Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
February 12, .1991
Joel K. Roitenberg
U.S. Postal Service - Denver
Facilities Services Office
8055 E. Tufts Avenue Parkway, Suite 400
Denver, Colorado 80237-2881
RE: Street Oversizing Fees for New Postal Facility
Dear Mr. Roitenberg:
The City of Fort Collins established the Street Oversizing Program in 1979 to
spread the cost of constructing oversized collector and arterial streets
throughout new developments, rather than only to those properties adjacent to the
Streets larger than a local residential street are considered oversized. When
oversized arterial and collector streets are constructed during development, a
portion of the cost is paid by the City from the Street Oversizing Fund. The
fund then recovers the costs by charging a fee at the issuance of building
permits for the development. In this way developing properties that are not
abutting major -streets share in the cost of constructing them in proportion to
the amount of benefit they receive from those streets.
To look at it another way, development requires street infrastructure for access
and efficient traffic movement. Each new development has some portion of
responsibility for extending the street network into newly developing areas.
This -.portion is based on the__impacts of the development, hence these kinds of
fees charged to new development are commonly referred to as "impact fees".
Street Oversizing Fees are charged for each residential dwelling unit and on a
per acre basis for industrial and commercial lots. The Street Oversizing Program
uses a complex formula based on traffic impacts, land use, trip generation, and
other factors to determine specific fee rates for each type or development. The
actual use of the building on a property determines the fee rate used, rather
then the traditional zoning attached to a property.
The new postal facility is designated a Category "C" fee rate of $7,003 per acre.
However, there is a credit of $3,500 per acre to this property for street
oversizing because of an agreement between the property owner and the City in
conjunction with a Special Improvement District that constructed JFK and
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6605
Joel K. Roitenberg
February 12, 1991
Page Two .
In 1983, property owners in the area; including the property of the proposed
postal facility, petitioned the City for the formation of the Heart Special
Improvement District No. 84 (S.I.D. #84). This district was formed to construct
the collector streets of J.F.K. Parkway and Troutman Parkway. At the time, the
City's Street Oversizing Fund did not have the ability to pay for the total
oversized portion of the streets constructed, and the property owners of SID #84
elected to receive a portion of the oversized construction costs as a credit
against future building permit fees..
Taking into account this agreement of SID #84, the Street Oversizing Fee charged
for a new postal facility on this site would be $3,503 per acre.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me at 221-6605.
Matt J. Baker
SID Coordinator