Planning Department
February 10, 1992
Michael Spearnak
Facilities Division
Poudre School District R-1
2407 LaPorte Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80521
Dear Mr. Spearnak:
Staff has had the opportunity to review the "B2" site plan
schematic for New Laurel School and offers the following comments:
1. What is the status of the Traffic Impact Analysis? Will the
results be discussed at the neighborhood meeting on Wednesday,
February 12, 1992? If improvements are identified to mitigate the
traffic impact on the surrounding streets, then these improvements
must be discussed.
2. It is not clear whether the Locust Court to Laurel Street
connection is a one-way or two-way private drive. The site plan
should indicate the direction of traffic flow and that the drive is
not a public street. Also, please indicate the width of this
connection from flowline to flowline.
3. If the connection is the required second point of access for
compliance with Fire Code, then please.label as a "Fire Lane".
Also, if required for access, the connection must be equipped with
"No Parking - Fire Lane" signs, and the control gates must meet the
specifications (removable under emergency conditions) of the Poudre
Fire-Au-thority.- Please make the necessary notes on the site plan.
4. The site plan should also show the location of the water
lines, fire hydrants, and all fire service lanes.
5. The site plan should indicate the location of the natural
area. We are still operating under the assumption that the natural
area will remain in its present location.
6. Staff is concerned about the delineation of the playground
area and the Laurel Street connection. How will the students know
when the lane is closed or open? Won't this arrangement require an
inordinate amount of adult supervision during the morning and
afternoon bus times? A possible solution would be to provide an
attractive border to the lane with a split rail or western rail
fence to discourage the students from using the lane as play are at
all times.
281 North College avenue • P.O. Box 580 0 Fart Collins. C0.180 22-0380 • (303) '_1-h77i1
7. At the terminus of Pennock Place, the plan indicates that
P.V.H. has acquired property, in trade, from the District. This
acquisition should not preclude the potential Pennock/Laurel street
connection as approved in the City's East Side Neighborhood Plan.
It is very important to keep options open to provide access to a
possible neighborhood park and to the Riverside Shopping Center.
Please add language to the plan indicating that the Pennock/Laurel
connection is still a viable transportation goal of the City.
8. Will there be a pedestrian connection or a gate in the
playground fence to allow access from the school property, across
the P.V.H. property to Pennock Place? Such a pedestrian connection
is encouraged as an interim solution until a street is constructed.
9. The sidewalk along the private access lane presently
terminates at the curve. This.sidewalk should continue around the
curve to Laurel Street to promote safe pedestrian circulation.
10. Are there any plans to address the narrow sidewalks on Locust
Street? The narrowness of these sidewalks has been an issue in the
past and may need to be looked at.
11. As you are aware, the landscape plan for the Southwest
Elementary School was circulated with the Laurel plans to indicate
typical landscape treatment. Based on those plans, the City
Forester recommends that the Norway Maple be changed to either
Green Ash, Hackberry, Burr Oak, or Linden. Also, planting details
are enclosed to add to the landscape plan.
12. Staff has two concerns with the parking lot. First, there
appears to be an unnecessary drive aisle on the west which serves
no spaces. Second, the path from Elizabeth Street dumps into the
parking lot with no logical connection to the front door. These
two concerns can be remedied by replacing the unnecessary drive
aisle with landscaping and a sidewalk that extends the path from
Elizabeth Street. This will remove students from a vehicular area.
13. The site plan should indicate the location of the bicycle
14. Please provide notation on the location of the playground
areas, and label what appears to be sand areas. Also, please label
the flagpole, sign, fencing material and height, and other
pertinent site plan elements.
15. Please indicate the square footage of the building.
16. Please.provide a vicinity map.
The following comments relate to the Utility Plans and are passed
along for your consideration:
17. A drainage study would be required which should indicate the
location of the 100-year floodplain (in the baseball diamond area).
In addition, an erosion control plan must be submitted. Please
note that on -site detention for increased imperviousness will be
18. The Public Service Company will require that all trees be kept
a minimum of four feet from underground gas lines.
19. Any relocations or modifications to the existing electrical
system must be coordinated with the City Light and Power
20. If the existing water and sewer services are adequately sized,
they may be reused. The existing meter pit must be upgraded to
current City standards. There are numerous existing water and
.sewer mains which traverse the site. All must be included in.20
foot wide exclusive utility easements.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note that for
the February 24, 1992 Planning and Zoning Board hearing, P.M.T.'s,
10 prints, colored renderings are due Feb. 18, 1992. At this time,
we do not have a landscape plan or architectural elevations. It is
recommended that these be provided as part of the 10 prints so a
complete plan set can be provided to the P & Z Board.
As always, please call if you have any questions.
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
xc: Sherry Albertson -Clark, Chief Planner
Kerrie Ashbeck, Civil Engineer