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December 17, 1990
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of City Hall West, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado. Board
members present included: Chairman Jim Klataskc, Bernie Strom, Jan Cottier, Laurie O'Dell,
Lloyd Walker, Joe Carroll, and Margaret Gorman.
Staff members present included Tom Peterson, Ted Shepard, Paul Eckman, Sherry Albertson -
Clark, Steve Olt, Kirstcn Whetstone, Mike Herzig, Ken Waido, and Georgiana Taylor.
Board Members present at the December 14, 1990 worksession included: Chairman Jim
Klataske, Bernie Strom, Laurie O'Dell, Joe Carroll, Jan Cotticr, Margaret Gorman and Lloyd
Identification of citizen participants is from verbal statements and not necessarily correct since
none signed in.
Planning Director Tom Peterson reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agenda. The Consent
Agenda included: Item 1 - Minutes of the November 19, 1990 meeting; Item 2 - Prospect Park
East ( Vipont) - Rezoning, 044-84E; Item 3 - Campus West Texaco - Non Conforming Use, #47-
90; Item 4 - South Glen P.U.D., 3rd Filing, Amended, Two -Year Extension, #110-79G; Item 5 -
PZ 90-17 Vacation of Easements, *49-90.
Member Walker asked if the facia was going to be all the way around the building at the
Campus West Texaco. Was it in the plan and did they have to condition the approval on that
Mr. Olt replied that the facade would continue along the south and the north sides of the
buildings and tie into the existing portion and just continue to the back corners of the south
and north sides. He did not believe they were intending to carry the facade along the back or
the west side of the proposed building.
Mr. Peterson stated that they needed to pull the item for further discussion.
Member Walker pulled item 3, Campus West Texaco for conditions of approval.
Member Strom moved to approve consent items 1, 2, 4, 5.
Member O'Dell seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 7-0.
Member Walker moved to approve item 3 with the conditions that the facia trim be extended
the full length of the north and south elevations as shown in the latest sketch and also the
easement conditions as stated in the memo submitted to the Board.
Member Strom seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 7-0.
Ted Shepard gave the staff report recommending approval.
Don Richmond, Richmond Associates, stated he had lived in the property for 2-1/2 years. He
stated because of the West Side Rezoning he had to go through an R-H zone request. He stated
he had done some improvements on the property and those were discussed in the plan. He
stated most of his neighbors supported the business use in the neighborhood. He had
unanimous support with the type of use he was asking for approval on. He stated the plan
addresses the issues that needed to be addressed and would welcome any questions.
Susan Hooley, 1223 S. Sherwood Street asked for clarification of what an R-H Zone was and
if rezoning would affect just that piece of property on the block or if it would apply to any
other property on the block.
Mr. Shepard replied this property was not being rezoned. The underlying zoning would remain
R-H, there were no properties on the block or in the R-H zone that were changing their zoning.
This was a request for a non-residential use in the R-H zone by special review. That special
review was a site plan review that was brought to the Planning and Zoning Board through the
public hearing process so the impacts of that special use could be reviewed in a public format.
It is merely a review procedure that gets public attention and was not a rezoning.
Dan George, 425 West Mountain, stated that he was aware of Mr. Richmonds's planned use and
some of that would involve an improved alley that borders on their two properties. The alley
had been in use since about 1943 and from what he understands, Mr. Richmond will improve
it, which he was in favor of since it has been an access for all the property owners since 1943.
It has been in good use and maintained well and to have an improvement to allow vehicle
access would be welcomed. He was willing to work with Mr. Richmond as far as upkeep.
Member Walker moved for approval of Richmond and Associates R-H Zone Request.
Member Cottier seconded the motion
Member O'Dell noted for the record that even though this did not conform to what had been
set out in the West Side Neighborhood Plan, the staff had done a good job and the applicant
had done a good job in keeping this as a residential looking unit even though it was going to
be a business and she believed that the plan wants to keep this looking like a residential unit
and she thought that had been accomplished at this point.
Motion was approved 7-0.
203 West Mulberry PUD - Amended Final. 041-90E
Sherry Albertson Clark gave the staff report recommending approval subject to a condition
regarding some additional landscaping on the site plan.
Mr. Jerry King, stated that they had recently received approval on the front portion of their
property and they had done the same things to the rear part of the property with respect to
landscaping and irrigation. They had a hedge that was dying and they had revived it and
planted all the way around so you can see into the property, but the hedge was headlight height
to automobiles so you cannot see what is on the property except for the hoods and roofs of the
cars. He stated what they were worried about on the front of the property was when they