StoneRidge P.U.D. First Filing
Variance Request to
Solar Orientation Ordinance
The First Filing of the StoneRidge P.U.D. consists of 42 single-family lots and 26 patio home
lots, t:otatlliug 68 lots. Of the total, 36 lots, or 52.9 percent, are consistent with the strict
applic3tiort of the Ordinance. These technically complying lots are as follows:
Patio homes (Bloch C) -- Lots 11 2, 3, 17, 18, 19, W, 21, 22, 23, and 26. For Block
B only, 11 technically compl)in; lots divided by 26 total lots equals 42.3 percent.
Single-Famiiy 131ock A) - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26,
27, 28, 29, 38, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42. For Block A only, 25 technically complying
lots divided by 42 total lets equals 59.5 percen'w
A cla user exs mination of the site plan indicates that the actual intent of the Ordinance is more
thoroughly addressed than the number of lots which strictly comply with the Ordinance
would indicate. First, in the patio home area there are an additional 7 lots (Lots 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 24, and 25) with a south -facing building orientation. In light of the one and two story mix
of building styles, these lots will have south -facing advantage regarding solar orientation and
should be considered as meeting the intent of the Ordinance. Adding these 7 patio home lots
to the total number of iota ab•eady technically complying increatles the solar lots to 43 out of
68 lots, or (3.2 percent of the total.
Additionally, in the single-family area, 2 lots (Lots 32 ar.d 37) are within 30 to 35 degrees of
an east -wrest lire, and another 5 lots (Lots 6, 11, 12, 30, and 35) are within 35 to 40 degrees
of an east -west line. As a practical matter, this sr all di -Terence from a rigid 30 degree or
less orientation will make no difference in the potential of these lots to provide solar
advantage to single-family houses built on them. The large lot sizes of these lots further
faciJi.tate builc,:ng placement for solar advantage. Adding these additional 7 lots to the
tecbnically complying lots and C:3e south -fading advantaged patio home. iots results ie a total
of 50 lots *.which are ;strictly consistent wi ,h the Orainanee or consistent with its general
intent. Therefore, upon closer examination of the site plan, it can be argued that 73.5
percent of the lots in the First Filing comply in some manner with the Ordinance.
In addition to the applicant having demonstrated that the intent of the Ordinance has been
met and that the particulars of site planning result in a 73.5 percent practical compliance
which is equal to or better than 65 percent technical compliance, he also wishes to set forth
the reasons for exceptional conditions and difficulties which would make strict application
of tlae Ordinance a handicap and cause loss or impairment. to developmental amenities.
1060 Sailors Reef • Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 • 303/226-6819
Exceptional conditions and difficulties exist regarding the site design of the First Phase of
StoneRidge, restricting the developer from a strict adherence to the 65 percent criteria for
solar orientation. Such adherence would cause hardship to the applicant by preventing the
achievement of design objectives and would result in the loss and impairment of significant
development amenities that otherwise benefit the plan.
Two of the unavoidable factors which have to be accommodated in the site design are: 1) the
continuation north and into the project of the existing road pattern of Caribou Drive to the
south, and 2) the west property line of the project, located approximately 200 feet west of the
required right-of-way location for Caribou Drive. In order to provide a street width transition
for Caribou Drive from 54 feet at its intersection with Horsetooth Road to 36 feet local street
standard and then to curve Caribou Drive east into the property, respecting required radii,
a north -south configured strip of ground is created.
While the resulting narrow strip of ground (Block B) is not conducive to solar -oriented lots,
the applicant has been able, consistent with his project objectives. to incorporate significant
development amenities which would be lost if greater solar orientation were forced onto the
design of Block B. These include the following:
1. Two open space areas totaling over 55,000 square feet are currently an integral
element of Block B design, providing both open space to particularly the patio
home area, as well as a greenbelt feature to the main entry of the project.
2. A bike/pedestrian route parallelling Caribou Drive runs north -south through the
First Filing and, in terms of safety and aesthetics considerations, derives benefit
from having the open space areas of Block B.
The only method for increasing the north -south orientation of Block B lots is through the
introduction of short, east -west access roads into this area. Such an approach would destroy
the open space areas and disrupt the safe, and only once interrupted traverse of the
bike/pedestrian route through this First Filing. Such short, east -west, access roads would also
result in excessive asphalt due to the turn -around bulbs required at the end of each road for
a relatively low number of lots per road.
The single-family area (Block A) might also be able to accommodate a small increase in solar -
oriented lots, but this too would impair significant development amenities which are
consistent with project objectives. These amenities include the following:
1. A curvilinear, cul-de-sac street configuration in Block A provides privacy,
neighborhood identity, an attractive streetscape, and the creative integration of
open space and lot design.
2. Such a curvilinear street layout in Block A creates the opportunity for a
meandering fence design along the rears of lots abutting Horsetooth Road.
Bending the cul-de-sacs as designed allows the creation of the exceptional
landscape design along Horsetooth Road, featuring nearly two acres of open
spaces, extensive landscaping and berming.
The only method for increasing the solar orientation of Block A single-family lots would be
through a substantially straight east -west local street parallel to Horsetooth Road. This
would result in the loss of the many design benefits from lot orientation as exists in the
proposed design and would destroy the attractive streetscape as currently shown along
Horsetooth Road.
In summary, the applicant may not comply with the letter of the Ordinance; however, the
project design does include at least 73.5 percent of the lots which benefit from a solar
orientation, thereby meeting the intent of the Ordinance. Certainly, the significant site
restraints from extending Caribou Drive and the close proximity of the west property line
restrict a true north -south orientation to lots in Block B. A substantial loss of developmental
amenities and a hardship to the applicant would result from forcing a strict application of the
Ordinance to this First Filing.
June 3, 1992