Planning Depa..ment
City of Fort Collins
May 24, 1991
Susan Hoyt
1401 Glen Haven Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Dear Susan,
City Staff has reviewed your submittal for the Flutterby Preschool
PUD and offers the following comments:
1. The project site will have to be indicated on the 1"=600'
vicinity map on the mylar, so it will be obvious which lot is
in question when the mylar is reproduced. On the copies you
submitted, the circle and arrow drawn in purple, should be
permanently drawn with a wide pen/marker on the mylar.
2. Indicate on the site plan drawing where parking spaces are:
You could just write 112 parking spaces" above where you have
.labeled the "concrete drive"
3. The home and preschool use must meet all building and fire
code requirements.
4. Please submit a dated and signed letter stating that there
will be no exterior changes and no additional impervious
surfaces (paving or buildings) added to the site. This letter
should be addressed to Glen Schlueter at the Storm Water
Utility department. You can submit the letter to the Planning
Department and we will make a copy for the file and deliver
the letter to Mr. Schlueter.
5. Any damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk must be repaired in
conjunction with this request.
6. The Transportation Staff and the Planning Staff have concerns
about the number of vehicle trips to and from the site each
day, because of the nature of your two daily sessions. The
number, assuming that all children arrive separately, is about
7 to 8 times higher than a average single family residence
would generate. In order to satisfy these concerns, as well
as address the Planning and Zoning Board's probable concerns
along the same lines, it would be to your advantage to get
signatures from the surrounding neighbors along Glen Haven
Drive in support of your project. Individual letters are
fine, as would be a petition stating the nature of your
operation, how much traffic you anticipate over the existing
situation, the number of children and what the hours of
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
operation will be. If you have no trouble getting neighbors
to sign, then Staff will have a stronger case to recommend
approval to the Board.
This concludes staff comments at this time. In order to stay on
schedule for the June 24, 1991 Planning and Zoning Board hearing,
please note the following deadlines:
Plan revisions are due June 5, 1991 by 12:00 noon.
PMT1s, colored renderings, 10 prints are due June 17, 1991.
Final mylars and other documents are due June 20, by 12:00
If you have any questions about these comments or would like to
schedule a time to meet to discuss them, please contact me at 221-
Sincerely, ,/
Kirsten A. Whetstone
Project Planner