HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARAGON POINT PUD PHASE TWO PRELIMINARY - 48 91C - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - LDGS ACTIVITY FORMACTIVITY: Residential Uses DEFINITION: H All residential uses. Uses would include single family attached dwellings, townhomes, duplexes, mobile homes, and multiple family dwellings; group homes; boarding and rooming houses; fraternity and sorority houses; nursing homes; public and private schools; public and non-profit quasi -public rec- reational uses as a principal use; uses providing meeting places and places for public assembly with incidental office space; and child care centers. CRITERIAEach of the following applicable criteria must be answered "yes" and implemented within the develop- y, ment plan. Yes No 1. On a gross acreage basis, is the average residential density in the project at least three (3) dwelling units per acre (calculated for residential portion of the site only)? ❑ 2. DOES THE PROJECT EARN THE MINIMUM _.PERCENTAGE POINTS AS CALCULATED ON THE FOLLOWING "DENSITY CHART" FOR THE PROPOSED DENSITY OF THE RESI- DENTIAL PROJECT? THE REQUIRED EARNED CREDIT FOR A RESIDENTIAL PROJECT SHALL BE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: AM 116W6VER rw=- AUW46r �EAvsinr / D)R Ti/E SOP 45 A6011AF .30v/.ac . 30-40 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 3-4 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 40-50 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 4-5 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE;- 50-60 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 5-6 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 60-70 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 6-7 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; ,3 70-80 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 7-8 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 80-90 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 8-9 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 90-100 PERCENTAGE POINTS = 9-10 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE; 100 OR MORE PERCENTAGE POINTS = 10 OR MORE DWELLING UNITS/ACRE. A —29— r dh DENSITY CHART Maximum Earned Criterion Credit If All Dwelling Units Are Within: Credit a 20% 2WO feet of Onemling Or Opprwed neighbortrood stopping center. b 10% 650 feet of on existing transit stop. C 10% 40001eeto, aneistrngpr oppraved regional shoppirsgcenter. d 20% 35001eeto% onewstingorreserved neignbo"=cpwk.cornmunityporkacommunityfacW, 2� We 10% 1000 feet of a school meelig al the requirements of the COMPulsayeducatan laws Of" Slate Of Colorado. Qf 20% 3000 feet or a major employment center. W g 5% 1000 feet of a childOale center. h 20% 'rvonh"Fan COIW s 1 20% The Centro BusinessDsnict A project wham, bmnaaryiscontpuoustoeusnng urban development. Ci edttmaYbeearned ors follows: 0%- Far protects whose property boundary has 0 tO'O% conffgufly.. 10 to 15%- For projects -lase prapertY boundary has 10 to 20%contiguity. j 30% 15to 20%-- Far poecfswhose plop" bounaory has 20to 30% contlguily. 20 to 25%- For projects whose propertybouraary has 30 to 40%contigift /D 25 to 30%- For projects was property boundary has 40 to 50%contiguity, k If "con be aernonstrateo that the prgecl will reduce han.ienewable eriergy useage either through the oppbcolion of allernahq energy systems or through COfnnulteC energy conservation measures beyond that normally required by CM Code. a5% bonus may be earned fa every 5%reduction in energy use. Calculate a l%bonus for every 50 acres included lnthe proles. M Cda4ate the percentage of the told does tithe protect that we oevoted drecreational use. enter 112 of that percentage as a bonus. It the applicant commits to preserving pennonent oasite open space that meets the CWs mbums4rl requirernents. calculate the percentage In of,sopen space acreage to the total development acreage. enter this percentage as a bonus if pan of the Oro, development budget into be spent an neighbOrtt00d public transit facilities which are not olrxerwle required by City Code. a enter 2%bonus lot every$100 per dwelling unit nveslea. B pan of the total development budget is to be spent on neighborhood facilities and services which are not otherwise required by CITY Code, P enter al%bonus for ewry$100 per dwelling unit invested. A �/ t a o cOmmilmenl is Ming made to de,ekp a speCNied percentage of the total number of dweWg unite far low income tomitiei enter that q percentage as a bonus, up to o maximum of 30%. n a commitment is being mode 10 develop a specified percentage at the total number of dwelling units far Type'A'and Type B" handdopped Z housing as palmed pythe City Of Fort Collins, calculate the bonus as 10110 s O r Type'A"- .Somas iype"A"units aoT lions - cc--- - _ "B--1.0hes lype'BnTls- Tp]e moalurns In nocase stall the combined bonus be greater than 30%. 0 the site orddlocent property Contains On h6loriC bluiding Or prace.a barns nay be earned forthe follawng- 3% - For preventing or mitigating outside influences (e.g.enwonmentdl land use, aesthetic economic onasociol Factors)odveae to Its S presenatron, 3% - For assuring that newstructures will Mn keeping with the character of the building or placewhile awiding total units the busing of place that will lead to its continuance. preservation and rprovementin an 3% - For proposing adoptive use of appropnolemanner. B o pomon or aI otthe requires pofking inthe mublpletamily project is provided uraergrWnd.wimin the bukYtg or in an elevated pa" structure man accessary use to the primary structure, a bonus nloy be earned OS follows: t 9% - For providing 75% or more of the parlong in a structure. 6% - Fmproviong50-74%otmeporknginastruc"e: 3% - Fo pfovicLng25-49%offheponunginastrucY e. u If a conrnitment abeing mane to POVIM OpPrOved automatic fire eAingu6hing systems farther dwelling snits. enter a bonus of 10%. TOTAL 30 -30- r1 ALL DEVELOPMENT: NUMBERED CRITERIA CHART ALL CRITERIA APPLICABLE CRITERIA ONLY CRITERION b the criteeon app(1cabte7 Nil the aherbn be wtblledl If no, please explain e.F'F.� Yes No NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATABILITY 1. Social Compatabillty x 2. Neighborhood Character 3. Land Use Conflicts 4. Adverse Traffic Impact PLANS AND POLICIES 5. Comprehensive Plan 6 S o -3 U C PUBLIC FACILITIES fit SAFETY 6. Street Capacity X X 7. Utility Capacity X ✓ /i9A/LE TP t/ES7 Z U/tiK 8. Design Standards 40 OE SAG--0e,667 9. Emergency Access 10. Security Lighting x 11. Water Hazards x RESOURCE PROTECTION 12. Soils & Slope Hazard iC 13. Significant Vegetatlon 14. Wildlife Habitat 15. Historical Landmark 16. Mineral Deposit x 17. Eco-Sensitive Areas X 18. Agricultural Lands ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 19. Air Quality x 20. Water Quality )c 21. Noise 22. Glare & Heat 23. Vibrations 24. Exterior Lighting x 25. Sewages & Wastes X SITE DESIGN 26. Community Organization x X ____27. Site Organization x_ x 28. Natural Features X 29. Energy Conservation x 30.Shadows X 31. Solar Access 32. Privacy X X 33. Open Space Arrangement )K 34. Building Height 35. Vehicular Movement 36. Vehicular Design x x 37. Parking i X 38. Active Recreational Areas X x rivate Outdoor Areas X edestrian Convenience x edestrian Conflicts X andscaping/Open Areas r x andscapingBulldingsandscaping/Screeningublic Access 46. Signs