Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
July 30,.1992
Mr. Jim Sell
Jim Sell Design
117 East Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
Dear Jim:
ng and Environmental Services
The Planning Department has coordinated the interdepartmental
review for Paragon Point P.U.D., Filing Two. The following
comments are offered:
1. The stream bank stabilization study for Fossil Creek will have
to be coordinated with the City's Stormwater Utility and the
Department of Natural Resources. This study must be submitted,
reviewed, and accepted in final form by the City prior to going to
the Planning and Zoning Board for Final P.U.D. approval.
2. A sight distance easement may be required at the tee
intersection of Southridge Greens Boulevard and the cul-de-sac.
The lot at the south of the intersection (lots are not numbered)
will be restricted from erecting fences or planting landscaping
over 30 inches in height within this easement. The exception is
deciduous trees. Please add the following note to the site plan:
"Sight distance easement restriction: no fencing,
landscaping (except deciduous trees), or other
improvements over 30 inches in height allowed within this
area." --
3. A sight distance easement may be required across the front of
three lots (lots are not numbered) on the east side of Southridge
_Greens Blvd. These are the third, fourth, and fifth lots north of
Trilby Road. The same restrictions would apply as indicated in the
4. The Engineering Department is concerned about the intersection
of Trilby Road and Southridge Greens Blvd. Because of the grade
change back by the railroad tracks, the intersection should be kept
free of sight distance obstructions for both the interim
improvement (36 foot wide street), and the ultimate improvement
(100 foot wide street). When the arterial cross-section is
constructed, landscaping along the right-of-way and other entry
features should not have to be removed.
281 North College Avenue ^ P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 8032-1-0580 • (303) 221-6730
5. It is also strongly recommended that the grading along Trilby
be done in such a way as to respect the ultimate 100 foot of right-
of-way. This will minimize disturbance for future construction.
6. The sidewalk, curb, and gutter along Trilby should be built in
the proper location for the ultimate 100 foot right-of-way. Again,
proper grading should done to protect these improvements from
deterioration, undermining, and erosion.
7. At the time of Final P.U.D., Utility Plans will need to
include the design for both the interim and ultimate cross -
sections. Please be reminded that the design for Trilby requires
the road to be raised approximately six feet which could cause some
drainage problems if not properly mitigated.
8. The Stormwater Utility has accepted the Preliminary P.U.D.
based on the overall Preliminary Drainage Study that was done for
Phase One. Please take notice, however, that_ application and
submittal for Final P.U.D. must include the Final Drainage Report,
Final Drainage and Grading Plan, Final Erosion Control Plan on the
day of submittal. If these documents are submitted late, then the
project runs the risk of being delayed by one- month. If the
developer seeks final approval on November 16, 1992, then these
documents must be submitted absolutely no later than September 28,
1992. A one month delay would result in a Planning and Zoning
Board hearing on December 14, 1992.
9. At the time of final, the Light and Power Department will need
to know if these lots require 150 amp or-200 amp services. Also,
for estimating purposes, L & P will need to have a plat that
indicates dimensions and square footage for each lot.
10. The Public Service Company has plans for a six inch diameter
natural gas feeder main to be installed in the utility easement
adjoining the north line of Trilby Road. This easement is to be 15
feet wide. Planting of trees in this easement must be closely
coordinated with PSCo. A minimum horizontal clearance of four feet
must be maintained between trees and any underground gas-Tirie.--_
11. As a reminder, as development of Paragon Point continues, it
will be necessary for the developer to dedicate to the Public
Service Company an exclusive 20' x 60' easement for a natural gas
regulator station at or near the intersection of Trilby Road and
Lemay Avenue.
12. U.S. West has prepared a graphic that describes the location
of easements necessary for rear lot telephone facilities. Where
the front lot route is dictated by the lot configuration, and where
Public Service Company plans to place gas lines in the same
easement, a wider easement will be required for adequate separation
between gas and other utilities. This graphic is attached.
13. Please submit a variance request (letter) requesting a
variance from the absolute requirement that residential density be
at least three dwelling units per acre. The Planning and Zoning
Board must make a specific ruling on this issue. The two
applicable criteria are stated in Section K of the L.D.G.S.
14. Also, there is no reference to the requirement that 65% of the
lots be oriented within 30 degrees of a true east -west line.
Please indicate the number of lots that do not meet this
requirement. A variance request (letter) must be submitted.
Again, the Planning and Zoning Board is required to take separate
action on any variance. request. The applicable criteria for a
variance is found in the Solar Orientation Ordinance available at
the Planning Department.
15. The Parks and Recreation Department requests a 50 foot wide
trail right-of-way for Fossil Creek Trail within the dedicated open
space area as shown on the plat. The design objective is to have
a recreational trail that runs approximately parallel with Fossil
Creek. This right-of-way should be dedicated for bicycle,
pedestrian, and equestrian purposes. It is suggested that a
meeting take place with Parks Planning and Forestry Division to
determine the alignment. It may be that the results of the stream
bank stabilization study will affect this alignment.
16. Since the Parks and Recreation Department" is no longer
involved in any joint effort for park development, the O.D.P.
should be amended, via administrative change, to reflect the new
reality. Such an amendment could also include the trail easement.
17. The Department of Natural Resources is concerned about the
relationship between lots and the bluffs. The possibility of a
conservation easement as was done on Filing One should be
discussed. It is suggested that Natural Resources Staff meet on
the site to evaluate the situation. Also, the rear setback
information under "Project Notes" should be modified for those lots
along the bluff.
18. Please indicate which of the existing trees are- to - be- -removed___
and which are to be preserved.
19. The Commission on Disability requests that the cluster mail
box be provided with a curb cut and a concrete pad with a 5' x 5'
clear area in front. This clear area must be measured from the
front face of the cluster box, not the post.
20. The Commission on Disability also requests that ramps be added
to the ends of the cul-de-sac and one at mid block opposite the
entry drive to Southridge Greens Blvd. The standard rollover curb
is not acceptable.
21. There are three double frontage lots. The P.U.D. should
clearly indicate which is to be the front and rear. If Southridge
Greens Blvd. is the rear, then there should be some fencing
restrictions or design guidelines for the treatment along the rear
of these lots. It would be awkward to have a combination of front
and rear yards along a street without some design control.
22. A 28 foot street is proposed for the cul-de-sac. The City
allows 28 foot streets subject to five criteria as described in
Design Criteria and Standards for Streets. One of these criteria
states that 28 foot streets may not be used in a single family area
where single family homes face each other across the street. Since
this street has homes that face each other, a variance request
(letter) must be submitted to the Engineering Department. One of
the review criteria may be a restriction on driveway locations so
that parked cars on the street will be forced to, be staggered
rather than directly opposite each other.
23. How will the two open space tracts along the U.P.R.R. tracks
be managed? Will this area have native ground cover?
24. At the time of Final, a new Development Agreement for Filing
Two must be executed between the City and the developer.
25. The vicinity map should include legible street names and north
should match the drawing or be turned so it is pointing up.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note the
following two deadlines for the August 24, 1992 Planning and Zoning
Board hearing:
*Plan revisions (three sets,_ folded) are due Friday,
August 7, 1992.
*Colored renderings (rolled), 10 prints (folded), and
P.M.T.'s are due August 17, 1992.
As always, please call if there are any questions regarding these
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
xc: Sherry Albertson -Clark, Chief Planner
Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer
Leslie Bryson, Park Planner
Rob Wilkinson, Environmental Planner