Developn.__it Services
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Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
0anuary 17, 1992
Dear Resident:
On Wednesday, January 29, 1992, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at the Public Service
Customer Center*, 1901 East Horsetooth Road, the City of Fort Collins Planning
Department will hold a public information meeting regarding a development
proposal in your neighborhood.
The project is known as the Pine Cone Farm. The developer, W.W. Reynolds
Company, is requesting approval from the Planning and Zoning Board to amend the
Overall Development Plan. The site is 238 acres located at the northeast corner
of Horsetooth and Timberline Roads.
The most significant feature of the Overall Development Plan is an 83 acre tract
set aside for the new Fort Collins High School. Other land uses include retail
services, multi -family, single family (400-450 lots), convenience services, and
a neighborhood park.
The City of Fort Collins is interested in holding this information meeting to
discuss the potential impacts of the development of these 238 acres on the
surrounding neighborhoods. Representatives from Poudre R-1 School District will
be on hand to discuss the schematic layout of the new high school.
Representatives from W.W. Reynolds will be available to discuss development of
the remaining property.
Please note that this information meeting is sponsored by the City Planning
Department as a part of the public review process for the amended Pine'Cone Farm.
The request will be heard by the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board
which has jurisdiction over land development issues. Matters relating to
enrollment, boundaries, bussing services, in -school facilities, curriculum,
classroom size, etc., are not related to land development and should be addressed
----to the-Poudre—R-1-School Board._ -
Both The Planning and Zoning Board and the City Planning Staff consider your
input on this matter, as well as your neighbor's input, an extremely important
element in the City's review of this proposal. If you are unable to attend the
public hearing, written comments are welcome.
This letter has been sent as a courtesy to all property owners of record within
500 feet of the area based on current County Assessor's records. If you should
have questions or require further information about this item, please feel free
to contact me at 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
*This meeting is fully accessible to handicapped persons.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6730