project Engineer
cc: 394-001
Doc. No. 056-001