Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
Terence Hoaglund
Vignette Studios
719 Pear St..
Fort Collins, CO 80521
August 18, 1999
Staff reviewed the resubmittal of the Mountain Ridge Farms P.U.D., and would like to offer the
following comments:
1. Water and Sewer Utility Department:
a. See the attached comment sheet and redlined Utility. Plans from Water/Wastewater.
2. Engineering Department:
a. Please see the attached comment sheet and redlined Utility Plans from the Engineering
. Department.
3. Stormwater Utility Department:
a. Please see the attached comment sheet and redlined Utility Plans from the Stormwater
4. Park Planning:
a. Dedicate tract A as an easement that will allow the future city trail.
5. Transportation Planning:
a. Your original submittal did not show the future bike/ped trail that will run along the
Pleasant Valley and Lake Ditch. Staff asked you to show this trail during our first round
' of review which now shows on your plans.
b. The LDGS A-2.6 states that each new development must "provide appropriate pedestrian
and bicycle links to the neighborhood and community, as well as, throughout the
development being proposed. Sidewalk and/or bikeway extensions off site may be
required, based on impacts created by the proposed development." Because this trail is
now shown on this submittal, the issue now arises that in order to meet the A-2.6 criteria,
the following trail treatments are required:
• because the future city trail is not anticipated to be constructed for quite some
time, you must provide a "neighborhood path" in the same location as that
future trail to satisfy your requirement to provide appropriate links
"throughout" the development (contact Kathleen Reavis to discuss the width
and materials of this path),
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020
• there must be a connection made from the future city trail alignment to the
cul-de-sac on Woodview Place. To do this, a possible route might be to run a
path between lots 11 & 12, then east/west along the northern property
boundary over to the future city trail. This must be designed to minimize
impact to the Apache Forest, which would mean that a 3 foot wide gravel }
path may appropriate for this connection.
• the path connecting Ridgeview Court to the future path will ultimately need
to continue east across the Pleasant Valley and Lake Ditch to connect with
the planned cul-de-sac to the east. We require that you escrow half the funds
for a 6' wide pedestrian/bicycle bridge to cross the ditch.
6. Current Planning: .
a. Section 2.2.11 of the Land Use Code requires that an applicant submit revisions based on
this letter within 90 days or the project application becomes null and void. Your response
to the City's concerns is due by November 16, 1999. A 30 day extension to this deadline
is available. All requests for an extension should be directed to the Current Planning
Director. If remaining issues are those that do not require plan revisions, a status report
verifying continuing efforts toward resolving the issues is required within the same
b. Your plans show the removal of 4 trees. The two free standing damaged cottonwoods
have been reviewed by the city forester, Tim Buchanan, and he has agreed that you can
remove them. There are 2 on the eastern edge of the Apache Forest that you are planning
to remove for a drainage Swale alignment. Tim is going to go back to the site and
evaluate these two trees for removal. As soon as I hear back from Tim, I will let you
know his decision.
c. Ted Shepard, your staff project planner is on vacation from 8/4 to 8/24. During his
absence, Troy Jones has been your interim staff project planner. When Ted returns, he
will resume as planner for the project.
d. The street name "Ridgeview" is to similar to the old "ridge" theme for street names that
was popular a few years ago. Please change the name. Talk to J.R. Wilson in the city's
mapping and drafting department for possible alternatives.
e. Please return all redlined plans when you submit revisions.
If you have any questions about these or any other issues related to this project please feel free to
call be at 221-6750.
urs truly,
Jro)WV. Jon
City Planner