PO BOX 307 LAPORTE CO, 80535
April 28, 2020
RE: Nittman Property – Response to Summary of Comments following City Staff Conceptual Review
The following is offered in response to City of Fort Collins staff comments regarding the project request at
1000 Scenic Dr (parcel #9611209701), and each comment can be found in full context and content in that
comment document dated March 12, 2019. Where no comment is required or necessary, we have simply
replied with “N/R”, indicating “no response”.
Response Summary:
Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Todd Sullivan, 970-221-6695, tsullivan@fcgov.com
1. No neighborhood meeting requested at this time
2. N/R
3. Fee estimate received and noted
4. Submittal estimate received and followed
5. Multiple appointments, meetings and calls have been conducted
Planning Services
Contact: Shawna Van Zee, 970-224-6086, svanzee@fcgov.com
1. Lot minimums are noted and will be maintained
2. N/R
3. Subdivision Plat has been prepared by Robert George Persichitte, Colorado PLS No. 34174, on
behalf of Intermill Land Surveying, Inc., and the Plat is included with this submittal
4. Lot sizes are in accordance with the requirements
5. Emergency, access and utility easement has been proposed
6. N/R
7. No need for modifications anticipated at this time
Engineering Development
Contact: Marc Virata, 970-221-6567, mvirata@fcgov.com
All comments from Engineering Development are duly noted.
Traffic Operations
Contact: Martina Wilkinson, 970-221-6887, mwilkinson@fcgov.com
1. N/R
Fire Authority
Contact: Andrew Rosen, 970-416-2599, arosen@poudrefire.org
1. N/R
2. Noted
3. Noted
4. Noted
5. N/R
6. Noted
Water/Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Shane Boyle, 970-221-6339, sboyle@fcgov.com
1. Noted
2. Noted
Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Jesse Schlam, 970-218-2932, jschlam@fcgov.com
1. N/R
2. Noted
3. Jesse Schlam with Stormwater engineering further clarified via phone call that a drainage report
and construction plans are not required for the subdivision of this of the property, only for the
building permit, once that phase is reached.
4. Noted
5. Noted
6. Noted
Electric Engineering
Contact: Cody Snowdon, 970-416-2306, csnowdon@fcgov.com
1. Noted
2. This easement is noted on the proposed plat
3. Noted
4. Noted
5. N/R
Environmental Planning
Contact: Stephanie Blochowiak, 970-416-4290, sblochowiak@fcgov.com
1. There are existing, old ditch laterals present on the property. It is unclear what a “minimum
memostyle (23 page) ECS” is, however all existing features are clearly identified on the proposed
2. Noted
3. Noted
4. Noted
5. Noted
6. N/R
7. N/R
Contact: Nils Saha, nsaha@fcgov.com
1. Noted
Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. N/R
2. N/R