The present residential structure is a duplex flat with a 1000
square foot two bedroom unit on the lower level and a 800 square
foot two bedroom unit on the upper level. The original
residential structure was constructed in the late 1800's and was
initially a orie story dwelling. The second story was added on
some 10 years later according to a neighbor who knows the history
of the block. The structure as a duplex has been primarily a
rental unit for its history. During. its recent history the
structure was regarded as an eye sore in the neighborhood because
of marginal or lack of upkeep in landscape and structural
elements. The proposed conversion from residential ,.to
professional use will ensure that the exterior landscaping and
theā¢ structure will be maintained in a credible and desireable
fashion. The proposed landscaping .is;a,continuation'.of what has
been implaced by the current owner in anticipation of the
conversion of the property -to a professional office and
residential structure. The completion .-of all landscape and
parking improvements will improve the present sparking situations
in the neighborhood. The proposed addition of a 'six. space parking
lot in.the rear will provide attractive on site 'parking for'the
existing residents and professional. office use. The proposed
parking lot in the rear is being buffered with landscape berms
and fences. In addition the surface treatment of the parking lot
is a: specialized product called checker block allowing a high
ratio 'of grass to concrete product which allows the parking lot
to be porous and resemble natural sod.''.The parking proposal will
not remove any existing trees.
The' front yard landscaping.will provide a pleasant oedestr'ian
streetscape for. people on their walks from the downtown and
---- -- - surr-ound-ing---a-r-eas.- All- neighbors in the immediate"surrounding
neighborhood have confirmed that the property -has been upgraded
since the applicant has taken over ownership.
The applicant is considering a small sun porch addition to the
residence to improve the interior circulation of the unit and
provide additional support for his ,gardening hobby. The front
addition will better provide access to the cellar/basement area
from both the -`upper and middle floor. The proposed one level
addition also improves the architectural characteristics of the
structure and further compliments the residential character of
the dwelling and neighborhood.