531 California Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93304
(805) 327-7912 FAX (805) 327-3592
LICENSE #334582
(303) 221-6239
July 13, 1992
Ms. Susan Hayes
City of Fort Collins
Storm Water Utilities
235 Matthews
Fort Collins, Colorado
Dear Susan:
As a follow up to our meeting of July 8, 1992, the following issues were discussed
and agreed upon:
The final plan check for storm detention of the Mountainridge First
Filing would be put on hold at this point in time so that you will be
able to focus on your description of the "scope of work" required to
be done by R.B.D. for additional storm detention work to remedy the
problems created by the Pleasant Valley irrigation ditch. Additionally,
there will be some modifications to the structures required along
Shields Avenue to reduce construction costs.
The above adjustment in schedule is essential to meet critical time
schedules for work on this ditch so that the first phase of
Mountainridge can be built in the spring instead of waiting until next
October and possibly missing a window of sales opportunity.
2. From this point forward, the costs of additional engineering and
redesign of current storm detention facilities will be between the City
of Fort Collins and R.B.D. We cannot be exposed to an open-ended
engineering bill to be compensated through your "developer repay"
We had initially agreed to a developer repay program for storm
detention design of approximately $7,000. The current billings are
now in excess of $20,000. We are extremely hopeful that review of
your budget will allow for repayment earlier than 1993, as these
additional costs clearly were not anticipated.
Page Two
Susan Hayes
July 13, 1992
3. Actual construction work on the detention facility will be done through
the "developer repay " program since timing is so critical to the
economics of this project.
4. The lining of the ditch to alleviate ground water problems will be a
cost of the detention facility to the extent that it is determined this
ditch leakage affects the detention facility's usefulness. We are
hopeful that this ditch will be reconstructed in a straight line so that
it will be more compatible to the overall development of this project.
5'. With respect to the "developer repay" program on engineering
completed to date, you are currently researching whether funds are
available within the current budget to pay all or part of the work done
to date, and will use your best efforts to accommodate the repayment
of these bills as soon as possible.
As we discussed, time is critical to the project. R.B.D. has indicated they feel that
they can do the work in a timely fashion. Please keep me informed as to any problems
you foresee so that we can work them out as quickly as possible. Also, if I have
misstated our discussion, please advise me immediately.
Best regards,
Stephen W. Hair
Vice President
cc: Mr. Stan Meyers - R.B.D. Engineering
Mr. Pete Kast - G.T. Land
Mr. Greg Bryne - City of Fort Collins