Wi. �., Thu 7 {..j •t r (k�i� I .. -�' �:'n' a%.y, _
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C.B. & Potts lands bmid tolap into bre'wpUb 'hi, et
By KEVIN DUGGAN �! ( 3 -96 addition, which will include de a
The Coloradoan 22-foot-tall grain silo on the side
Get ready to roll out the barrel of the building, after being as -
for another Fort Collins brew- sured the small in-house brew -
pub. ery will not stink up the neigh -
The Planning and Zoning borhood or add to local parking
Board gave its approval Monday Problems.
to a request from the Chester- The expansion will be in front
field, Bottomsley & Potts restau- of the Potts Clubhouse, which
rant to add a brewery to its fa- sits southwest of the maim Potts
cilities at 1415 W. Elizabeth St. restaurant.
Board members voted unani- The only stipulation imposed
mously for the 1,196-square-foot by the board is that aj wall
matching the brick of the build-
ing be built . around the base of
the silo to block its legs from
Architect John Freeman said
the operation would remain
modest because "there is not one
square foot" that the Clubhouse
could be expanded in the future
because of surrounding utility
The brewpub will be known as
the Big Horn Brewery, as is the
Potts microbrewery in Denver.
Big Horn brewmaster Rob
Perella said the brewery will
produce six beers as well as a
couple of seasonal brews.
The brewery is expected to
produce about 60 kegs of beer a
The beer will be sold in the
main Potts restaurant, the Club-
house and the Potts restaurant
in Cheyenne, Wyo.:
The brewery should be in op-
eration by November or Decem-
ber, Perella said.,
The brewer said he's looking
forward to taking on the-othe
microbreweries in town
"Fort't Collins 'is'- a' _. beer="` ;
drinking town," he said. "We
won't be able to candy -coat any-
thing for very long.",,.