Developi A Services
Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
April 2, 1991
Larimer County Facilities Division
c/o Mr. Carr Bieker
The Architects Studio, Inc.
117 East Mountain Avenue, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Mr. Bieker:
For your information, attached is a copy of the Staff's comments concerning the Minimum
Security Addition to Larimer County Detention Facility which was presented before the
Conceptual Review Team on April 1, 1991.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the detailed
components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments may be
made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in the review
process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
-I TS/gjt - - -
xc: Tom Peterson, Director of Planning
Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer I
Project Planner
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
MEETING DATE: April 1, 1991
ITEM: Minimum Security Addition to Larimer County Detention
APPLICANT: Larimer County Facilities Division c/o Mr. Carr Bieker,
The Architects Studio, Inc., 117 East Mountain Avenue, Suite 200,
Fort Collins, CO. 80524.
LAND USE DATA: Request for a new building addition to the existing
Larimer County Detention Facility., consisting of 58 beds, totalling
approximately 22,500 square feet, located south of Prospect Road
and west of Midpoint Drive. The facility would be for minimum
security inmates.
1. The zoning is I-L, Limited Industrial. A jail facility is not
a use by right in the I-L zone. The existing jail facility
is, therefore, considered a "legal non -conforming use".
There are three options for reviewing and processing this new
A. The item be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board as
an "enlargement of a building containing a non -conforming
use", and reviewed by the criteria for such a process as
outlined in Chapter Six of the Development Manual.
B. The item be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board by
the criteria of the Land Development Guidance System as a
Planned Unit Development.
C. The item be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals for
a ruling on whether the item is eligible to be exempt from the
Zoning Code upon satisfactory proof that the building is
"reasonably necessary for the convenience or welfare of the
public." (State statute 31-23-301). If the Zoning Board of
Appeals finds in favor of the exemption, then the request
shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for a
review that is similar to the action taken for public school
buildings. This action allows the P &, Z Board to review
public buildings when the municipality has an adopted Master
Plan. -The review criteria is that the "location, character,
and extent thereof be submitted for approval by the
commission." (State statute 31-23-209).
2. According to the Zoning Code, the parking lot shall have no
less than 6% of its overall area in.landscaping .
3. According to the Zoning Code, the setback from Midpoint Drive
shall be no less than 30 feet.
4. The Light and Power Department requires a Commercial One (C-1)
form becompleted to determine entrance capacity and
electrical load. A three-phase transformer also has to be
sized supplied by three-phase primary cable. Site development
charges would not be applicable, however, building development
charges would apply. The City will construct the power to the
transformer. The County would then construct the necessary
facilities from the transformer to the panel box. The
location of the transformer should be accessible from one side
by hard surface.. Screening the transformer from the street
creates a more attractive streetscape.
5. The current water service is 3 inch diameter. Please
investigate whether this should be upgraded to 4 inch. For
information on the fees associated with a 4 inch water
service, please. contact Webb,Jones. at the Water and Sewer
Department, 221-6681.
6. A Drainage Report and Drainage and Grading Plan must be
submitted to the Stormwater Utility. If there is an existing
report and plan, then these documents could be used as the
basis for a set of revised plans. The plans should indicate
what is existing and what is proposed. Since an overall
development' plan for the entire 14.4 acres is , being
considered, an overall drainage plan may save time for future
7. The Drainage Report should address the capacity of the
downstream drainage facilities. If these downstream
facilities are not sized to accept additional upstream flows,
then onsite detention may have to .be provided, or the
downstream facilities upsized accordingly. The recent Vipont
expansion may have included a Drainage Report that could be
_____investigated to accurately determine the size of these
downstream facilities. The burden} of proof-is--on—the
applicant in cases where.no onsite detention is proposed.
8. The Drainage Report and Drainage and Grading Plan should
address the recently adopted erosion control criteria that
would apply during the construction phase.
9. The project is located in the Spring Creek Drainage Basin.
The fees are $1,610 per acre depending on the amount of
impervious surface and onsite detention. For further
information on fees, please contact Dottie Nazarenus, 221-
10. Please be advised that upstream, at the railroad tracks, the
culverts may be undersized for the 100-year flood. If such an
event were to occur, there could be overtopping of Timberline
Road and shallow flooding in area of the.detention facility.
Your facility should be elevated to prevent damage.
11. The Poudre Fire Authority will review the automatic fire.
sprinkler system, and both the automatic and manual fire alarm
12. The proposed curb cut on Midpoint is on the inside. of a curve.
This could cause sight distance problems. This curb cut could
be shifted somewhere along Midpoint where there would be no.
sight distance obstructions. . Curb cuts on Midpoint are not
meant to be restrictive, but only in areas of obvious
13. The Grading and Drainage Plan prepared to satisfy the
requirements of the Stormwater Utility should be expanded to
include *information on any public improvements. This would
include curb cuts, changes in the sidewalk, curb, and gutter,
if applicable.
14. The Street Oversizing Fee will, be investigated to see if it
was paid during initial construction.
15. Internal sidewalks should logically connect to existing and
proposed facilities. Long pedestrian connections from parking
lots to buildings should be.adequately illuminated.